Chapter 22.3: A warm listening ear

"You're so funny... Well, it was a competitor. He was indirectly saying my company was stealing his clients when in fact, I took your ideas suggested in the business proposals and implemented them into my business as well. What right does he have to say all clients of his are exclusively his?" Jason explained with full dissatisfaction.

"How did you find out about it?" Ivy was surprised to hear his compliment although he was more focused on the consequences.

"His company's social media posted about it. Well, it wasn't mentioning my firm directly but there were trusted sources from within confirming it was my firm." Jason further explained.

"Well, you can look at it from two different perspectives. One, it's a competitor and he didn't specifically say it's your company. So, you should pretend like it's not your company and continue what you do best." Ivy explained her thoughts.

"But everyone in the market knows it's my firm. I am thinking of retaliating..." Jason said with anger as he clenched his fingers into a fist. Ivy held on to his fist which made him relaxed a little.

"Jason, I understand your feelings. But I would say get over your emotions first before you decide on what to do. Your business reputation will be at risk. Why dirty your hands when it's not even obvious it's your company? Besides, it was my idea and I work for you now. You did nothing wrong." Ivy explained.

"It's very obvious, Ivy..." Jason sat up straight as Ivy interrupted.

"Jason, wait, wait... Another way is for you to be a friend and find him to iron things out. You have a strong business portfolio and reputation in jeopardy. You have to remember that." Ivy took a sip of her tea and her phone vibrated a few times.

"Your phone." Jason said as Ivy saw an incoming call.

"Sandra?" Ivy picked up the call and put her on loudspeaker.

She heard her sniffing. "Ivyyyy...." Sandra wailed as she cried.

Ivy sat up straight as she knew something bad had happened. "Sandra! What happened? Hello? Sandra?"

Sandra sniffed as she kept herself in control. "Ivy... I broke up..." Sandra sniffed as she explained.

Ivy leaned backwards on the bench, relieved as Jason patted her shoulder knowing she was tense for a while.

"Where are you?" Ivy asked.

"Your house... In your room..." Sandra cried again.

"Alright, alright. Sandra… I'm so sorry to hear that. You wanna hang out tomorrow and talk about it? It's pretty late to get to you as much as I want to in this rain though." Ivy explained.

"I know. I understand." Sandra sniffed and blew her nose.

"I come by after class? Don't worry I will ward off Andrew with an emergency. Skip class then and sleep over in my house. I will let you copy my notes and pack food for you." Ivy suggested while she noticed Jason couldn't help but to smile at her detailed sinister plans. She gave Jason a smirk as Jason chuckled lightly.

"Alright… promise me to keep this away from Andrew please?" Sandra pleaded between her sniffs.

"Alright. Got it! You will be alright Sandra… Keep the doors locked and stay warm alright." Ivy tried comforting her.

"I know I will. In fact, I am better off without someone who is only interested in getting in my pants." Sandra sounded very upset. "I trusted him and thought we would last but all guys are just the same. All he wanted was that. What had happened to our hay-wired puberty seriously!" Sandra yelled.

Ivy was shocked at the reason as it was really unexpected but then again she was glad the break up happened. A part of her always wanted to see her with Andrew and was happy Andrew finally had a chance.

"Chill, chill Sandra. He is such a jerk! Alright, there's no point of thinking or getting mad about it. Let's just go to bed and I will speak with you tomorrow?"

"Alright! Goodnight lovely Ivy! Thanks for being the best friend I could count on!" Sandra chirped as she sounded a lot better.

"No worries. I'm glad you're feeling better though! Goodnight! Love you!" Ivy responded as she waited for Sandra to hang up while she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, my goodness! Seriously! That was very unexpected!" Ivy spoke louder as she stood up to pace around in front of Jason.

"Well, it's quite common for boys to want that at your age. Considering you know, the hay-wired puberty and hormones." Jason pointed out.

"No, it's not like that. We really thought he was a great and untypical guy… I mean he is on the basketball national team and Ryu knows him… Or maybe not…" Ivy sighed as she sat back next to Jason.

"Poor, poor Sandra..." Ivy lamented as she sipped her tea.

Jason was wondering if he should just give her the privacy with Sandra in the house while he visits his family tomorrow night instead since there will be some idle time.

Ivy caught Jason pondering something immensely and recalled their conversation earlier.

"Sorry." Ivy said to break the silence.

"For?" Jason sat up straight. "For the interruption… Since you know, you were talking about your issues. Anyway, I think you should let it go for now then later when you feel better, decide on an action plan?" Ivy suggested as she smiled, beaming at him.

"I will. I was just thinking that you should bring Sandra here to talk. I won't be around till late at night. But why are you girls hiding it from Andrew?" Jason asked while Ivy hesitated for a few moments to tell him. "Cause Andrew had a crush on Sandra all along but she didn't know and a part of me does want to see them together. Well, I'm glad things didn't work out with that boy…" Ivy explained as she looked down sadly on her cup of tea. Jason held her hand and comforted her. "Things will work out… Just bring her over tomorrow then…" Jason offered again.

"Oh? But aren't you due for our tutor session?" Ivy asked. "We have been studying for the past few days… I'm just making up more to be prudent but looks like it is more than enough. Besides, we are flying off on Saturday early morning. Friday night's show will last really late. That's why I got you to stay over for the entire week. It's a hectic schedule…" Jason explained. "I see… then where would you be tomorrow night?" Ivy questioned as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"My mother has actually been pestering me to head home for dinner as I haven't been home for a while which I am actually dreading." Jason explained.

"Why?" Ivy asked. "Just because." He randomly answered.

"If you really don't wanna be bugged about getting married and all perhaps you should just bring hmm over…?" Ivy suggested while she pointed downstairs indicating Nancy who had been sitting every night watching Jason in silence after a whole day of work. Jason understood her. "I would rather bring you… Besides, my mother has asked me to bring you too…" Jason thought he said it out loud but he was telling himself in mind while looking at her. "Or you could just hang out with your friends in the bar perhaps?" Ivy suggested randomly while checking on her text messages.

"Who? Oh, those friends? Nay. I would rather..." Jason sat closer to face Ivy. "... Hang out with you." Jason smiled when Ivy turned to her right and looked him in the eyes.

Ivy caught the hint of him teasing her every now and then. She couldn't help but to feel something very different between them for a while now but she couldn't figure out what it was. Her eyes twinkled even more as their stares were more intense than ever.

"What is this? Why do I have a strange feeling?" Ivy asked herself. Jason realised he was so close that he exerted control on himself and decided to call it a night.

"Thanks for accompanying me. You might wanna rest early?" Jason suggested but immediately regretted it as he was hoping for her to decline and spend more time with him since he just recalled he was due to meet her father soon for updates about her and their merger. Perhaps, he thought, it's time to tell him and seal the deal but he felt a heaviness in his heart to do the right thing. He wondered if this fake relationship was slowly turning into a real one?

"One more close up… I might just waver…" Jason told himself.

"Nay. Let's head on for a game of checkers. Loser pays for breakfast?" Ivy wiggled her eyebrows.

Jason chuckled at her offer, feeling glad. "Deal!"

The next day he left the house early with a note for Ivy that breakfast for her and Sandra was ready in the refrigerator since he lost the night before in checkers with her. He also told her to bring Sandra over which meant he was going to visit his family house. Ivy decided to bring Lucky home instead first thing in the morning with his breakfast to check on Sandra. She texted Andrew that the both of them will be late and told him to head to college first to book seats in class. She also texted Jason to update him but she knew he wouldn't read it till night as he was in a talk for the whole day and then his family dinner. She began to worry about his health and reminded herself to cut up the fruits in his refrigerator as his supper every night before they rot.

Before she entered her house, she squatted to pat Lucky. "Lucky boy… Thank you for being such a good boy… Now, we need to cheer Sandra up… While I am in class, keep her company alright…" Ivy kissed his cheeks as Lucky licked her and barked at the door. Sandra opened up upon hearing Lucky's bark to see Ivy waving.

"Hey sweetie! You're alright?" Ivy walked into the house as she instantly pulled Sandra in for a hug as she nodded. "It's alright… It's all over now… I'm glad you were brave enough to call it quits." Ivy praised as she sat her down and laid out breakfast.

"Wow, this is so sumptuous. Did you prepare it?" Sandra asked while wiping her tears away as she cuddled with Lucky. "No, it was Jason…" Ivy smiled while taking cutleries for them.

"Your boss?" Sandra raised an eyebrow. "Dig in… he lost a bet on checkers last night and owes me breakfast but he heard about you so he prepared for you too…" Ivy explained while pouring them a glass of fruit juice.

"I forgot you were in his house… anyway, what's going on between the both of you? Are you both now officially a couple?" Sandra asked while she munched on the sandwich.

"What do you mean? We are only faking the relationship that's all." Ivy mumbled.

"It does look real…the both of you had communication as though you were an old couple…" Sandra explained as she pinched a little of the sandwich and fed Lucky. Ivy pondered and realised lately she had also noticed a change in his gestures and she was beginning to waver. Sandra noticed Ivy was munching silently deep in her thoughts.

"Were you feeling butterflies in your stomach lately?" Sandra teased but unexpectedly Ivy nodded. "How did you know?" Ivy asked, surprised.

"When you're not with him, does your heart miss him and make you think of him the whole day?" Sandra questioned more as Ivy nodded.

"Does your heart hurt just thinking about leaving him or not seeing him for a long time?" Sandra's third question pricked Ivy's feelings as though it was an open wound. "Yes…" Ivy put down her sandwich as she recalled her promise and mission she made with Nancy.

"Ivy… Your feelings don't lie…" Sandra told her as she blinked at the realisation of her feelings for Jason. "But what's the point… it's only a matter of time I will need to leave this town with you and Andrew to study in Landsfield." Ivy said sadly.

"You have decided?" Sandra asked.

"Yes… I think I should take on business management besides I can manage grandma's business well and put you at ease to not worry about your mother." Sandra smiled at Ivy's decision. "We will be together again in college!" Sandra cheered happily trying to lift the mood but Ivy could only manage a sad smile. Sandra knew then, Ivy had fallen in love with Jason without noticing and it would be too hard for her to pull out of it the later she stopped it.

"But… are you sure you can leave him by then?" Sandra asked as Ivy wavered.

"If you can do it, I must do it…" Ivy fought back her tears and bravely declared a war with herself. Sandra gave her a sad smile.

"It's not easy Ivy… I'm still trying to let go… Your reasons are different from mine… I could get over it sooner than you… Perhaps you should seriously consider pulling out now before it gets too overwhelming?" Sandra advised as Ivy winced thinking about it.

"But I can't… not when Nancy is still unstable. I will when the time comes… It's bound to happen…" Ivy said as she forced herself to continue to munch on the sandwich.

"Appreciate every moment, Ivy… remember only the blissful memories… it would be easier to let go…" Sandra advised as they finished up their breakfast in silence and intermittently fed Lucky what they couldn't finish.

Deep down, Ivy already knew the answers but she wondered if she could pull it off when the time came as she wished for time to stop for her to enjoy every moment she could have with Jason.