Chapter 312


On March 21, 1799, Jin, Gilly, and Murakan were returning to the Garden of Swords after their long-deserved vacation.

Clippity-clop, clippity-clop, clippity-clop!

The rhythmic sound of horses' hooves pulling the Runcandel steel carriage echoed cheerfully. Jin occasionally waved to the people of Kalon passing by outside the carriage while contemplating Misha's information about Valeria's hiding place.


The city of the lawless, Mamit.

Valeria was currently residing there under the alias of Arya Aulhart.

-There's an inn in Mamit called 'Moonlit Well.' It's a place where the kings of those scum reside.

-I've carried out a mission in that place during my cadet days. Is Arya Aulhart staying there?

-Yes, she often uses Mamit as a base of sorts, and she lived there when she was around the age of fourteen.

-This is crazy. A fourteen-year-old girl lived in a place like that? That Arya girl must be quite extraordinary. Moreover, if the kings of that place are staying in the inn, does Arya also hold some position in the city as well?

-Well, I haven't looked into it in detail, but she's indeed an exceptional individual, like a well-sharpened sword.

That was the conversation Jin had with Misha before leaving her bar.

Jin smiled as he imagined his old teacher who might be staying in Mamit.

'I did think she's probably there around this time. I remembered how she described Mamit as more romantic than one thinks.'

Jin knew that Valeria had spent two years in Mamit. That's why he had asked the bartender if there was a person using the name 'Hister' in Mamit when he carried out his mission in his cadet days.

'Knowing my teacher, there must be a reason why she's making Mamit one of her bases. She's not someone who acts without a purpose…'

Jin and Valeria met when he was twenty-five and she was twenty-three years old, and spent about three years together. 

During that time, they had many deep conversations and glimpses into each other's innermost thoughts, but Jin didn't know everything about Valeria's actions.

'I'm meeting my teacher six years earlier in this life than I did in my past one.'

He was curious about what more he could learn about Valeria and how they could be together, just like they had been in their past lives.

Jin momentarily lifted his head while reminiscing about Valeria. He quickly dismissed any sentimental feelings he might have had, knowing that their reunion was only true for him and there was no use dwelling on it.

Jin brought out two shadow force marbles from his pocket. The first and the second could be distinguished by their size and color.

"It's fascinating, young master. To think these small marbles were recording devices."

Gilly commented as she gazed at the shadow force marbles.

"I'm genuinely intrigued. If this Arya kid can restore the device, I'd like to see it for myself. Are you going to Mamit right away?" Murakan said.

"I'm heading there immediately, unless there's something urgent in the Garden of Swords."

The carriage came to a halt. As the guardian knights opened the door, Petro approached and greeted Jin. He had been waiting at the entrance of the Garden of Swords for Jin's return.


"Young master, how was your vacation?"

"I felt like I had a good rest for the first time in a long time. Did everything go smoothly in my absence?"

"All I have done was handle simple paperwork and room management when you're not here. I had a leisurely time, young master."

Petro said that, but he had been extremely busy during Jin's absence. He had inspected the Volta clan's territory in Jin's place, discussed articles regarding Jin Dino, and invested the funds allocated for Jin in various secure businesses. 

Above all, he had kept a close eye on the state of the clan in Jin's absence.

As a result, Petro had noticed one peculiar incident.

"Madame Rosa is away at the moment, so there's no need for you to report your return, young master."

"Where did she go?"

"I'm sorry, young master. I am not aware of where she is."

Petro spoke to Jin while keeping the presence of the guardian knights near the carriage in mind.

Petro began to speak upon entering the room.

"Young master, Madame Rosa has gone to the Ghost castle."

The Ghost Castle was home of Ghost mercenary corps, one of the largest and notorious mercenary groups, together with Black Kings.

At this point, there was only one reason why Rosa would visit that place.

"She has gone to meet Kelliark Zipfel."

There weren't many places where the leaders of both clans could meet informally to ensure each other's safety. The Ghost Castle had been historically used as a secret meeting place between Runcandel and Zipfel.

The Ghost mercenaries managed to maintain a similar scale of forces to the Black Kings despite accepting fewer commissions because they provided their base as a meeting place and receiving annual fees from both clans.

"How did you find out? It must have been top secret."

"The head scribe owed a debt to young lady Luna, so I used that to find out, young master."

In other words, Petro had used one of his only cards to make the head scribe do his bidding. 

He should have done this after reporting to Jin, but instead, Jin did not reprimand him and silently waited for Petro's next words.

Petro must have had a reason for acting this way, as Jin believed. And Petro's reasoning was related to Joshua.

"I obtained information that the elder council recently discussed about a reward for the 2nd flagbearer. I couldn't determine the details, but shortly after the reward was decided, Madame Rosa headed to the Ghost castle. That's why I judged it to be a matter of utmost importance."

"Do you know precisely what reward they discussed giving the 2nd flagbearer?"

"I'm sorry, young master, I couldn't find that out."

"No, you did well. It seems there's a clear connection between these two facts."

Jin immediately made a hypothesis. 

Joshua had achieved something. 

And the result of it was so extraordinary that Rosa could propose a deal directly to Zipfel. 

Otherwise, Rosa wouldn't have visited the Ghost castle so urgently.

'It is not Barton Vicenna. My mother wouldn't have met Kelliark for the reasons related to that man. If she had, she would have met him before giving me the mission."

What kind of achievement had Joshua made?

Petro had learned about the secret meeting between Rosa and Kelliark using the head scribe. 

However, he couldn't determine what Joshua had achieved or the kind of reward he was supposed to receive. This meant that Joshua's achievement was more important than a secret meeting between the leaders of both clans.

As Jin contemplated this, he heard footsteps approaching from outside.

"Is the youngest here?!"

A boisterous voice. It was Zed.

Jin suppressed his laughter as he faced Zed.

'It looks like you succeeded in improving the decisive killing move, falling petals.'

Jin, Petro, and Gilly bowed their heads.

"Hello, uncle."

"You little brat, you should have said something before going on vacation!"

"I didn't think you would be upset, uncle."

"It's not that I'm upset. Hmph! Forget it. The fact that you left without telling has brought disgrace upon your uncle."

"Did something happen?"

"These damn old sacks don't believe a word I say. Haha, follow me. Today's the day we'll show those old bastards their place."

This was something Jin couldn't have imagined during his intermediate class days, but he felt warmly about Zed's excitement.

"Yes. Shall we, uncle."

Zed took the lead and walked toward the training ground like an excited young boy.

However, Zed was unaware that his nephew was using him and that his calculation was complete.


Zed drew his sword as soon as they arrived.

"Now, have a look. Your uncle has developed the decisive killing move which is every bit as good as the Plutonian waterfall you showed me."

"Uncle, I have something to say before we proceed."

"What is it?"

"I've changed my mind a bit, uncle. Please give your name to the improved Falling Petals instead of mine."

Zed squinted his eyes.

"What is this change all of a sudden?"

"I did not feel like showing my abilities to the other elders. I could boast about things I have, but they won't appreciate it anyway."

"What are you talking about? I've already spoken to the old sacks. We agreed to reward you once I prove that the clan's decisive killing move has advanced thanks to you, after you return from the holidays. Besides, I've already told them about the 6th decisive killing move, the 'the lighting flash.'"

"Lightning flash? The 6th decisive killing move? You don't mean the Fourth flagbearer babbled about my other sword techniques to the elders."

"Is that what's bothering you?"

Jin shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Uncle, I don't have that many cards to play in order to survive as a flagbearer in this ruthless clan. I would not have enough even if I keep them hidden and only use them in crucial moments."

"That … hmm. I guess you could feel like that."

"Beside, the elders won't appreciate what I have, so there's no need to share it with them."

"But, my boy, don't you have any sense of pride? If you don't prove it, they will think I lied because of my pride."

"Uncle, please take credit for the improvement of the 4th decisive killing move, Falling petals. I will not prove anything about the 6th decisive killing move, nor will I ever perform the Plutonian waterfall in front of elders."

Jin's unwavering attitude left Zed completely frustrated for a moment.

He couldn't understand why Jin's demeanor had suddenly changed so drastically, but upon reflection, he couldn't argue with Jin's words. They made sense.

'Did anything happen during his holiday? Why is he suddenly...?'

At that moment, a thought crossed Zed's mind.

'This brat wants something from me...!'

Come to think of it, Jin's smirk was quite obvious.


"Yes, uncle."

"Do you want to negotiate with me?"

Jin shook his head in the most pretentious way possible.

"You damned kid. Just speak frankly. If your request is reasonable, I'll consider granting it."

"Alright, I'll tell you. What is the achievement the 2nd flagbearer made, so that my mother go to Ghost Castle"

Zed's eyes widened.

"What? You've just returned, so how did you find out about this?"

"Please tell me."

"You are hell bent on ruining your uncle's reputation if I don't tell you."

"I am a flagbearer of Runcandel as well. I don't want to be excluded from the crucial events of the clan."

It was unpleasant, but once again, he couldn't argue with Jin's words.

Zed sighed.

"Youngest, I don't know exactly what Joshua has achieved."

"I asked for too much. I apologize. I'll go back."

Jin bowed his head and turned around. Zed clenched his teeth.

"Hey, little brat!"

"Yes, uncle?"

He is in.

Jin was certain, and he met eyes with Zed.

"You must never speak of it anywhere about the things I am about to say now."

"I swear."

"By any chance..."

Have you heard of the Hister clan?

Jin almost choked in surprise when he heard Zed's words.