Chapter 385

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"I understand, Young Master."

Step, step!

A while later, Petro returned holding a sandwich filled with plenty of meat. Petro couldn't help but wonder if it was appropriate to be looking for a sandwich in this situation, but Jin had a relaxed expression.

"Oh, that's perfect. Well done."

"Young Master."


"Are you really okay?"

"Well, Gilly and Myurakan will be back, and we'll all be having a delicious meal together, so wait for me."

"...I wish you good luck, Young Master!"

Petro's determined voice was overshadowed as Jin, with a carefree expression, took a bite of the sandwich and continued walking.

Crunch, crunch, yum...

The Garden of Swords was so quiet that the sound of Jin chewing the sandwich seemed deafening.

And there were sharp gazes watching him.

'How many guardian knights of the clan are on standby?'

Rosa and the Elder Council had stationed knights everywhere along the garden's paths. Although they were trying to conceal it as much as possible, most of the knights harbored hostility towards Jin.

The turmoil caused by Jin within the clan was not well-received by the knights. Jin didn't pay much attention to their gazes and focused on devouring his sandwich.

'To others, it must seem like Runcandel is preparing for war.'

Indeed, that was the case.

The knights weren't only stationed in the Garden of Swords. The city of Kalon had also been sealed off and guardian knights placed everywhere.

The news had spread throughout the world that the gathering of knights in Kalon was not a good sign, and special attention needed to be paid to it.

Zipfel, Vermont, Kinzelo, and the other factions were all on high alert, wondering if Runcandel was really preparing for war.

It was all because of one person, the 12th flagbearer, Jin Runcandel.

While he leisurely walked and enjoyed his sandwich.

Finally, when he arrived at the entrance to the arena, Jin ignited a small flame in his palm and burned the wrapping paper.

The gatekeepers nearly jumped at the sight.

While it wasn't a secret that the 12th flagbearer was a magic swordsman, seeing Runcandel use magic so casually in the Garden of Swords was quite startling.

"Open the gate."

Jin said as he wiped his mouth.

The gatekeepers were also guardian knights. They had undergone extreme training for an ordinary human, and they could sense the energy contained in Jin's voice.

So, they couldn't help but be taken aback.

Even though they weren't surprised by the use of magic, the dignity in Jin's voice was unfamiliar and held a profound power.

"...The 12th flagbearer has arrived!"


As the massive iron gate opened, the first person Jin saw was Rosa, sitting on the arena's high seat.

The flagbearers and elder council members standing below her turned their heads toward Jin, and the guardian knights behind her changed their gaze. They were ready to act if any orders were given.

Sorry for being late, Mother. Thank you for waiting.

Even with such a greeting. Isn't there too much of a crowd gathered just to intimidate me? I didn't expect Runcandels to be so tense just because of me.

Jin didn't utter such a sarcastic remark. He simply stood there for a moment, facing their gazes head-on.

Like a beast entering the den of its enemies. And just waiting for his enemy to bark first.

"12th flagbearer!"

When someone nervously called his name, Jin smiled inwardly.

'Yes, I thought it would be you who would bark first.'

It was Myu.

She had an eager and expectant look in her eyes, not hiding her killing intent. Her face was tingling with anticipation to witness Jin's defeat today.

She exuded a bloodlust that could make one's skin crawl.

However, Jin knew that this bloodlust did not belong to Myu and Anne. It was something all knights with a level above 9-star in this arena felt.

"Is this the place where you can stand like a statue?"

"Immediately bow to the acting matriarch, top flagbearers, and elder council members with respect!"

Myu and Anne's stern and resonating voices echoed through the arena.

Jin remained silent for a long while.

He didn't respond to the voices of his sisters, behaving as if he couldn't hear their loud and widespread words.

For Myu and Anne, just this act of ignoring them was humiliating and unbearable. Their faces turned red with anger, and the veins on her neck bulged as if they were about to burst at any moment.

"This arrogant guy."


Jin let out a sigh.

Myu and Anne, who had reached for their swords at their hips, were momentarily taken aback by his action. It was shocking that Jin had sighed as if frustrated.

However, within Myu and Anne's shock, they had an unacknowledged sense of awe. 

Indeed, could I do the same if I were in that position?

Could I be able to sigh even when I saw a sword being drawn towards me? Will I be able to stop him with just a sigh?

And why, exactly, was no one getting furious at this insolent behavior they were witnessing?

In the incredibly brief moment, various questions raced through the minds of the two.

They had lost.

Or perhaps, they couldn't win. The moment they drew their swords, they would be embarrassed in front of everyone. Myu and Anne's intuition warned them.

Nonetheless, both sisters had to draw their swords. It was necessary to uphold the honor of Runcandel.

"It's nice to hear a sigh. I've sighed many times because of you guys."

Myu and Anne were fortunate.

Mary stepped forward, gently intervening between them. It was to help her younger sisters, who were inexperienced and weak, avoid making a single mistake that could cost them everything.

Myu and Anne felt their hearts racing as they gripped their swords tightly.

"7th flagbearer... Step aside!"

"If you are asking the 12th flagbearer to be courteous, then look around you as well. Even though the acting matriarch hasn't said anything yet, do you think you can act like this? I might just beat you right here. Behave yourself, it's better to be polite."

Myu and Anne's defeat at Mary's hands wasn't a disgrace, at least not in the eyes of the public. Everyone in Runcandel was well aware of the clear hierarchy among them from the beginning. It was no different from Mary giving Myu and Anne a chance.

It was because she judged that if both of them were killed or crippled by the youngest, it would result in loss for Runcandel.

There is no way that Mary couldn't see what Myu and Anne had felt intuitively.

In fact, Mary could clearly envision an excited Myu and Anne rushing at Jin and then being struck down with a single blow.

"I'm warning you, don't make annoying sounds like 'heung' or 'chit' towards me. Just stay quiet like a corpse until the situation ends."

Myu and Anne managed to regain their composure with great effort.

Silence settled in once again.

Jin had not said a word up to that point. Amidst the oppressive silence, those gathered in the arena had various thoughts, but for the most part, they couldn't help but be somewhat in awe of Jin. As Myu and Anne had felt, it was almost inconceivable that anyone in this position could display such an attitude.

Some elder council members even felt a sense of foreboding.

'... it reminds me of the 1st flagbearer.'

'The day the 1st flagbearer declared that she would give up the position of Patriarch was like this too.'

The 1st Flagbearer, Luna Runcandel.

She was the subject of Chiron's and everyone's expectations within the clan. When she declared that she would give up the position of Patriarch, she had been as confident and imposing as Jin is now.

No one, and nothing, seemed capable of stopping her.

However, there was an enormous difference between Luna back then and Jin now.

Jin had come to this place with the intention of making the exact opposite declaration.

"12th flagbearer."

Finally, Rosa's voice echoed from the seat of honor.

"Yes, Acting Matriarch."

Jin looked up at Rosa.

"Your fate here can be decided in a matter of seconds by just a few words from me, something so weak and trivial."

"Is that so?"

"Therefore, you must speak only the truth when I ask you."


"Why did you leak information about the Tomb of the First Patriarch to the 7th Flagbearer?"

"Because I believed that the 7th flagbearer would represent me and discuss it publicly."

"As you say. So, what is your plan now?"

"I would like to hear the opinions of those gathered here, including the Acting Matriarch."

Jin glanced around briefly before continuing.

"I've felt this while I visited the Tombs of the First Patriarch since my days as a reserve flagbearer. Runcandel can never defeat Zipfel."

"How dare you!"

"What are you saying now!"

Among the elder council members, it was the Chief of Black Sword Association, Jorden, that reacted first.

"I said I wanted to hear your opinions, not insignificant outbursts. Elder Council members, do any of you believe Runcandel has a chance when going in a war against Zipfel in the future?"


"If you truly think that, then go put your nose in a bowl of water and drown yourself right now."

Sreung-!, Sreung!

The elder council members who had shouted drew their swords.

"You're crossing the line, you bloody scoundrel."

"Relying on baseless hope and dreaming of an uncertain future is something befitting weak and corrupt individuals. Runcandel has no need for such people."

"What do you know? Are you capable of assessing the outcome of a war between Runcandel and Zipfel, to talk about its outcomes? Do you think you've contributed as much to this clan as you believe? Do you think you've fought as much as that against our enemies?"

"Let me rephrase the question. It has been a long time since the Patriarch became the demigod and yet has not engaged in an all-out war with Zipfel. What is the reason for this?"

Jin stared at the elder council members.

"It's because the patriarch judged that we cannot win. Even my father, who can sweep away those gathered here like dust! But do you dare to say that we have a chance against Zipfel!?"

The elder council members did not respond and instead glared at Jin. Jin had made a direct reference to Chiron, leaving them with nothing to say.

"No, none of you can. None of those gathered here can possess greater power than the Patriarch."

Furthermore, as Jin continued, the elder council members drew their swords once more, unable to tolerate it any longer.

"However, I have a solution."