19. Phantom Of The Opera.

Then we went back to Kentucky, and to my surprise, Adam and Charles were going out on a gig. We kissed and said hello. Bran was there, too, with a grim look on his face, and Damon went to talk to him. After the men left, I went upstairs to look at some of the flea work. Bran left without saying a word. Damon looked smug as he came out of his room.

I was on my way upstairs when I saw him exiting Bran's office or whatever room he had. I was ready to be a leader once again. There would be jobs for me there if Damon had to go somewhere now.

He came upstairs while I looked at gigs and stuff and said, "Baby, I could eat some delicious blood. Please?"

I got up and gave him my neck. I felt him start to drink, and then I also felt a solid velvet start to flow through my veins, and the darkness took over.

I woke up in bed, covered with a warm blanket and the tablet jar on the table. There was a phone and a wallet. Onto table had a message: " These will help to break down the velvet properly. Take two capsules as soon as you wake up. You should feel better within half an hour. Love Damon."

Fine, I then took the two capsules with water and lay in bed only to fall asleep again, I thought as I felt the medicine kicking in that fucking cheat. Surely this will help if I sleep my velvet off.

Eventually, when I woke up, I was fine. There was no problem. I showered, got dressed, went to dinner, and then went to the gigs, or actually, I did sniper work all over Kentucky. This was easy, fun, and very useful as baddies were again on the move, so I had plenty of suitable targets too for two weeks, I didn't even go to the house as I was in and out of hotels. 

It was fun to stay at hotels for a change and I knew right about what to eat so I kept my shape, more or less. When my streak of sniping ended, I decided to go back to our lovely new house and rest for a while, maybe then go on missions or see if Adam and Charles were free. When I got back to the house, I was exhausted, and I wanted to take a shower and eat.

I walked upstairs and opened our bedroom door. Damon lifted his head from between the three women and said, " Oh baby, glad you came. Come on over here and I'll get you bred, too. It's baby breeding time. "

My vision had just come to life. I closed the door and went out to my car, where I called Dresden, Charles, and Adam. Mimosa, my trusted magical fighting vampire wolf in my mind, was shocked because the vision had just come true. At what point did this happen? How did the harpies take over Damon? I didn't know. I knew I wasn't going to that bed. Like ever. Dresden and Constantine promised to come and take the harpies away, and I left. I drove to Minnesota's house to be by myself. I thought about the other vision and hoped it was only half a nightmare, that Damon would never take Mimosa's pelt.

I hadn't told anyone about the vision yet, and even Mimosa didn't know. I went to Minnesota's house for a bath and was lying in the tub when I had another flash. Mirella was tied to a chair. She had a cannula in her neck, Damon injecting something into it. Mirella was hissing in pain. 

I jerked awake, and Mimosa said in my head, "Annoying ability. You never know if those things are true and you never know if you can even stop them."

 I went to the sauna and then started to concentrate there. I called this vision back into my head. I tried to see where Mirella was tied up. What is that place? Similarly, I called up this other vision in my head and made Mimosa take a deep breath in my mind.

Mimosa said, "Mimi, why didn't you tell me about that before? Or showed me."

I said to Mimosa, "Because I'm not at all sure if this is real or if it was just like a half-dream I had when I fell asleep."

Mimosa said, "Yes, that's a vision. But why is Damon taking my pelt? How do I fit into the shed session? When does that happen? Can it be prevented?"

I said to my wolf, "We have plenty of questions. I think that is actually Damien, not Damon. Our questions remain still. There is no shortage of them. But what can we do? That's another matter. Because this also came out of the blue, this whole damn harpy thing, right out of the woodwork, I wasn't at all prepared for this. Now I'm not at all sure what we can do. There was no pre-warning or anything. "

Mimosa was silent. She was thinking things over in her mind, too. This was not a simple thing to do. How to find solutions when you don't know even questions or have any answers to those that you have? 

I went out to dinner. And I called Adam and Charles again and told them about this other vision, and also about my latest vision, and they were both very upset about the whole thing. And we started wondering, is there anything we can do, is there any way we can enhance these visions or prevent them? But they were in the middle of a gig and they did not have so much time to talk, but they promised to think and tell me if they would come up with anything at all.

A week later, Adam and Charles came over and said that the Kentucky house had burned down. Damon burned it down himself after Dresden and Constantine had killed the harpies. Apparently, these harpies had been working with Damon's dead wife, and this was some backup plan or payment to get Damon to have children. The ultimate revenge or something like that.

I thought that lady, Damon's late wifey, had been a crazy ass cuckoo of a vampire, and what I had heard pretty much the same thing. Nick told me that in the past, Damon had had the misfortune to be imprisoned by several of that kind of women and he had some kind of weakness that those bitches had usually exploited to get him under them. Nick had been very surprised as Damon was now so much stronger despite that, he had gotten under Maggie.

Damon was said to be more or less okay and had gone his own way after first burning down the house. Both my fiancée were very sorry they didn't get to spend more time with me, but they said the wedding had been planned all along. They still had gigs coming up.

They then went their separate ways, and I started going through the fairs again and putting aquariums in the house too when my wolf wanted to. Mimosa and Mirella were now able to be away from me almost full time. At least Mirella and Mimosa again didn't mind a little rest in my mind all the time.

I had no problem in Fleas because I got now two second-in commands and both of them had made their mission to get me pretty much jobless. This means they delegated a lot of my stuff forward, even those jobs and things that I had made rules that only I would take care of them. Drugs had been one thing and now both of these as doctors and my medics, decided what drug goes where and also other raids that we got.

I did not get a memo on most of these. Magnum just called and informed me of a few of these new protocols. I had no way to overrule them or that point, so much need to. If they could handle it, and get things moving, all the better. 

 We had a lot of fun at various fairs and there was no subject that we did not visit. Guns, books, jewels, pets, clothes, there were so many fairs and an enormous hall with several fairs at the same time, oh time flew when we had our fun. We went to several wedding fairs too. Just for fun for it.

I just knew that it was probably going to be a very tranquil wedding once again and a very serious Salvatore with a lot of threats. Fine my life, nothing more. Then, try to understand. As I was thinking these thoughts, I felt an amused Salvatore laughing in my head.

He said, " Listen, darling, this wedding will be one of our most memorable weddings again. you have given me a lot of good ideas from those fairs, wedding fairs,darlin, you will see then. I can guarantee it. You won't forget this one easily."

I certainly won't forget what I could remember about them.

He said in my mind, now more serious tone. "I've looked through both your visions and I could swear there's a volcano, or Damien, on the surface, but how it would get to that surface, again, I don't know. "

I said, "Well, he gets out when you blame yourself or do something stupid, remember our love is one thing that weakens him. Try to remember that is not you. Try to find his manipulation." 

Damon's voice was now irritated. " Listen, darlin, don't ever tell me what to do. I am a senior to you. I am a powerful telepath and I can handle my own mind without you starting to give me orders about what to do."

Then I felt him leaving my mind. I tried to think with Mimosa how the hell Damien would get onto the surface and what would be the timetable for this? We had seen those visions years ago, so there could be time still.

Mimosa asked me, one question that made cold shivers run down my spine, "does this mean that Damien will get stronger in the future, if he attacks me, Mirella, too?"

I didn't know either, and I wished I hadn't seen visions like that.

It would just be visions of the two of us, me and Damon in the Azores, or the four of us having a wild wedding night, even though I was pretty sure where the wedding night was going.

So I kept on doing mostly sniper gigs, just changing states now and then. Then, one day I was in the store and I saw Sark. He was out shopping and hadn't noticed me. I felt my fangs drop something on my tongue and tasted a very mild sedative on them. Oh, what a reward.

I went behind Sark and bit my teeth into his neck. He relaxed and still stood, but was completely medicated. We went to my car, and I secured him in my trunk. Now I would play. I would get to do some torturing on my own. This time with no silver madness. 

A satisfied, dangerous voice in my mind said, " Well done darling, here is the address. Come over here, and let's play together. I've got quite a few grudges against that guy, too. You, darling, have a transmitter, so if you don't come, I'll find you."

Fine. I drove to another cabin in the woods, and Damon was waiting at the door. He had a white tee shirt and black jeans and he was ready. You could sense his charge from the car, too. He came closer when I stopped my car.

I opened the trunk and showed him one very much alive, fucked up, naked Mr. Sark, who was already quite sober. I had taken his clothes off, and I heard him struggling in the trunk about halfway. Damon's expression was one of pleasure.

He said, "Welcome, Mr sark. You're going to have a varied rest of your life. It won't be too long but painful, and I am a telepath, so let's see what I can find in that mind of yours."

Damon picked up Sark, dragged him inside, and slammed him down on the table. He had chains ready. He secured Sark. 

It wasn't a shed; it was a cabin, and Damon had a pretty respectable collection of various bladed weapons, and who knows what else. He looked at Sark's dick, what was left of it, with amusement and said, "Yes, Mimi, you have made an indelible impression on this one at least, but now, darling. Come on. Let's have something to eat before we go and play."

Damon sat me down at the table and brought some kind of meat stew and Coca-Cola in front of me. He'd shown me a video of him torturing his wife to death in the Azores. I ate and drank and realized that this bastard was drugging me.

He came to pick me up in his arms and said, " Shh, darling, it's alright. You won't remember this address and keep on gigging. Thanks for the wedding gift in advance, but I need to enjoy this all for myself. Just me. This is something I don't even share with you."

I felt him put a needle in my vein, and then nothing. I woke up in a New Jersey mansion a week later. I was in the IV, though the bags were empty by now. He had ensured his pleasure.

There had been several bags in the drip rack, and there was an infusion pump. He had gone to a lot of trouble to make sure I would stay unconscious for a week. Fine, what more can I do about it? Now, let's just move on. When I called Adam and Charles, they already knew. Apparently, Mr. Salvatore had told them how to keep the future wife asleep for a week.

There had been quite a lot of nutritional concentrate to make sure I hadn't lost any weight or fitness.