8. I'll Stand By You.

I woke up and was cold, weak, and out of shape. And I was pissed. Fine, let's get going. I had a vague image of Damon but no idea how fucking long I'd been asleep again. I could tell by the length of my hair that I had been out cold for several months. I'm not surprised at all. I had been in terrible shape. I remembered Colin's, Samuel's, and Will's combined efforts to keep me going to get me some straps.

I recalled too how many times Bran had come in, to ask how I was and if was there anything that could be done, anything else than get that miracle cure called Salvatore in the right mode and and help them out. I guess he had been around at some point but not all the through. 

I got into a sitting position and was there momentarily as I tied all the tubes and ripped out every cannula. I was feeling very restless, sick, and not so wise that I had the sense to call help and wait for a few minutes, nope this girl was about to do classics and show her new husbands just how difficult I can be. 

I had just my needs, and those were the ones that I wanted to go by with, not being anywhere sensible, asking for help, and waiting a few minutes. It would have been logical to assume that boys or anyone was quite nearby to keep an eye on me, but no, no logic here, just full bladder, determination to do something about it, no matter in what shape I was, or was I even shape to walk. 

And then I stood up and went to the bathroom. I had been on bed rest for months, so let's say that my body was quite ill-equipped to move, but hey, no matter, let's take some rage and go to the bathroom because my bladder was full. I had to pee, and oh my god, that was a relief again, but I couldn't understand why they had put me so far away from the toilet when a bed was nearby.

I was pretty much out of it. My fever was raging. I was on drugs as well, too, so my mind did not work as it should. Let's just say that I pretty much saw what I wanted to see and need. I got up from the bathroom and started to walk, but I went to the nearest bed and stayed there because I couldn't bear to go anywhere else. Besides, it was easier to get to the toilet from here. It was a bit hard, and I don't think a mattress existed. I think it was a table, but it doesn't matter.

I had no sense of time or memory had done this before or not, this table provided me a place to rest and I somehow took lots of linens from the cupboard, making a nest for myself on that table, I was sick, tired, and confused, bad combo what it comes to me. So my behavior was as naughty as ever. 

Charles came back to the medbay and carried Mimi from the table back to the bed. This was certainly not an easy or nice patient. Mimi was running a raging fever, delirious at times, and fidgety. He and Adam had now spent two weeks picking her up from wherever and putting her to bed, giving her fever medicine with antibiotics, which their teeth produced with gusto.

Charles sighed as he picked her up. She was still thin; she had again made a nest onto the table where she was laying, shaking from the fever and moaning softly as Charles carried her to the bed, cannulated her, and put more drugs in, antibiotic and fever reducer as well. He talked to her softly, wiping her face and her body as her fever started to drop. 

This was the first time they really tended to Mimi as teeth vampires and that was an experience as well. Charles groaned as he took collectors, put them in his fangs that had come out, and let that light green velvet just flow out of his fangs. To make substances, he did not need vinegar but sugar, and he had to eat a lot of really sweet things, certain things that he had this strange craving for.

Salvatore had told them before he had left, remorse and longing to take care of Mimi evident in his gaze but that side of him. Damien had once again started to break the surface and Damon was not so sure that he could control it, he remembered how Damien had told Mimi that the best way to avoid caring for her was going away and he had decided to use that against him. So he left for Australia, where there were a lot of evil vampire women, and that action would help him to push Damien deeper. 

As Charles got Mimi to fall asleep again, he sighed and looked at her. She was thin, not getting much weight, her muscles had been weak for months of bedrest and now this fever made restlessness almost too much for her frail body. Charles hoped that soon this infection would start to end and they could then help her get better.

He had asked Samuel to see and analyze their substances and Samuel had assured them that those were key to getting Mimi back to health but it took time and neither one of them needed to sink teeth in her neck and according to Samuel's theory that was because that's Damon's job, no one else's but as long as their teeth made concentrates antibiotics, fever medicine everything would be all right. 

Where he had to eat sweet things, Adam had to gobble up salty. So he had his cravings, and they were quite weird at times. Samuel had left both of them notebooks where to write all the foods that they were craving and also he wanted to have samples for now and then so he could expand his knowledge of teeth vampires and the perfect opportunity to see two of them trying to overcome very nasty infections.

That bug had been so nasty that it would be lethal to humans, at least frail ones, and so Samuel had taken just a few samples and given them only very trusted people to be analyzed and studied. Maybe those people. Scientists would come up with a way to make suitable antibiotics for humans if this germ ever shows up in any human beings. 

Adam was resting because making the antibiotic was hard. When Adam woke up, it would be his turn, thank God, to get to make the antibiotics. And then to rest. Adam had to be Mimi's nurse. And Bran had to take care of Mimi and wondered how the fuck Damon could do it. There were three nurses, and they were all nearly burnt out.

Charles left the medbay once Mimi was resting. He washed his hands, went to shower, and washed himself with disinfectant shower soap. Shower gel was provided by Samuel, then went to the kitchen where Bran was cooking according to their recipes food for Mimi so there would be lots of food for her once she would be able to eat properly. 

Bran looked at his younger son, Charles was tired and Bran had to come to see that his son truly loved Mimi and deeply, too. Bran had seen this not-so-good thing but he could not deny it and after this entire ordeal with Damon, maybe it was good that Mimi had more men in her life. Charles could be very protective, and if he could prevent one of these sessions, it would be all good. Bran had also tended to Mimi and carried her to bed. He had actually learned how to cannulate her too and it was easy because she was so thin, and this had been a big learning curve for Bran, too. He felt that when he did good, something inside him woke up, got stronger, and urges to be full shithead on every female were suppressed more. 

But that girl was impossible to treat. She was always moving, very sick, and she had no sense to keep still or ask for help. Bran had tended to her while Adam and Charles were resting and it was rough to all the time to watch over her, pick her up whenever, and put her back in bed. Bran was now happy to be cooking and not caring for that creature. Charles had taken some food, and he was quiet too. Bran could sense how hard it was for Charles to see Mimi still sick and thin and just wait for those antibiotics to get that infection out of her.

Charles ate, Bran had just gotten his food done, and it was time for him to go do some marrok work, so he went away. Charles took care of some of the flea work and then after a few hours, he went to check on Mimi and found again empty bed again; he sighed and got on with things again.

I don't understand how I keep waking up in the same bed, no matter how I try to get closer to the toilet. I had collected blankets and made a nest of them near the bathroom. I had tried to sleep on the table with the blankets, and no sooner did I drag myself to the toilet, and that trip exhausted me so completely that I couldn't go back. It was as if Charles was a little tired of me, too.

He said, "My God, Mimi, you're impossible. Now, let's get you back to bed, and I'll get those cannulas back in place. "

And I was all innocent, wide-eyed, and weak. When I had to piss. Adam had got me a portable toilet seat, and when I was found on the floor with the toilet seat on top of me, they couldn't understand how I had done it. That didn't work either.

I had no sense of time and vague memories of Bran cannulating me too, but those were just jumbled up in my mind as the fever took my sanity pretty much out of the game, too. I was, at times, delirious, living in a shed almost, and because my infection was bad enough, neither of them could keep me in their arms because the risk of them getting the bug had been too great.

But because of my restlessness, my infection would not show any signs of getting better and it was quite clear that I needed to have some rest but not one of these wanted to knock me out cold all the time as they had dedicated their lives to getting me better so they came up some other solutions to make sure that I rest and not flail around all the time. 

Eventually, someone sat next to my bed the whole time, and when I got up. I was either given a bedpan or lifted onto the toilet seat, ensuring the tubes stayed in place. Yes, washing felt good, and I was weak as a kitten. When the fever finally broke, I was moved to the bedroom.

Time had gone by when Damon brought me back. It had been 15 weeks, a god-awful long recovery from a 12-week session. Charles and Samuel and Adam and Bran explained how fucking close it had been to how fucking awful shape I was in.

Then Magnum came to rehabilitate me, and that joy lasted a month. He was very strict with me and talked about flea things and I needed to do those as well, there were few decisions that only I could make and those of were like that Adam or Charles were not aware of, but that was just my work. I told Magnum too how Damon or Damien loot our warehouses and he made sure that there would be stricter protocols to take care of potentially harmful stuff right when they found them, too.

We were doing a lot of stuff while he was my physiotherapist and even though he asked a lot of questions about what Damon did to me in that shed; I did not say anything. I told him the original plan, and he pointed same things, too would have ensured that there was no way to kill Sark himself. But then again, he told me that even if I had gotten Sark out of the way, there would be others. 

Maybe they had the resources to find Sark just because we did not know everything about this magic. It would be possible to trace Sark because of that magic and he might have died soon after in that facility. So my plan had a lot of weak points that I had not even thought of. A good fucking lesson was that. 

I learned, or I hoped that I had learned from this to share my little plans. But my little shed was still intact as Sark and his entourage had just gone there, to get rid of that body but not destroy anything. I wanted my revenge on those three vampires too someday, but not yet. It was just good to know that I had my shed ready to be used if I got a chance to express my opinion on those three. 

And then the men had to have a party. Damon was there too, but I went with Magnum to see the wings of the houses and Mimosa, and Mirella came with us. Then we abandoned the Magnum and went on a girl group ride. We decided to go to Canada, find a big house, and visit the farms around there. Now we could fucking do it at last. I guess the men are still out partying and fucking. After all, we'd already been driving around America for a month and here for a couple of weeks when we hadn't found the perfect castle yet.

We were looking for a castle in Canada. Mimosa wanted a castle. It was November, and I said, "Let's get a castle and spend Christmas there. I want to fucking spend one Christmas. I haven't actually spent Christmas in this pack for a long time, but now we have Christmas. We'll decorate and get a tree and presents for each other and a backyard sauna and roll around in the snow after we've been in the sauna now and then and enjoy ourselves. Still, first, we'll go to the local farm and get some food, a Christmas ham, a turkey, and everything."

We were very excited about our girls' Christmas. We then found a castle in Nova Scotia, from Halifax itself.

And to this day, that Halifax Castle or mansion is still the Christmas mansion of our pack. We gather there now and then to celebrate Christmas, but it's pretty differently decorated and renovated even today. And even today, I'm still no nicer or better patient. My behavior, as a sick person, as a patient, It's not a drop better. It is nowadays even worse since I am a lot stronger, so in sickness, I am messed up even more with a mind full of terrible memories from all of these centuries that I have lived. It is funny that when I am sick and weak, not my wonderful memories never come to the surface, only shit that I have my mind full of comes and haunts me.