Chapter 444

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It reminded Jin about the black knight he encountered in the corridor.

'He decided to meet the Black King leader again in the morning when he left the reception room.'

In typical cases, one would think of the process of drafting a contract and then having some social time before proceeding. However, the other person wasn't just anyone; it was the Black Knight.

'A person like the Black Knight wouldn't be here just chit-chatting if the deal has been finalized. It is not such a leisure time.'

Jin could be sure of that. Valkas hadn't yet taken on the request brought by the Black Knight on behalf of Joshua.

Yet, there were plenty of reasons why the Black King mercenaries might not take on Jin's request.

In the current world situation, an individual like Jin Runcandel was like a poisoned chalice. If you drank from it thoughtlessly, you were highly likely to clash with the real "top authorities."

Although Jin was one of the top beings among the "Supernovas," it was still uncertain whether he could break through the solid defenses of the world rulers.

No one thought that way unless someone was close to Jin or knew him well. No matter how remarkable his achievements and successes are, miracles always come to an end someday.

Most of the world's populace couldn't imagine or believe if the miracles continue.

The majority still considered Joshua Runcandel the next master of the Garden of Swords, and this perception extended even to figures like Valkas Kran.

'It looks like he doesn't want to incur Joshua's grudge by taking on my request.'

It wasn't just Joshua.

Jin had given Zipfel an indelible stain after the "Holy Kingdom Incident". Recently, there were rumors circulating that his relationship with the Imperial Family wasn't good either.

It was because the only thing the emperor bestowed on Jin after the meeting was the golden crown. Moreover, the Emperor had even ordered that his meeting with Jin will not be covered on the front pages of the Vermont newsletter. It wasn't considered a significant event.

In other words, Jin had poor relations not only with the future patriarch of the Runcandel family, Zipfel, and the Imperial Family as well. To the point that it wouldn't be surprising if he found himself in a dangerous situation.

Valkas expressed all these reasons in just one phrase: "You are a step too late." He conveyed his clear intention to decline without hurting the other party's feelings.

Joshua, too, made a direct demand, saying, "Don't help Jin," without undermining Valkas's pride. He subtly warned Valkas just by sending the Black Knight here.

Both of them displayed a stance befitting strong and seasoned power players.

'However, I can't just stand idly by in this situation.'

Although Jin was feeling a bit irritated, he had to seize the opportunity. In times like this, denying his rejection is a poor method and only has negative effects.

Jin needed a sure card to turn Valkas's mind around. He had to be willing to become Jin's temporary ally despite all the risks. Because "Tikan's Protection" was not just an ordinary request.

At this moment, Jin had no such card.

Jin didn't know much about Valkas Kran, and he wasn't particularly cooperative either, so the possibility of such a card being created in the near future was low.


There was information suggesting that the troublemaker of Black King mercenaries might be a Demon Dragon, but it wasn't particularly valuable.

If he accused her without any evidence and later she was found innocent, then it could lead to serious repercussions.

'Should I attempt to recruit Black king mercenaries after Joshua and Zipfel's true nature is fully exposed.'

Jin quickly reached a conclusion.

He hadn't come with very high expectations in the first place. Jin knew well what his background was.

Of course, Jin had confidence.

In the not-so-distant future, either the Black King mercenaries would come to him first, or Valkas would regret not advancing the conversation today.

'I should go visit Amela, the great mercenary of Gaifa Island. Seeing that the Black Knight is here, he may have already sent someone to Amela.'

For Joshua, it was indeed a rare opportunity to give Jin a meaningful blow.

It wasn't a fatal blow, but it was enough to be annoying, like a small thorn stuck in the foot.

If both the Black King and the great mercenaries would not help, then the task of protecting Tikan would rely excessively on the Hidden Palace.

"There's nothing I can do if I am a step late."

Jin spoke calmly, and Valkas narrowed his eyes.

"Well, you're surprisingly willing to back down."

"It seems that the rumors about me haven't been very favorable if you're adding the word 'surprising' to it."

"Well, it's not exactly like that. It's just that I hear a lot of stories about you accomplishing whatever you want... The 3rd division especially seems to like you."

Valkas poured himself a drink from a drawer while talking, signaling that they could have a light drink since there was no need to discuss work between them. 

Valkas was showing his appreciation in his own way.

Although he couldn't accept the request, he didn't dislike Jin as a person. In fact, Valkas thought that if Jin were a 2nd flagbearer rather than a 12th flagbearer, they could have joined forces at any time.

"Thank you, Sir Valkas."

"Would you like a drink, Black Dragon? It's good liquor."

"Sure, pour me one."

The three glasses clinked lightly, creating a pleasant sound.

Jin didn't think the situation was all that bad. The request had already gone awry before it was even brought up, so it wouldn't be surprising if he couldn't exchange a single word and had to leave.

"The dragons who have some history with us say that you were the strongest being in the past, Mr. Murakan."

Even though he held the position of Black King leader, Valkas never forgot simple ways to please those with higher status. 

He intentionally started the conversation with a somewhat disrespectful tone at first. Sometimes, lowering expectations at first could make the conversation even more enjoyable.

"It is certainly true if you are talking about the sky. I am the strongest and the best in history."

"Oh, so the dragons' stories were indeed true. But you seem to be talking as if there were your rivals on the ground."

"There were some who could be called nemesis. There were a few who could be considered equals, but no one could clearly determine who was stronger. I think I would have won if we had fought to the end."

"I would have challenged you even now if I were in my prime, Mr. Murakan. Meeting a strong and historic figure isn't an easy thing."

"Well... even in my era, you would have been quite impressive."

"Haha, you're too kind."

Valkas refilled Murakan's empty glass. He didn't excessively lower himself, but he satisfied the opponent's sense of superiority.

"Among all the humans I've met who are closest to being the strongest, you have the most exceptional awareness of the situation."

In terms of individual power, Valkas had reached the level of a transcendent long ago.

Such transcendent individuals were hard to find displaying this kind of behavior.

It was due to the confidence that came from not having to care about anyone's feelings or even stronger people or factions that couldn't touch me carelessly (like "If you mess with me, you'll die" kind of confidence).

Valkas had something different from other transcendent beings. He was still treading cautiously as a neutral party among the giant factions. He had his own reasons despite being in a position where he could do as much as any other transcendent.

The reason was simple: Valkas Kran, the Black King leader, cared deeply for his subordinates. In Valkas's opinion, there was no need for his subordinates to be sacrificed meaninglessly in the conflicts between the giant factions if he made a little effort.

Jin could see right through Valkas's feelings. It wasn't difficult. Valkas won't have shown such behaviour if it is not for his subordinates.

'I see why he initiated this drinking session with us.'

Jin continued to understand the meaning behind this drinking party.

Clearly, this drinking session would continue until dawn, until Joshua's Black Knight returned to this reception room. Just like how Joshua subtly conveyed to Valkas not to get involved with Jin, Valkas also intended to express his intentions by deliberately showing the Black Knight that they were enjoying drinks together.

I wouldn't openly defy your request, but I would keep an eye on the growth of the 12th flagbearer.

That was the message Valkas wanted to convey to Joshua.

Jin nodded inwardly.

'I learned something from this person even though it's just a one-night meeting.'

Jin naturally joined the conversation and started drinking. The conversation was mostly led by Murakan, with Jin and Valkas interjecting occasionally.

Murakan led the conversation through various topics, such as the greatest warriors and mages in history, the most prosperous era, the most peaceful era, the biggest differences between dragons and humans, life and death, apples and watermelons, the most beautiful beasts, and more.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the topic shifted to Zephyrin.

"How on earth did that weirdo join you? The kid says the Black King Mercenaries are the world's greatest, but she seems a bit odd."

"She may look eccentric, but she's a top-notch swordsman. She even says she's self-taught, so I think she's a genius."

"What? She's good with a sword? And a genius on top of that?"

"She doesn't fully demonstrate her destructive power due to a lack of aura. She seems to have a disease where aura doesn't accumulate well from birth. I also consider her a rather strange and unusual individual."

Squeak! Coincidentally, Zephyrin entered the reception room at that moment. 

She had the same battle axe on her back as the one Jin had seen the previous night. Standing next to her was the Black Knight. Because they were supposed to meet again in the morning.

Although his face was hidden under the hood, he couldn't help but wear a displeased expression upon seeing the scene with the drinks. He had not anticipated that things would turn out this way.

"Leader, I brought the guest!"

"...Yeah, Zephyrin. But I heard that today, the second captain would personally bring the guest. Why are you here?"

"Oh, well, you see..."

Zephyrin shrugged her shoulders with her characteristic lively and exaggerated gestures. Then, Jin, Murakan, and Valkas couldn't believe their eyes at the ensuing sight.


Suddenly, Zephyrin's hand pierced through the side of the Black Knight's abdomen. She had originally aimed for his chest, but thanks to Black Knight's reaction, he was stabbed in his side.

Her purplish nails, which had grown significantly since last night, now looked like poison-coated daggers, and the Black Knight was desperately backing away, spewing blood.

"Kuk, cough...!"

"Do you really need to know? You are about to die now anyway, leader."