37. Trouble Is A Friend.

Damien was a little disappointed when Mimosa started to show signs of miscarriage and somehow, that made Damon break in surface. He was almost destroyed by his conscience, and even Damien had to go in the background. Oh, this was so a good chance to manipulate Damon in the future too. Damien looked lazily as Damon had performed quite a miracle to get that nasty infection on Mimosa under control and he knew Mimi was alone, sick soon, miscarrying too, and it gave him sick satisfaction to feel how he had once again destroyed her so damn fully. Damien was determined to make everyon think that he was just part of Damon. It was safer that way. That Mimi's threat haunted him. He did not want to take risk to have his own human body and Mimi coming after him. He was coward. It was safer to be inside Damon even it was far from perfect.

I fled from the bunker, sick, in fever, my rage fully blown up, thinking that Damon had come back to shove his knot inside my cunt again, making me again pregnant. It was not Damon who came; it was Adam. He was worried, and he had gotten the address of this place from Damon, eventually.

When Damon brought Mimosa to them with a fever, they showed him what a miscarriage is like when you don't have time to operate and forced Damon to fix Mimosa and tell them where he kept her. Damon had been very remorseful and said that sometimes you get obsessed and don't even understand where it comes from. He had been quite confused too, not really remembering everything that he had done over the weeks. 

He had felt that He just wanted children. He wanted them so badly. Of course, Bran had been the first to pat him on the shoulder and say that everything would be all right. The need to procreate drives us to do strange things. Bran had told everyone that Damon knows how old he is, how much he loves Mimi, and how Damon has discovered what a perfect mother and mother Mimi would be. Bran had not said a word of Damien, he just let Damon think that this had been his idea.

Bran wanted to help Damien as he saw so much of himself in that part of Damon. Or that creature inside of him. He wanted to give Damien a chance to live a life, to feel. He was, in his own way, pretty certain that Damien could calm down and not be just a monster once he got a decent chance at his own life.

Bran had been warped by time and by the evil that resided inside him too, even though he was not aware of that at all. It had been inside him for as long as he had been a werewolf, but this powerful evil knew how to be unaware, and how to also manipulate Bran. He had corrupted Bran over the years, making him a rapist, who brutalized women and see them as toys. He had made Bran forget his true love, Charles's mother, and how it had felt for him to connect. Bran could remember, but he did not feel anymore. 

Bran was old, tired and easy target, but sometimes he pushed throught, trying to feel so desperately something, trying to do the right thing.

It had been all part of Ariana's little plan, or her attempt to shield her people from this evil. She had given Bran and Samuel as targets to this evil and its spawn, so they would not come after her and her kind. She had not truly loved Samuel. She was fae, not able to feel human feelings, she had had her own plan, she was powerful Fae princess and she has her responsibility for her people as well.

Adam hadn't seen me run out. My fever was high, but my rage was even higher. It was driving me. I ran through the woods like a whirlwind, stopping now and then to catch my breath. I caught a rabbit with my bare hands and ate it raw. And I ran.

I was brutal but also sick as a dog, weak and my body just could not cope so well anymore but I was lethal enough to get few preys for me, even though I was not really eating so much of them than ripping them apart with my bare hands, my rage was all there was, nothing more. No pain, no fever, no agony, no weakness, just all burning rage, keeping me on the move and making my state even worse. My Darkness was awake too. I wanted to revenge, to kill, maim.

Damon was worried again he had done it. What on earth was driving him to do those things? He didn't want babies or puppies. But he kept Mimosa and Mimi in a bunker for almost ten weeks to get them both pregnant and torture them. Sometimes, Damon felt like there was someone else inside him.

He knew Mimi believed that this part of him is separate, and goddamn, He wanted it to be true but he was old, seen a lot, and knew that there is darkness within everyone and he had sometimes given into darkness, it had taken 11 years or more, to someone to pull him out of there.

What he did not know that had been his darkness and had nothing to do with Damien, actually, that side of him had put Damien down all of that time because it wanted to play too, but it had been his vampire side, not evil twin, with his twisted ideas. 

And then sometimes he would deny that there was someone else because he remembered the bad things he'd done and knew that he remembered all the good things during these torture sessions, and it didn't mean anything to him. He didn't know if his rage was almost a separate entity, if it was some sort of defense mechanism when he had told Mimi during one torture session, or if his mind was split in two.

Damien kept pushing uncertainty into his thoughts, making him feel quite insecure about his mental state, making him doubt his goodness and his will to help. Damien just ensured that there would be a good time for him to come out again once this would be done. He loved to manipulate his good brother, making him twist himself more or less into knots over what he had done.

It was not good that Mimi could not give birth, but he had a few plans of getting women pregnant and then he would have an heir, even a human one but he would carry on his legacy and how good it would be to leave his sheds and machines, his little dictations and recordings about Mimi to his son. Someday he or they would be born, at least for a few women, and one day, Mimi would have to face them. 

Damon sighed in his mind. He had now done so fucking bad and how to carry on with this. He had no idea. And Mimi had been missing for six weeks. Mimosa had had a difficult miscarriage and was very sick and ill. The hide he brought with him was a magic pelt. It could heal, but only if you charged it. That was the only positive thing about the whole thing.

Mimosa had had a fever for four weeks, and with very careful and diligent treatment, it had finally gone away. But Mimi... already six weeks. Damon didn't know what condition Mimi would even be found in. He was very remorseful, and he had no idea why he had come up with that crazy idea, as he knew for sure that it would have not worked on Mimi. He had read enough and seen her reproductive system. 

Adam and Bran, Samuel and Charles had been searching the woods surrounding the bunker for weeks, and still nothing. They were in wolf form and Bran had been worried too as he had been first sure that he could very easily use the packbonds and get an idea where Mimi was, but as she was not just a werewolf, but a vampire and feline shifter too, Bran had not even felt her. Her wolf side had gotten weaker as her feline side got stronger with her vampire side as well.

Damon knew that patience was required. He knew he'd put a six-month hibernation restriction on her, so Mimi might not hibernate, but Damon didn't suffer to think. But how bad her condition would get before that hibernation block would be useless, and if that would happen, how deep would that hibernation be? How long it would take them to reverse it, would they even find her? So many questions ran through Damon's mind as he waited for some kind of information on Mimi's whereabouts. 

I shivered uncontrollably, my body aching and cold. The thought of what was being done to me fueled my rage, overpowering any physical discomfort. I knew I was dangerous, capable of anything. The metallic substances coursing through my veins only worsened my medical problems, intensifying the pain and symptoms. The inflammation from the miscarriage radiated throughout my body, summoning a couple of friends named, other infections, agony, and distress. My condition deteriorated rapidly, but I didn't care. All that mattered was my seething anger.

Finally, Adam discovered the remnants of the rabbits that Mimi had torn apart. It provided some insight into her movements. Damon gathered a hefty pile of tranquilizers, along with a rifle and a pistol. The plan was straightforward: capture Mimi, sedate her, take her to a treatment room, and administer the necessary care. Simple in theory, but knowing Damon and his wife, it wouldn't be easy. Mimi was the epitome of the worst patient ever encountered in the universe. She had her rage blown up, so it had to be done properly. Damon was quite ready to sacrifice himself almost to catch her. 

Damon's task was to locate a suitable ambush site while the wolves were responsible for driving Mimi there. They had been observing her for a day, witnessing her emaciated form, paleness, and incessant shivering. The stench of her infections permeated the air, and her rage was palpable. They kept their distance, aware of the danger she posed.

Damon turned to Adam and said, "You're a better shot than me, so you'll be the one to ambush. Once you're in position, I'll distract Mimi long enough for you to take a shot. And don't worry, if she comes at me, I'll handle it."

Adam pondered for a moment, then agreed, transforming into his alternate form.

The rabbits seemed swifter now, eluding my grasp. Occasionally, beetles and mice crossed my path, but not everything was palatable.

Then I caught a whiff of Damon's scent.

"Oh, really? Are you going to capture me again? Is the trap set?" I thought bitterly, my mind consumed by the bitter cold.

I fought to maintain my rage, attempting to think of escape, but the thoughts were elusive, except for now. At this moment, I gathered every ounce of strength within me. It was time to strike back. My darkness wanted to pay back and let's just say that ideas in my mind weren't anything very nice.

I watched Damon from a distance, noticing that he was looking in the wrong direction. Fool, I'm not there. 

He said out loud, as if talking to the forest in front of him. "Baby, I know you're near. Come closer. I'm so sorry for whatever compels me to behave this way, but please, baby, you need to be healed. I can smell your sickness from here."

Damon could feel the presence of Mimi behind him, her footsteps echoing softly in the distance. He intended to entice her just a little further, ensuring that Adam's strike would be accurate. He could feel darkness in her. He sighed in his mind, knowing that his actions had made it grow, get stronger. He was turning his wife into monster as well.

"Just a bit more, baby, come on," Adam whispered, his voice filled with tension.

Suddenly, there was a muffled shot, followed by Mimi's gasp, indicating that the dart had found its mark. Now, they had to wait for the drug to take effect, putting Mimi to sleep or at least sedating her enough to approach safely. Damon felt his heart pounding still.

The first thing had been done, but now they had to hope that the cocktail would be strong enough to take her down, even with her rage on display. Damon had constructed it, using several different medications just to overcome her rage, but it would not be a sure thing at all. 

A surge of panic washed over me as I realized someone had fired. The ambush was executed perfectly. Frantically, I snatched the dart, only to discover that its contents had seeped into me. Fear consumed me, and I let my anger rise to the surface, propelling me into a sprint. My rage gave me strength, but this cocktail was scarily potent. 

I ran with all my might, but Damon appeared before me once again. "Mimi, calm down, take it easy. It's alright now," he pleaded, trying to soothe me.

I fought to maintain my rage, hoping it would counteract the potent drug coursing through my veins. But it was futile. I trembled and groaned as Damon approached, inch by inch. I tried to see where to run, drug made my vision blur and my mind fog up. I focused on suppressing it with my rage.

Damon spoke to me, in a calm yet authoritative tone, a voice familiar, his doctor's voice the one he never used in the shed. He said, "There you go, Mimi, that's it. Stop resisting. Shh... Let it work, let it work, let it work..."

Damn it, he caught me, restraining me firmly and gradually calming me down. I could feel his strong hand trapping me, his firm body keeping me still. Suddenly, I felt another dart pierce my leg, but Damon's grip remained unyielding. He skillfully immobilized both my hands and pinned my legs with his foot. His warmth and soothing presence subdued my rage, while simultaneously manipulating my mind to suppress it further. He showed my rage back its well and ate it too same time.

I felt my legs growing weak, threatening to give way beneath me. Damon braced himself, hushing me, as the rest of the pack closed in. My consciousness started slipping away, no matter how hard I fought against it. The last sensation I experienced was Damon lifting me gently into his arms.

A sigh escaped his lips as he felt Mimi's limp body finally succumbing to the effects of the ordeal. Damon's game of capture had been executed with precision, and when it seemed like Mimi was resisting the medication, he had instructed Adam to administer another dart. This had been so close. 

At the same time, he had stuffed Mimi's rage down the well and prevented her from getting it out before the medicine got to her. It finally did the trick, and Mimi was sedated. For how long, Damon couldn't judge. This large animal tranquilizer they were using now always worked effectively at first, but the duration was always a mystery. Besides, he had used several medications on that cocktail too, making it even more potent. The duration was unknown. Sometimes, it could be hours or weeks. Now it would be time to get her fixed up and it would not be easy, but he was more than ready for that challenge. He loved her so much.