15. Sound Of Silence.

When the heat ran out, the rage surfaced, and I spent five days putting the house in order, Adam doing his work. Samuel ran off to his clinic, and I was fucking Salvatore in my head. Whenever Adam was around, he could hear my fucking, and he kept the mating bond pretty open at first, so my colorful torrent of curses came through that to him too.

Yes, I got decorated, and Adam's men were long gone by then. Then Adam looked at me as I was making breakfast on the morning of the sixth day, and again, I was making up very colorful expressions about Salvatore in my head.

He said, "I know you went to a fight club, but how about we do some training and then see if there's a club like that around here and maybe take some of the pressure off you?"

I turned around, as I was about to fry a goose egg myself, and said, " Yeah that's fine, yeah I went to a fight club and it was fucking great. It helped, but I don't know if it's helping now. Besides, am I okay yet?"

Adam looked at me and said, " Miss, you weigh close to 60 kilos, if not more. You just had two good quality fillers on you for four weeks, and before that, I filled for two weeks, so yes, miss, you are in fighting shape. I get your curses, and yes, you are very imaginative when you describe Salvatore, but if it would help, there are rules if we do this."

I nodded, but I wasn't ashamed. I had a fucking right to swear properly.

Adam and I had a brief discussion about fight clubs and my skills, so I took Adam to the gym, and we fought. Adam started teaching me. He brought Magnum in on the job, so the zip ties and taser sang, but I got better, and not that easy to get me in zip ties.

I had two coaches, and one always watched me fight the other and saw things differently again. When I told him about the trick of throwing sand, Magnum listed 15 different powders he could do to me that would be equally effective since there were very few rules about what not to do or use.

He was going to equip me for the clubs the same way he did Adam. I got the most criticism because I was still sloppy, not disciplined, and controlled enough when I took out my rage. I told both of them my inner killer, my side who loved to kill, and neither of them blinked an eye. It was nothing to be ashamed of. I was not a monster, maybe a poisonous snake, but not a monster. Even I told how pure pleasure it had been to kill those bastards back in that facility. 

Magnum said, "Your rage can be your greatest weapon or your greatest weakness, depending on how you use it."

Fine, we then studied anger management even better and more effectively. And how to use it in a fight. When I told him it would stop the pain from bothering me, it was another two-edged sword for the men. I could do more, but that's where my sloppiness would come in if I took it too soon.

After the men had coached me for a week, it was time to look for action. I had taken back a bit of my organization, and I was spending part of the day doing what was left of my training and coaching. It was good to be the leader again. 

I planned gigs, managed the flow of goods, and did arms deals. Really, my reputation on the ship had taken off, and I already had a few friends who supplied quite a lot of arms and explosives, some even for free, as there was no market for them and the authorities were not interested in them.

Still, they were doing very well for us. So my idea was to get our own arsenals, to have them spread out so that as many bases as possible had a single arsenal for a job or at some distance.

Then, it was time to show what I could do with the fight club. Magnum had found us a club, and Adam was using the name Black Knight as his fight name, an appropriate name. Magnum would be in the audience watching us; he would also see if he could make some real money on the betting; well, it depended on whether my reputation had spilled over.

Anyway, I got ready for the fight, and the very first thing I did was shorten my hair a bit; I put it in a bright pink color, and I put on the right make-up, which stressed my youth and made me look frail and a bit barbie. A pink tight tee shirt, under there a proper tight bra so that my breasts were pretty well contained, and made me look more petite, young looking. Blue jeans and a pink denim jacket. I was ready.

Adam looked at my outfit suspiciously for a moment, but Magnum laughed and said, "I have to admit, that's a damn good disguise. If I didn't know your skills, I'd hardly have the heart to fight you."

I nodded and smiled slyly. Adam then understood my disguise in its entirety. I had six different powders in my pockets. They were irritants, made the subject sneeze, eyes water, even itch, and didn't work on me. I had said little about how I bit the poisons, but it was one thing I could do but time to go to work. 

We drove Magnum's car. He drove us, and Adam, and I stayed behind an enormous brick building. There was a sunken door, almost a fighter's door, and we went through it, down a dark corridor with only very sparse lights, and the whole corridor smelled faintly of human piss, mold, and other vague things. But this was an illegal club, so they had places wherever it was suitable.

We went in through one door, and Adam went in first. We didn't go in together, but with a little space between us, it was better, so I wanted to keep my role as much as possible. I waited a few minutes before I opened the door myself and carefully went in.

It was a bit like an amphitheater again. The cages were down the middle, surrounded by rows of benches on four sides so the audience could see properly. I went over to the big table, there was now some meathead signing in, and waited my turn, keeping my role. I had an intense pulse; no one in the audience knew it, and a few grins from a couple of vampires told me it hadn't gone unnoticed.

I used my powers to hide my supernatural status, at least for now. Then, it was my turn to announce myself, and I was a flea. I was scorned and given the bitter news that my body would never be found. They saw me as human, a weak one, and an easy victim, just like I wanted them to do.

 I went to sit on the bench and wait. Adam was fighting in a different cage than me. I had gone to a slightly wilder cage, and there was another cage where the experienced fighters went. Adam had a reputation already, so he then went into a sort of higher category, but his opponents would not be easy. And whoever wanted to go fight a full-grown alpha wolf.

But I went into the other category. The inexperienced category, or so in a way, defended that cage as long as you were alive, who was King of the Cage, whereas Adam could fight x amount of matches and then walk away. 

There were now two vampires fighting, and I saw Adam was next in line. He was dressed in all black, his face was tight, his alpha status was on display, and his eyes were yellow, telling everyone that he was one strong alpha wolf of Satan.

When Adam then went into the fight, oh, how he was good-looking, fast, strong, deadly, and enjoying himself deeply. He was seeing for himself how fucking liberating it was, and I enjoyed watching him work so hard. He killed six in a short time, and then no one challenged him, so he collected his victory.

My turn would be next in my cage, and there was now a demon; this was a new demon I hadn't seen before; this one looked like a scarred human,' and with one strike, this one split into 50 furry little creatures that bit and apparently poisoned the victim to death. Oh, that would be a good opponent.

I then went to the cage, very unsure. I heard how the bookies were trying to get the crowd to bet on me as this division demon had been so victorious already with six victims; I wasn't playing strong, and let's just say Magnum was betting half my 1500 dollars, well the odds in my favor were 34.5, so he was going to get a pretty fucking good amount of money.

The demon looked at me. I quickly hit it to the balls, and it split, but being small, fucking nimble, and strong, I started destroying these little balls surprisingly fast; they took little to kill, and I grabbed one and sank my teeth into it and tasted it, oh its blood was tasty, but there wasn't much of it before I had in my hand just a pile of goo.

My blood lust kicked in, and I snatched the balls and drained them, stomped, and kicked some to death, the split demon was pretty fucking quickly destroyed and Magnum grinned as he got a briefcase full of money, Adam looked on with a stern expression.

 Then, it was the turn of the black wizard. Oh my. These were usually so proud and self-righteous that they thought nothing would hurt them, and this one just called me a vampire. That demon had been weak, but when he put a curse on me, I would be in pain and die quickly. I wasn't about to tell him about my resistance to magic.

He came into the cage; the beep came, and I attacked, jumping perpendicular to the air just as the wizard tried to hit me with fire. I had already landed behind him and bit him on the neck from behind. Oh, that was tasty blood again. I kicked him in the spine and kicked him hard enough to crack to be heard. The wizard flew to his face; he got up slowly.

I was walking in the cage, bored, as if waiting for him to get up. The crowd was tense. Was I really overconfident, and now I had missed my chance to kill my opponent? The wizard cast a spell, and I laughed; I let my eyes show my now hybrid status and kicked him quickly in the knee as he came close.

Again, I walked around the cage.

I said to the wizard, " Oh well, try to get up so we can continue."

I hadn't even really got my rage out yet. I just let my predatory instinct kick in a bit, both as a vampire and as a wolf. When the wizard got to his feet, he did some spells to even walk. I attacked again; I sank my teeth into his neck and drank the blood; it was so tasty and strong.

I didn't even give him any dental work yet as I now smashed my fist into the right side of his stomach, right into his liver. He gurgled and folded in half. I knew his liver was already bleeding internally, and that damage was lethal, but not yet. It was still time to play. I got the wizard to last another six minutes, blow after blow, and a couple more times, I drank his blood. Then it was done. 

My performance had been convincing enough that the next victim came, a dark fae. He was of medium height, human in appearance. Wearing a black robe with golden ornaments. He took it off, revealing just some kind of leather vest and loose trousers.

Only the slight golden sheen on his muscular arms where his skin was bare revealed his supernatural status, and as he let his disguise fall, his golden eyes with black hourglass pupils gave a direct indication of his magical abilities. I was reminded of another character in the book, though this one wasn't weak and coughing but oozing vitality. Good meal.

This one was more resilient than the wizard; this one had his own anatomy, but this one didn't appreciate Magnum's powders. This one also had a very nasty, poisonous dagger, and I snapped out of my rage and then started digging again, so I stuck my hand inside him and pulled something out every time.

I also tasted his blood. It was strong and different tasting than the wizard's and this one got furious about it. Boo hoo! But I didn't care. I ripped his head off and kept my rage pretty much on for the rest of the night.

Adam went in for another fight. Magnum watched me closely all night, but I enjoyed using my rage and tried to remember what my coaches had taught me, but when I slipped up now and then, I made every fight a spectacle.

I let the victim think he had a chance against me. Then, in the morning, when I came out of the cage victorious and collected my reward, I was thrilled, walked out calmly, and went out the other way.

There was a magic spell that you went through, and when you walked out of the club on your own, that's when the results were recorded, so when I went through the spell, I just saw the name The Flea appear on the leaderboard, and my results, those results would be known maybe by other clubs.

Various shady characters, some of whom might actually have chain clubs all over the world, ran these clubs and were moving big money just by betting. I didn't know whose club chain this had been, and I didn't care. It had just done its job and helped in the rage. I got to vent my Salvatore-induced rage all night in the most violent way possible.

I could have killed any opponent much quicker, but I was in the mood to keep the show on the road. Adam had been watching me for a while, and I had noticed that when he went to fight a second time, he, too, put on a good show, playing with his victim before killing.

I walked to the car, and Magnum and Adam were already in the car. I put my money bag next to me in the back seat.

Magnum said, "You're doing fine, but you were still a sloppy bastard. Thanks to you, I made a fortune, so I will not rip you a new asshole for all the mistakes you made."

I said, " Oh, thank you. I feel good now, but I have some needs." 

I had noticed that I shouldn't be so eager to draw blood from each victim, as they had their own effects. Now I wasn't sure whose blood it was, but I fucked and fucked hard. So I sent my needs to Adam through our mating bond; he looked at me deceptively through the rearview mirror, one eyebrow raised, and chuckled. I nodded and licked my lips seductively.

Magnum chuckled and said, "Oh, are you going wild or in bed?"

I said, "Yeah, if I can get Hauptmann to go with me, someone's blood will fuck me so fucking hard, and I don't know who yet. I'll have to try the fight clubs to study."

Magnum was silent, grinning at Adam, who was now smiling in an openly predatory way, and I knew my alpha boyfriend was in on this and in good fun. 

We made it to the house, Magnum continued on his way, he didn't come in now as we were already wrapped around each other when we got out the door. There was a big swing on the porch with a very sinking cushion, and Adam dumped me on it after he had ripped the clothes off of me.

He undressed and came on top of me, mercilessly thrusting his cock into my cunt. I was more than ready, though; he was nibbling and biting my mating mark as he fucked me with such fervor I hadn't seen again for a while. The swing though got a kick out of it, and I realized that I and Damon had never fucked on any swing.

I was now just fucking pleased that I and Adam had won this thing, then we moved to the grass as it was summer, and Adam also learned how fucking fun I was having fucking wherever I was. However, when a rock or a stick hit the wrong spot, I might squirm a bit. The alpha on top of me was taking me, and I had no say in it.

Then we were lying on the grass in the morning. The sun was already up. We were under one of the gigantic trees in the shade. I was on top of Adam. He was still inside me, and he insisted I drink his blood, so then I drank slowly, naughtily, and got a pretty long and effective fill in the process. I fell asleep on top of him, dick still deep in my cunt. 

I woke up inside, naked on the couch under the blanket, and Adam seemed to be in the kitchen making food. I heard Samuel and Charles' voices; fine, I wrapped myself in the blanket and went to the bedroom, showered, washed myself, and laughed out loud that it saves on cleaning if you fuck outside, you don't have to clean the house so hard.

I bit my hair long and blonde again, put it on, and went to the kitchen with my hair down, no make-up, completely innocent.

Samuel said, "Miss, I'm going to have blood tests. I want to see how the blood is affecting you, and hormone tests, and so on."

I nodded and knew that even though Medbay had me in a mild panic. I had learned a new way to control that panic. I took on the role. My pretender power or ability helped in so many incredible ways. I couldn't believe it. When I went into Medbay to take on the role, the panic wouldn't get to me because I wasn't Mimi. 

I then ate breakfast, the men discussed fight club, and both promised to come to the next one to see me. No pressure at all. Somehow, everyone knowing my abilities made me insecure, and I felt maybe a slight pressure to perform, but it didn't matter. I still felt how much relief I got from the fight and how good it made me feel physically.

The blood test went well. Maintaining the role helped, although Samuel noticed it but said nothing yet. He also noticed how the different bloods had improved my vampire blood levels, and my blood levels were getting pretty damn good, anyway. My hormones were normal, so it was just a reaction to some creature's blood. 

Samuel wanted to see who I was fighting and then take the tests as fast as he could, preferably in the car. He always wanted to examine me. Charles wanted to see my fighting skills, and I studied Charles more closely. I remembered the vision, and even though Mimosa tried to tell me to forget it, I couldn't. The feeling, the love I had felt, was something I hadn't experienced even today.

Together with Adam, Samuel, and even Charles, we searched for fight clubs to go to. Samuel and Charles were always in the audience when Adam and I fought. I was still a flea. Fight clubs are a great way to get yourself in great shape. It's good for the muscles and the body to relieve a little bit of pressure and rage. It helps incredibly when you get your rage under control and unloaded. It gives you clarity and perspective on so many things you wouldn't believe.

During the day, I cooked, and we ate well. We were Samuel's test subjects when he wanted to investigate Adam's values, as well as the effect of the fight on his body. Adam also did his work. He always had some little change in his own business or some werewolf might have a problem, too. I was already ordering things online when I had to get everything.

Weeks went by, even months. We moved from state to state, always depending on where there were good fight clubs, and I'd always get a few mansions in there if I came across one. They had their own thing when they weren't all furnished, and we had air mattresses with us often.

I had to make some money and Reddington had quite a list for me still. Also, when Mimosa made me write a list of about 1200 people, it went to Reddington first, and then when I got it back a couple of days later, Charles and Magnum took the good list for themselves, and they went on their way elsewhere.

The decompression continued. I didn't need that much sleep, so Adam and I had fight clubs and gigs night and day. Adam also came along to be my second in command again when he realized I was doing quite a lot of new flea work. So we planned gigs together.

I made my plan and showed it to Adam. We knew how to work together really well. Adam was ruthless in the sense that he was honest. He always told me straight up all the weak points in my plan, and when I improved it, there was always a hole, but we got a pretty good foundation together.

The name of the game was that in the gig, we had multiple roles on the job so that everyone could concentrate on their own job. We had the attackers, so they would go in first, shoot, and clear the road, and then the rescuers and movers would get to work.

The rescuers would help each victim up and then hand them over to the movers whose job it was to get the victims to safety, collect the drugs, and collect the information while the attackers were setting off the bombs, destroying the samples, killing the guards, and keeping everyone safe. There were backups for the rescuers as well, keeping them safe when rescuers got the victims up and moving.

This was my plan, and Adam's plan, and it seemed to work. Everyone who did the gigs could take on any of these roles, though. We worked well together with Adam, and then one day, I looked at my phone. It was autumn, and I realized that our divorce had been going on for eight months, and I had been Adam's mate for six months or so.