21. If I Let You Go.

The herbal jelly hurt like hell, and Damon had put me on some kind of medication that messed with my head and took the rest of my strength. I was limp. This had been going on for ages and I was so freaking tired that I somehow knew that my threshold where infections would start to set in was approaching and quite fast, too.

I felt him carry me to a chair and then put a rib crusher around me. He tied my hands to my sides straight and secured them in several places. And he spread my legs and tied them up, too. Then he pushed some kind of tube deep into my pussy, and I felt a tingling sensation. Some kind of arousal. I was too tired to say anything and if he would get me pregnant, well, then it would be an infection. More or less.

Then he pushed the dildo into the bottom of my cunt. He strapped the end of that dildo in some or of the lever, or stem, there was a mechanism in it. He stood up and pressed one button on the machine, which was now more or less between my legs. And it started to move slowly in and out of my pussy. The speed and force were slow at first, and I noticed Damon was adjusting it to fit. He could adjust the lever so it came closer to me, pushing that dildo deeper into me. Once he was satisfied that the dildo was sinking in as deep as it could, he put it on faster. Then he put the rib crusher on, and the agony began.

He put some stems on my arms again with nozzles on them, and different herbs or metals kept squirting out of them. From time to time, brush brushed skin in my arms, so burning agony ripped out my skin and in parts soon my flesh was exposed. The dildo fucked me hard, and it hurt, but I could feel it squirting stuff inside me, and I knew it had already opened my womb. I don't know what Damon was after, whether this was another attempt to have children or what the fuck. I couldn't connect my rage to anything. My willpower or I could not get properly fucked up, even. I was too weak for that to happen.

Damon kept Mimi in the fuck machine the whole time. He had several open devices or treatment tables, as he liked to call them, so there was plenty to play with. He liked to smell Mimi's bloody pussy and same time inevitable approach of the heat. Mimi's pussy would be very sore and he had worked on her asshole, too. So when those two would get near her, starting to fuck, it would be nothing nice, but just torment, and this time Adam and Charles would be the ones doing to torturing.

Within a week, Mimi was smelling very near to getting in decent heat. Another week, and then. He enjoyed watching Mimi, not being able to help it as the fucking machine pushed one horny substance after another inside her, and she knew what was going to happen.

She was thin, dropping under 25 kilos, he had had to give her a little bit of supportive feeding over the weeks of his pleasure or else that skeleton would have not lasted this long, but not anymore, now it was time to get her in perfect shape, to have his final victory.

Then he started to smell what kind of heat was coming, which was a bonus. Mimi was rapidly building up a strong reproductive heat. Fine, Damien thought. Well, there's one thing he can take advantage of. He had his sperm still in storage, and he was reproductively capable. He would stock Mimi full of his sperm, and when that heat would have its due dates, i.e., when the female would ovulate, there would be sperm to contend with. You never know when. He would not use Damon's sperm only his own because he did not want her to have Damon's child, only his heir, and then it would be perfect. 

If Mimi wanted to do it herself, it could be arranged. He started to organize things and took his sperm to thaw and collected a lot of fresh load too, then when he took Mimi to gel her again and put his sperm in at the same time. He enjoyed watching the white liquid flowing peacefully into her womb. He put some more sperm jelly in her abdominal cavity so that if she miscarried the next time, she would be ready to receive it anyway.

I was out of it. Damon was jellying me at some point, but I was not even properly awake or had to energy to open my eyes. I was so done and this godsdamn heat just came on more and more. My pussy was painful, really painful, but as heat approached, the pain started to be a little less nasty and more pleasurable pain, almost. So Damon's little work on my pain/pleasure sensations started to pay off.

But this time, he said nothing to Mimi because he knew that Mimi's willpower was the keyword - Mimi couldn't stop what she didn't know. Then, when he put the heat on her, he would still give her a good dose of sperm directly into her womb. Fresh, hot loads, swimming in there, ready to get her pregnant.

The fucking thing between my legs started to twist the heat really well on, and my pussy was on fire when it was fucked so incredibly raw. Damon kept this fucking thing on the whole time. Well, it was just one more pain that was destroying me all the time.

I just felt day by day how goddamn strong the heat was building up for me, but what fucking power would I have to keep the heat up? I didn't know. But I remembered how weak I had been when Bran and those alphas had raped me so I could take, maybe. 

I was really exhausted, and I started to sleep despite all the pain, knowing that my strength had once again run out. I woke up to find Damon had strapped me to the table again. I felt super heated and my pussy was starting to be more and more sensitive, meaning more pleasurable feelings than painful ones, at least from time to time. I knew I wasn't in heat yet, but this state of being is pretty fucking uncomfortable.

Damon came up to me and said, "Now I'm about to start enjoying myself again after fucking you up like that again. Oh yeah, but let's get this heat on for real." He took off his pants. This was the bigger table, and he had spread my legs and restrained them. My pussy was begging for some dick in it.

He pushed into me and started fucking me. Oh my God, I was so sensitive, and I exploded, and my heat really kicked in. I had no idea that I had released one pheromone that drove up Damon's sex drive well up again. Damon fucked me long and hard.

He came inside me ten times and then said. "Now it's so good on you that you have to be fucked, and when I deliver you straight to Adam and Charles, they can't help themselves. Yes, girl, you are going to get dick and lots of it. "

He had been somewhat surprised by his own passion for fucking me and he had still a little glint in his gaze, meaning he had the need to fuck. I was too weak to start to analyze what this would actually mean. 

He wrapped me in a blanket and took me to the car, putting me in the trunk. I was so exhausted I didn't care. I was in pain, and I kept feeling my heat and how it was going to need attention again soon. My pussy was begging for it, and I had never been so sensitive in my life. Not in any heat at all. I could move a little bit and get myself off. My heady aroma and my heat, smelled inside the car and it had its own effect on Damon too.

Damon stopped the car and fucked me again in the back seat and came inside me several times. And he was not mechanical but quite passionate and small hints of passionfruit started to push through the stench of the wet dog, but only for a moment. Fucking always helped. He did this four times during the trip.

And then we were in Alabama. I started needing a heat treatment again, and Damon carried me into one bedroom and he tucked me in, sat by the bed, and said, "Well, boys will be here soon, they will get to you, you will see that all men are fucking machines when circumstances are right. There is no perfect man. "

He smelled suddenly pure passionfruit. I could see regret in his eyes as he saw my situation and self-hate, too. I was too weak to speak, and he stood up, and said to me, "I am so sorry. I am a monster and I have no right to touch you anymore. I hope you will forgive me one day. The air conditioning is off, the smell of your heat is everywhere and I am sorry... I... I must leave, but there is no pleasure for me anymore, sorry."

He right about ran out. I wished I had had a voice enough to say to him I forgave him and he could have stayed and helped with my heat, but that kind of switch, just snapped on, he just could not take the consequences of his actions for me.

My heat needed treatment, and that was the only thing on my mind. I was glad that my scent was so strong, meaning I would get men and enough, but a little part of me knew I was a little too poor shape for decent heat treatment. So there would be some sort of plan because I felt herbs, metals, and poisons were still in my body. I was very susceptible to infections and frail. Thin and I could not move even properly. When I heard that Adam and Charles were coming, I was pleased.

They came at the door, seeing me, and Charles said, "Well, we can hold off for a while. I mean, we can take this in Mimosa, but your heat needs treatment and you are in that shape. You might not take it."

Adam grunted too. I said, "Come on, fuck me. Damon fucked me several times while driving here and he is not gentle."

Adam looked at Charles and nodded. They started to take off their clothes and Adam said, "Well, you will need some treatment on medbay. You smell like metals and poisons. Those will have to deal with."

I said, "You too are teeth vampires too, come on, taste my blood, take care of my heat and we see where we are going need to inform Colin or Samuel yet."

They came to me in bed, their warm bodies helped me keep some sort of body temp, their presence calming and soothing, bringing safety, and their passion helped my heat move fluidly forward without any knots or problems. They tasted my blood, and sank their fangs into my veins, draining something into there from time to time.

Instead of our passion draining my strength and making me even weaker, it started to help. Their bumps started to nourish me and give me energy, and it was easier to be awake, and it didn't hurt so much for so long. Their dental substances become effective by the day, metals were bound, herbs neutralized, and I had to go to the bathroom quite often, peeing pure bright green piss as those herbs and poisons had been eliminated.

Our heat started to get pretty passionate, and there were some days when neither wanted to leave me at all. We kissed and fucked wildly. My situation started to improve, and it was also quite clear that these two were making me a certain type of bump. Whatever they tasted in my blood, they made it in their bump, in order to get me in better shape.

When Mimi's eggs shed, they met Damon's sperm, which fertilized them mercilessly. The cells began to divide, but when there was a mistake. They had no functioning DNA polymerase, and as the cell divided, one error after another occurred until it was just a vague mass that grew.

I just wonder if Damon's little plan once again went down the drain, so to speak. Then my heat went out. It didn't last more than six weeks, but I was fine after that. I was not in my top shape, not at all. But no metals, no poisons, no infection, no 15-week recovery this time. I got out of bed myself and went to shower, and I was fucking happy I felt Damon in my head, and I said, "Good heat, six weeks, and I'm fine. No metals, herbs, or poisons. Yes, boy's bumps are powerful stuff. " I didn't get a reply.

I got dressed and went to eat. I was on my time as there was a note on the table saying, "Sorry honey, Mimosa got herself in heat, so the next heat is calling. Greetings, the horny duo, Adam and Charles. " I smiled and went off to do my business in the wing.

Colin called, the boys had told him what had happened, so he said, "I'll come over there one day and check you out again."

I said, "Fine, I'm all right, I've been fucked to health. I am way too thin, but no infection or wounds or anything like that at all. "

Then I told him how Damon twisted heat to me in the shed and how it was supposed to be a terrible experience, and it turned out to be a good one.

Colin said, " Fine, it may take a week or two, but I'll be there. You have that time. Try to get some weight on yourself, missy."

I was happy. I just thought that might be a good way to recover from the session. Being loved by those two. Once again, Damon's brief lesson blew up right in his face. Oh, I felt smug.

Mimi's cell mass continued growing until her body was alerted and decided to remove the intruder. Mimi's uterus and reproductive organs were flooded with white blood cells and inflammatory mediators. A cascade reaction ensued, causing cell death in all reproductive organs. As a result, more neurotransmitters were released, which only accelerated the inflammatory reaction and caused the whole body to seek out foreign material. Mimi's white blood cells attacked Damon's sperm, which had been placed in the abdominal cavity, and the inflammation spread like wildfire.

Pathogens from the digestive system start to release and cause havoc. Infecting, as there was no limiting system outside the guts. Infection was subtle at first as the immune reaction was well on its way and as the immune system focused on getting rid of foreign material, bacteria, viruses, and a few fungi started to multiply and take root in an already compromised system. Mimi's system compensated as far as possible, but malnutrition and lack of vitamins made compensatory effects less effective. The time bomb was about to make its presence known.