Chapter 397

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The gaze of the group turned once again to the back of Murka and Zephyrin at the words of Cuicantelle.

Murka had been scolding Zephyrin all the way back to the Black King mercenaries' table.

"Huh? Ms. Cuicantelle, what are you talking about?"

"Cuicantelle. Are you saying you won't even treat these inferior ones as humans? That girl didn't seem that way to me."

As Jet and Murakan expressed their doubts, Cuicantelle sighed.

"Murakan, how can you be so blunt? Well, you've always been a carefree guy, haven't you?"

"I'm not in the mood for that kind of talk from you."

"Didn't you sense something strange from that human?"

"What do you mean? I only smelled a weird perfume. These newcomers to the banquets always seem to spray their perfume so heavily. Maybe they don't usually bathe..."

At Murakan's words, Enya and Jet both wrinkled their noses and sniffed their own clothes at the same time. They were also newcomers to the banquet, so they had used a lot of perfume.

"Um, those kinds of people don't necessarily not bathe regularly, you know...?"

"Well, you're right. Haha, I accidentally spilled some perfume on myself while handling it this morning."

Of course, the smell Cuicantelle was referring to was not the scent of perfume.

"It was the smell of our kin, Murakan."

Everyone looked at Cuicantelle in surprise.


"It was covered by the perfume, but I'm sure of it. The smell I sensed from that human was the blood of our kin, and not just one kind of blood, but several mixed together."

Hiding the smell of blood for the seasoned mercenaries who had been on countless battlefields was impossible.

The pungent smell of blood was as strong and intense as meat sizzling on a grill.

But the blood of dragons was completely different from that of humans.

Dragons had a unique and mysterious scent that was difficult to discern with human sensory organs, and it varied from one species to another.

"The terror of the Ante Mountains. It was even stronger than what I sensed from that human."

"Hmm, that's something. So, Cuicantelle, are you saying that Zephyrin could be a dragon hunter?"

"A dragon hunter? There has never been such a thing in the world, you bastard. Vanessa Olsen was probably the closest thing. Well, if it's the smell of our kin... then was the perfume deliberately used to mask that smell?"

"There's a possibility."

"If what you're saying is true, then that person is probably either a demon or a demon dragon. But as far as I know, there isn't a demon who can perfectly transform into a human form, so there is a high possibility that she is a demon dragon."

Demon dragons.

They were dragons that served demon god or demon king. They were given the same name whether they were created by demon gods from the beginning or the dragons who served other gods and moved to the demon world.

"The last time a demon dragon appeared in the human world was during the Holy Kingdom's Protection War. Before that, it was about 1,200 years ago when Helluram summoned a demon dragon."

"Before the demon god appeared, they were occasionally seen, but that's it. So should I go and ask? Are you a demon dragon?"

"And what will you do if she says yes?"

"We'll have to kill her."

"Hmm, it might be better to just stay quiet, Murakan."

When Jin tried to stop him, Murakan shrugged his shoulders.


"If she denies it, there's no way to prove it. It might not be true. Besides, if you suddenly cause a ruckus claiming that you've discovered her true identity, there will be no solution. This is Sir Ron's banquet hall, after all."

If Murakan's actions were to disrupt the banquet, the responsibility would fall squarely on Jin.

"Jin is right, Murakan. Why are you so stubborn? Besides, there's a slim chance that the scent of our kin is coming from the sword. It's unlikely, but if that's the case, then she might be an ordinary human, and the weapon may have belonged to a demon dragon or someone like Vanessa."

As if she had heard something, Zephyrin turned her head while scratching the back of her head.

While doing so, she naturally made eye contact with Jin and waved her hand with a mischievous smile.

"Hey, if you're as strong as me, you don't need to use your head much. What do you guys know? Heh. Oh, by the way, that Zephyrin or whatever, she looks like a complete fool from here."

"But, Ms. Cuicantelle. If she is really a demon dragon, there must be a reason why she came to me. In my opinion... it's probably the magic tome of Rontelgius."

Rontelgius's magic tome.

The item they had obtained a few months ago when they attacked Joshua's secret villa came to mind. If a demon dragon had something to discuss with him, that would be the only reason.

"I agree with that, Jin. After the banquet is over, we should look into Zephyrin. I think we need to find out more about her."

"Anyway, we have business with the Black King mercenaries as well. After the banquet ends, we should go to the headquarters of the Black King mercenaries. It might be a good opportunity to meet the leader of the Black King mercenaries at the banquet hall."

The Black King mercenaries, the world's most renowned mercenary group, was the most crucial of the neutral factions Jin needed to recruit.

It was a mercenary group that even Runcandel couldn't afford to ignore.

"Furthermore, if Zephyrin's connection to Rontelgius is revealed, we can also investigate Joshua's relationship with them," Jin added.

"But Lord Jin," Enya interjected, "how did Zephyrin know that we had the magic tome?"

"It's probably because she sensed the unique mana of demons or demon dragons. We've been carrying that ominous thing with us for the past few months, so it's likely she could sense it in our presence," Cuicantelle answered on Jin's behalf.

"Oh, so demon dragons have an extraordinary sense...," Enya remarked.

Since finding the magic tome, Tikan had been diligently gathering information about Rontelgius. However, they had made no progress thus far, Zephyrin's appearance could have a potential lead. 

Additionally, the presence of a demon dragon was not likely to have a positive impact on the human world. It was important to quickly uncover Zephyrin's true identity and purpose. 

Of course, if she turned out to be an ordinary human, that would be a different matter.

As the group discussed Zephyrin, another figure approached their table. Unlike Zephyrin, this newcomer had an unmistakable air of hostility and malice surrounding him. He didn't even make an effort to conceal his killing intent, causing others at the table to fixate their gaze on him.

"Huh, what's this now? It's been a while since I've seen such unfriendly eyes," Murakan said, visibly irritated by the newcomer's attitude. His companions, however, did not react.

"Jin Runcandel."

Jin raised his head to meet the eyes of the newcomer. Immediately, Jin could tell who he was.

Lata Proch. He was the brother of Faye Proch, whom Jin had captured as a prisoner not long ago. He was also the young leader of the Ghost mercenaries.

"Kid, pass a message to this fearless brat for me. Tell him that if he doesn't start showing some respect with those pretty eyes of his, he won't be able to see anything ever again," Murakan said.

"As you heard, Sir Lata. What business does the devil of Proch have with me?" Jin responded casually, undeterred by Lata's attitude.

Murakan's comment and Jin's calm demeanor did nothing to sway Lata's expression.

However, it seemed like he hadn't regained his composure but had arrived here already seething with anger from head to toe.

"Did you kill her?"

He was talking about Faye.

"I spared her."

"I won't ask twice. Tell me what you want."

The atmosphere was tense. It was because this banquet is clearly different from Runcandel's 'single-log bridge party.'. It wasn't an event where you could fight freely just because you held grudges against each other.

However, despite that, everyone was curious.

Runcandel's 12th flagbearer, who had turned the Garden of Swords upside down single-handedly, and the Ghost mercenaries' leader, hailed as the reincarnation of Smarion, were quite the spectacle. Even more so than that, this spectacle was rarely seen anywhere else.

'Will Runcandel's 12th flagbearer cause another wave in the world again?'

'Lata Proch is a monster among monsters. If the 12th flagbearer defeats him, the top flagbearers of Runcandel will surely feel threatened once more.'

Those who watched were full of expectations, but Jin didn't want to fight Lata.

The Ghost mercenaries, like the Black King mercenaries, was an important neutral force that needed to be recruited as an ally.

The Ghost mercenaries' headquarters was situated in Vermont, and if they could be persuaded, they could provide significant assistance in curbing the Empire's power.

Of course, despite the efforts of large clans like Runcandel, Zipfel, and Vermont to recruit them as allies, there was a good reason why neutral forces like the Black King mercenaries and the Ghost mercenaries had remained 'neutral' for so long.

Naturally, if they made the wrong choice, the very existence of the group itself would be jeopardized.

That's why sizable neutral forces sometimes offered their allegiance to Runcandel, sometimes to Zipfel, sometimes to Vermont, and sometimes refused to deal with any of them, maintaining their existence.

'But now, all neutral forces must come together. Beyond ascending to the throne of Runcandel, I must bring down Zipfel. It's an absolute necessity.'

Once Zipfel completes the Demon God's Orb and begins to achieve what they desires.

At that time, not only Runcandel but also those who stood in the Gray Zone would come to an end.

In a manipulated world, even existing as oneself would be impossible.

'I must let everyone know that only I have the means to stop that.'

While Jin was briefly lost in these thoughts, Lata was becoming increasingly hostile.

'Somehow, this human seems like it would be really tiresome to make an ally. Perhaps if I had answered that I killed Faye, he wouldn't have hesitated and would have thrust his sword without a second thought.'

In front of him was undoubtedly the infamous leader of the Ghost mercenaries.

However, to Jin, he felt more like a rebellious teenager who needed to be disciplined and guided onto the right path.

He was someone who needed to be raised properly and pacified.

"I haven't thought of anything yet."

"Then think of something right now."

"What if I don't want to?"

"I said I wouldn't ask twice. There will be no negotiation, and you will forever be my enemy."

"It sounds like you're treating all of Runcandel as your enemy."

"I heard you're not the type who blindly follows your clan. Well, if you want to interpret it that way, you're welcome to. By the way, Veradin Zipfel is here too. I'm prepared to have a conversation with him as well."

Despite openly displaying his hostility, Lata was undoubtedly the leader of the Ghost mercenaries, capable of understanding what would effectively pressure Jin, even when he was boiling over from head to toe due to anger.

Amidst Jin's contemplation of what response to give, Veradin, who was standing behind Lata, cleared his throat.

He looked at Jin, chuckled, and spoke, "Well, Sir Lata, I'm not prepared to have a conversation with you. But you two seem to be getting along quite well. When did the Ghost mercenaries and Runcandel form an alliance?"