Chapter 326

[T.L: punisher87]

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Jin thought he misheard.

"What...? No outside access for three years? Are you sure?"

"Yes, young master. Rumors are already circulating among the butlers and attendants."

"No, what is the basis for this?"

"Well, it's because of the business you recently started, young master..."

"You've got to be kidding me. Are they suggesting a ridiculous punishment like a three-year ban just because I did some advertising? The Council of Elders?"

"It seems so."

"Have they all gone mad? Are they treating Runcandel's flagbearer with such absurd disciplinary measures? What kind of wandering adolescent soul is it? No outside access? No outside access? It's outrageous. Gather the Council of Elders. I'll just..."

"Hold on, Lord Murakan. There are many ears here."

"They're supposed to listen! Strawberry pie, I can't believe the Council of Elders would even entertain such a ludicrous punishment."

Jin felt the same frustration as Murakan, but he couldn't express his anger.

'It's Joshua. It's not the Council of Elders; it's an idea that came from that guy's head. It seems like he's planning to propose a deal under the pretext of lifting the outside ban.'

Detention or disciplinary unit.

Jin didn't expect any other disciplinary action. So he hadn't thought about a plan to deal with it yet.


Jin clenched his teeth at the thought of the filthy and despicable situation.

On the other hand, that filthy and despicable situation was the best way to deal with Jin.

'It's a little unsettling, but if you thought you could get something from me in this way, you made a mistake. Joshua.'

Jin smoothed out his expression.

"Petro, when is the disciplinary meeting?"

"The Council president said he would hold it as soon as you return, young master. Since the sight of you returning has already been reported from the gate, I'm sure the Council members have already been summoned by the Council president."

"I should change clothes before I go."

Jin quickly found his way to his room.

"Young master, I will prepare a clean flagbearer's uniform. Should I trim your hair before you leave?"

"No, there's no need for that. Prepare the most dazzling clothes. Bring out the Golden Peng cosmetics and the hair dye."


"The Council members seem to dislike our products very much, so I have to show them how good they are."

Jin washed his face and applied makeup, his face glowing and shining with golden hair dye.

Gilly couldn't find the right words to say, while Murakan held his belly, apparently about to burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, the Council members will be bewildered! That's right, kid. That's how Runcandel should always be, challenging. Right?"

After a while, when the makeup was done, Gilly gave an awkward smile.

"Young master, are you really going like that?"

"Yeah. Just make sure Murakan doesn't cause any trouble. Oh, should I bring some product samples?"

"It's better to just go, young master. If you don't mind, may I ask what you're thinking...?"

"Strawberry pie, why are you making it so difficult to ask? Hey, kid. It's funny, but are you okay with it?"

"I'm fine. In my opinion, this punishment is just a show. Joshua only wants to make a deal with me using this as a pretext. He'll pass on the punishment and ask for the stolen items back."

Gilly nodded as if understanding.

"Phew, that's a relief. I thought you were just being rebellious, young master."

"No way, I'm not that childish. I'll be back. Don't worry too much."

Of course, there was also a part of him that wanted to infuriate the old folks in the back rooms.

Not long after leaving the room, Jin encountered his siblings in the corridor.

The first person he met was Joshua. He had been waiting for him in the corridor as soon as he heard the news of Jin's return.

He had something to say before he arrived at the disciplinary meeting.

"Jin, let's talk for a moment... Wait, you. Aren't you going to the Council president to receive your punishment?"

"That's correct."

"But what the hell is that appearance?"

"What's wrong with my appearance?"

Joshua couldn't help but feel like he was the one who looked strange in the face of Jin's confident attitude.

"What's wrong with it? The light reflecting off your hair is blinding, and that heavy makeup... It looks like something straight out of a circus! And you're going to the disciplinary meeting like that?"

"The Law of Runcandel doesn't mention anything about flagbearers not being allowed to wear makeup or dye their hair, does it? As far as I know, there is no such rule."

Joshua touched his forehead.

"Ha, right. There is no such rule. But there is a rule about maintaining dignity. The reason you're being punished is because you failed to uphold that."

"The reason for the punishment is not that. It's because the Second flagbearer influenced the Council of Elders."

A sly smile appeared on Joshua's lips.

"Yeah, that's right. I personally suggested to the Council members that they should impose punishment on you. But it wasn't because you attacked my villa. It was an issue of dignity, just like now."

"Is that so? It's the first time I've heard that I attacked the Second Flagbearer's villa."

"Take a wild guess. Since I have no intention of asking for the stolen items back anyway."

This response was unexpected.

Without responding, Jin remained silent, prompting Joshua to continue.

"Anyway, this is just a part of the power struggle. This time, you're the one who came out victorious, so you have the right to claim the spoils."

"I'm glad it won't involve harming anyone."

He replied calmly, but Joshua's attitude made him more cautious.

'The stolen shadow force marble must not be that important to him. Or maybe it wasn't Joshua's in the first place, but rather of the deceased demon? No, that doesn't seem right.'

There's something else at play.

Jin can only think of one possibility.

'Joshua still doesn't know that the shadow force marble is a recording device. And both Joshua and Mother... they probably think they can take everything from me whenever they want. They're using me until the perfect moment to take it all away.'

If that's the case, Joshua's lack of obsession with the shadow force marble might be because...

Maybe Joshua expected Jin, Solderet's official contractor, 'find out its purpose.' Or maybe he secretly wants to find out how Jin uses the shadow force marble by planting someone to observe him.

"Also, the condition of no outside access was not my idea. It's the disciplinary measure set by the Council. It's quite severe for a failure in upholding dignity, but it's your own fault for earning the Council's disdain."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"It means choose wisely. I can't fully control the Council. If they feel like it, they can even impose a three-year ban on leaving the house."

"I appreciate the advice, but I'll handle it myself. Oh, and Second Flagbearer."


"It would be wise not to touch my comrades directly from now on. I can understand up to a certain extent as long as it doesn't endanger their lives."

"Understand, huh? It doesn't seem like something you should say to me. Do you think I spared your comrades because I couldn't kill them?"

Joshua's words revealed a hint of animosity, causing Jin to shake his head.

"What I meant was to consider who stands to lose more. Think about it carefully."

At that, Joshua smirked.

"I hope you handle the imminent disciplinary matter well."

Jin and Joshua passed each other and began walking in opposite directions.

'It wasn't just a scheme by Joshua to make a deal with me.'

If that were the case, Joshua wouldn't have merely mentioned the attack on his mansion and let it go.

'Regardless, Joshua wasn't the one in charge of the disciplinary decision... I'll find out the true purpose of the Council once I meet the president.'

While heading to the disciplinary meeting, the second encounter Jin had was with the Tona brothers.

As always, they looked worried when they saw Jin, but there was something slightly different.

There was no trace of tension in their attitude at all.

"Uh, um, youngest, are you okay? It'll probably work out fine."

"Yeah, yeah. It'll pass without any trouble, right?"

The Tona brothers no longer worried about their youngest brother. Whatever happens, since he's the 'youngest,' if he's the youngest, then he'll figure things out on his own... That perception had taken root in their minds.

"But still, that flashy attire is a bit... No, maybe it's just your style."

"Cheer up, the youngest. See you later!"

Jin felt a strange cuteness from his two brothers tightly clenching their fists.

The next encounter was with Diphus and Mary.

"Ugh, those frustrating old folks. As if disciplinary action means anything. Hey, youngest. You'll be fine. They wouldn't confine a talented guy like you for three years, would they? Considering how many pending missions there are."

"They'll just restrict personal outings, but they'll still send you on missions. Probably with surveillance. The youngest, this case might be quite exhausting."

"Diphus oraboni, you're talking as if you really want the youngest to end up like that. Huh?"

"When did I say that?"

"But more importantly, youngest."

"Yes, elder sister Mary."

"Well, are you really going to go dressed like that? It's provocative and nice, but... I don't know, it feels out of place for the occasion and location."

"It might be better to change if possible."

Everyone he met pointed out his attire without fail. Jin felt confident that he had chosen his clothes very well.

'The Council will lose the justification for this disciplinary action once they see how profitable the Golden Snow tribe's products become. And if that's not enough, I can bring out the matter of the improved decisive killing move. After all, they were a force that needed to be assimilated and controlled one day.'

The reason Jin felt so confident as he headed to meet the Council president was the firm belief that the business he had started with the Golden Snow tribe would never fail and that the Council members would never let go of their desire for the decisive killing moves.


In Jin's view, the current Runcandel did not have the time to seek that. Perhaps true dignity in its real sense, but expanding the clan's business was an essential task.

Just as Zipfel used magic products to covertly turn people into their slaves, the Runcandel also needed such items.

Otherwise, they would inevitably decline. No, they were already in decline.

'If I were a Council member, I would have supported someone among the flagbearer who started such a business. Even if that person was in a hostile relationship with me. Or I would have somehow taken it away and tried to grow the business myself.'

Jin was frustrated that neither the Council nor anyone else in the clan understood this simple and clear phenomenon.

As he passed the flagbearer's hallway, he saw the Council president office.


Taking a deep breath, just as he was about to enter.


A Council member came out of the conference room. Jin inadvertently lowered his head, blocking the path of the Council member.

"Chief of the Guardians of civilians, Tellot Runcandel."

Tellot stared down at Jin for a while without responding.

"Twelfth flagbearer, Jin Runcandel."


"You don't need to go inside. Your disciplinary meeting is over."