21. Poison.

Damien was happy. He had stayed in the lead for months now. Although Damon was always briefly on top when they did the gigs, he could easily manipulate this back into weakness and stay on top himself. He only gave vague memories and very little to Damon.

Damien had been working for Sark for a while, and he had a plan to get Sark the enzymes and Mimi he needed. This was going to be fun. He'd heard that Mimi had gone on the road again. She'd been in New York for a few weeks doing something, but now she was with the pharmaceutical bosses, so Damien told Sark about his plan.

He would go in the pack, supposedly as Damon, and go with Adam to the gig, well they would get caught and where Mimi had got the tip off, then Mimi would see how they would get caught and Mimi would come and rescue them. He knew Mimi that well.

With Sark himself still in sight, the trap would be set. Then if it happened now that Mimi was sensible and called for help or didn't come, he would go into hiding, leave Damon and Adam for Sark to investigate, win-win situation. So Sark agreed, and it worked like a dream.

Damien knew he'd be reinvigorated when he'd give some memories to Damon and Damon would blame himself, and then Damien would get to examine Mimi in Sark's facility, even though she'd be asleep despite that, so damn perfect.

I'd left for the gig three days ago after I'd recovered from my miscarriage. I had told no one in the pack yet, and neither Higgins nor Magnum had. I'd got a list from Reddington of the new drug company bosses again, and when I got here, I discovered that this was a much bigger fucking company than I'd expected. That wasn't the problem.

I thought bitterly as I discovered a couple of things again that this gig has gone as fucked as it can. This was supposed to be a simple killing gig, but it wasn't. Fine. I was at the edge of the woods doing a stakeout.

The problem was that two guards were dragging the now unconscious Damon inside, and the next pair came in with Adam. If this place is nasty, there's no way those two are getting out. Should I go in and try to free them? What if I get caught? Would it then become a new gelling when I came home sometime? Oh, how tricky? I kept watching, but then I saw Mr. Sark. And I thought, yes, I must go and free the men because that's bad news.

I'd been to see Mr. Sark myself a couple of times, and I knew what he was up to. Damon in a drugged panic state or Adam in nitrogen-silver madness didn't seem like a fantastic option. So I returned to my car and piled on more gear. Fortunately, this was a fully equipped car. 

I called Bran and explained the situation. I had no choice.

"Bran," he replied, but his voice was surprised.

I replied, "Yeah it's me, I aborted your satanic sperm out so your little plan didn't work, it didn't take more than a week to treat the infection with Colin, he'll put it all in the records, but I have a problem. I'm at a gig, and as you'll see when I put the camera on in a minute, the pack members have been caught. Now the thing is that I can't get people here for several hours if ever and now I don't even know if this is the facility where Sark works."

I turned on the camera, let Bran see Sark, Damon and Adam.

Bran said, " Save them. It's a top priority. Then you can go after Sark if you have a chance. But save those two; when they're safe, you can see what you're doing. You can do it, and little girl, I'm sorry. I let my instincts get the best of me again and didn't think twice about the consequences of my actions. You suffered while I enjoyed. "

I said, "Yep I did and for a long time, but I'm off to get those two out and it would be good to hear how the hell they got caught, but then again, they're men so there's no point in thinking there won't be consequences."

I hung up. I was still pissed off about the whole damn thing. I also left a voice message for Samuel, as well as for Magnum and the nearest base with the time and place, and that I was going to rescue the men.

I cautiously inched my way along the property's perimeter, the darkness enveloping the poorly lit backyard. It was 11 pm, providing the perfect cover as I swiftly crossed the yard, slipping into the building's shadowy corners. With my gun gripped tightly in my hand, I made my way through the dimly lit corridors, the faint hum of electricity filling the air.

As I ascended floor by floor, the third floor came into view, bathing in a bright, almost blinding, light. The black and white tiled floor contrasted with the surroundings. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed security cameras, their watchful eyes fixed on the area. I couldn't afford to trigger their alarms just yet. 

Contemplating my options, I weighed the risks of shooting a camera. It could alert the guards and sabotage my mission. Instead, I devised a plan to manipulate the camera's position, allowing me to navigate undetected to the next one. Spotting a cleaning closet nearby, I grabbed a long-handled brush, its bristles slightly rough against my fingers.

I approached the camera cautiously, my heart pounding in my chest. With a delicate touch, I nudged the camera, and to my relief, it shifted its gaze. Time was of the essence, and I repeated the process with the next camera, my gun, and brush held tightly in my hands. It was crucial to remember that I was here to eliminate the enemy, not to sweep them away.

As I surveyed the rooms on the next floor, a sense of emptiness permeated the air. The silence was almost deafening, broken only by the distant sound of my own footsteps. Just as I stepped onto the floor, my eyes caught sight of Sark, sending a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Jackpot!

I thought, " no big deal, " as I stood amidst the bustling crowd on the floor. The sound of footsteps and voices filled the air, showing that everyone was likely after Damon and Adam. Patiently, I waited, observing as people gradually dispersed, heading home or moving on to other things. Mr. Sark made his way upstairs, and I couldn't help but think that he might meet his demise somewhere along the way.

Seizing the opportunity, I stealthily entered the room from where everyone had emerged. There, I found Damon and Adam lying shirtless, unconscious, with oxygen masks covering their faces and many drip bags slowly emptying their contents. Without wasting a moment, I began my work. Carefully, I removed the tubes from both of them, followed by the masks. It was evident that there was no oxygen supply. I do not know what that gas was, nor I didn't find out.

I swiftly unhooked Adam and then, once again, took the wolf's front teeth and bit into my wrists, opening them up. Placing my bleeding wrist into Adam's mouth, I anxiously watched as he swallowed, repeating the process. Gradually, Adam's eyes fluttered open, showing that he was awake but still under the influence of medication.

"Adam, we need to escape now. You're already free. Sit up," I urgently whispered, conveying the plan.

The building was constructed on a slope, and the third floor was level with the ground on this side of the house. The room had windows on the ceiling, providing a potential escape route. While the men's height wouldn't pose a problem, someone would need to hold the window open for me to pass through.

Assisting Adam to stand, I reiterated the plan to both of them. Though medicated, the infusion of my blood seemed to invigorate them. Adam remained upright while Damon stirred.

Approaching Damon, I offered him my wrist, knowing that there was no need for commands. Surprisingly, he gripped my hand, gritted his teeth, and eagerly drank from my wrist. Hunger or some medication seemed to heighten his bloodlust. Eventually, he released my wrist and licked his lips. I continued to repeat the escape instructions to Damon, desperately hoping he would remember.

Climbing onto a nearby table, I opened the window, using my hand to keep it ajar. Adam went first, and with my help, he squeezed through the window and swiftly disappeared into the night. Next was Damon. Similarly, he made his way through the window, ensuring to forcefully shut it from the outside, locking it securely. Panic set in as I realized that I had been left behind.

"Oh, fuck," I muttered under my breath, overwhelmed by a sense of dread.

Suddenly, I heard a thud behind me, followed by the sharp sting of darts piercing my back. My gaze fixated on Damon and Adam fleeing, while the guards, though able to see them, done not try to give chase. My legs grew weak beneath me, and my last conscious thought was whether this was all a trap to capture me.

Collapsing to the ground, I felt someone kick the gun out of my hand. My vision blurred, and all I could make out were the distinct shoes of Mr. Sark before darkness enveloped me.

Damon and Adam dashed through the dense woods, the damp earth beneath their feet and the rustling of leaves echoing around them. As the effects of the medicine faded in Adam's mind, anxiety surged within him. They glanced at the crowded yard, feeling helpless and unarmed. Frustration welled up inside Adam, his mind filled with curses, yet they pressed on, their escape shrouded in the darkness of the woods.

Suddenly, Damon halted near a parked car, forcefully pulling the driver out. Adam swiftly climbed into the driver's seat as they sped away towards the nearest house.

Once they were at the house, Damon turned to Adam, his voice urgent. "Let me taste your blood, so I know what to do."

The scent of a wet dog assaulted Adam's senses, telling him clearly about Damon's rage. They had left Mimi behind. Without hesitation, Damon sank his teeth into Adam's neck, but before he could react, a velvet sensation overcame Adam, rendering him unconscious.

Gently, Damon placed the unconscious Adam on the couch, dragging him across the room. He retrieved a potent cocktail from the nearby medbay, administering it to Adam, causing him to remain in a deep sleep for days.

Damon's distress and confusion made it easy for Damien to maintain control over him. Damien had used a drug to weaken Damon's vampiric side, as he himself rarely embraced that aspect. He saw himself as a future wizard, yearning for his powers to manifest.

With no intention of contacting Bran or anyone else, Damien left happily, driving towards the facility mentioned by Sark. There, he would find ample work and perhaps, one day, witness what would be done to Mimi once again. He even expected the chance to examine her, as a tingling excitement filled his veins.