40. Kemiaa. (Chemistry.)

I woke up in Damon's arms. He was still asleep. A handsome drool dripped from the corner of his mouth and left a pretty big puddle on the pillow. I gently removed myself from Damon's arms and dried the drool. He was exhausted, and I couldn't blame him. It had taken time and Damon's strength and a lot of it to unravel that ball of fear.

I went to the bathroom and showered. I picked out my own clothes and noticed that my hair was long and blood-red again. I got dressed. Apparently, dispelling that fear was a tough job because Damon was still completely asleep. He hadn't woken up at all and was just drooling on his pillow. Fortunately, we always had new, clean pillows so that you could throw that one in the trash, too.

I went into the kitchen, already wanting my morning coffee and breakfast, not having decided at all what I was going to do. The world was open once again, but I had a really handsome male sleeping in bed, and I hadn't thought at all yet about what we might do.

It was never worth planning too much because then something always happened, and Damon had to leave, or something else happened. Of course, I wasn't scared of Damon now, and Adam was gone. I'd read Adam's note after I'd made the coffee.

I was now putting together breakfast for myself when Bridgette called. I told her that everything was fine, and when I asked her if she had any way to prevent Damon's switch from going off. She was silent and changed the subject, so I didn't press further. We talked for those ten minutes, and she promised to come by in the meantime. 

I continued cooking my breakfast; I had made myself a proper gourmet breakfast. I was halfway through making it when a very sleepy Damon, wearing only jeans, came into the kitchen.

I'd never seen him so sleepy, and it was a sexy sight. However, I felt like everything about that man was sexy. I looked at him with open admiration and almost cut my finger. I was staring so hard. He had showered, his hair wet and messy. Oh, I felt like dipping my fingers in it.

Damon grumbled good morning to me and went to the coffeepot to get some coffee. He came to sit next to me and watched as I put my food on the table. He hadn't taken more than a large cup of coffee, which he sipped and looked carefully at everything I was preparing for myself. I did not even think that my dear husband might want to see that I knew how to eat. 

I had bought eggs of various birds from the market, and now I had fried three goose eggs. I had three thick Wagyu beef steaks, rare, which had been expensive as hell, and I put them on the table under a sheet of foil. I would have had other meats, but I hadn't even gotten to them yet. I would not have them for breakfast now. At least those beefs would be fatty enough. 

Then there were deer and duck, a couple of cheese sandwiches with cooked meat, edam cheese, chives, onions, sorrel, cucumber, and a crispy salad. I hadn't had time to eat any of it yet. It had been a while since I had last eaten chives and sorrel, and I had happily chopped them up between my buns. I was really looking forward to tasting their crispy flavor again and feeling the bite of the onion. I used to like onion; I used it when I was human almost everywhere. 

The cooked meat was pork tenderloin, thinly sliced, and seasoned only with salt. It was just perfect like that. The onion was fresh onion, straight from the market, and I knew it had a kick. 

I put the meat in nice slices on the plate, the duck and the deer, both in adequate portions and really looking forward to eating my perfectly fried eggs.

I would have tried the Wagyu steaks, but I wasn't sure if I could go for all three huge steaks at once.

 I finally got everything in front of me and got an enormous bottle of Hartwall Jaffa from the fridge. I had ordered it from Finland and had a crystal glass to drink it from.

Damon reached over, took my buns in front of him, and went to eat. He ate them quickly and efficiently. I was a little distracted, but I knew I could make more rolls. I now brought a full pot of coffee to the table and went to sit down.

Damon rinsed his mouth with coffee and said: "Baby, looks like it's time for a short lecture about nutrition. Samuel has never told you about foods that are not good for you or foods that are directly poisonous to you, has he? Let's start with those buns of yours. You do nothing with them. They're bad for you. You absorb carbohydrates extremely poorly, and it just clogs and strains your intestines. And then sorrel is extremely toxic to you. When you're done eating, I'm going to taste your blood to make sure there's none of its poison. It affects everything: your muscles, your organs, your ability to heal. Everything. It'll mess up your body when you process the compounds differently than a normal human does, and you'll turn them into toxins, same with rhubarb."

He looked at me seriously and explained things as they were. He didn't mince his words.

"That boiled meat of yours was fat free. You need fat. Most of all. And it has to be of a certain kind. Cheese, nothing. Again, you don't really absorb it, but you can have it as a treat now and then. You should ask what herbs you can handle and what you can't handle. Onions do nothing for you but the gas you do properly and may give you diarrhea. Although there are a few varieties that you wouldn't get out of bed if you ate them. They would drive your libido sky-high. Baby, your nutrition is a science. Seriously. But don't worry. I'll help. I've been saying for a long time that I'll feed you."

Damon stood up and started arranging the food in front of me in a different order. He took the foil off the Wagyu steaks and put them in front of me first. 

" Now start eating those meats first. Then, the other meats. Leave the eggs at the end if you can fit them in. You should always start with the fattest meat. And you usually eat the meats first, then the others. "

I looked at him and nodded, then munched on the giant steaks and they were very filling. Damon was completely a matter of fact, and it was all new to me. When no one bothered to tell me what I could or couldn't eat. Now I have already got a lot of good tips.

I said to Damon, "You see, since no one has ever said a word to me, everything is very welcome. You can lecture me as much as you like. My pretender side wants to learn."

Damon smiled, and I continued eating. I was about to pour Jaffa into my glass when he snatched the bottle out of my hand. He took the eggs and ate them, too, then got an enormous bottle of Coca-Cola from the fridge and took the Jaffa away.

He stared at me and said: "Drink Coke, eggs rarely. They're a treat, but they're nothing. Love fat, especially butter and beef. Caffeine is one thing you need, and lots of it, but only from coffee and cola. And drink nothing artificially sweetened. They are very toxic to you."

Again, new information. I brewed more coffee and drank it diligently, too.

 Damon smiled and said: "I could make some food for the store next, so you can do what you like. You seem to have some supplies in storage, so I might as well use them. They are a wonderful source of inspiration."

I smiled innocently, knowing exactly what I was about to do. Damon started gathering his supplies, and I went to change into some smarter clothes—a light pink button-down shirt, now longer and one with lots of buttons. And I buttoned it all the way up, a white silk skirt with a zipper and granny panties.

They were the ultimate thing that might make Damon say, "Really?" Maybe. Little did I know how well my little seduction would work. I let my hair down and curled it a little bit.

I let the time pass for about half an hour, maybe a little more, so he would get really into cooking and then went into the kitchen and jumped in next to the sink to sit down and watch what looked like an octopus in action.

Missouri's house had a country kitchen but a large modern one. The furniture was wood colored, and there was a large farmhouse table where we had just eaten. The counters were dark granite and were comfortable to sit on.

The hem of my skirt stayed down. It was a tight skirt, and my granny panties kept the slight smell of strawberries and champagne from coming into the air immediately. I kept my expression innocent. He noticed me and smiled.

I said, "Give your wife at least one kiss now and then. You're a joy to watch when you're on a roll."

Damon came up to me with a knife in his hand, removed the button, and, at the same time, kissed me passionately. I had deliberately buttoned my shirt up to the neck, so there were quite a few buttons. When he stuck the knife tip under the button and cut it off, it was steamy.

I looked at him from under my eyebrows and bit my lip sexily. Damo raised his eyebrows but turned and continued to cook. I bit my lip, sighed, leaned back so my nipples were a little more exposed. 

Then, another deep, passionate kiss and one button-down.

He grunted in my ear: "Baby, why did you have to go looking for that shirt with a million buttons on it?"

I laughed and watched as he went back to cooking. He was getting a little agitated. His eyes were already glowing with great promise. This was going as I planned.

Button by button, my shirt came undone, and Damon got a taste of my breasts. He tasted my nipples, squeezed my breasts, kissed me, nibbled my ear and neck. Then Damon got in a pretty fierce mood. He lifted me up and ripped open my shirt. The skirt was pretty quickly removed, cut in half at the front, and he saw my granny panties.

He said: "Really, baby."

He lovingly cut my underwear off. He was very agitated at that point, muttering something and looking through the dishes quickly, putting plates on and lids on pots.

Then he lifted me to another table, took off his pants, and pushed into me hard and hot with a fierce thrust. My pussy was well done, and even then, it burned and tingled as the hot relentless cock slammed into the base all at once and gave no mercy.

We had aroused each other completely. We fucked throughout the kitchen. And the living room. And a couple of other rooms. Luckily, he got his food in a way that didn't interfere. Our fucking continued for another three weeks. Then we had fucked the entire house, including the spa.

I lay happily in Damon's arms. The whole shed session, the stalking, felt like a distant dream, and it was such a fucking glorious feeling. I felt thrilled, and my soul was singing as Damon's was.

He kissed my forehead, held me, and murmured sweet words in my ear, and I fell completely asleep where I belonged. In my husband's arms, where I was as safe as I could be. Now, everything was once again perfect, and nothing bad would happen.