Chapter 317

Arya Aulhart.

Most of the flagbearers exchanged looks of confusion when Valeria's favorite alias came out of Rosa's mouth. 

Because they didn't know who it was. The only flagbearers who knew this name were Jin and Joshua.

But no one dared to ask Rosa, 'Mother, who is that?' It was absurd, but asking such a question would only prove one's own incompetence. 

On the other hand, the elders who decided to give Joshua a reward were naturally aware of Arya's existence. They slyly emphasized their better knowledge over most flagbearers by making it sound like an obvious matter.

"The acting matriarch and the second flagbearer made a great decision.This is a person who need to be found quickly,even if we have to inform the rest flagbearers in the process."

The elder council president and chief of Black sword association, Jorden Runcandel, said with a smile. Elder council Vice President and chief of guardians of law, Lynn Milcano nodded as if in agreement, and Elder council secretary and chief of guardians of civilians, Tellot Runcandel did not respond otherwise.

Jorden secretly turned his gaze to Joshua.

"The second flagbearer played a big role in this."

"That's right, Elder Council President Jorden. The 2nd flagbearer figured out the name, so we can move ahead of the Zipfel."

"You're right."

The elders who supported Jorden and Joshua chimed in, driving the flagbearers insane.

'Elder brother Joshua didn't tell us anything in particular.'

'Fucking old sacks. What the hell are they talking about? Why can't they explain things before they discuss them?'

Myu and Anne were thinking this.

'Why are the elders making it sound like elder brother Joshua made a great achievement? What could he have achieved this time?'

'Are they finishing up their preparations to turn him into the patriarch?'

Ran and Vigo.

'Oh, let's just be quiet.'

'Still, act as if we are serious.'

Tona brothers.

'Have you heard anything, Orabeoni?'


Mary and Diphus.

'It's cumbersome and annoying...'

And finally, Luntia.

While each flagbearer was busy in their own thoughts, Rosa spoke again.

"Most flagbearers don't know what the name Arya Aulhart means. Let me explain. She is the last remaining surviving member of the Hister clan, a clan of mages that once threatened Zipfel…..."

Rosa continued to explain about 'Histers' for a while.

The period when the Histers were active, the reason they were able to threaten Zipfel with magic, and how such a great clan had been erased from history that it is difficult to find even relevant historical records.

'She knows quite a lot of details about it.'

In his past life, Jin was not a flagbearer, so he couldn't participate in these meetings. At that time, Jin knew very little about the Runcandel clan.

Rosa, no. Runcandel was more interested in the Hister clan than Jin expected.

"...So, if we find Arya Aulhart first and get information about the Hister clan's succession temple and record the magic she knew. We will have a key asset to press Zipfel."

It was really surprising that Rosa brought out the words 'record magic' and 'succession temple of the Histers' directly. Jin did not think Rosa would share that much information with anyone other than Joshua.

'Well, there's nothing strange about it. She is telling this only to a few key members of the elder council and the flagbearers.'

The flagbearers' eyes lit up when Rosa finished explaining.They had an intuition that an 'opportunity' had come for everyone.

"Mother, then, the reason why you called today's meeting is to order the flagbearers to find this individual?"

"Yes, Ran. Searching and capturing Arya Aulhart is a constant mission of the Runcandel's Flagbearers as of today. It will be classified as top secret, so the use of outside personnel is strictly forbidden."

"All right."

"If the information that we are looking for Hister is leaked to the outside, I will definitely find the source of the leak and punish all those involved. There are no exceptions. Therefore, each flagbearer should carefully select your guardian knights to this mission."

The flagbearers nodded with heavy hearts. She declared that there would be expectations in the punishment.

If any knights under their control leaked ant information by mistake in carrying out this mission, they would be the ones to bear the responsibility.

This meant that they could be stripped of their status as flagbearer.

And that will soon lead to banishment or exile without a promise of return.

"Zipfels are also looking for that person with their eyes wide open right now. But they don't know the name Arya Aulhart yet.We must secure Hister before Zipfel by all means."



Jorden coughed and drew attention to himself.

"As the elder council president, there are a few things I would like to tell the flagbearers about this mission. First, I want the flagbearers to understand clearly that this mission is not just for achievement, but is an important matter for the clan...."

Jorden paused for a moment and took his time.

"Second, all flagbearers will report the mission progress to the current top flagbearer, the 2nd Flagbearer."

Jordan's words confirmed some of their fears. 

A disappointment shone in the eyes of some flagbearers. They thought it would be an opportunity to make an achievement without being discriminated against by Rosa, but this time also it's all about eldest son, Joshua.

Of course, everyone acknowledged the fact that Joshua will be the patriarch no matter what they did.

So, they had little desire to compete for the patriarch seat by building up their achievements as a flagbearer.

But at times like this, they felt disillusioned. It felt like they were not flagbearers, but just puppets to fill the seats. Why had they struggled all their lives to become flagbearers if this was what they got in return?

Even if they can't become the patriarch, they want to be proud of themselves.

Rosa saw through the thoughts of the flagbearers, but completely ignored them.

It was because she had trained them in a way that they would never be able to rebel against her unless they could prove their rights, no matter how many times she ignored them. 

In that regard, out of eleven flagbearers remaining in the clan, there were only four people who could show displeasure to Rosa and the elders.

"I do not understand, elder council president. Why did you say that the mission progress report has to be done through the 2nd flagbearer?"

"The 4th flagbearer is right, Elder council president. The 2nd flagbearer is literally a flagbearer, not the patriarch, or the acting patriarch."

Diphus and Mary. They have consistently proven their rights before becoming flagbearers.

Whether it's about power or about mission accomplishment. Neither of them has ever disappointed Chiron, Rosa, or the elder council.

However, the fact that they never disappointed them doesn't mean that both of them had a good relationship with all the elders. They didn't respect Jorden, and they haven't yet given up the seat of patriarchy.

"Oh. Looks like the 4th and 7th flagbearers have a complaint."

"Of course we do. You are trampling on the pride of the flagbearers. I don't understand why you're creating this division when you say it's an important clan matter."

"Then why didn't you get the name Arya Aulhart?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's the 2nd flagbearer, not you, who figured out the name that even Zipfel failed to obtain.This achievement is solely for the 2nd flagbearer. We are rather considerate of you to share the benefits."

As expected, Jorden leisurely responded to their argument.

"Oh, is that so? I had no idea. Then, elder brother Joshua, no. The 2nd flagbearer could search for the Hister himself. Why did you have to gather us all? Is this the elder council president's idea or my mother's?"


"Perhaps it is not worse than how you are treating us, elder council president Jorden."

Mary gritted her teeth, and Rosa raised her hand lightly.

"Enough, 7th flagbearer. I understand that you are offended, but be courteous to the elder council president. And elder council president Jorden, I hope you will understand. They are young and hot-blooded."

The three people who were growling, stopped talking at Rosa's words.

Rosa then turned to Jin and Luntia, another flagbearers who had a say.

"The 3rd Flagbearer, the 12th Flagbearer. Do you have anything else to say?"


"Me neither."

"Then let's do this. Fine, as per 4th and 7th flagbearers' request, you will report to me directly instead of reporting through Joshua. Also, I will hand over the control of the five eastern regions of Huphester to those who bring Hister."

At those words, everyone in the conference room turned their attention to Rosa. Even Joshua and Jorden, who are obviously on Rosa's side, have expressions of great surprise.

The only person who kept a nonchalant face was Jin.

'The sovereignty of the five eastern regions. I can't even compare it to the 400 million gold coins that hung around my neck...'

And Joshua was surprised and turned his head to look at Rosa. But in the process he looked at Jin's composed face, and he felt something out of place.

Control of the Five Eastern Regions.

It was, in fact, the biggest reward a flagbearer could have, aside from becoming the patriarch.

Even if you can't become the patriarch, you can build your own forces, if you have control over the five eastern regions.

The 'five eastern regions' is a top three prized land among the regions any flagbearer or an elder was allowed to possess.

The rest of the flagbearers who had no choice but to hide their disappointment when Joshua had been set to take all credit for himself were screaming with joy to themselves.

It no longer mattered whether Chiron or Rosa acknowledged them or not. If they found and brought Arya Aulhart, they would be able to rule as the conqueror of the east.

"Now, everyone must have realized just how important this is. Once again, this is a top-secret and constant mission. Everyone be vigilant and bring Hister to me. That is all!"

The meeting ended. 

The flagbearers and elders bowed their heads to Rosa and began to leave the meeting room. The butlers and scribes, who were waiting in front of the meeting room, followed each of their respective masters.

'It looks like the negotiation between my mother and Kelliark Zipfel must have broken off if she is still looking for my teacher. Besides, rewarding the five eastern regions, what is my mother trying to get in return for handing my teacher over to the Zipfel?'

It wasn't something that Jin could guess yet. However, it is clear that Rosa will get something so great that she even mentioned the sovereignty of the five eastern regions.

Jin was about to go back to his room while thinking about it.

"Jin." Joshua called Jin.

"What's the matter, 2nd Flagbearer?"

Joshua distanced himself from his butler and Guardian knights when Jin turned around.

The words come out of Joshua's mouth when only the two of them are left in the empty hallway, and it's completely unexpected for Jin.

"You already found it, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Arya Aulhart, you have already found this person."