13. Wait.

When I finally woke up, I noticed that my head was still very slow. And this meant that I was not going anywhere to wash up. I think I'll eat. On my way to the kitchen, I watched in mild amusement as the Mimosa got two wolves in turn. Well, there you go, then, enjoying yourself.

I went into the kitchen, found myself some food, and went to eat. I took various dishes out of the fridge, selecting the yummiest of them all. Now I was not going to be so damn strict about my eating as I knew Salvatore had his hands full and he was otherwise occupied.

I savored the refreshing taste of ice-cold Palma and orange Jaffa sodas, even though I knew they weren't the healthiest choice. I used to drink a lot of Coca-Cola, about six liters' worth, but I've since learned to balance my indulgences. After my meal, I decided to treat myself to some baking.

I gathered various meats, including beef, chicken, and pork, as well as ingredients for both sweet and savory dishes. I even had some bonbon shells left, which I filled with a deliciously salty licorice filling called salmiac. I couldn't resist the urge to bake pies, buns, bread, rolls, cookies, meat pies, and donuts.

One of the highlights of my baking was making hard candies. It was a creative process that involved coloring the candy dough before it hardened. Once the candy was pulled, the colors blended beautifully, creating a delightful visual effect. I made sure to take my time and experiment with different color combinations to create the most visually appealing candies.

As I worked, I made sure to add my personal touch to each dish. I made extra lemony lemon meringue pies for myself, which had a nice tangy kick. It was a perfect day spent indulging in my love for baking and creating delicious treats for myself to enjoy.

I made also little cakes and there I got to make once again lovely and exotic-looking mirror glaze on top of them. They were filled with fresh berries and fruits that men had gotten on the farm. Of course, as I continued to enjoy myself, I realized that this has not been actually a bad thing at all. I got to bake, and use all these lovely ingredients as much as I liked and I had just taken a nap when men had so dutifully shopped for me, so there is that too. 

Now I wasn't even deprived of a ride, but it was an interesting observation. This is just my life, my luck and so ridiculous at the times that I couldn't even bother to think properly. It was like I was not so important. For my company, that is, all they wanted to do, was to spoil my fun and get someone to fuck with, and as wolves. Fine by me. I am not interested in sex in wolf form, not at all, and cooking and baking was something I wanted and liked to do.

I am such a hard case to be with that I have to be drugged unconscious for about 12 hours and then men of the pack start to fuck my wolf. Well, that's between them, and I'm not getting involved. I started making whatever I could find in the fridge at the time of food, and then somewhere in between, shipments came in from local farms to expand my repertoire.

 I prepared a dish using mixed meats that was a real inspiration to work with. To start, I made a bread dough from scratch, using flour, water, yeast, salt, and sugar. Once the dough had risen, I rolled it out and cut it into small circles. I then fried the mixed meat, which included beef, pork, chicken, and a few other game birds too until it was browned and well-cooked. 

Next, I filled the bread dough pockets with the cooked mixed meat, ensuring that each pocket was generously filled. I sealed them by pinching the edges together, creating little meat-filled parcels. These were then deep-fried until golden brown and crispy.

For the goose fillets, I seasoned them with salt and soy sauce and dried garlic before rolling them up with a mixture of roasted and deep-fried onions, cream cheese, and a touch of garlic. Some of the goose fillets were cooked in an immersion cooker with butter, while the rest were baked in the oven until they were tender and juicy.

To accompany the meat, I prepared mixed baby potatoes of different colors, including red, purple, and yellow. I boiled them until they were tender, then sauteed them with some thyme, garlic, and butter to give them a delicious flavor.

When everything was ready, I arranged the meat and potatoes in a large mixed meat dish, garnishing it with fresh parsley and chopped chives. The result was a delicious, hearty, and colorful dish that was both satisfying and visually appealing. And I put that dish in the oven too. That was so perfect to eat at some point. I did nibble a little here and there as I cooked my dishes, so I ate all the time, almost. 

And they fucked some. At least the Mimosa was passionate. It had been a week; they had fucked for the week and I had been cooking and the fridge and freezer started to get full again. I was eating my breakfast: fried goose eggs, tender wagyu beef steaks, the burger with thick wagyu beef in between some fresh onion and lettuce, cucumber to give a nice crunch, coca-cola, and lots of coffee. 

I noticed a foul smell. Like something was rotten, as a werewolf vampire hybrid, my nose is very keen and I wondered has there had been a mouse or some critter that died somewhere I smelled it. It was not a pleasant smell at all. 

Then I started wondering when a strange smell started coming from somewhere, what on earth was stinking in here, like rotten fish or meat. I walked around the house, and then Mimosa came up, and I realized that the Mimosa smelled.

She said, "Mimi, I have a pre-heat. Do you have any symptoms?"

I shook my head and ran outside. I couldn't stand to be in that smell. It was thick, obnoxious, and made the nausea well up.

Damon came out and said, " What's wrong with you ?"

I said, "Mimosa has pre-heat, you've fucked my wolf in heat, and now I can't stand the smell of it. She stinks high heaven, and I almost threw up in there. "

Damon raised his eyebrows and said, "Interesting reaction. I've heard of this sometimes. This means that Mimosa is getting more and more of her own creature. This is just one benchmark of your separation. I know there's nothing you can do about it. And if Mimosa has a rush, it needs to be dealt with, you know that, right? It's different from your heat. You've probably read enough anatomy to understand. Maybe you should go to another house then."

I nodded, got the keys to my car, and drove off to Arizona. I thought on the way, so my luck. When I get men interested in me, to have even a small chance at something good, I don't. Mimosa develops heat, and you have to deal with it. But this was my life. I was not gonna feel sorry for myself, but I made myself think about everything that I wanted to do. 

When I lived in Arizona, I found myself drawn to cooking and kept my fridge well-stocked with fresh ingredients. Eventually, I decided to try my hand at outdoor work and began planning a beautiful flower garden for my yard. I spent hours measuring and sketching out the perfect layout, envisioning how each plant would look and grow in the space.

Once I had a clear plan, I turned my attention to gathering the necessary supplies. I researched online and ordered marking sprays, shovels, rakes, and other garden tools. I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed to get the job done right.

When the supplies arrived, I eagerly got to work. I started by digging up the beds, carefully removing any rocks or debris that might hinder plant growth. As I worked, I thought about how satisfying it would be to see my garden come to life, to watch the flowers bloom and the leaves unfurl.

Despite my enthusiasm, I knew that gardening was an unpredictable hobby. I couldn't be sure what challenges lay ahead, but I was determined to take it one step at a time and see where my little gardening project would lead.

In addition to the flower beds, I also ordered a large greenhouse to use for sowing tender plants. I had a perfect spot marked out for it in the yard and couldn't wait to see it installed. With the greenhouse, I could give my plants a head start and ensure they had the best possible chance at thriving.

Overall, I felt excited and fulfilled by my new hobby. I knew it would take time and effort, but I was ready for the challenge and eager to see where my little gardening planning would take me.

I had no time to start to really get into that as my work phone started buzzing hard enough. Damn, it is time to get busy with missions.

As the leader of my organization, I had a lot on my plate. I barely had time to tend to all the flower beds because I had a flurry of missions to undertake, yet again. But thankfully, I didn't have to make a trip to Lake Lanier this time around. I was picked up personally by Magnum, who was eager to get started on planning and executing new missions. There were always new missions to plan and execute, orders to give, and being a leader of a team that had to stay one step ahead of those we were surveilling. 

Apart from getting the missions ready, I also had to talk to potential contacts and inform our liaisons from the FBI and NSA about what we had found or what we were planning to do. It was important to keep them updated, as they could offer valuable insights into our operations.

However, what made my job easier was that sometimes, one of those contacts would get an idea and they would be the ones to carry out the mission based on our surveillance. They had quite a selection of satellites and other technologies to use when they deemed a mission to be executable at their end, which meant one less mission for us to handle. This was always a welcome relief, given the constant pressure we were under to stay ahead of the game.

I'd been on the road for six weeks when Mimosa, my wolf, jumped on my head in exhaustion. She said she was fucked out of her mind and tired of the whole freaking questioning heat. Yeah, Mimosa had one too. I had just gotten my work back in order, at least for now, we had gotten NSA very busy by giving them few very juicy targets. 

Upon my return to Arizona, I was eager to resume my gardening hobby. However, as I made my way through the yard, I was surprised to see huge piles of loose soil and numerous pallets of plants scattered about. I headed to the backyard, where I had planned to put in a flowerbed, and found myself amidst a flurry of activity. A group of men were making flower beds, and my greenhouse had been delivered and installed. I could see that some of the pots had already been sown with seeds, and the men seemed to be working on their plans.

As I looked around, I noticed that Bran and Samuel had arrived and that Damon and Adam were working hard, their shirts off as they lifted bags of dirt. I decided to take a break and watch the live garden show. I grabbed an ice-cold drink and found a comfy chair in the shade to admire their work.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but admire their hard work and dedication to the task at hand. However, the men were so engrossed in their work that they didn't notice me until Damon looked my way. I had been watching them for a couple of hours, admiring their work shamelessly in my mind.

I could see that Salvatore was getting more and more grumpy by the minute. Despite that, I enjoyed watching the men work, and I was excited to see the progress they were making in my garden. I had just admired in my mind a few handsome men and their gorgeous bodies, and how their muscles worked, but I had to refrain from using any names. So Damon had spied on my thoughts, getting my little broadcast loud and clear, and thought that I had been ogling strangers, or maybe someone on base. 

A nice little 1-0. I just raised my glass and smiled. I thought to myself that I could still do 1-0. Mimosa had always been awake for a moment and had had a good laugh, as had Mirella. This had been very fun to do, to have an enormous bottle of ice-cold Palma, dainty crystal glass, some very strong blood mix, and sip whatever I wanted while enjoying the view.

Damon got up from the ground where he had been putting the summer flowers and walked over to me. He looked at me beastly and dangerously, too. His voice was a mix of honey and steel.

He said, "I think there's a naughty-naughty little wife out here again. "

I smiled innocently at Salvatore and said, "You can admire it without restraint. Was it funny? I could see that this one hit and sank you, Salvatore. You can't deny it. But, it's okay, let's move on. I was thinking of going to the sauna tonight. There's an outdoor sauna that you haven't noticed yet, which I have been slowly heating. It's a nice, cozy place where we can relax and unwind. Also, there is a lovely pond or lake nearby. We can have a cold drink, go to the sauna, take a dip in the water, and then go back to the sauna again. We can repeat this cycle as long as we want until we get tired. This is just my little plan for tonight, so you can carry on with your own activities if you want to. I am tired and need of some good time after doing missions back to back six weeks more or less. My body needs pampering."

Damon looked at me with open beastliness, and then he said, "Looks like the naughty little bitch is going to get a good ride tonight."

He went back to his planting and spoke for a moment to Adam, who also raised his eyes and looked at me hotly. Fine boys, you can look but touch, I don't know yet. I got up, walked into the house, and got my sauna bag. I had my shower gel and towels in there. I wouldn't put a bathrobe in here. No, I walked calmly towards the sauna and lo-and-behold; the sauna was ready.