4. Right Here Waiting.

We entered the medbay, the sterile white walls reflecting the bright lights above. As I stepped inside, a cool breeze brushed against my skin, causing goosebumps to form. The medical professional, Colin, guided me and carefully prepared the necessary supplies for my operation. The sound of rustling bags echoed in the room as he searched for everything he needed, the crinkling plastic filling the air.

The results of my tests appeared on the machine in front of Colin, his eyes scanning the data with a furrowed brow. It was clear that growing organs required a multitude of resources. I couldn't help but marvel at the complexity of it all.

Damon once suggested using my extra organs for intestinal puree, but it proved to be ineffective. On the other hand, Mimosa could consume and benefit from them, her body strong and enduring. I, however, couldn't exploit my own organs in the same way. Nothing came easily to me.

Colin's attention shifted back to me as he began to draw medication into a syringe and carefully placed it into drip bags. I lay naked under the covers, feeling a sense of vulnerability, yet comforted by the softness of the bed beneath me.

Before administering the medication, Colin took the time to cover me with care, ensuring my modesty and comfort. The scent in the medbay was a peculiar mix, far from the usual disinfectant and hospital smell. It was a combination of various odors, almost like a blend of different fragrances.

In the background, I could hear Colin muttering to himself, his voice a low hum. The sound of Magnum's voice mingled with the conversation of another person, their words blending together in a symphony of whispers. Soon, Damon and Samuel entered the room, carrying sports bags filled with unknown contents.

Colin greeted them, surprised at their early arrival, explaining that I had some drugs in the car, prompting him to start surgery. He handed them the scans and results, presenting the cocktail he had planned to use for the procedure.

Damon looked through the jars of medicine, put his bag on the ground, squatted down, and dug out three more jars. Then he drew a good dosage from them into the syringe.

He said, " That'll work. The lady's used to those drugs by now, so she probably wouldn't have slept more than four hours, but with this, at least 14 hours. I go to check Mimi over again, and then Samuel went to get the operating theatre ready. I can look through those results. "

Oh, the Lord is in full doctor mode.

Damon was examining something on the computer and talking to Colin quietly again. Somehow, I couldn't hear. I don't know how he does it, but he does it anyway, and it's annoying. My arm was aching, and the swelling had increased. As I knew. It takes its time, and being left-handed and now my operating hand got hit, pissed me off. 

Damon's voice trembled with worry as he spoke to Colin, his words clipped and strained. Colin could sense the underlying fear in Damon's tone, a concern for his wife's well-being. The room was filled with a tense atmosphere as if the weight of the situation hung heavy in the air.

"These results are not good," Damon said anxiously, his eyes darting across the room. "There are several pathogens in the blood." The words hung in the air, causing a knot of worry to tighten in Colin's stomach.

Damon continued, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and determination. "Fine, my wife seems to need a course of antibiotics. There are more deficiencies than I care to count, and all those toxins must have destroyed Mimi's organs, so there's more mass there for us."

Colin's mind raced, trying to process the severity of the situation. Damon's next words sent a shiver down his spine. "But Mimosa may well eat those organs once we remove them and when I put those organs in my blood to purify."

 "Mimi has been drinking blood. That's a good thing," Damon continued, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "But I sense her vampire side is fucking strong, and if the cat is as much a part of her, then we're in for some interesting times ahead."

Damon paused, his gaze distant, as if lost in thought. "I don't see the need to put my teeth in her neck just yet," he mused. "We'll see after the surgery, and Missy needs her rest."

The room fell silent for a moment, only broken by the sound of their own breaths. Damon's voice broke the stillness, filled with a mix of worry and determination. "I heard you say she hasn't slept," he said, his words tinged with concern. "Well, chemical sleep doesn't really help her body, but I'll have to see if she lets me fade that memory. I'm going to go check her out now. Let's see how the snake bite has progressed and what all I notice."

Colin nodded, his mind overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. Damon's voice filled the room again, this time with a sense of urgency.

"But what you've already found is that the lady's sugars are fluctuating. Her temperature is too low," Damon said, his worry palpable. "She will eat what she wants. Fatty acids are the best indicator of that. It's worth remembering that when fatty acids are too low, then the lady hasn't had enough wagyu steak. We have strong antibiotics. My teeth are involved, and just keep Missy warm until she recovers."

Colin absorbed Damon's words, trying to make sense of it all. Damon's voice broke through his thoughts once more, filled with determination.

"This equipment is being moved out of here," he declared, his voice firm. "We need it. Adam and Bran are looking after the animals, and Bran is always looking for carers here at that time. Adam, get some people to go through those outdoor storage areas. It's not good for the missy to be lifting 100kg motors and not using your protective gear. Her organs are going to be replaced, so whatever's left of her lungs, well, they're going to go. Oh, damn, it pisses me off when I have to be the bad guy again."

Colin interjected, trying to offer some reassurance. "Miss is realizing the consequences of her own actions," he said gently, his voice filled with understanding. "She's a smart girl, and she realized she hadn't been very smart about anything. But it's recovery time, and maybe you two can work things out."

Damon grunted in response, his face a mix of emotions, and started walking towards Mimi, his footsteps echoing through the room. 

Damon approached me with a confident stride, his voice cutting through the air as he spoke, "Hello baby, it's been a long time, no see."

I nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "I've been a fool," I admitted, my voice tinged with regret. "I used my trauma as an excuse to indulge in reckless behavior and forget everything I've been told. It's been enjoyable, but pleasure comes at a cost."

Damon's piercing gaze locked onto mine, his expression a mix of concern and remorse. "Mimi, I can't fully express how sorry I am about those six weeks. I've tried to block it out, but fragments of memories remain. If you let me, I can help you fade those painful recollections. I was hoping, baby, that we could have better times ahead. But for now, let's address the issue at hand that's been bothering you."

I sighed, the weight of past experiences heavy on my mind. "I've encountered that species before," I confessed, frustration lacing my words. "It's a relentless torment that eventually subsides with time."

Damon remained silent, his actions speaking louder than words. Gently, he uncovered my hand from beneath the blanket, eliciting a sharp glare from Colin, who had been unaware of the worsening swelling. Damon's touch sent jolts of pain through my arm, causing me to flinch and hiss involuntarily.

He carefully examined my hand, tracing the path up to my armpit before grunting in response. Without uttering a single word, he prepared a cocktail and injected it into my cannula, pressing the plunger with precision. As sleep claimed me, I sensed Damon's seething anger, yet the faint scent of passion fruit lingered in the air.

Damon's gaze shifted towards his slumbering wife, her innocent appearance belying the turmoil within. When Colin and Magnum mentioned snakes, he naively believed everything would be fine. Perhaps Mirella could have helped neutralize the venom coursing through Mimi's veins. However, judging by the state of Mimi's arm, it was clear that hope was misplaced. Over ten agonizing hours had passed since the bite, and if Mirella possessed the ability to help, the signs would have already surfaced.

There had been a total of over 50 venomous snakes, each leaving their mark on Mimi's body. The scent of their toxic venom permeated the air, a tangible reminder of the danger she faced. Yet, before any further action could be taken, she needed to undergo surgery. Thankfully, Damon's own fangs had not yet been activated. Samuel arrived to transport Mimi to the operating theatre, noting her starting weight of 64 kilos.

However, it was evident that the state would not be after the coming ordeal. Mimi's sugars were alarmingly low, and her body was deprived of essential nutrients, leaving her on the brink. It was likely that she would have to spend days, if not longer, in intensive care, her weakened body fighting to recover. Meanwhile, her core temperature remained a dismal 38.6 degrees, a stark contrast to Damon's feverish 40.3 degrees. This was the temperature she should be, a reminder of the battle she faced to regain her health.

Damon thought to himself as he gazed at sleeping Mimi, her peaceful expression illuminated by the soft moonlight streaming through the window. The room was filled with the scent of fresh pine and earth, a reminder of the outdoor adventures Mimi loved so much. The sound of her steady breathing was comforting, but it couldn't drown out the nagging worry in Damon's mind.

"But put yourself at the mercy of 50 snakes," Damon whispered under his breath, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. He glanced at the medical equipment surrounding Mimi's bed, a stark reminder of the dangers she had faced. Memories of rock dust, twig silage, and the sound of trees being felled flooded his mind.

Damon sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility. He knew he had to be the voice of reason, to talk some sense into Mimi about the limits of what was safe and acceptable. He understood her thirst for knowledge and her drive to experience everything she could imagine. But the reality of her condition couldn't be ignored.

Mimi had already come to terms with her limitations, Damon knew. She had accepted that she couldn't do it all. Still, he wished he could let her pursue her passions without consequence. What good was it if, every few months, she had to endure hours of surgery, lying unconscious in a sterile medbay?

With a heavy heart, Damon prepared to leave Mimi's side and join Samuel and Colin in the operating room. The three of them had a daunting task ahead: an 18-hour operation to repair the damage inflicted by snake and spider venom. The scent of antiseptic filled the air as they worked tirelessly, their hands guided by years of experience.

As Damon focused on aligning Mimi's organs and blocking the replication enzyme, he couldn't help but notice the sight of her limbs, scarred and swollen from the venomous attacks. The sound of their surgical instruments cutting through flesh and the feeling of tension in the room only intensified his determination.

But it wasn't just the venom that had caused damage. Mimi's bladder, distended and filled with concentrated urine, was a testament to the strain her body had endured. Damon grimaced, the smell of ammonia making him wrinkle his nose. He suspected that the pressure had already caused some urine to leak, which explained his attempts to encourage Mimi to urinate.

Damon knew he had more to teach Mimi and more precautions to impart. But he also knew that being too preachy or controlling might push her away, straight into the arms of Adam, who had a knack for indulging her desires. However, Mimi's health was the top priority, above all else.

As the hours ticked by, Damon wished he could be by Mimi's side when she woke up. He knew that Adam and Bran had plans to leave this place, seeking a safer environment for Mimi. The sound of hushed conversations and the sight of their preparations served as a reminder that change was on the horizon.

But for now, in this sterile operating room, Damon focused on the task at hand, his senses immersed in the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of the moment. Mimi's well-being was his sole concern, and everything else faded into the background. 

After the operation, Mimi's frail figure weighed a mere 36 kilos. Mimosa savored her meal, greedily devouring the organs that Mimi's malfunctioning replication enzyme had produced. Damon carefully inserted a PEG button into Mimi's stomach, infusing it with visceral fluid. The strain on her stomach would eventually draw out 10 liters.

The scent of the carnivorous feast lingered in the air. Mimi possessed a feline essence, concealed for now, but her guts told a silent tale of her true nature. Compared to Adam, Mimi's intestines were 15% shorter, and he consumed meat at only 60% of Mimi's voracious appetite. Adam, Samuel, Bran, and even Damon himself all craved more than just meat. But not Mimi.

She embodied her cat side so fiercely that her prey animals sensed the predator within her. Mimi was the alpha, unquestionably an alpha female. Unlike werewolves, who lacked alpha females, Mimi's dominance surpassed that of most wolves. She relished displaying her power and exploiting it to her advantage.

As Damon pondered what he had always perceived as Mimi's charisma, he realized it was her alpha essence shining through, strong and undeniable. The thought amused Damon; it could be quite enjoyable to showcase the little bitch's dominance once more. But first, he had to mend her.

They boarded a plane, and Damon diligently administered the potent antibiotic he had derived from his own teeth, continuously pouring it into Mimi. He tasted her blood, searching for any lingering traces of bacteria. Colin joined them while Magnum stayed back in Australia to address the fleas and do gigs. Adam and his men meticulously examined the valuable jewels, securing them away. Damon watched over Mimi as she slept, his commitment unwavering. He would do anything for her, sacrifice anything without hesitation.