35. Kevät. (The spring.)

I started organizing fleas. I now found new ways to get the word out, and now we were strong enough that we didn't have to be so secretive, but now we would tell the enemy who they were up against directly. I knew it could bring problems, but I didn't care. Now, it was time to get on with the job. This way, we could also get some more allies, even from influential positions.

It was simple. First, a flea sign was left at every gig—the same for the designated kills. We told them we were behind this thing, full stop, and there would probably be some sort of impact from the time. Similarly, when we saved people, we gave them a golden flea badge, a sign we saved them.

We didn't ask for anything in return, but in one of the medical institutions in France, the gig I went to was actually with relatives of politicians. Their enemies, the other politicians, the corrupt ones, had ordered the drug companies to attack these victims, and what they were testing on people was everything from drugs to what happens if you put a liver in a person from an incubus. Not pleasant work.

We took 15 teenagers from this job to us for intensive care, and Colin was free to help them. What was surprising was that the very herbs I had brought from the jungles were the ones that saved their lives. It made the experience worth it. The teenagers were at our base for a week, and we informed their relatives.

Then we let the teenagers go home perfectly fine. Of course, they remembered everything and told their parents, which then prompted them again to look into the medical facilities, and life for the naughty medical facilities was getting a bit more and more difficult in France.

But even though we made ourselves a target, we weren't so easy that I would have just brazenly announced to half the world who I actually was. Not when there were many of us, then the fun part. Who's a flea? All over Europe, there were fleas; they were in fight clubs; they were in vampire circles, and rumors were being put around that the fleas were Asian or African—a relative of the ninjas. Yakuza, the black sheep with a conscience, is the woman who can't die. A fearless woman. And I had a herd of fleas willingly.

This was so much fun. It's so much easier to act when your enemy knows your name, but not your appearance. My network was impressive at spreading gossip, faking flea sightings, and making fake pictures of a woman leaving a flea mark somewhere.

We let the enemy think at first that I always left a mark in person, but when several strikes were made at the same time, and all of them left marks, the enemy was even more confused. Were they just under a flea, or was the flea involved? We even put a couple more "fleas" of rumored women on the job, and the enemy scratched his head.

But I let some enemies know outright that it was me. And they knew me. They knew what I was capable of. The Sark was one of our primary targets and the way I wanted. I wanted Sark to know that he was being hunted, that it was me. They'd leave a flea mark on Sark's car or a flea mark on a coaster in a bar. It was good to watch in disguise at the bar as Sark drank a drink, found the flea mark, and started looking around in alarm, with the added spice of everything I'd learned from Damon. 

The time or two that Damon had stalked me was very instructive in this case because I knew how stressful it was to be stalked. Oh, I enjoyed that very much. I would leave dried roses in Sark's car or pictures of him talking to whoever, pictures just the other day when I had a little printer with me to print out pictures from my phone. Sark also got quite a few lessons in how fucking sniper I was, and let's just say he lasted a few weeks, then he retired somewhere safe and didn't really come out... and his subordinates died now and then, for whatever reason.

Only downside it was that I was no telepath, this would had been pretty perfect if I could have sent have feeling chased in his mind, but I did this my style. It was time for me to learn how to be scary stalker too. I knew that if I would ever caught sark, he would die slowly and I would enjoy it so much and let it show. But time for it would be later as he went into hiding and took bounty off me. I am effective when I want to be.

My routine was simple. I woke up in the morning after sleeping out on the terrace. I actually had a bed out there. I stretched my time, then padded into the kitchen to make coffee, fry some wagyu steaks, take a couple of pheasant egg omelets, and put them in the microwave. Some french fries and fried an enormous pile of bacon or pork belly, thinly sliced, crispy, and perfect, then took three liters of Coca-Cola and a one-and-a-half-liter bottle of Palma lemon soda from Finland.

And piled all my morning food on the table while looking at the perfect landscape as I ate as much food as I could fit in. Adam posted messages infrequently. I had given Damon's stuff to him to take with him, so if the gentleman turned up at any point, he would know where to find his own stuff. I knew he was in touch with Adam from time to time.

As soon as I had eaten and got dressed, I went for a walk on the beach in the sand and waded in the water. I had a swimsuit, so I went for a swim now and then. I was enjoying life, and it had a very peaceful rhythm to it, although I wondered, as I had never fucked in the sand, if I was getting sand in all the wrong places.

After my time on the beach, I went back inside, made some more coffee, and now retired to my office. I checked my email, and there were various monitoring reports and other information on several sites. 

Pamela had sent me an interesting video clip. It wasn't related to any gig, but she had come across it by chance, and being very loyal to me, she thought it would be good for me to know. I saw on the video how a provocatively dressed Rebecca met Damon; they had dinner in a pleasant restaurant. The kissing was intense, but what surprised me was that a strange man came into the restaurant. He was dark, tall, and a bit boyish, and he took Rebecca away. And she was very pleased to see him. Damon's expression on the video was irritated and frustrated.

I didn't think why. Pamela had put in a message that the other man in the video was Rebecca's brother Cole, who I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet, another original. Pamela's analysis of the situation was even more disturbing and according to her Damon had been trying to seduce Rebecca for some specific reason and it had nothing to do with sex, Damon had been trying to fish for information or get Rebecca to do something and Cole's interference messed the whole thing up. So, the question was probably about vampire politics. Fine, then it was.

I was in Monaco for 12 weeks at flea work. After I'd been in Monaco for four weeks, a couple of gigs came up in Russia, and I was free, so I flew over and started organizing gigs. There was a week gap between them; we were pretty close to the border with Finland, and I had time to do a brief trip. I'd be back in time for the gig, though.

This was just something that I was maybe brave enough to do or get this thing done. last vestige of my human life would be done. I felt so much different what I had been then. I was now stone-cold killer who got pleasure when killed. albeit Baddies but still. I had my memories. Sharp as ever and so many that I had no idea that i had. I had gone through them during the world saving gig, when I had lied in the jungle. Unable to move or breathe, I had used them to distract myself.

I went for a drive to Finland. I had a couple of places I was going to visit. Maybe it was partly nostalgia, or maybe I just needed to get a closure on things. I don't know what drove me to go. It would be maybe bittersweet, or then I would remain as numb as I was, not really felt anything. Not any big feeling, not loss, yearning, nothing. Then I arrived in Lappeenranta and went to a flower shop and picked up a couple of bouquets. I had several different currencies, and I was now rich. This time when I would go in flower shop, I would not throw a tantrum. I could buy house here too. Keep my language skills on. I didn't even know if my trip was going to be any good. If it would still exist where I was going. 

I drive familiar roads even it had been so long when I had last been around here. Still not feeling much anything. This was me. Supernatural creature nowadays, maybe we don't feel always feelings like humans does. I have seen how easy it is to kill, to lose a live, and I know I will forever. I will never die. It had changed me quite fundamentally. It was good to have time to reflect on myself, maybe this was that personal growth or something. 

I arrived, sighed, and picked up the bouquets: one blue, cornflowers, yellow and white freesias, and one violet with roses and whatnot, as long it was violet, there was one huge hydrangea as well. I walked to the cemetery gate and opened it. I was wondering, what they would think of me if they would see me, or recognize me even. Would they believe me being a same person than back then?

My footsteps made no sound on the gravel path as I walked through the quiet cemetery, and I actually didn't know what I was even expecting. I had denim dress on, i had found one and this was actually very comfortable but fashionable enough. My blonde hair was loose and wind tossed my hair in my face. 

I was in my deep thoughts and not really paid any attentions to my surroundings. Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder, smelled the passionfruit and looked. Damon?

Damon said, "I don't have that much time, baby, but I was in Russia at the same time as you, and I got your idea. I thought I'd come with you."

I nodded. I said, "I feel nothing, not really and I have no idea why I am here but maybe this is for closure or something. My last shreds of my humanity."

Damon said nothing. He kept me close to him, walking next to me. I eventually found what I was looking for, and it was now in the parish's care. I didn't even know if my uncle and aunt were still alive to look after it. It was my grandmother's grave. The one who is part of my lineage of originals. She died long before I was born, My mom was about 13 when she died. I had seen a few pictures of her and she looked just like my mom. 

The headstone had the dates of her name on it, and it now had three brass plaques: one for my mother, one for my sister, and one for me. It was weird to see my old life's name on it, even though I hadn't been that person for years. decades maybe. I put the bouquets in the vases as I fetched water for them.

I could feel Damon, probing my thought, looking through my memories, of my human life. He could see those pictures as well. He was silent. Being next to me. I had to stop myself to call him as my husband. I had almost had idea that what my mom and sister said to see me married, but I was not anymore. I was divorcee. Leader of goddamn resistance.

I remember how my sister ashes were put in there, my dad had died recently and it was just me and few relatives. So many memories but not much feelings. maybe human feelings are too mild for me to feel. 

I said to Damon,as I felt I need to explain "The blue and yellow bouquet was almost like my mother's wedding bouquet, and my sister liked the violet one. I didn't bring a bouquet for myself."

Damon was standing next to me, and somehow, I thought it was very sweet and important that he was with me on this trip. He wanted to support me, or see my old life, help me get my closure or whatever I was after. Then we went back to parking lot. I had time to have little road trip still.

I said, "I need to go for a drive. To have some feeling, I am being nostalgic, and let's call it a trip down memory lane. I am trying to feel something but so far nothing comes. But I have time to drive around so you can go."

Damon said. "Fine, I'll come with you. I'll leave my car here, and you can drop me off when we get back." 

I nodded and went to my SUV. It was an Audi, multihued metallic with latest treats, SUV, again the latest model, and Damon looked at it for a while, but he now came with me as I drove a route I hadn't driven for a long time. He was sitting next to me and I was just not thinking anything special but my normal irritation on other drivers were evident as I softly cussed under my breath and in my mind as well. We drove for twenty kilometers when we arrived at an old house, yellow with white trims and it was old as hell, which was now dark.

It was nowadays my cousin's place; my father and aunts had lived there for a long time, and I didn't know if my aunts were still alive. My dad had been part of building this. This was old, old house and not that special. We used to visit aunts here, have midsummer festival here, or Christmas, expect when my mom was alive, then it was just my dad going in here as my mom did not want to spent time here always. All I had seen was that it was now listed as a summer place in my cousin's name.

The yard was run down, and the flower beds that used to be so well-kept were overgrown. The canopy frame was rusted, the barbecue hut was still in place, and the yard had been plowed even though it was spring and winter. Old greenhouse was still there, but it was not covered and snow had done some damage. 

I walked to the back of the house. There was other greenhouse, it was old as well, worn out. There were brick-bordered flower beds, hostas, and others. veritable pet semetary. My cats, one fat white, long-haired green eyes, and chaos cat, was here as well, few of our dogs too. I left pink roses in the snow, and quite a few of our pets were buried there at one time. Then I went around the yard, telling to Damon memories of things, I could feel him in my mind, living those memories and his low chuckles echoed in my ears and when I drove back, intending leaving Damon in his car.

But then he said, "I'm glad you shared all that with me, baby, and the car is a rental. I can ride with you."

it seemed that he wanted spent time with me, even if it was little time. 

I said, " Fine, you want to see my house in Moscow? I bought it on a world-saving tour?" 

Road was fully idiots, morons, imbeciles, my vocabulary was impressive and my sat nav was turned off as I knew my route. I saw Damon turning it on; it was Finnish; it had one of my earlier routes. I drove fast and got by if someone slower was driving in front of me; I was not going to spend my days driving behind this goddamn slug. This car was magnificent to drive, and I was driving as fast as possible more or less.

Damon said, "Fine, I can see your house, but now missy, what is the address? Turn the navigator into English and let me drive before..."

I didn't take his threat seriously and drove down the highway cursing and fucking every driver. I was not going to put my playlist and start to sing as i had no idea what this specimen next to me would like it. 

"Baby, find a stop, my bladder can't take it. I am not making concentrate so I need to take a leak." Damon said in calm voice.

I knew that rest stop was coming, and I slowed my car and drove deftly in there.

So I parked the car in the rest area, and before I could react, he put his teeth in my neck and velveted me right there and then.

When I woke up, I was in the back seat. I wasn't feeling too velvety, and I noticed we were already on the Russian side. Yeah, I must have slept for hours then. I opened my eyes. 

Damon said, in pretty strict voice, "You weren't listening. See, my teeth don't appreciate your road rage, so they work. Next time I warn you, remember, I only warn you once."

I nodded and got myself seated as I took my time trying. I then slid into the front seat to sit down and put my seatbelt on. I saw I was less than half an hour away from my house. I sat nicely as Damon pulled into the driveway, whistled, and then got out of the car.

I dug my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I took off my clothes, and Damon walked in with them on, looking around.

I said, "I'll go make some coffee so we can have something to eat. My gig isn't up yet, so I'm free."

I went into the kitchen. I took everything I had baked from the freezer and made the coffee, and as I was getting the cups out, I heard the door bang. I went to look and saw a car driving away with Damon in it. Apparently, he got something then, well, fine.

I put another cup back in the cupboard, had the coffee, ate, rested, and got ready for the gig. I had a few days before the gig, and I put the house in order. It had been a brief encounter. Maybe made Damon see me in a different light. I don't know if that was the reason he had left or if some emergency had come up.

I didn't have to think about it as I gathered my gear and went, did the gig, was now in the front row, the destroyer, and got to shoot the bad guys so damn much. The gig was a success. This was a tiny little facility, but there were so many nasty experiments being done and victims being killed that this had to be put away for the day.

Then I was free when I got back to base, unloaded my supplies, and went back to Monaco and did that. There, I continued to work, mostly at the desk now. And when I concentrate on something, I concentrate on it. I had my own quiet lifestyle; I was working but swimming, enjoying, taking it easy, and time was flying by. Adam communicated little; apparently, werewolf problems kept him busy.

For the next eight weeks, I was mostly behind a desk; as I said, I didn't have to go to gigs if I didn't want to. Eventually, I went back to America in case I ran into any handsome men there. I actually had a scouting mission booked in Nevada.

When I thought about it, maybe I wouldn't want to run into Damon there. That job would put me talking to strange men all day every day and the gentleman might not be happy about it. Even though we weren't married again, and it had been over a year since we last fucked, probably a year and a half at least.

There would be a few more months before that gig that I could tour around America exploring and doing blow-ups when I was blessed with them. I'd probably buy another new car, not an SUV this time, but some wonderfully fast convertible again.