15. Sex Bomb.

After I had eaten breakfast, I wanted to start doing something. Mimosa wanted aquariums, so I always ordered them. Now, I tried to decorate them. I had decorations and sand, though some helpful men lifted sandbags and put sand at the bottom of the aquarium.

I also got comments how to put decorations and then those men helped me with those too. Somehow it was irritating but one stern look from Damon and I kept my mouth shut and my mind elsewhere than curse words meant for them. 

My mood was flamboyant, I was extremely irritable, stubborn and then this goddamn heat was too weird for even me. This was not normal heat, not in longshot. 

My lust knew how to be annoying. This was the most annoying heat I have ever had. At first, I had the urge to act. It was a strange feeling, but I wanted to do anything but fuck now.

The annoying thing was when I was doing something, one of the men came up and asked, " Do you need a service yet?"

I had to say " Yes, please. " Or I got such a powerful fucking in that place that I didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day. I wanted to act so I let them fuck me few hours so I could resume my jobs.

And that wasn't the problem. The problem was that I didn't always feel like it. When I wanted to do something. And always the fucking question. Then go with whoever I'm going with and fuck for two or three hours, so I could get back to doing something for maybe 45 minutes after I showered.

Now I wanted to be clean. So every time I took long and hot shower. Washing my whole body fully and now I was not in mood for marks, I did not want anyone to tag me, or scent me. Thus the washing. 

For some reason, men could smell when I needed to be taken care of, and I didn't even realize it myself. It was the same thing all the time.

Something about this heat was that I wanted to do, to make. Whereas my previous lusts had been straight-up fucking almost all the time. As you would now assume, it's a rut.

Bran explained to me that this is because of my feline side and also because of my evolution. My body is evolving and changing, and so are my heat patterns. This was now due to my alpha status. I was hoping for a moment of peace to at least finish one project, but no. I did hiss from time to time and not care to whom. They most of time laugh but Salvatore was in mood that he did not really listen to my hissy fits but fucked me there and then, tagged and scented me, kept me going to shower. 

The fucking question and now Bran was quite a matter of fact and got the job done, and somehow I wasn't so pissed off at Bran. Now, that might have been because of the nice collection of scars that Bran had on his front. Apparently, Salvatore had given the dental treatment so that his treatment would leave permanent scars—a reminder of what he is capable of if Bran still treats me like that. 

Then, after three weeks, my heat decided to develop again. I was having breakfast when I had this strange fantasy in my head. Where Bran was in his study and would invite me in. He'd be very harsh. He'd be angry with me for not letting him save me and for giving him the Silver Madness, too. Then, well, he would demand that I submit and surrender at his desk, fucking me in the ass and then in the pussy. He would be very dominating, strangle me, and keep me helpless.

Somehow, I sent it to Bran. I didn't even realize it myself. He looked at me for a moment and said, " Fine, little girl, I want to see you in my office in ten minutes."

I played out the fantasy in my head throughout the meal, not noticing how damn hard Bran was getting hot. I had gotten really rough treatment for Damon and Adam so my fantasy so pretty brutal.

Bran got up early and left for his study. I finished my meal and didn't notice the three men exchanging amused glances with each other. I then went into Bran's study, no longer thinking about the complete fantasy.

Bran sat down at his desk and said, "Sit down and listen to me, you little bitch."

Now Bran wasn't as worrying as usual but had a wonderful beastliness about him that made him pretty damn sexy.

He said, "You sloppy little bitch. Yes, I know it was my fault you got caught, but next time, if it happens, you fucking won't wait around, and you'll be taken out of there. And I've now given you new instructions on how to deal with you if you have silver madness, so you fucking won't bite it into me. Now you're going to get your punishment, you little bitch, and you're going to get it good."

He stood up. He came over to me and clasped my hands behind my back, pressing against me. Then he ripped my panties off of me. I was only wearing a skirt, put my upper torso against the table, spread my legs, and started to push my ass. He fucked my ass with one hand, teasing my clit the whole time, and I exploded really hard.

Bran kept talking about how fucking helpless I was, how I couldn't help it when I took a marrok dick inside me like a nice little bitch should. He fucked my ass, then switched to my cunt and filled me so fucking full.

I was soaking wet when he pulled out, swiped his dick on the hem of my skirt, and said, "You can go, little bitch, but remember. No more self-sacrifice."

 I was very satisfied, but I went to the shower. I washed and scrubbed myself very clean. Then there was another break. Now, I wasn't quite so keen to do everything anymore. I was just wondering about that scene between Bran and me, well, if the feelings on Bran's side had been real or if it was just something my lust brought out. I just didn't know, so I didn't talk about it to anyone and went to eat. 

Again, I have a fantasy. Now it was me and Samuel. He would call me to the medbay downstairs for a supposed health check and then take me to one of the storage rooms, and there would be spare beds. He would throw me in bed. Strip me naked and take me, and he would be furious at the state I was in all the time and how damn hard it was to get me in shape while Damon was tying up the nitrogen silver.

He would not save his words but give it straight at me how he tired of seeing me dying in his hands and he is freaking helpless when I always end up in that state.

Samuel would be really rough, and he would even hurt me, but somehow, I was really wet at the whole idea.

After I finished eating, Samuel said as if in passing, " Miss, come downstairs to the medbay, and I'll check you over and take some samples."

Again, whole fantasy had lost in my mind as my mind wander what to do next.

Samuel went ahead, and I didn't even notice the looks on Adam's and Damon's faces. I then went to the medbay, and Samuel was standing there, but he wasn't in doctor mode at all now. 

He looked at me and said, " Now, little bitch now, I'm going to teach you I'm not always a healer and a tender lover; now, you fucking idiot, you're going to learn that next time we won't expect you to save just fucking people. You do not know how it felt to watch Damon and us capture you in a silver net. Smell it burning you, and Damon had to give you an anesthetic through the back of your heart, and then when we got you, you barely weighed 21 kilos, straps all over the place, and how fucking helpless I felt when Damon did his best, but I just couldn't get the nutrients into you fast enough. It was only after two weeks that your metabolism calmed down enough for me to get you in any shape. Now, you little whore, you owe me this one. Come on, motherfucker."

He grabbed my hand, took me into one of the storage rooms, tore off my clothes, then hit me with his open palm and hard, so I flew to sit on the bed. He grabbed me hard, twisted and turned while he fucked, pulled my hand almost to the extreme position, but it was soaking wet. He talked to me all the time, telling me how he is tired of seeing me almost dying time after time.

Neither Adam nor Damon had ever been so incredibly raw before, but oh my god, I was so wet after that treatment; Samuel gave me scrubs because my clothes were in strips, and I was bleeding. The smell of strawberries, champagne, blood, and heat filled the room. I was pretty ecstatic after that. 

I went upstairs to my downstairs bedroom and washed up there. The scratches and bite marks stung pretty damn badly, and I was covered in bruises, and I was sore, but I didn't mind at all. I was feeling pretty free somehow. I was pretty exhausted, and it had been a while, so I had to go to dinner again when Adam told me to, so I went to the kitchen. I was covered in bruises and hoping it wouldn't turn into a war. I would get better time after time.

I went to eat, and Damon and Adam cooked. Neither Bran nor Samuel were anywhere to be seen, and both were very complacent. Neither said a word about my bruises or scratches, but Damon fed me.

The next fantasy came into my head, and now it was Adam's turn. He told me to come to the room and the same thing. He would be furious at me first for the whole rescue thing, the silver madness, but also for Damon and me getting married. He would give me a piece, and oh, I was wet.

So, on top of the food, Adam actually invited me into his room. It was Adam and me. We argued about the engagement, the wedding, and whether I would ever want him. He yelled at me. And he hit me. Several times, and it drove me absolutely wild. I yelled back and hit him back.

We fought, and he threw me on the floor and took me fucking first brutally in my ass and then in my cunt, filling me up and biting me, still beating me so badly that I was even more bruised and smelled distinctly of pears. This was even rougher going than with Samuel, and we were unloading some pathos between us.

Somehow, it was important for everyone to show me violently how hard that had been. The consequence of that was that the mating bond between Adam and me evolved into a soulmate bond. Adam was honored and fucking happy.

He said there was no rush for us to get married, and I'm in for a wonderful and very peaceful wedding. But he didn't regret a single contusion, scratch, or wound, not even the bruises that adorned my entire body. He was serious as he said that I had deserved them. 

I took another shower and then went to eat again. We always spent hours arguing, and I wasn't even sure how many days had gone by. Damon was in the kitchen. I couldn't help myself when the idea started forming in my head.

The next fantasy was the wildest—now Damon and I. We were arguing. Rough, about women, men, Magnum, everything, and we fought. Violently, really really brutally. Damon was really throwing me up against the wall, making me submit.

I thought, "Yeah, that's pretty rough," and it went straight to Damon. But for some reason, I didn't see where we were fucking. I just saw us arguing and fighting really hard in the living room. 

I had just finished eating when Damon came up behind me, grabbed me by the throat, and slammed me against the wall. 

He said, " Now, you little whore, you better hope I never find that phone or those men are dead. "

I was silent. I didn't reply immediately and said in a poisonous voice. "You just concentrate on killing girls; you have so many of them that even if you killed 50 a day, it would take years to empty the whole phone. Plus, most of your girls are humans, will you kill them too or turn them into vampires?"

Damon threw me against the wall again and said, "You fucking self-sacrificing moron, you demand too much of me, and then you wonder why I go for someone else who has some sense."

I said, "They don't have any fucking sense. Big tits, and a willing pussy, that's what you need. I'm just not good enough for you. Don't fucking try to turn this around on me. "

Damon roared, "But when it's your fucking fault, I can't always fucking take it. You just don't fucking understand me, and besides, you're married to your job. That's why you don't fucking get it in your head that you would have been a lot easier to save if I could have acted in time."

He threw me into floor. Kicked me. I jumped up.

I walked a few steps away, and Damon came after me, pulled me by the hair, kicked my legs out from under me and so kicked me in the side, broke a few ribs, and said, "If you fucking want to be a victim then I'll make you a victim."

I jumped up and kicked Damon in the dick and balls and was now full on. He didn't say anything as he put his hands on his crotch, groaned, and collapsed to the floor.

I said sarcastically, "Well, that might take away the desire to use that dick."

That's when I realized we were actually arguing, and some of it we even meant, and it felt fucking good to get to say those things out loud. We were an abusive couple, but sometimes, we had to get things out, even if it meant hurting each other.

I walked away to my bedroom downstairs. I didn't have time to take many steps when Damon came and knocked me to the floor and slammed the door shut.

He looked at me and said, "Nice kick, sweetheart, but I'm not human. I'm a fucking old vampire, and you're not the only one who's kicked me in the balls, but now you fucking whore. Let's get this holy fucking bedroom of yours sorted out once and for all."

He started unbuttoning his pants, and I stood up.

I looked and said, "You can't stay with me, anyway. There's a wallet and a phone on the nightstand when you have to go somewhere again."

Damon stripped naked and came at me, ripped my clothes off, bruised and hurt me, too. Then finally, he threw me on my bed and practically raped my ass, demanding I submit. When I finally submitted and surrendered.

He hit bottom and said, "Now you are finally all mine."

Something banged after he said that, and our bond had changed. It was now a deep golden color, a tremendous strength, and I could feel Damon all over me now in a whole new way. Damon fucked me in the ass, and when he finished, he held me still and took me by my pussy.

Then, I was completely relaxed, and he turned me around and said, " Did you know, baby, we are each other's true soul mates? That bond. It is an extremely rare and incredibly wonderful thing. I know you so much deeper now. "

I nodded and enjoyed myself. He fucked me in that downstairs bed, all over and into the pile, and was still very rough and raw, biting me so badly that I was really bruised and cut, bitten on all sides. He dragged me by the hair into the shower and raped me there, too, as this job involved me not giving in. I kept my legs together. But I came really good when he started fucking me. 

We fucked for a week there. Violently fucking all the time, and oh, how I was tired as I felt the velvet start to flow as I lay helplessly under him, cock deep in my pussy, fucking, and the darkness took me with it.

When I woke up, the room had been cleaned, and there was no sign that we had consecrated this room as if it hadn't happened. I had slept for 24 hours and had recovered pretty well, although I was still a bit tired. After that, my heat continued in its normal questioning frenzy for the rest of the two weeks. After that, my patience ran out.

Damon said, " Now baby, you're on your own for a couple of weeks while we get the wedding right. Then that's the day."

They left the house, and so did I. I went to a mansion in New Jersey. I had ordered fish online and made a little surprise for my Mimosa. I had several aquariums ready with water, and there would be a shipment of fish today. Oh, how Mimosa had a good look on her face when the shippers brought the boxes inside and then when I opened them.

That's when my joy really started. I had one fish bag and let Mimosa have a sniff, or whatever she was doing. Then, I took that bag to whatever pool the wolf told me to put it in. There were quite a lot of fish. But lust had taught me patience. And once I knew how to pick up more bags, I could easily deliver them to the right place.

The mimosa carried some bags to the aquariums. There were some lovely goldfish that I had ordered for myself. 

When I showed them to Mimosa, she said, " Do you know, Mimi, what? These fish talk, and you don't hear it, I do. And those, those are fucking all the time. These here are the fucking machines. They're complimenting you, baby, uninhibited, but I don't want them in my tanks either."

 Oh, or the guppies were fucking machines. They are a bit like that. I didn't think goldfish would fuck with me. I finally got all the fish in, and I loved sitting in front of the pool and watching what the fish were up to. And feed them.

Not all my food was good, though. I heard some fish almost threw up on some brands, and I went through quite a few foods. Eventually, I had a booklet with the food for each tank and other special requirements.

We did the other rooms as well. We always had ideas. Mimosa was in my head because she and Mirella would be free for the whole wedding. Obviously, Damon just wanted me all to himself, and it was a fucking excellent diversion to let these two loose so everyone would be watching them.

Fine. I got an email back with details of our wedding. Now, there would be no make-up artists or hairdressers, and Damon would take care of me all by himself. Our wedding would be in Texas, and the church would be in San Fernando Cathedral.

It was one big building, and I started thinking about the whole public wedding thing. That's what you get for publicly rescuing yourself from the medical facility. Mirella would not be a bridesmaid. She'd just be at the wedding.

Damon informed me two weeks later that the wedding was three days away. I did some calculations, and the date would be exactly the same as our last flank wedding. It's handy if you want to remember your anniversary.