Chapter 412

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The claws had struck Jin in his neck. While the shadow force armor had no joints and therefore perfectly protected the neck, but it was impossible to completely block the strike of a Black Knight-level attacker without any shock.

Blood spilled into the helmet formed by Multa's runes. The pain was so intense that Jin felt like his throat had been ripped open and caused shivers throughout his entire body.

Thunk! Thud!

The claws struck Jin's neck again. Jin managed to move Sigmund even in the midst of excruciating pain that made his hair stand on end.

"You talked about being the next Patriarch, yet you're risking your life so easily. What's the value of such friendship? If you didn't have this armor, you would be dead by now."

It was because I had the armor that I could withstand the blow. You knew that, and that's why you aimed for my neck.

Though Jin wanted to give such a response, but his voice wouldn't come out immediately. Kuh, all he can hear is the blood bubbling in his throat.

'I took a direct hit. It hurts like hell...!'

The attacker's motive was not to kill Dante but to kidnap him.

Jin had forgotten about it because of the sudden actions of the attacker. If Jin had just stayed still, the claws would have stopped before piercing Dante's neck.

But Jin wasn't just going to take the hits.

Suddenly, a peculiar shadow force sphere began to form behind the attacker who was frantically swinging his claws. It was a sphere that started from Bradamante stuck in the ground.

And the attacker did not notice this energy. Shadow force was an energy that could not be sensed unlike mana and aura.


Sigmund was emitting brilliant lightning strikes, and the attacker had no opportunity to focus on what was happening behind him.

However, Jin couldn't help but silently marvel at how the attacker held its ground without flinching, even as the lightning energy assaulted his body with each clash between claws and the blade.

"Phew, I can finally talk. You keep saying that I am risking my life for Dante... What about you?"

Shouldn't you risk it too?

As Jin muttered behind him, he unleashed the mystic technique of Plutonian swordsmanship– Waterfall.

Countless lightning bolts pouring from his sword were disturbing the attacker's vision.

The claws managed to deflect the lightning energy, leaving afterimages behind, and Jin intentionally slowed down his tempo as if he was catching his breath.

Ask away.

Jin eagerly awaited the attacker's relentless approach with the patience of a fisherman who had cast his fishing rod. 

Because the attacker was not yet aware of what was happening behind him.

'He took the bait.'

The attacker received part of the lightning from the waterfall with his body and closed the distance toward Jin. His glowing eyes behind the mask sent shivers down Jin's spine.

Jin threw Sigmund away with all his strength. It was a blow filled with tremendous power, and it was impossible for the attacker to block it with just one hand.

Instead, the attacker overlapped his claws to block Sigmund, then twisted the blade downward and aimed for Jin's neck once again.

No matter how formidable the armor might be, if you kept taking hits in the same spot, it would eventually break.

'He's overly confident. Did he think I'd give way if he attacked with all his might?'

However, it was at that moment that the shadow force sphere formed behind the attacker began to move.

The attacker's reaction was so sudden and sharp that it could only be explained by the unique instincts of those who had experienced countless life-and-death battles.

'What is this out of nowhere...!'

A dangerous feeling as if a blade was touching his neck.

Certainly, he had blocked the attack of the 12th flagbearer from front, so he should have tried for a counterattack, but for some reason... Jin seemed to be smiling behind the helmet.

He withdrew claws that had come close to Jin's neck.

At that moment, what the attacker had gained by withdrawing was just a brief moment, a split-second of opening where one might barely blink his eye.

In order to gain such a brief moment, the attacker had to give up on a strike that might have even rendered Jin unconscious.

'Impressive, he's worthy of being called a Black Knight.'

Jin was genuinely impressed by that sight. This was because he knew very well that in this situation, giving up an effective hit and preparing for defense would not be an easy decision.

'Well, if the pawn dies, it's a problem in itself.'

If he hadn't gone on the defense, the attacker would have lost his life. Jin was convinced of that.


Something passed by and grazed the attacker's back.

It was the black sword energy emitted from the shadow force sphere. Just before throwing Bradamante, Jin had stored his shadow force in it.

Shadow force moved according to Jin's will like when forming a curtain or artificial flower. It was an attack that could never be achieved by controlling shadow force alone; it belonged to the realm of 'authority' rather than mere 'power.'

Due to the sword energy pouring out from the shadow force sphere, oddly enough it was the attacker whose stance was disrupted.

Jin wouldn't miss this opportunity. Sigmund was rushing towards the attacker at that moment, filled with lightning energy.

The attacker judged that stopping Sigmund was a higher priority, even if a single ray of black sword energy cut his back.

But even that wasn't a real attack.

'I can't let this hard-won opportunity end with just one move.'


Suddenly, a mass of mana with a light attribute burst from Jin's palm.

It was the Flash Cannon, an ancient spell, the legacy of the great mage Chenmi. It was a magic of little use against top-tier martial artists, but in the current situation, things were different.

No matter how skilled the Black Knight might be, when an unexpected light suddenly flashed in his eyes, there was nothing he could do. Unless there was a significant difference in skill that even closing one's eyes wouldn't make much of a difference.

Blood splattered.

Sigmund had cut into the attacker's chest. This time, it was definitely not a shallow wound. Jin clearly felt the heavy sensation of blade cutting through flesh and bone.

The attacker hastily used claws as a shield, but that wasn't the end of it. Recovering the vision affected by the Flash Cannon wouldn't be easy even for a highly trained knight like him.

The initiative was completely in Jin's hands until the attacker's vision was restored.

"How about it? This must be your first time fighting a Magic Swordsman, right?"


This time, the sword pierced through the shield and hit the attacker's thigh. Despite reacting promptly to each attack, it seemed that regaining the upper hand would not be easy for the attacker, even when his vision returned.

For the attacker, it felt like an eternity, like hell, but for Jin, it was like a refreshing oasis in the desert. Almost five seconds had passed since the attacker had lost his vision. Slowly, the attacker's sight began to return.

Hoo, hoo...

Unlike the calmness he showed throughout the battle, the attacker's breath was now rough as he adjusted his posture.

Jin made eye contact with the attacker with a smile and said, "It seems like you didn't understand what I said earlier, so let me explain it again. Go back; this mission is a failure. Tell your master that I will handle Hairan my way."

The black knight had heard the rumors about how formidable the 12th flagbearer is. 

He hadn't witnessed the scene of the Garden of Swords being turned upside down himself, but even those who tried to reject the 12th flagbearer still praised its immense power, so he wanted to clash swords with him.

He wanted to see for himself what kind of person the 12th flagbearer is.

At first, he was disappointed.

It seemed like a waste to let go of the opportunity to bring down Hairan over something as trivial as friendship. All those rumors about being an incredible fighter felt like they were all lies.

Next, he felt a sense of frustration when Jin used a crude sword. He wondered if Jin still didn't realize that with mere tricks and abilities he could never reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Yet, here he was, allowing himself to be overwhelmed by that very trick.

Even though he clearly has the upper hand in terms of power.

'No... but even the 12th flagbearer hasn't fully used his strength yet. I can't guarantee victory if both of us fought for our lives.'

It was strange. Such thoughts crossed his mind while facing Jin. 

Even though he didn't look like someone with the dignity of an Emperor. Jin is a swindler who does everything to achieve his goal but his gaze was so deep that it defied easy analysis.

Jin has a unique demeanor that he had ever felt from other flagbearers.

He began to have doubts. Should he push on to secure Dante no matter what, or should he retreat as it was? Which was the right judgment?

Jin seemed to read his mind perfectly.

"No, you can't do that, Black Knight."

The attacker's eyes widened behind the mask.

"The black helmet is for the sake of the clan, not for the flagbearer. What you need is not struggle but to efficiently accomplish your mission. Risking your life for a mission that has already failed is a significant loss for the clan. Go back and prepare for the next one."

Kudduk, Kururur...!

The shockwaves from the ongoing battle outside continued to reverberate within the castle.

Cracks formed in the walls of the main hall, as if they would collapse at any moment and debris rained down from the ceiling.

The pillars supporting it are dangerously shaking and look like they would break if they get hit.

"It seems like a good time to leave when you have the opportunity."

As Jin spoke, one of the pillars broke, and the floor started to give way.

The destruction of the main hall meant that the entire Sword Emperor Castle was crumbling.

In the end, the attacker turned away.

He carried the corpses of other fallen attackers on his shoulders. Before leaving, he spoke without looking back.

"I will pretend I didn't notice that you were bluffing. If your choice today poses a threat to Runcandel, then the black helmets themselves will come to take your head."

Before Jin could respond, the attacker left through the broken wall of the main hall.

And as he disappeared from sight, Jin knelt on one knee and gasped for breath.

'Even though the shadow force armor protected me, I still got some injuries…'

If the attacker had continued the fight, Jin would have suffered considerable damage. He had the last resort of the Black Light Call, so he wouldn't have lost his life, but whether he could protect Dante was uncertain. What choices the attacker would have made when cornered were unknown, after all.

Even Dante's death wouldn't be entirely bad from the perspective of Runcandel.

The fatigue from the consecutive intense battles was hitting him all at once.

"I should escort Dante and take a look outside.'


The ceiling began to collapse entirely. Jin swiftly picked up Dante and left the main hall, heading towards the outside of the castle.

The outer walls near the main hall also appeared to have collapsed. As Jin climbed up the still intact outer wall, he saw the battlefield where Ron and Berakt were fighting.

There was nothing left in the vicinity of the battlefield. The central arena had disappeared without a trace, and nearby buildings had all crumbled, leaving only the marks of destruction.


Dante regained consciousness and let out a heavy groan.

Are you awake, Dante?

But Jin didn't ask him that.

That was because Jin's mind went blank after looking at Ron Hairan, who was soaked in blood and struggling to breathe. He could also see injured Berakt beside Ron.