11. Max Don't Have Sex With The Ex.

We went to the kitchen after our session. Damon gave me a sharp look that was effective enough that I went to sit at the small table and wait to be served. He reheated the steaks that he had obviously cooked and some mashed potatoes to go with it.

I then asked as I was curious, "Aren't you Italian originally? Have you made a lot of fresh pasta and pizza?"

Damon looked up and said, "Si, I'm Italian originally, but I've lived all over the world, so I'm not quite as identity national as you; you're probably still partly Finnish, that's understandable, and Finland is actually one country I haven't been too much. I've spent time in Russia and Sweden, but Finland is a sadly unknown country to me. There aren't many countries I haven't been to."

He looked at me calmly and then carried on.

"And before you ask me about history, I can warn you that my stories are sadly brutal and nothing like what you read about in history books. Take the French Revolution and the period before that; yes, I was actually at court then, but given the hygiene facilities and cosmetics of the time, let's just say that those parties didn't always smell so good. When you consider that, there may well have been people who actually fucked and fucked a lot but didn't wash as diligently as they do today. People had rotten teeth, their breath was not fresh, kissing was rare, women were objects and toys, and yes, I was in on it as much as anybody else. I wasn't as noble and fair to women as I am today."

I looked at my husband and said, " I'm sure. It's been quite a different party, and people decorate history and make it exotic even, but my husband, you didn't answer my question. Have you made fresh pasta and pizza?"

Damon looked again up at me and said, "Actually, not really. When I lived in Italy, women cooked and did the housework. I've learned to cook, but I have done little of either."

I said, "Fine, we can cook together at some point."

Damon said calmly but firmly, "Well, you will not eat them, that's for sure. Carbohydrates are just a strain on your body, and if you eat too much and don't drink and eat anything fatty enough, you'll get a bowel obstruction, so those two dishes are not so necessary for you. "

I nodded—time to be a good wife again.

 He continued to bring out the food, humming low to himself as it would have been a great pleasure to have him feed me, as it would fulfill some instinct or need inside Damon. And it would be good if it did. I didn't argue with him at any point and ate what was in front of me quickly.

Damon looked at me for a while, chuckled, and said, "I should take you to another fancy restaurant and watch when you have to control yourself and not gorge yourself like a caveman or a woman."

I looked at my husband piercingly and said, " Yeah, but did you know I've never been to a drive-in movie? I don't know if they exist anymore, but I just remembered a song."

Damon looked at me thoughtfully, smirked, and said, " You know that very few people watch that film closely. There may be some older couples, but the young people, well, let's just say that's where a lot of the children were conceived."

I looked at my husband innocently and said, "Really? And do you intend to do the same?"

Damon laughed hoarsely, low, and said, " That's what you'd like to know, baby. Then maybe one day you'll get the hang of it."

He was silent, then he got this strange expression on his face, he tilted his face, and spoke, but now very crisply, and his passionfruit was sharpest that I have ever smelled, "Darling, believe me, we shall have children, lots of them. We shall be something else entirely and times will get rough. Love will take so many hits, but we will pull through. See you on the other side then someday. "

Expression went away, he blinked a few times and somehow I just sensed that he had no idea what he had just told me. 

Damon said to me, "Do you know I will get us someday quite a normal size car and take you to a drive-in movie, and then, my love, let's see how supple you are. It is not easy to do it in the car."

I laughed, too, and blushed. Damon seemed pleased with the reaction he had gotten from me. 

Finally, he came to eat, too. I had five large fruit smoothies going, and they were fresh and cold and cleaned the grease out of my mouth. Of course, the next plate was another greasy meat.

Damon had put together quite a pile of food for himself, and he actually ate the same as me; I don't know if he was just being polite or if my biological half was as demanding about food as I was.

And when I didn't remember, there was a telepath sitting next to me.

Damon looked up and said, "You're more wolf than vampire. I'm more vampire than the wolf, but carbohydrates don't give me anything more than that, so I can concentrate on what I need: meat and I could eat much more widely. Carbs aren't as bad for me as they are for you, missy, but I'm a carnivore too and a blood drinker. I'm different from you in that I can still use human blood for my food, although it's much more dilute than your blood, so I drink quite a bit more of it."

He looked at me inquiringly. I didn't react to the subtle suggestion that he had been drinking from humans during that week. I didn't mind it per se; it was just the purpose of those humans, even to be a source of nourishment for Damon; of course, this view was probably related to my own intense feelings for this individual and my real infatuation with him, despite the shed session. 

We had our breakfast there, and Damon said: "How about we go to Atlanta and buy a house together again?"

I nodded because my mouth was full of delicious steak.

He continued, "I know you were getting a house there, and baby, I want our own sex nest there, too, more or less."

I laughed and said, " I bet you do. How would my husband like it if we got a big goddamn mansion, but one that's already decorated so we can have a dedication and then see what we leave and what we don't? And then we argue about it and settle it in a passionate make-up sex session. "

Damon chuckled and almost swallowed his coffee down the wrong throat.

He coughed for a moment and said, "Oh, I have a naughty wife or make-up sex; well, that makes me want to argue with you so we can settle things on a flower pillar."

Now I didn't blush but wet my pussy when my pussy heard the word "flower pillar" apparently. However, I didn't tell my husband this, but I enjoyed our upcoming road trip. It would be over ten hours, and in that time, I could tease my husband as much as I could. This would be our good times again; my soul was already singing, and the whole shed session was as history as it could be. I looked at my husband with heart pictures in my eyes, more or less.

We finished eating and went for a drive. On the drive again, I was quite naughty that our journey was delayed, as Damon was always looking for somewhere to rest so we could fuck wildly in the car.

As I teased, I let my hands explore Damon. Pushing my hands inside his shirt, scratching, rubbing, and poking, even nipping, as I reached for his neck and ear. My vampire side was calm enough, and he kept it under control too but this was way too much fun. I loved to do this slowly. 

We were driving my pink Ferrari, one of my purchases again, and once it was brought to Chicago. I hadn't driven it yet, and Damon took it for his own; he didn't mind the pink color.

He just said, " Baby, you can always repaint the car; it's all about the driveability, and a Ferrari is something I've always wanted, so thank you, baby, for the car."

I didn't argue then. This was a convertible and very good for harassing the husband. He didn't really tolerate me licking his fingers, and several times, I started it by first licking his forearm, nibbling like I was looking for a vein, and sneaking up to his wrist. Then, when I got to the palm and his fingers, he didn't tolerate that, or I put my hand under my skirt.

It was even worse when I started treating myself. Damon couldn't stand that at all. When my fingers touched me, he immediately found a place to stop. That's where I got my ass kicked.

He grabbed my wrist in his grip and flipped me over onto the bench on all fours. All I heard was the sound of a zipper, and I was no longer wearing any panties, as he had done this quite a few times already. He pushed into me viciously and bit my neck, and fucked directly against my womb so hard it hurt.

He said: "Now behave, or I'll fuck you in a heat wave." 

The thought of it was quite arousing, I had to admit. I had a thing about power play stuff like that. It seemed to turn me on completely.

 I said to Damon, "You're not gonna get me to in the heat, Salvatore. You're wasting your breath."

Damon grunted; his grip on me was relentless, and I could feel his feverish hands on my skin; his sweat stank, and his enormous cock worked relentlessly and rapidly, pounding all the way to the base, and I couldn't help it as waves of pleasure built inside me. And with great speed.

Damon was now fucking more determinedly and always hitting one spot in my cunt. He came inside me and didn't fill.

Damon said, "Your womb is already open, and that was the first batch of heat inside you, and there's more to come. I'll show you how good my heat is, and I can tell you that all those alphas are nothing compared to what I'm putting inside you, and as you're a naughty wife, there's still quite a way to go, so I know I'll succeed,"

Oh, I think I just challenged my husband to give me heat. Then I felt at least four more times as he shot heat into my womb. I had come quite a few times by that point and was really sweaty when he finished it once. 

But the heat was kicking in quickly, and we'd been driving for half an hour or a little more when I started teasing my husband again.

He had another half hour to drive and said, " I've got a new crop ready, and there's a good resting place over there. "

We drove there, and now Damon took me into the woods. He stripped me naked, laid down on the moss, and came on top of me, thrust inside me, and I soon felt my womb filling up again as he made himself come now much faster than usual; he smelled me, filled my womb with his hot substances, and my body responded. My libido, which had been pretty hard before, was now skyrocketing, and I felt that no amount of sex was just not enough for me.

 Damon growled in my ear while still fucking me hard. " That's the thing, baby, your heat time is coming and coming hard. Let's see how much time we have in Atlanta to do everything else first."

I was all wet from this show of force. We finally got there. It didn't take over six more sessions, so yes, I was full of heat when the individual who was giving it to me was my biological half, so yes, they do work fucking well and fast. 

Damon whispered in my ear as we went to the realtor, "I can smell it already, baby. I know you can feel it. "

 I knew nothing else I could feel other than that I needed fucking all the time. My thoughts revolved around sex and fucking, and now I really understood what a time of lust actually was; I didn't need to procreate, but to fuck; Damon was really, really looking like I could take him right then and there.

His movement, his smell, and his presence literally made my pussy leak, and he grunted when he smelled my arousal. I could restrain myself and concentrate on looking at the properties because we had so many requirements, there weren't many candidates, and as money was no object, we ended up buying the property outright without having to walk around and look around. 

We chose a large mansion, which was already furnished. It had several square kilometers of a large plot and its own lake. Not bad at all. It was a really beautiful place, and I knew it would be filled with nothing but wonderful memories. It would always be our place, just the two of us. 

We drove up and went inside. The mansion was as gorgeous as we had seen in the pictures, but now we didn't really get familiar as we were finding our way into the master bedroom.

My heat wave was approaching. By now, I could recognize the first symptoms, and it made Damon quite frisky. The only symptoms seemed to be an increase in libido and seeing Damon as a sex object and nothing else.

 When my heat period kicked in, we had a really rough time. My pussy was slimy and smelled of Damon irresistible. He licked and ate my cunt for a long time before fucking me. Somehow, the secretion. The slime tasted so wonderful, and the more he ate, the more eagerly my cunt produced it.

Then there were all the positions, too. He took me from behind. We also fucked standing up, lap to lap, side to side. Our mansion was pretty fucking big, and we dedicated it as well as we could; also, the stairs were good to fuck, and here was a spiral staircase, pretty fucking steep still, so we had a lot of fun.

My heat lasted five weeks, and Damon didn't inform Adam, Samuel, or Bran. This was just our sex holiday between the two of us. We didn't make love on the beach, but Damon took me roughly repeatedly. We bit each other and scratched.

Our passion was something neither of us had experienced yet, and while this was the first official natural heat between the two of us, we were a couple, and this was our shared experience. Neither of us wanted the others involved, and I felt Damon's jealousy and need for possession clearly as he bit into me with many marks of possession.

We were unstoppable. We were wild. We let our vampire side come out and take part. Nothing was enough. We had a whole new, deeper connection, and I enjoyed it very much. We were together; we joked if we could; often, those jokes were half-naughty and turned naughty and then had to be practically tried out on top of that.

Eventually, I fell asleep on top of Damon when my heat went off. It had been an exhausting experience, wonderful and fun, and really bonded us, but yes, it took a lot of strength.

I said before I fell asleep, " Damon, I hope I don't get another heat for a while, not that that wasn't perfect, but goddamn, I'm exhausted, I'm worn out and tired."

Damon grunted and said, "I'm in rare agreement with you. I mean me, a fucking machine; I've fucked myself to the bone now; it's good to be together."

I fell asleep pretty fucking fast, and I don't think Damon was awake any more than that.

My darling husband has confessed that he had used a little spell to project himself into the past, to give me those mysterious messages, just for fun. so at the time, he had no idea what he had said, but the message got through. We are now on the other side, so to speak. When it comes to eating, well, I am as much nowadays his protector as he is mine so I get to nag about him eating as he should too.