Bonus Chapter


As the ladies stood there gossiping as I went to find another way to reach Rocco.

When I asked a woman who was passing by to tell me another way to reach the building, she looked at me warily but told me to take the back way, and that it will take at least 15 minutes longer to reach there.

And when I followed the directions she told me, I found that the whole valley was flooded with water.

This was getting out of my hands, as I can't use my magic. I made my way to the main area and got inside the carriage, gritting my teeth, that I had to lose such a fine chance to meet with Rocco Marino.


A black cat sat staring at a short girl with raven hair climbing in the carriage, sighing that his mission was complete.

He was a little envious of the girl as her hair was darker and looked more shiny than his dark fur.

'It doesn't matter I am more handsome' Cosmo the cat thought.

He yawned tired and hungry from following the girl since the morning, his mission was to keep her away from the harm, and as his mistress knew that the girl could not be trusted to make rational decisions, she had sent him to keep an eye on her.

He watched as the carriage rolled away from this dangerous part of the city; she had no reason to be here when she was already in so much danger being in the heart of the enemy kingdom.

"What was she even thinking? That naïve girl. It was a good thing that I am so good at what I do or that girl would have been killed or worse, if someone had found out her identity, they would have sold her to the highest bidder." Cosmo thought proud of himself.

'I will get so many treats when I tell mistress about this, I make sure to ask the rare fish prismfin.' Just the thought of it was enough to make cosmos stomach grumble in hunger.

As he was about to go and catch some street rats when he smelled the most delicious smell of the fish. He had seen someone selling the fish in the market earlier but when he tried to steal some of it, he got caught as the basket was enchanted to keep the thieves away.

Sniffing the enchanting aroma Cosmo followed the scent into the nook of an abandoned alley, there was a bin in the corner of the alley, it was from there he could smell that delicious aroma, 'someone must have thrown it away' he thought and jumped on top of the bin.

Before he could land, he was caught by his neck by someone, roaring his disapproval, he turned to murder the cruel person who was keeping him away from his dinner.

Only to find her!

His eyes widened in fear, he struggled to get out of her strong grip to no avail.