Chapter 383

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Murakan, who had heard the news belatedly, once again tried to cause a disturbance, but Petro desperately stood in his way.

"These insane people, daring to cut off the arm of the thousand-year contractor of Solderet...? And I'm the Guardian Dragon, for heaven's sake! Ha! It is already frustrating that they locked up Strawberry Pie, but are they really trying to push their luck?"

"Please, Lord Murakan, calm down. Young master must have a plan."

"You damn bastards! I'll tear them apart and feed them to the dogs."

"You must not go out, Lord Murakan! Please! If you do, it will... No, Young master will be in even greater trouble!"

Petro desperately blocked Murakan's path.

Stopping Murakan with sheer physical strength is naturally impossible for him. Instead, Petro emphasized several times that if Murakan moved, it would be troublesome for Jin.

"They cut off the arms of a martial artist! If it's not attached properly, he won't be able to swing a sword like before."

The room shook with Murakan's anger.

Everyone in the Garden of Swords could sense his energy. Therefore, outside, hundreds of knights were waiting nervously.

"I know that. But Lord Murakan, you are a Guardian Dragon, aren't you? So, in any situation, it's right to make a choice for Young master. Please hold on, and wait until Young master's surgery is over."


"Even if something goes wrong with Young master, it's not too late to express your anger then. Please, Lord Murakan. I earnestly beg you...! Please think of Gilly too!"

Petro felt like he might suffocate under Murakan's energy. His lips, pale blue, were trembling.


Murakan screamed, and Petro barely held onto his side.

Fortunately, Petro's pleas got through to him. Murakan decided to accept Petro's words for the time being.

"...Fine, what you say makes sense. I've cooled down, butler. It's not just the kid, even Strawberry Pie can be in trouble."

"You've made the right decision! Let me prepare a drink to cool your head quickly..."

Murakan passed by Petro.

"Uh, where are you going!? Lord Murakan!"

"No matter how you look at it, I'm his Guardian Dragon. I can't just sit still. I should at least give them a warning. And I have to go somewhere."


As Murakan transformed into his true form and went out into the corridor, Petro could do nothing but contemplate once again.

Crash! Thud!

The walls and ceiling of the corridor were shattered by Murakan's massive body, and debris fell. The servants fled in panic, and Murakan flew up into the sky, breaking through the ceiling.

'The Garden of Swords has been destroyed again…'

Petro, as well as everyone in the clan, was experiencing something they had never experienced before. The Garden of Swords had been destroyed twice in such small intervals.

Murakan looked down at the Garden of Swords, covering the moon. The darkness of the night sky deepened, and the knights were getting in formation.

[If the arms of Solderet's contractor, Jin Runcandel, don't recover to their original state…]

Murakan's eyes gleamed as he continued.

[Runcandel will begin to face its destruction from that day.]

His voice was audible to all of Runcandel, and they knew that the current Murakan alone couldn't bring about the destruction of Runcandel.

They were just words.

But it sounded like a sinister curse. Perhaps it was because Runcandel had a tendency to worship strange superstitions, but the members of the clan felt as if his words had weighed heavily on their hearts.

In that way, Murakan began to leave the Garden of Swords, flying somewhere.


The surgery continued throughout the early morning.

Healing the amputation required extreme concentration, and the faces of the clan's healers looked like they might pass out at any moment.

"Director, intermittent convulsions are occurring in the attached arm...! We can't control them!"

"I have eyes and a brain too, so keep your mouth shut and pour mana. What we're attaching isn't an ordinary person's arm; it's Runcandel's flagbearer's arms."

Although the arms had been reattached for a long time, the unknown convulsions continued.

This drove the medical team crazy. If they couldn't control the convulsions perfectly, the surgery would be a failure.

"If we can't perfectly restore the arm of the 12th flagbearer, the entire medical team must be prepared to die together. Damn it, there was no necrosis. What the hell is this damn convulsion? Hey! Run quickly and bring more resources!"


When the door to the surgery room suddenly opened, the head of the medical team stood up and shouted.

"Who the hell came into the operating room during surgery?"

Even though this was the Garden of Swords.

Inside the surgery room, the director of the medical team was the highest authority. Even if the person who entered was Chiron, the director of the medical team's orders were valid.

That's how Runcandel treated the medical team. Even when injured during a mission or in battle. If the medical team couldn't support them properly, they couldn't fight properly.

Naturally, the director of the medical team thought that the intruder who had entered the surgery room so recklessly was a troublemaker from the Elder Council.

So, his anger grew even more intense.

No matter what internal disputes or power struggles were taking place within the clan, the authority of the medical team should be respected. It had been a tradition for the medical team to maintain complete neutrality within the clan for generations.

"Get out right now! I said, get the hell out..."

The director of the medical team, shouted in annoyance, stopped talking when he saw who had entered.

The eyes of the medical team almost popped out in surprise when they saw the face of the intruder who had just removed the hood.

"I-it's the Holy Queen... Holy Queen of Vankela!"

The director of the medical team couldn't help but utter these words.

Holy Queen Lani Salome.

She had just arrived at the Garden of Swords. She had been brought here by Murakan, who had personally gone to the Holy Kingdom. The only ones who could summon the Holy Queen for personal matters were Jin and Murakan.

"I brought the religious zealot... No, the Holy Queen. Why couldn't you address her properly? Huh?"

Murakan, who was standing behind Lani, growled, causing the medical team members to bow their heads.

"We greet Your Majesty, the Holy Queen!"

"We greet Your Majesty, the Holy Queen!"

For the medical team, it felt as if their savior had arrived.

"Today, I have come not as the ruler of the Holy Kingdom but as Jin's friend, so you don't need to treat me with such formality."

Lani knelt down next to Jin.

"What's the situation?"

"The reattachment is complete, but there is an unidentified cause for ongoing convulsions."

Lani nodded as if understanding.

"I will examine it."


As soon as Lani arrived, the medical team naturally focused their efforts around her for treatment.

They were considered the best medical team in Huphester, but no medical team in the world could surpass the Holy Queen in skill.


As Lani began to radiate her energy, the operating room was instantly bathed in a bright yellow Holy power.

Since becoming the Holy Queen, her Holy power had been deepening day by day.

"Ayula will protect my friend."


Jin woke up from anesthesia in the morning.

And when he saw Lani sitting beside him, he smiled as if he had known she would come.

"You've awakened."


Judging by her expression, there was no need to ask if the surgery had been successful.

"Thank you."

"You're treating me like a personal healer."

A few months ago, Lani had come to Tikan to treat Valeria, who had suffered from a mana backflow.

"I saw a black cat by the window early in the morning, so I thought of Mr. Murakan. But I didn't expect it to really be him, you know?"

At that, Jin's expression grew serious.

"Isn't the security of the Holy Queen's quarters a bit lax? Should I give you a good sword?"

"Well, I will think about it. I already received quite a bit of money from you, and I feel a bit guilty about receiving more support."

Jin had been consistently sponsoring the Holy kingdom's funds. Since the success of his cosmetics business, an astronomical amount of money has been flowing into the Holy Kingdom every month.

The financial crisis in the Holy Kingdom, which had started due to Zipfel's threats and persuasion, was quickly coming to an end because of that funding.

"My arms are worth that much. They feel even better than before they were cut off."

It felt incredibly light as Jin swung his arms.

"The fate of the Holy Kingdom that you and Mr. Murakan saved is worth more than that, Sir Jin. So don't worry too much about it."

"Religious zealot! Thanks for your hard work."

Murakan, who entered the room with a drink (prepared by Petro), casually messed up Lani's hair as he spoke.

"I'd like to spend more time with you than just a drink, but the current situation doesn't allow for it. There are a lot of bastards that I have to beat to death. Next time, I will come over without any business, so get some good liquor in your bedroom."

Murakan treated Lani like a close younger cousin.

"... Murakan, no matter how comfortable you are with her, how can you think of drinking alcohol in the Holy Queen's bedroom?"

"I'm fine with it. Bring Sir Jin too. Don't just keep calling me all the time."

"I'm fine with it too. Why are you the only one making the fuss, kid?"

The two of them laughed heartily for a while. To Lani, these two were more precious friends than anyone else.

"I should be going soon."

"Alright. It will be hard for me to see you off."

"I understand that. Especially now, the Garden of Swords, which is famous for its brutality, is literally infested with bloodthirst."

Before Jin woke up, Lani had already been briefed on the situation by Murakan.

"I hope there won't be another morning when I have to come here to treat you, Sir Jin."

"That won't happen. Our medical team might be a bit busy today, but..."

"Aren't you sorry for your arms? They just got reattached."

Lani had only wished well for the exhausted and worn-out Runcandel medical team who had worked through the night to treat Jin.

"Even my arms need a chance to shine."

Lani shook her head sympathetically.

"You're not planning another rebellion, are you?"

"Did I look that foolish to you, Lani?"

"Not really, but... Anyway, I hope I won't be called here again today. See you next time. Take care of your body once in a while."

When Lani left, Jin and Murakan's eyes filled with bloodthirst as they had promised.

"You held out well, Murakan."

"I'm still holding out. I'd love to chew up and swallow those idiots from the Elder Council right now. Yeah, you must have some plan in your head, right?"

"I'll make a declaration."

"A declaration? What kind of declaration?"

"A declaration to reinstate Runcandel to its status as the magic swordsman clan."

A war to claim the clan throne.

In that war, Jin planned to set forth a feat that only he could accomplish in Runcandel.