19. Everything Burns.

I'd been on the gig for three weeks when it started. First, the cramps, which started at the bottom of my stomach and went up to my diaphragm, then the vomiting. I was lying in bed with a bucket, vomiting and moaning. I knew what had been done to me. Oh, why do they never believe? What the fuck is wrong with those men?

And then it started. I had already reserved a bed full of thick, fluffy towels, their comforting warmth providing a small solace. The green mass that came with the cramps was a nauseating sight, a sickly hue that made my stomach churn. There were blood clots, large and heavy, like the weight of my hand.

It felt as though I had squeezed that mass inside me by the kilos, a relentless pressure. I carefully stuffed it all into a garbage bag whenever I could, the unpleasant smell filling the room. I carried the full bags to the living room; the weight straining my already weak body. The vomiting and the pain continued a constant symphony of misery. The bleeding subsided intermittently, but it didn't quite stop, a cruel reminder of the ongoing torment.

A sharp pain wracked my whole body, causing me to gasp in agony. And then, after what felt like an eternity, the cramps intensified, and the mass flooded out of me, a relentless torrent. I lay powerless, still on the towels, my body drained of all energy. And then the fever rose, engulfing me in its fiery grip, the world around me tinted in a sickly yellow haze. I was nowhere near recovered, and this ordeal would surely bring my condition down even further.

Time lost its meaning in the throes of the fever, its grasp slipping through my delirious mind. I had been lying in bed, surrounded by blankets, sick as a dog, for who knows how long. Shivers wracked my weakened frame, my body unable to find warmth or comfort. The violent bouts of vomiting continued, leaving me dehydrated and weak. A pounding headache throbbed relentlessly, adding to my misery.

I had just regained some semblance of balance in my caffeine intake, only to have it all unravel once again. My system would be thrown into disarray in no time. I knew I needed help, but I wondered who I could reach out to. I didn't want to disturb Jake and Rob, who were both enjoying their holiday with their families. Hugh was in Canada, too far away to offer any help.

There was no one close enough, no one I trusted enough to expose my vulnerable state to. I was always supposed to be strong, invincible, but now I was reduced to just another sick and helpless version of myself, a mere shadow of who I once was.

I didn't know where Magnum or Jarod was. But then I tried Higgins. If I could get her to bring me my dental kit from the Philly safe house, there were a couple of fever meds I could try. Higgins had helped me a lot during the last Europe gig, and we'd spent time in some countries together. I mean, doing stuff.

She was a lady of the place and was very hard at work doing the flea stuff as well. I trusted her very much, and I had no problem with her seeing me in a bad way, as she had been in this business for quite a long time.

So now I had a plan. But the execution, first Mimosa slept. She had come out of my mind, too. She was sleeping next to me in bed. I could feel the heaviness in her breathing, and the faint scent of her warm fur filled the room. I knew that Bran had bred Mimosa, too.

Call for help. But when the phone was so agonizingly far away. I steeled myself and crawled like an insect, with the weight of the blankets on my back, the rough fabric scratching against my skin. The stench of sweat and dirt clung to the bed, making me feel nauseous. As I inched towards the table, I felt like a sluggish snail, leaving a trail of green, sticky, foul-smelling fluid.

Eventually, I made it to the table, the cool surface providing some relief against my clammy skin. I concentrated and forced myself to sit down, my trembling hands struggling to reach into the bag on my desk. My head spun, and my vision darkened. I lay down, gripping the phone tightly, struggling to dial the right number, and my hands shook uncontrollably. Finally, I heard the phone ring and put it on speaker.

"Higgins," the voice answered.

I tried to sound composed, "This is Mimi Salvatore. Hi, are you in New York?" My voice quivered, and I fought to keep it steady.

Higgins replied, "Yes, I'm in New York myself for the week. Why?"

I racked my brain for an excuse. "I've caught a little bug, and Damon's off somewhere, probably with the ladies. Could you go to the safe house in Philly and fetch one of those boxes of mine and Mimosa's dental supplies? Mimosa has a high fever, and I'm not feeling well either."

Higgins hesitated, her silence palpable. So, I pressed on, desperate to convince her, "I've had some trouble with the pack. Things I don't want to discuss right now, please?"

Higgins mulled it over and finally relented. "Fine, I'll have Magnum retrieve the box and come see you myself. I can help with the chicken soup, if you don't mind."

"That's fine," I said to Higgins, trying to sound grateful. "That's fine. I'm just not my usual cheerful self. I purchased this whole hotel and I am living penthouse on the corner of a hotel where I'm staying, so I'll inform them to give you the key from the lobby."

I provided her with the address, and Higgins remarked, "It's not a cheap hotel you're staying in; you're quite wealthy, but I'll be there. Magnum is already en route."

I chuckled weakly. "Being upset leads me to do many things, including retail therapy. Buying whole freaking hotels."

Higgins laughed, "Alright, I'll have Magnum on standby, and I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I informed the hotel downstairs about Higgins' arrival. Exhausted, I crawled back into bed, leaving a blood and green mass trail behind me. I wrapped myself in the blankets, shivering uncontrollably. I was so exhausted, but I kept the phone close, eagerly awaiting her arrival. Twenty minutes later, I received word that she had arrived. I heard the door open.

Higgins had been torn between two decisions when Mimi's call came through. The sound of her voice, usually vibrant and strong, had been tinged with weariness, weakness, and urgency as if she were battling a genuine fever. Aware of Damon's past actions towards Mimi, Higgins became certain that she needed help.

She confided in Magnum, whose confirmation only solidified Higgins' concerns - Mimi wouldn't fall ill unless something truly dreadful had been inflicted upon her. Even then, the infections she contracted were far from ordinary. Though worried about Higgins' safety, Magnum resolved to call Colin and inquire whether Mimi's infections were contagious to humans in general.

He knew it couldn't be a mere flu. As Magnum gathered the supplies Mimi had requested, a sense of foreboding crept over him as if they would be insufficient. He dialed Colin's number and shared his suspicions, prompting a string of talented expletives from Colin.

Colin promised to join them as soon as he gathered the supplies, assuring Magnum that humans would not be in danger from Mimi's germs. Colin then contacted Samuel, who briefed him on the gelling situation. Colin remained silent, giving no sign of why he inquired about Mimi's condition, allowing Samuel to assume it was related to fleas.

Deeply acquainted with Mimi's struggles with sedation, Colin pondered where she could have contracted the infection. He was well aware of the jelly base used in these procedures, but it had to be meticulously clean and sterile, and patients often disliked its texture under their skin. With a heavy sigh, Colin gathered the items his instincts told him to bring, hoping that Mimi's delicate straps hadn't suffered too much damage.

Higgins arrived at the luxurious hotel and received the key to the penthouse from the elegant front desk. Mimi had also reserved the key to Magnum, and she carried a bag filled with supplies, ready to assist her in any way possible. As Higgins made her way through the hotel, she couldn't help but notice its opulence.

She had experienced her fair share of extravagant accommodations during her travels, but this hotel exceeded her expectations. Every room exuded immaculate perfection, and the elevator boy guided her to the top floor, where the plush carpet cushioned her every step.

Signs scattered across the floor showed its exclusivity, reserved solely for Mimi's use. The corridor housed six expansive apartments, each spanning at least 80 square meters, and no expense had been spared in their design. Higgins could already discern the subtle alterations Mimi had made to this section.

Approaching the door, she inserted the key card into the reader, and with a hesitant hand, she grasped the handle, slowly swinging the door open. The apartment was enveloped in dimness, the evening sun failing to provide ample illumination. Higgins fumbled for the light switch, anticipation mingling with trepidation.

Yet, an overwhelming stench reached her nostrils before she could even see. It was a repugnant amalgamation of blood, vomit, and something so putrid that it threatened to induce her own nausea. Cautiously, she approached the source. She discovered open garbage bags in the living room, revealing their vile contents. A mixture of soiled towels, stained with blood, concealed a nauseating green mass, emitting an unbearable odor.

Acting swiftly, Higgins tied the bags tightly and disposed of them down the garbage chute. She switched on the air conditioner to ease the lingering smell, allowing the cool air to circulate. She refrained from opening the windows, instead relying on the full blast of the air conditioning to combat the noxious scent. 

Fortunately, it worked, and the repugnant smell dissipated, leaving a faint lingering odor in the air. Higgins cautiously navigated through the living room, his footsteps barely audible on the clean, polished floor. The pristine kitchen revealed nothing out of the ordinary, devoid of any signs of life. Another empty bedroom confirmed there was no one else present.

With a deliberate motion, Higgins removed her coat, draping it over a chair alongside her bag. She maintained a composed expression, as Magnum had assured her that Mimi's germs were not transmissible to humans during their journey. Approaching the door to the remaining room, she mentally prepared herself for what lay inside. The doorknob felt cold against her palm, causing her hands to grow damp with apprehension as she turned it, slowly swinging the door open.

The room was dimly lit, casting faint shadows that danced along the walls as Higgins gingerly explored, her fingertips tracing the textured surface. She deliberately kept the lights dim, considering Mimi's potential sensitivity to brightness.

The scene that unfolded before her eyes was one of chaos and distress. Two distinct trails stained the floor, one a vivid red of blood, the other a sickly green that had seeped into the carpet. It became clear that Mimi had retrieved her phone from her bag, as it lay discarded on the floor, having been pulled down from the table during her struggle.

The overpowering stench clung to the air, enveloping the room like suffocating blankets. Higgins left the door ajar to ease the oppressive atmosphere, allowing the cool breeze from the air conditioning to infiltrate and refresh the space slowly.

Her gaze shifted to the bed, where Mimi lay curled up, trembling uncontrollably. The young girl's complexion was ghostly pale, her feverish and anguished eyes betraying her suffering. Feebly, Mimi expelled a small amount of vomit into a nearby bucket, accompanied by the unsettling sight of bloody mucus trickling from her mouth.

Moved by compassion, Higgins sprang into action. She hurried to the bathroom, retrieving and dampening a towel before returning to tend to Mimi's needs gently. Throughout the ordeal, Mimi remained silent, her voice silenced by her affliction.

Higgins' face contorted in an indescribable expression of disbelief and disgust. I could tell that my appearance was far from dazzling. To make matters worse, my noble mucus blood vomit stained everything, filling the air with an unbearable stench.

As if on cue, a sharp cramp seized my lower abdomen, and something unpleasant oozed out of my pussy once again, a sight I dreaded acknowledging. Higgins approached the chair beside me, tenderly wiping my mouth with a damp towel.

Her soothing and calming voice tried to reassure me."Mimi, listen, Magnum is bringing Colin to help. If only he had something to assist with," she said. "Are you sure I shouldn't call Damon anyway?" 

She looked at the sleeping Mimosa next to me, her brows furrowed with concern.

Through weakened but resolute words, I responded, "It's a miscarriage. Bran has impregnated me and also Mimosa again. And no, Damon has no right to help me now."

My frustration and anger were palpable, like a burning fire consuming me entirely. I witnessed Higgins' complexion turn pale at the mention of miscarriage.

"When the entire situation is his fault," I continued, my voice trembling with emotion. "Months have passed, but do you remember the last time I reached out to you and asked for a Magnum? I had those damn demons in my sights, the ones who threw me onto that fight club ship and the men to that other dimension. Not a soul was safe, and those demons were on the run. But as soon as I contemplated taking them down, they scurried into hiding because the fleas were on their tail."

I recounted the events and a surge of frustration and bitterness coursed. "Everything went smoothly, except because they had a fear demon, a powerful one, and that's my weakness. They know exactly how to exploit it. And who was there? Salvatore, who swooped in and saved the day, screaming bloody murder about the entire ordeal, calling Bran and stressing just how dire the situation was going to become. Nobody remembered that I fought those demons for eight damn weeks on that ship. I endured the drugs, the medication, and I survived."

My voice grew more strained as I recalled the subsequent events. "No sooner had I returned home than I found myself trapped in a cage, negotiating for my freedom. Then they dragged me to the medbay, tied me down, and began injecting me with tranquilizer jelly as if I were some kind of animal."

The memory of that violation surged through me, leaving me seething with anger and resentment. The scene was etched in my mind, each detail evoking a sensory onslaught that I wished I could forget. It is not good to have a photographic memory.

As I continued my story, Higgins' face contorted in disbelief. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes widened, expressing a mix of shock and astonishment. It went from one of those what the fuck looks, can't be fucking true to oh my god. 

"At the same time, they put a one-and-a-half-centimeter diameter tube through my nose and into my stomach. I felt a sharp, uncomfortable sensation as the cold metal invaded my body. From there, it snaked its way into my intestines, causing a strange twisting feeling deep within me. And then, they started putting jelly in there, too. The jelly was supposed to provide nutrients, but it turned out to be nothing more than a concoction of fucking tranquilizers," I explained, my voice filled with frustration.

"I could feel the slimy texture of the jelly as it oozed through the holes in the tube, invading my intestines and stomach. It spread throughout my entire digestive system, causing a nauseating sensation. To make matters worse, they stuffed my stomach cavity full of jelly, rubbing it in and massaging it. They even injected muscle relaxants into my stomach muscles, making them weak and pliable. The effects of the medicine were potent, turning me into a zombie-like state. I lost all ability to function, unable to sleep or even comprehend speech." Higgins was silent. She wiped my brow with that towel. Trying to help me. I was grateful. 

"Every other day, Salvatore came to fill me up," I continued, my voice filled with bitterness. "And frankly, Damon didn't even care what shape I was in. He always had some fucking whore to call after he'd abused me."

I paused, feeling a surge of anger and helplessness. "Now, I'm not sure if my amplification enzyme kicked in at any point. I've been pushing this mass out of me for four days now." I continue wearily to telling story.

"The feeling the jelly gave me was terrible. It made me feel sick constantly, and the pain was unbearable. But I was rendered completely unable to express myself. Mimosa, my companion, was completely unconscious, unable to provide any comfort or support. And Bran, the one who held all the power, took advantage of my vulnerable state and violated me. He covered up the smell from Damon for four fucking weeks, just fucking fucking fucking. And when Damon finally came to pull the hose out, it was excruciating, yet I couldn't even make a sound. The hose was bloody as it ripped through my gut."

"For the next six weeks, Bran put Damon on gigs and Adam on gigs," I said, my voice filled with resignation. "Bran gave me a six-week heat. That drug stayed on full blast for another five weeks, so I was helpless while Bran did what he did. In the last week, it was just coming off. I weighed 33 kilos after the whole thing. 33 fucking kilos. I'm not so sure I wasn't full of organs."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I spent four days at the house eating and came here. That was three and a half weeks ago. So yeah, let's not call Damon. Fucking jerk, jelly me again."

Higgins remained silent, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. Magnum, who had entered the room at some point, stood beside her, his eyes wide with horror. As I glanced around, I noticed Colin had also come in before I eventually passed out, as my strength ran out fully.