Chapter 307

Jin pulled out his sword.

He felt a chilling sensation through his fingertips as the bones and organs clung to the blade.

The flame of hell that had engulfed the surroundings began to rapidly diminish once the guardian fell.

All those flames, which had seemed so powerful, were disappearing as if they had never existed in the first place. Tiny, warm embers floated like flower petals in the air.

The flames that had surrounded the guardian's body also disappeared.

The shadow force flowed from the guardian's body, which was covered in severe wounds. Her breathing was rapid, but it soon calmed as if she had accepted her fate.


Murakan landed on the ground in haste and transformed into his human form.

Although he had just fought against the guardian out of necessity, Sarah was still an old friend and comrade for Murakan. 

The guardian wasn't the real Sarah but her replica. Nonetheless, the traces of Sarah Runcandel's soul were still mixed within the guardian.

It was torment for Murakan to watch the guardian's final moments, even though he had fought this battle to grant the guardian this rest.

Cuicantelle also transformed into her human form and took her place beside Murakan. She bit her lower lip and had mixed feelings about it.


"Yeah, it's me, Murakan. Damn it. Have you come back to your senses now? Look at what state you are in."

His voice trembled with emotion. Murakan bent down and took the guardian's hand. It was cold. It was hard to believe that this hand had wielded such incredible flames with an injured body.

[You and Solderet's new contractor…]

The guardian paused at that moment.

The phrase 'new contractee' reminded her of a fact she had momentarily forgotten. Temar was dead, and the glorious ancient Runcandel had vanished into history.

Murakan had only just returned to her after all this time, and the people witnessing her final moments were not Runcandel Magic Swordsman but silver dragon bystander and unfamiliar faces.

[...Fortunately, you had enough strength to beat me in my weakened state.]

Sarah, what happened to you?

What kind of end did Temar meet a thousand years ago? Why did Solderet make you the guardian of the tomb, and what is Zipfel trying to gain by searching his tomb?

Why did Solderet leave this story to you and not to Misha or me? What were those things he didn't tell me at the time, and why...

Murakan couldn't bring himself to ask Sarah about these things.

He felt he didn't have the right. Regardless of the reasons, he couldn't shake the guilt of not being with his comrades from that time until the end.

Above all, Murakan was no longer Temar's Guardian Dragon. The ancient Runcandel was no longer his to command.

It was now Jin's task to learn the truth through Solderet's arrangements.

Murakan's role now was to be Jin's Guardian Dragon.

"You've endured all this... alone... for so long. I'm sorry."

He expected sharp reprimands, just like the time with Sylderay.

But the guardian looked Murakan in the eyes and replied differently.

[Just as we suffered, you must have suffered as well. There's no need for apologies.]

Murakan didn't reply and held Sarah's hand tightly.

[But Cuicantelle, it's quite unexpected that you are here. You and your god agreed to remain neutral, didn't you? Have you had a change of heart?]

Even though she had regained her senses, Sarah still harbored a sense of betrayal toward Cuicantelle.

"Like you Runcandels who followed Temar's commands without question, I too cannot go against the will of Olta."

[Yeah, I guess you couldn't help it because you're a Dragon. I understand. But remember that the patriarch, My Orabeoni, was always willing to sacrifice himself for your sake.]

Jin's eyes widened at the mention of Orabeoni.

Sarah Runcandel was Temar's younger sister.

[I sincerely hope your powerful god won't just stand by in the battles that boy must face.]

Cuicantelle, like Murakan, couldn't respond to these words.

However, separate from any feelings of betrayal, Sarah did not truly hate or abhor Cuicantelle.

[Still, there's one thing I'm thankful for. Because of you, I was able to avoid the fate of killing Murakan and that boy with my own hands.]

Indeed, without Cuicantelle's power, Jin would not have been able to defeat the Guardian.

The Guardian met Jin's eyes.

[Jin Runcandel.]

"Yes, Dame Sarah."

[It's been truly a long time since I lost. I've mistreated you due to the exhaustion of prolonged ancient battle.]

"Well, you've been guarding this place alone for a thousand years, so it's not that bad."

The skeletal remains of the old mages that had once filled the subspace were now nowhere to be found. They had turned to dust when the flame of hell spread.

Jin's companions, who had been protecting themselves with shields, approached Jin from behind.

They had no memories with Sarah like Murakan and Cuicantelle, and they didn't have the sense of obligation as descendants like Jin. Yet, they found themselves unable to hold any ill feelings toward Sarah, who had tried to kill them.

It was as if they could understand the time she had endured without hearing any explanation.

Furthermore, Jin's companions felt powerless and realized that they had to push themselves harder if they were to fight alongside Jin.

[Thanks for saying that. Jin, my distant descendant.]

"Please, speak."

[What's the situation of the current Runcandel?]

"It's not as glorious as your time that I haven't experienced, I imagine."

[Zipfel is likely still reigning supreme in the world.]

Jin nodded.

The Guardian was currently feeling the chill of death due to the continuous flowing shadow force out of her body.

A horse whisper escaped from the trembling lips of the Guardian.

[We burdened you with a great responsibility.]

"Becoming Solderet's contractor and inheriting the will of my ancestors has always been seen as an opportunity rather than a burden. So, you don't have to think of it that way."

Indeed, that was the case. Compared to the miserable life he had experienced before his regression, this current life was nothing short of a blessing. 

Moreover, Jin wasn't just inheriting the will of the ancient Runcandels. He was forging a new life with his own will.

[You have a way with your words. Come closer.]

The Guardian couldn't see Jin properly because she was completely blind now.

Gilly patted Murakan's back while Enya held Cuicantelle's hand.

[I, Sarah Runcandel, and the Guardian of Temar Runcandel's tomb, shall pass on my inheritance to Jin Runcandel.]

Jin bowed his head. Suddenly, the rune characters began to form over the Guardian's entire body.

'Rune characters...?'

Rune characters were shining even in the places of her missing arm or above the hole in her chest. 

These rune characters contained the secret technique of Runcandel's magic sword that Sarah Runcandel had acquired throughout her life.

It was not an inheritance from Solderet, but a legacy left by the Guardian through her own will.

The rune characters flowed out of Sarah's body as if a soul leaving the body and seeped into Jin. The rune characters also transferred memories that Sarah had while creating the flame of hell.

It was a transmission method similar to the one that 5th battle king Boras had shown, unique to the Plutonian Tribe, or like Hister's unique inheritance magic spell.

[I was hoping that someone suitable to wield this sword would come. It seems that at least one of my small wishes has come true.]

The Guardian's rune characters, unlike the other runes that Jin had inscribed on his body, remained hidden most of the time. They only emitted light when activating the flame of hell.

"...This is an unexpected and significant gift."

[It is not that great compared to the consolation you gave me. Thanks to you, I can finally find peace.]

Sarah's body was gradually disintegrating into shadow force particles. The shadow force that had flowed in her veins instead of blood was rising to the sky like fine dust, and slowly wrapped around Jin.

Jin was about to enter another subspace filled with old stories just like with Sylderay.

"Do you have any final words, Dame Sarah?"

[I hope it wasn't too hard for all of you.]

Not 'you,' but 'all of you.'

Upon hearing this, Murakan and Cuicantelle tensed and clench their fists. They had hoped that she would at least express some resentment for coming late.

However, instead of leaving behind such malicious words, she left a brief reflection on her thousand-year-long solitary battle.

[Finally... I can join my orabeoni and my companions.]

Gradually, the Guardian's body completely transformed into shadow force particles. Jin and his companions briefly paid their respects to her. The shadow force gently swirled and made a soft noise.

"I will momentarily disappear into a different subspace. Please don't be alarmed and wait for me, everyone."

Zzzz... Zzzz...

Just like before, Jin could hear a distant voice., Sa... ndel., Sa...

Though it was hard to hear clearly, the voice belonged to someone Jin knew better than anyone else.

'It's Murakan's voice...!'

The other couldn't hear that voice.

Jin turned his head quickly to look at Murakan, but it seemed that even he couldn't hear his own voice from the past.

Only Jin could hear it.

Amidst the echoing voice, the swirling shadow force particles completely enveloped Jin.

After the shadow force particles disappeared, Jin's companions could only look in bewilderment at the spot where Jin and Sarah had been.

When Jin opened his eyes again, he was greeted by darkness, just like in the First Tomb.

But unlike what he had experienced in the First Tomb, this time, the subspace did not appear to be fully preserved.

It was filled with ominous ruptures amidst the darkness, and the entire subspace seemed to be trembling, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Furthermore, the disturbing noise of the collapsing space constantly scratched at his eardrums.

Just as Sarah had been injured from her long battle, this subspace had also been destroyed.

Jin instinctively understood this fact and moved forward.

He was heading in the direction where the voice was coming from, in search of the recording device left by Solderet.

After a while, a giant orb glowing with an ashy light came into view.

As he got closer to the sphere, Murakan's voice, which had been faint, became clearer.

We need to stop him...

We need to stop him, Sarah Runcandel.

The scene being displayed by the orb showed a conversation between Murakan and Sarah from a thousand years ago.

Both of them were covered in blood, as if they had just finished a battle, and their clothes and armor were torn in various places.

Sarah stared at Murakan.

What do you mean, 'We need to stop him'? Don't tell me you're saying we should kill the patriarch? You? Of all people? Giving up on the patriarch...?

Murakan did not answer her. He simply touched his forehead as if exhausted.