Chapter 29: Missing you

Ivy knew Jason was leaving for another town in the evening and was curious about where it would be but yet she hesitated to ask as she kept choking on her words whenever she wanted to ask. It had been on her mind since they departed from the hotel and to her surprise, she felt she would miss him a lot.

Ivy stood watching him at the front door of his room as he tried to finish packing his luggage while keeping his best to ignore Ivy first who was being absolutely quiet. He knew with their actions lately, it would be hard for him to control himself soon. He was even on the verge of considering a real relationship with her but he ended up hesitating as the fewer interactions and distance they had, the easier it would be for him to unfold his plans with her father.

Besides, by then, Ivy might hate him more than ever. It would only hurt both parties if he made any move now.

"I will be away for a week but you can still hang out in my house…" Jason finally gathered enough guts to break the silence after zipping up his luggage which sent Ivy looking up at him in a daze only to be disappointed by what he said.

She nodded and looked back down on the ground sadly. Jason felt a little guilty as he approached her. 

"Well, my mum already knew you would drop by often so if you happen to see her just try not to say so much…" Jason paused a while wondering if he should explain further about his family's situation but decided not to in view that he was rushing for time. He then noticed Ivy kept nodding only to what he said while looking on the ground sadly as Lucky had been sitting beside her staring at him sadly as well. The sight was enough to make him hesitate to leave them both. Nancy crossed his mind as the last thing while he walk a step closer to them both but there was no respond from Ivy.

"And stay away from Nancy as much as you could. At work, keep staying by Marcel's side. Leave work on time and come back to study. Don't sleep too late…" Jason went on into a nagging state instead. Ivy continued staring on the ground while pouting. She couldn't help but to feel more disappointed .

Jason was close enough to hold on to her shoulders. "Do you hear me, missy?" Ivy was startled at his sudden gesture as she nodded and an idea suddenly came up in mind to give him a surprise while he was away. The idea itself, curved the ends of her lips into a mischievous smile.

"What's with that smile? Don't you dare try something funny I tell you." He warned as he pointed a finger at her. 

Ivy couldn't help but to giggle as he attempted to tickle her to get her to agree.

"Alright, alright I promise you. Please don't ignore my text.." She tilted her head to one side teasing him. It was enough to make Jason's heart stop a beat as he nodded and admitted to himself that he would miss her.

"I will miss you…" However, Ivy beat him in saying it out first as she giggled and turned around to walk out of the room with Lucky when Jason was struck by what she had just said.

In a nick of time, he grabbed on her right hand as she twirled into his arms. 

A momentary exchange of stares happened as he savored every moment watching her smile before he pulled her in gently for a hug. 

"Stay safe and away from trouble. Wait for me to be home, alright?" He said gently, half feeling guilty for what he will be doing and half regretting his decision. 

She nodded at his seriousness as she toyed with the idea of having a few guppies in a small fish bowl to be his surprise. Every time the idea popped up in her mind, her face glowed with glee even while on the way down the stairs to the main door. Jason couldn't help but to wonder what was on her mind but he hoped he could see the same smile when he returned the next Friday. 

With the surprise in mind, Ivy had managed to keep her smile all the way while sending Jason off with Marcel who waited downstairs. In mind, at first the thought of getting him a gift got her excited but not till she realised it was also a farewell gift.

The moment Marcel drove off and she was left all alone with Lucky, only then did she remember that within six months or less, she could no longer come to this house she had gotten used to and have so much fun with Lucky who would be back to being alone.

"The guppies I am going to bring home would accompany you alright?" Ivy said to Lucky as she hugged him and cried, no longer able to bear the sudden sadness which pricked on her heart.

Marcel noticed how quiet and calm Jason was on the way to the airport. It was rather not his usual self as he preferred to brief himself over the details of his business trip by reading his documents multiple times to ensure he did not miss anything, especially when Marcel was still around to consult face to face. However, this time not even once he flipped the file on hand because apart from knowing the details clearly in mind, he was dreading the meeting. 

Marcel noticed a heavy sadness hovering over Jason ever since he left home. Marcel knew Jason was meeting Mr. Ophal, Ivy's father and it was getting inevitable for Jason to fend for his growing company. Marcel only hoped when the time came, Jason would make the right decision.

"You're alright, Jason?" Marcel asked while stopping by a traffic light. 

Jason blinked and sighed before asking absentmindedly. "Marcel, is there any other way other than getting Mr. Ophal's funds?"

"Jason, we have gone through a lot of meetings and negotiations to come to this choice… We had no other choices… Given the company's size, many would just want to buy us out rather than collaborate." Marcel explained nonchalantly before starting to drive again.

"I mean…" Jason realised Marcel thought he was serious as he cleared his throat. 

"Sorry… I wasn't asking seriously. I know the situation…" Jason apologised as he straightened his sitting position while Marcel grimaced.

"Are you worried about Ivy?" Marcel asked while Jason nodded. Marcel knew it was time he should point out the obvious to his friend.

"Jason, do you think the fake relationship you both are putting on has probably begun to be something you both mutually accept as part of your daily life?" Marcel questioned. 

"What do you mean?" Jason asked in confusion. 

"Meaning, if I were to tell someone the both of you are dating, they would have believed me." Marcel exclaimed.

"That's true… I have noticed it and I have been wondering a lot about it, Marcel. I even hesitated on this trip many times and tried to find an excuse not to attend. What use can it be if I keep postponing it for the sack of a relationship that wouldn't last?" Jason lamented while looking out the window.

"Jason, perhaps things might turn out the other way? Ivy is a very smart and understanding lady. I'm sure she will come to terms with your decisions." Marcel comforted as Jason hoped the same but knowing himself, he preferred to stay in the prudent side.

"Look after Ivy for me while I am away… Keep her away from trouble, especially with Nancy." Jason said to Marcel at the sight of the airport departure entrance. Marcel nodded before alighting after parking the car to unload Jason's luggage.

"The company is counting on you but it's not the only thing in your life. You need to keep some of yourself for yourself too Jason." Marcel advised Jason as he smiled at Marcel's good intention.

"Thank you, buddy!" Jason pulled him in for a hug before waving goodbye to him and walked off to the departure hall. 

Marcel felt bad for Jason but he knew it was all depending on how well Ivy could accept the facts eventually as he drove away hoping for the best for the couple.