Chapter 340

[T/L: punisher87]

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The eyes of the elders were filled with rage. If anyone dared to provoke them even slightly, it seemed as if they would tear them to shreds on the spot.

Of course, this anger was not directed at Jin, who dared to interrupt the elders and speak. It was anger directed towards Zipfel.

Most of the elders disliked Jin to some extent, or at the very least, held some animosity towards him.

They were knights who had dedicated their entire lives to Runcandel.

Regardless of whether they were pure-blood, branch families, subordinate families, or outsiders, they all had one thing in common - an overwhelming hatred and resentment towards Zipfel.

After decades of fighting against Zipfel, it was only natural for them to feel that way.

Most of the elders had memories of losing family members, companions, or lovers to Zipfel's actions.

"What is it, 12th Flagbearer!"

Jorden shouted with bloodshot eyes.

"First, I want to apologize for any unfortunate incidents caused by me."

"No need for useless words! Get to the point!"

"We should not retaliate."

Upon hearing this, the elders' eyes widened. Other flagbearers present in the meeting room also looked astonished, staring at Jin.

"What did you say!? 12th Flagbearer, what is this nonsense...!"

Jorden took brisk steps towards Jin. He got so close that their noses almost touched, and he glared at Jin with an oppressive aura. The atmosphere among the other elders was no different, as they looked equally intimidating.

"Are you aware of what you are saying?"

"Yes, I am."

"You better take the responsibility, and give a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, I'll cut your arm right here."

"It seems many people are after my arms these days. However, fortunately, no one has taken them yet."

"Don't be cheeky! Do you really think your words are right in this situation?"

"If you listened to my words until the end, even the Elder president would agree that I'm right. When I said not to retaliate, it was purely about physical retaliation."

"Physical retaliation? Are you saying we shouldn't attack Zipfel's magic product production sites?"

"That's correct."

As Jin answered without even blinking, sighs of disbelief echoed throughout the room.

How could a flagbearer make such an outrageous statement? No wonder they despised him... Tsk! The elders clenched their teeth.

While looking at them, Jin silently thought.

'Are their minds not working properly, or have they all grown older and become a bit fuzzy? To use this golden opportunity to start a fight they can't win…'

The elders weren't the only ones stunned; Jin was equally taken aback by their simplistic plan.

"Tell me... Why do you think that way?"

"Isn't it clear by now? If we touch their magic product production sites and a full-scale war starts, what would you do? Do you think we can win?"

"What nonsense!"

"I'm speaking realistically. Can we defeat Zipfel? Can we fight them right now, crush them, and make the world ours?"

There was a moment of silence.

Everyone knew the answer, but it was a question that no one could answer.

"The patriarch and the strongest flagbearer is absent, and the same goes for former Black Knights. In this situation, if we start a war with Zipfel, the likelihood of us shedding blood is much higher."

Even if the most powerful swords of Runcandel, which had departed for the Black Sea, were still guarding their original positions, it wouldn't make a difference.

Runcandel couldn't defeat Zipfel.

At least not currently. The reason why Chiron Runcandel, despite being the genesis knight, didn't engage in an all-out war with Zipfel, even after declaring to his youngest son, "I don't have much time," was because of this one reason.

So this was not the time to talk about things that couldn't be executed or shouldn't be executed.

'My father has been quiet for a reason all this time. Yes, Jorden and the elders must know that too. They're just finding it difficult to control their anger.'

They were acting like kids. They were eager to spite their opponent, but they lacked the power to do so.

So Jin needed to calm them down and lead them in a better direction.

"Touching the enemy's most critical facilities in such a situation is a shortcut to doom. Moreover, have we actually suffered any losses?"

"I never said we had no losses. How do you know?"

"I received a report from my butler on the way here. The 4th and 7th Flagbearers killed some of them, and they only suffered minor injuries. Moreover, just now, one of the elders mentioned that civilians could have been harmed. Doesn't that mean there were no civilian casualties?"

Jorden was momentarily speechless. He knew that Jin's words were correct, but he didn't want to listen to anything this wretched guy had to say.

"Therefore, we should see their recent attack as a major victory on our side. We haven't suffered any losses, but Zipfel has lost some of their unrevealed elite mages."


Jorden ground his teeth with a force that seemed like he would chew Jin up.

"So what do you suggest then? Are you trying to say that it doesn't matter what happens on the surface as long as we achieve a major victory?"

The reason Jorden was so furious was none other than this.

The decision to strike Zipfel's magic product production facilities was meant to aid Jin, whose wings Jorden always wanted to cripple.

Despite knowing that, Jordan had reluctantly given in to anger, but now it seemed like Jorden was about to explode.

"Moreover, they are not fools. To have an all-out war just because we destroy a few facilities, even when other factions are watching for an opportunity."

"Just as you said, the likelihood of Zipfel initiating a full-scale war is slim. But there is always a chance, and above all... It means that there are more efficient ways of retaliation available in the current situation."

"More efficient retaliation?"

Jorden narrowed his eyes.

"It's about turning public opinion against Zipfel."

"Ha! Is that what you're trying to say after all this? The best you could come up with is to wage a war of public opinion? They invaded our territory, and you're talking about waving a pen around and playing word games...!"

It was the reaction Jin had expected.

"Please calm down and listen, Elder president. You were angry because you have to fight for my sake, someone you despise. But in the end, you will come to understand that my plan is the best."

Jin spoke as Jorden glared at him in silence.

"You should know well how much influence Zipfel's magic products have in the world. We, too, have been suffering due to the recent absence of their magic products, causing inconvenience to civilians."

After the Holy Kingdom Incident, Zipfel completely cut off the supply of magic products to the Huphester alliance.

Although they were importing everyday magic products through the black market and smuggling, the supply was insufficient compared to before.

"In such a situation, hitting Zipfel's production facilities means abandoning public opinion. Although our clan has never cared about such things, it is now necessary. Recently, there is a trend where the title of world's greatest villain is moving from Runcandel to Zipfel."

After the Holy Kingdom Incident, Zipfel's image was deteriorating day by day. 'Benevolent Zipfel' had become a thing of the past.

On the other hand, Runcandel was showing significant positive changes. The image of 'Respected Runcandel' remained, but now it was also perceived as the only major faction that didn't experiment on humans or recklessly meddle with neutral countries like the Holy Kingdom.

All of this was undoubtedly thanks to Jin's efforts.

"We need to further influence this trend. The virtuous beastmen making cosmetics, Zipfel, which tried to massacre them without warning, and the magnificent appearance of Runcandel. Doesn't it all fit together perfectly?"

"Forming public opinion and what does that mean in terms of retaliating against Zipfel?"

"If a positive public opinion is formed about Runcandel, it will naturally lead to higher awareness of my cosmetics. That, in turn, will result in increased sales, and as my business grows, Zipfel will look more stupid."

The reason Zipfel attacked the small beastmen in the first place was that the cosmetics business belonged to 'Jin Runcandel.'

It was a retaliation against the posters that boldly advertised in the territory of Zipfel, the Lutero Magic Federation.

But even after deploying the Specters, they had failed to crush the business of a mere 12th Flagbearer. That, in itself, was humiliating for Zipfel.

"Like what the 4th and 7th Flagbearers did recently. Starting from now, please protect my business. And I request support at the clan level."

"It's becoming more and more absurd."

"Protecting my business on the clan level will be a clear message of Runcandel's disregard for Zipfel. And during this process, there will naturally be small battles. There was no problem in killing Zipfels at that time."

Jin smiled slightly as he glanced at Tellot.

Tellot had promised to push Jin forward, yet he had remained silent for some reason.

'Why is Sir Tellot staying quiet? He should step in moderately, and then the Elder president wouldn't have a choice but to back down a little.'

However, it didn't take long before Jin understood the reason.

"Do as he says."

A sharp and dignified voice affirmed Jin's opinion.

It was Rosa Runcandel, the Black Panther and Jin's mother. As Rosa spoke, the chaotic atmosphere in the meeting room instantly calmed down.

"We will protect your business. It seems you are right; taking more precautions will be better. However, starting today, the clan will take 20% of the profits from your business."

Upon hearing Rosa's words, a faint smile appeared on Tellot's lips.

-Without deception, if you faithfully dedicate 20% of the profits every month, I will do my best to support your business. And it may not be impossible to completely remove the current suspended disciplinary action.

The 20% that Rosa mentioned was already decided when Jin first had a conversation with Tellot.

As soon as Tellot heard the rumor that the Specters had attacked small beastmen, he went straight to Rosa and concluded the discussion that she would ask Jin for 20%.

"Furthermore, I will completely remove the current suspended disciplinary action against you. Remember that it's not because of your achievements but because of the situation."

There's no such thing as an undeserved favor.

'Especially when it's a relationship like that with my mother, there's never an undeserved favor. She must be trying to make me owe her something.'

Jin had a hunch that Rosa wanted something from him.