14. Ohikiitävää. (Fleeting.)

The gig was over. I was fucking exhausted and tired. Skinny as hell and there were some fucking nasty fight clubs in china. But now it was time to get fit and then look forward to it. I knew I was in no hurry to get to the pack, as the men had another party to go to. There was even Damon.

I didn't know what the fuck he had been doing all this time, but I had pulled this gig almost single-handedly with the fleas. And I was fucking proud, actually, of the fact that I'd taken care of the fleas and done my job as well as I could. I went to Monaco to recuperate because the men were having another party when Bran insisted.

We arrived in Monaco, Mimosa and me, whose extra pleasure was to be away from me as much as possible and experience the world. She had been very much disconnected during the gig and had so many new experiences that she became greedy. She loved being in the car with the window open and her tongue hanging out. It was just really fun, even better if I had a convertible.

So when I'd pull the car into the driveway, or the garage, Mimosa just jumped out of the car and would deftly open the door. She had been loose the whole time that it took me to drive from the private airfield to the mansion. I had set up fleas with everything that would help Mimosa to work, and she knew pretty damn well how to do it.

No big deal, but as we had quite a few werewolves in our flea pack who had done little in wolf form other than hunt, Mimosa taught everyone how to work in wolf form, what works and what doesn't. It improved the gigs so much when we had very active wolves who could sabotage in wolf form much better than before. Anything that helped the gigs was just good.

Yes, Mimosa was always teaching if it happened to her or if someone was around, she was also teaching shape shifters and on the, gig especially she was giving a real schooling.

Yes, it helps a lot when we have shapeshifters and different people with us. For example, we had a herd of deer and roe deer shifters who could change into different ungulates, and, well, no nasty medical examiner would be surprised to see a herd of deer wandering through the woods or a few roe deer now and then.

Still, it's quite another matter if these deer and roe deer can sabotage, for example, power lines or surveillance equipment. When Mimosa taught everything to work more efficiently in that animal form, we almost got a whole new agency out of it. We had real undercover agents out there nowhere anyone would believe, and while everywhere, they were very careful not to shoot without permission.

Because a few times we tricked the naughty medical facility guards into shooting some innocent deer or elk, and they got so much false attention that the guards were made aware that no animals were being shot.

When the guards were fined, the game warden came to see where the shooting had taken place and it was an illegal medical facility in the woods with armed guards and such. Well, that's okay, but when these guards got caught because we had put game cameras in strategic places, some flea dealer went in concerned to show the shooting in question.

We came up with all sorts of tricks to make life as difficult as possible for the medical establishment. It was easy to play innocent nature loving person who had put a few cameras in order to see who visits in forest and when those cameras were in the right angle, so then we got some pretty good footage to show around. 

 Another good thing was if they tried to put up no trespassing signs or boundary fences, then again an innocent flea would talk to the city engineer or something who knew where something was and then take it to see that boundary fence or those signs, again bringing the drug companies attention they didn't want. Again, a good cover story was that someone had been jogging in their old places when they had come visited relative or family and their old jogging path was now blocked. 

We didn't go into every facility ourselves or storm in. We saved our resources for where we were needed, where there were victims to be saved. Those facilities where samples were processed, or there were less nasty experiments we left for the authorities to find. 

Mimosa taught the different shapeshifters but also got quite a few tools for herself. One was her phone, which she could use to call quite a few people. We had learned from the New York gig we had to have a way to act as a wolf, too. So yes, I had to practice using these tools if I had time.

 My mind wandered into these things as I tiredly got out of the car. It was time to take it easy and get myself in shape. The fleas were pretty well together. The pack was fucking and partying, so I did not need to go anywhere, and now I could be in the warm Monaco recovering properly. I had time to take this easy, enjoy my life in here.

I walked into the house and left my bags in the spacious, well-lit hallway. The scent of freshly laundered clothes lingered in the air, reminding me of the task ahead. I planned to put the laundry on the buzzing washing machine at some point. But for now, I made my way to the inviting kitchen. I opened the cupboard and reached for a crystal glass, feeling its smooth, cool surface against my fingertips. With a sense of anticipation, I grabbed a big bottle of Hartwall Palma lemonade, its label glistening in the sunlight that streamed through the windows.

Carrying my refreshing beverage, I stepped outside into the backyard. The soft cushions of the outdoor couch welcomed me, providing a comfortable place to rest. Monaco's warm climate enveloped me, the sun's rays caressing my worn-out body. The temperature was more or less hot, but it felt just right, not overwhelming. Lost in the moment, I paid no attention to the whereabouts of Mimosa, my mind solely focused on the tangy, invigorating taste of the ice-cold lemonade as I took small sips.

There was no rush, nowhere I needed to be. I gazed out towards the sea, captivated by the perfect view and the lively commotion of people visible from my terrace. Only the sound of steady footsteps behind me broke my reverie. The scent of clover and steel filled the air, signaling Colin's arrival even before I turned to see him.

He settled down beside me, his gaze meeting mine as he spoke. "I set you right now. Now we have time to treat. Come on, missy, let's go to medbay."

Reluctant to leave my tranquil spot, I let out a sigh and replied, "Do I really have to? It's lovely to sit here and enjoy. I can just be."

A slightly tense voice accompanied Colin's smile as he insisted, "Well, come on."

I couldn't fathom the urgency he felt. I had already finished the entire bottle of lemonade, and although still exhausted, I relished the sun's soothing warmth. I stood up, and Colin enveloped me in his arms, providing support as we made our way to the medbay.

As he carried me, I couldn't help but observe his determined steps and the care in his eyes. Once inside the medbay, he gently laid me on the bed.

"Alright, my lady. I'll make you a glass of drink. It doesn't taste like anything, but it will help. Then we'll see more," he reassured me.

Mimosa had called him, and luckily, he was in Monaco. He prepared a glass of ice-cold orange juice, dropping in several drops at a time, creating a concoction that would aid me. He handed me the glass, and I eagerly drank its contents, still thirsty for relief.

Meanwhile, Colin busied himself with organizing various instruments, glove boxes, and dressing materials. My fatigue seemed to amplify, making me feel twice as tired. Colin noticed my weariness and approached to help me lie down.

"It's working," he said reassuringly. "Go to sleep. You won't feel a thing."

I realized I had been drugged, but before I could dwell on it, sleep overcame me, and my thoughts faded into a peaceful slumber.

Colin gazed at Mimosa, his eyes filled with concern, as he said, "I'm relieved that you called. Mimi desperately needs help, and if she had tried to recover on her own, I'm not sure what would have happened. Her straps have taken another brutal blow."

The room was filled with a hushed tension as Mimosa nodded in agreement, her face reflecting the weariness of their shared journey.

"If you don't need me, I can rest too," she offered, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Colin nodded in understanding, giving the wolf permission to take a much-needed break.

Mimosa closed her eyes, and in that moment, she leapt through Mimi's eyes, immersing herself in the depths of her mind, seeking solace in sleep. Colin remained vigilant, his gaze fixed upon the slumbering woman. He carefully retrieved several vials of leprechaun magic drops, their contents shimmering with untapped power. With gentle precision, he began administering the drops to Mimi, watching intently as her worn 88 straps regained strength and underwent rehabilitation.

As the room grew quiet, Colin began the meticulous task of undressing Mimi, his hands moving with a tenderness that belied the violence that had brought her to this state. He scanned her fragile form, his touch reverent yet purposeful, and then draped her in a warm blanket, cocooning her in comfort.

Carefully, he inserted the IVs through the cannula, ensuring that the life-giving fluids flowed steadily into her veins. Mimi's weakened state made surgery impossible for now, but Colin knew that in just a couple of days, a different story would unfold.

Sitting by Mimi's side, Colin felt the weight of his responsibility. He picked up his laptop and began documenting the grim reality he had discovered within her battered body. The skeletal frame of a mere 29 kilos, haunted by 18 broken bones and 56 demon blades embedded within. The scent of infection lingered in the air, three different strains fighting for dominance.

Colin held nothing back in his report, detailing the demanding nature of the world rescue mission and the lack of support that Mimi had endured throughout. He knew that Damon and Samuel would receive notifications on their phones, alerting them to the latest test results and reports. They could take their time, but Colin was seething with anger.

His anger wasn't solely directed at the men he didn't respect, Damon and Samuel. It was a deep-rooted frustration against any man who would subject women to grueling fight clubs while indulging in other women and alcohol. But he was quite pissed off at those too, and for Adam too. Because for Colin, taking care of injured ones was always, always his priority. Even Mimi was not part of his pack and was not working under Marrok. He was Flea. He belonged to Mimi. 

Despite his violent nature as a half-wolf creature, Colin had chosen a different path. He had become a healer, driven by an innate desire to protect and help Mimi. Every opportunity to assist her felt like a moral imperative, a calling that resonated with his ancient soul.

He had gone through hell and back, lost his love for women, but now he was a healer. That was his driving force. He was not seeking a relationship, never again. He had lost a long time, the one he had loved that almost killed him. 

 After three days, he operated on Mimi. When Samuel called and asked questions, Colin didn't really answer anything. He just coldly advised Samuel to read the reports of what he had done. Samuel's voice was drunk, and Colin could clearly hear some woman begging Samuel to go back to bed. Colin hung up.

Mimi was easy to treat as long as he kept her tightly unconscious. Mimi was asleep for a month. Infections, exhaustion, damage, and injuries all took time to heal. Even then, Mimi would be weak. He didn't have the supplies for intestinal puree, so he had to use nutritional concentrates, and Mimi was so weak at first that her body couldn't even absorb everything.

When Colin then let Mimi wake up, she was 37 kilos, but all straps on and healthy. Colin had called for help at this next stage, and Magnum arrived a couple of hours before Mimi woke up. Colin had kept Magnum Jake and Rob up to date on Mimi's condition, and Magnum had been more than willing to come and help get Mimi back into shape.

I woke up in the medbay in Monaco, greeted by the warm rays of the sun. The scorching heat made it a sweltering day, and beside my bed sat Colin.

He spoke his voice a gentle morning greeting, "Morning, miss, you've had a month's sleep. You're fine now, well and dandy. Magnum, the master of rehabilitation, will work his magic and get you back on your feet." 

I responded, "Oh, not that serious. I wasn't in such a terrible state."

Colin let out a sigh and replied, "I won't disclose the details, missy, but your bones have healed perfectly. The demon blades are all gone, and your body is free from any traces of poison or drugs. You weigh 37 kilos, a bit frail, but with Magnum here, he'll whip you and Mimosa into shape." 

As I sat up, gratitude filled me, and I expressed my appreciation, saying, "Thank you for taking care of me. You have your own clinic, yet you dedicated your time to help me."

Colin chuckled and responded, "Well, missy, you're an exceptional patient when you're asleep. So, I enjoyed a month-long vacation in the beautiful mansion here in Monaco. I can't complain." 

We laughed together, and as I finally sat up, I noticed my weakness. I knew this recovery process would require time and patience. In that moment, Mimosa, too, emerged from the depths of my mind. She appeared just as frail as I was.

I caught a whiff of Magnum's distinct scent before I even heard the faint squeak of his rubber-soled shoes.

He approached me with a confident smile, greeting me with a cheerful, "Good morning." Acknowledging my success, he continued, "I've got two subjects to push for to nail today. Well done. Alright, let's get started then."

Extending his hand, I rose from my seat, the fabric of my skirt gently brushing against my skin as I stood. Not bothering with a nightgown, I was eager to dive right into the training. I hated to be weak. I really did. It felt like I have been weak, frail. Sick and injured in the past few years now and I was quite fed up with this feeling.

Magnum led me through the house, the sound of Mimosa's munching echoing through the air. He had first given Mimosa a huge meat meal. We eventually made our way to the gym, where Magnum had constructed an obstacle course. Now equipped with a computer control system, he tinkered with it for a bit before instructing Mimosa to sprint around the track. Meanwhile, I was pushed to my limits, performing a relentless series of stretches and exercises until I could no longer stand.

After a grueling session, I returned to the shower while Magnum busied himself to prepare our meal. But our training didn't stop there. As we ate, the relentless sergeant major continued to push both Mimosa and me.

There was no mercy, only the pursuit of fitness. And when the frustration and anger within me needed an outlet, Magnum provided the opportunity. It put me in the right mindset, fueling my desire to do more than just idle and lounge around. I became insatiable, craving more challenges. Mimosa shared the same drive.

Magnum always had something new in store for me. I constantly improved, becoming stronger and faster. Once I reached a certain level of fitness, we engaged in proper fights, or I showcased the techniques I had gained from fight clubs.

Magnum would then refine them or erase certain moves from my repertoire. If I asked what was wrong with them, he displayed how it was supposed to be done and how my miniature stature was not suitable for that move. Our rehabilitation stretched on for another month, during which I couldn't have cared less about the pack's activities. I had my own plans brewing in my mind.

When Magnum eventually departed for America, leaving us in peak condition, I didn't mind. In fact, it was a relief. I had transformed my frustrations and pent-up rage into a sense of purpose. All the pent-up rage, the chaos of our European escapades, our world saving tour with no support from the pack and the previous encounter in that damn fight club ship had ignited a fire within me.

I resolved to embark on a true mission by gathering additional supplies from Dresden and Constantine. Armed and prepared, a week later, we set off for America, driven to battle demons, and with my sights set on annihilating that fucking licker.