20. Angeleyes.

Damon came over next to me, opened my abdomen, put the first catheter deep into my abdomen, and opened the valve. I felt the jelly start to flow. He inserted the next one into another side of my abdomen. He put four cannulas into my abdomen, and four tanks to drain into my abdominal cavity, took an aluminum briefcase, and loaded the implant gun. I had seen those before, but Damon had never used them on me. We had found them in those warehouses and I guess Damon had gotten those there. I wonder what else he had stolen or taken from those warehouses over the years?

At least symptom potions or something like that, because he had used them on me. But now it would not be so simple. Passionfruit smelled all the time, so this was Damon, but furious. I remembered those first early sessions done by Damon and even though he had been possessed by an evil spirit in him, this was the same mood. Now he did not feel any empathy or even love for me, nothing but cold hard rage, for me to have someone to help me, a friend, but this is my life. To get tortured by my own husband. 

He had small beads in different boxes and took five different beads. Apparently, those would become implants, or those would. Either the drug would have to be really strong, or those implants were there to be weak. I know there are plastic implants that are like little plastic boxes, but these. After putting them on the table, he put the briefcase on the floor.

He worked efficiently and with purpose, looking at me like I was just some object to be handled, this was not like a piece of meat look from Damien but a cold clinical stare of Damon, and not his vampire side, just him, the Darling side, the core of Damon. This side taught, did not hesitate to hurt or torture, so there would be no mercy whatsoever. But that doesn't mean that I was just gonna lay and let him torture me, I would fight I would try my best to get away, to try to explain to him, to try to make him see sense and stop this before he crosses the line and then later on when his conscience hits him, Damien will come out, that I knew. 

He came over to me and started rubbing jelly all over my abdominal cavity. My belly was uncomfortable and full and started to distend already. His hands were warm and firm. They knew what to do. He was clinical, no empathy, no humanity whatsoever. I felt my muscles start to obey a little, so it was time to try to do something about this.

I focused my mind on my little plan of action and I tried to stay still so Damon wouldn't notice. The idea was to get this jelly to stop, and I had already slid my other hand much closer to the tank valve. But this massage was starting to make jelly to be absorbed in my bloodstream, and whatever sedative he put in me earlier was already starting to wear off. I still couldn't get my rage up and out. I focused, on all I had.

This would be a tight spot. In a race against time, I would have to stay conscious enough to stem the steady, relentless flow of jelly and get Damon out of the game. Break his neck. Then, a cold shower, as cold as I can get, tell Adam, and a call to either Samuel or Colin to try to keep the jelly from absorbing in. Adrenaline, maybe. And I needed to get Damon out of the picture long enough even after I snapped his neck, so I began to make a very potent sedative or maybe even an anesthetic.

But I felt Damon's massage make jelly absorb into my bloodstream and cloud my mind, and my head started to get cloudy, and my eyes started to get heavier. Damon moved my hand away from the tank. He rubbed and rubbed until I almost fell asleep. He turned my eyelid and looked and smiled with satisfaction. I felt him opening my mouth, put collectors in my fangs and I felt my fangs draining the sedative that I had just made.

Damon was pleased with the way Mimi was feeling at the moment. He knew exactly how quickly Mimi would get her muscles under control. After all, he was an anesthesiologist and knew his medicine and knew Mimi. He watched as he calmly loaded his new toy implant gun while Mimi dragged her other hand close to one tank. He was a telepath, and it was not hard to listen to his wife's thoughts, so he knew exactly what she was up to. 

Then he went to rub Mimi's abdominal cavity, mixing different jellies and warming up, and he watched as Mimi's level of consciousness slowly dropped. He didn't want to put her to sleep yet, and she would come out of it a little more refreshed. Damon checked the tanks. They were all about to run out. He carefully spread the jelly all over, and Mimi's stomach was clearly distended when the tanks were empty.

He put collectors into her fangs and looked satisfied as Mimi's potent drug flowed out of them. He would taste it, get new formula and he could always improve it. His teeth liked to learn new formulas and Mimi made her stuff really complex and hard to break down, so there were things to learn for him too. At least he could make more potent flanks and sedatives and whatnot what he needed to do.

Mimi was also more refreshed. Earlier sedative and muscle relaxant had stopped working and jellies kept her sedated but aware enough for him to get things moving he was explaining to his victim what he was going to do to her, after all this was all part of the plan, to the psychological side of this lesson, it was not just mere physical torture but this would have an impact on Mimi's psyche as well. It would make her more malleable, more easily to dominate and she would learn to respect his power and his dominance, he would rule and Mimi would obey without fighting so hard back always. 

Damon's voice was calm, explanatory, and like this, was nothing out of the ordinary. "Well, baby, now all the jelly is where it should be, but let's put some more medicine in. Now, I'm going to turn you over on your stomach first. And then I'll shoot one implant into each kidney, a sedative. And then I'll lay you back on your back, put in your liver, pancreas, spleen, heart, and their own sedation implants. Each implant is a different drug, and I'll trigger them all once I have them. After that, we're ready to go. You see, in order to get under control you need a cocktail of drugs and it would be boring just knock you out with a single shot, this way your lesson toward obedience has begun, I can guarantee after this lesson, this will be the longest that I have given to you thus far, you will see things pretty different perspective and for good. Let's see how good wife you will be then. "

I was a little more awake, not quite asleep, when he started to turn me over on my stomach. The jelly he had already rubbed into effect was still on, but he had known exactly how long and how much to rub. Now, he picked me up and turned me over on my stomach. He was doing something. Pressure increased on my belly as I lay on it, but I was too sedated to be able to move at all. 

He went to the bag to get it when I heard the sound of a zipper, and then he came to examine my back. Apparently, with an ultrasound machine, I felt cold jelly on my skin and a probe as he located my kidneys and shot the implants into place. A hot burning pain shot through my lower back and the ache was still in my kidneys after he had done his little implantation.

Again, he was doing something now with the cabinets. I heard rustling and the door closing and opening and then came to lift me and turned me on my back on the other side of the bed. There was now some kind of cloth or sheet under my back. He again used the ultrasound to find my pancreas and spleen and emotionlessly shot the implants into them. Liver he didn't need to ultrasound. He found it. Then he shot another one in the heart. Each time hurt hard, and the ache was still present long after he had shot them in place. 

He put the implant gun away. He stood by the bed, took some kind of controller, and pushed five buttons. Activating the implants didn't feel like anything. The jelly was slowly absorbed and kept me steadily sedated. I couldn't get my rage out after Damon packed all his bags precisely and efficiently. My organs were aching, my mind muddled with drugs, several of them, my rage was somewhere where I couldn't get to it, my vision was blurry, and my muscles were limp and lifeless, almost.

He came over to the side of my bed and grabbed some fabric from the bed. Oh, what was under me? Some kind of support belt. It extended from under my breasts to my hips, and Damon secured it with Velcro straps. The belt was some kind of neoprene or something, and it wasn't long before I felt it start to warm the jelly inside me. This was the same kind that Bran had used on me, maybe even the same thing, but my mind could not comprehend enough for me to get anything clear about that. 

The sedatives or drugs started to come on more and more effectively and more and more. I was more and more sedated. Once Damon got the belt adjusted and put me in one of my velour suits. I could sit up, but barely. He put Crocs on me. He took his bag over one shoulder and helped me stand, wrapping his arm around my waist and holding me upright. He didn't say anything, he just directed me to walk to the outside. My vision was blurry, my legs didn't really obey so well that I stumbled and staggered and damon had to carry me, almost. 

We went to the car. I was quite sedated and couldn't stand up anymore. Damon helped me into the back seat and put my seatbelt on. Then he looked into my eyes.

His voice was a whisper, a little menacing almost as he remarked his observations on my state of being, "Not much longer, baby. You're going to pass out. You're pretty drugged already. But we have a drive and a flight, so you should be pretty sedated. And then let the lesson begin. Let's see what you've learned after this session. "

Oddly enough, I didn't smell normal wet dogs. Still no Damien. I smelled passionfruit. Damon got in the front seat and started driving. And as he said, my consciousness blurred even further before shutting down completely.

Damon drove to the airport while thinking. He already knew roughly what to do with Mimi and why. He also knew where. He was so furious about the whole Charles thing that he could feel his huge, uncontrollable rage boiling and bubbling. Oddly enough, the volcano or Damien as he felt it inside him didn't. It was the same as it had always been. It seemed to be waiting, watching, and enjoying as Damon drugged Mimi. Damon sensed Damien was not going to come out, but only to watch and enjoy. Somehow that was right now secondary, and he didn't care about it. His rage was all there was in his mind and that fueled him to act on this lesson.

Damien was somehow amused by his doing this thing. Damon got to the airport and carried his deeply unconscious wife and her bag onto the plane. He put Mimi on the couch and took one 5-liter bag of still sedative jelly from the bag. He lifted Mimi's shirt and opened the heat belt. It had done its job, and Mimi's stomach had dropped. The jelly had been absorbed, and the implants were working. But Damon knew his wife.

The 18-hour flight was long, though, and Mimi needed to be sedated, unconscious the whole time. So he inserted a cannula deep into Mimi's abdominal cavity and let the jelly start to drain slowly. He would watch Mimi's level of consciousness closely the whole time. For some reason, Damien inside him was now bored out. It didn't feel that kind of concern for Mimi. Mimi was harmless of it.

The flight went off without a hitch. Damon was careful to keep Mimi unconscious and sedated. He carried Mimi to the car and drove off. The abandoned hospital was a 4-hour drive away, and he had infused Mimi with another 5 liters of jelly just before landing and put the heat belt back on. This would ensure a smooth drive and that most of the jelly would be absorbed by the time they got there, so that he would have time to set things right and tie Mimi up properly.

He had put Mimosa and Mirella carefully and deeply to sleep. The medicine would keep Mimosa and Mirella asleep for months. Those two needed to be in a deep painless sleep and fully unaware of anything that he did to Mimi. This would be the only lesson for Mimi and Damon wasn't so heartless that he tortured innocents.

Finally, he arrived and carried Mimi inside. First, Mimi had to be tied up and properly restrained, then he could put the equipment and instruments in place. He would also use his serum to keep Mimi under control. And he would see just how it would affect her, and how long, she could be the key to get it right after all these years and all of those who died when he tested it. Then, it didn't matter if Mimi started to wake up. Then, the lesson would begin.