Chapter 452

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(Breaking News: The Black King Mountain Hideout has been destroyed!)

(What fate awaits the Bise Kingdom with the collapse of the Black King Mountain Hideout?)

(It is reported that Black King leader Valkas Kran is currently in critical condition. The fact that he hasn't made a public statement suggests his situation is dire.)

(Why was the Black King Mountain Hideout attacked?)

(So far, the most likely suspects are Runcandel's 12th flagbearer and his guardian dragon, Murakan... Did they have a grudge between them?)

(Was the power of the Black King mercenaries all just hot air? A myth of the mercenary world shattered by one dragon and one individual.)

(Black Dragon Murakan, trampling the Black King Mountain Hideout!)

(Rumor has it that Runcandel's 12th flagbearer, Jin Runcandel, has brought the "Spectre Corps" to their knees even before this incident... A coalition of neutral forces, perhaps?)

(What will be the fate of the Black King mercenaries?)

As always, news articles were pouring in like crazy.

And, none of these articles were completely correct as is often the case.

Both the Bise Kingdom and nearby news outlets lacked the ability to deeply investigate such an event, and external news sources had to rely on Bise Kingdom's reports for their own news stories.

As a result, misunderstandings, lack of information, and embellishments to fill in the gaps led to Jin being depicted as the destroyer of the Black King mercenaries.

The main reason for this was that the Black King mercenaries couldn't properly control the media.

If it were limited to the Bise Kingdom and its vicinity, they could have easily produced news to suit their taste. However, the Black King mercenaries are not as influential as Runcandel, Zipfel, Vermont, or Kinzelo, which are considered major factions.

Even the four major factions couldn't fully control an incident of this magnitude. You can't stop a wave with your hand.

Moreover, after this incident, the perception was strong that the Black King mercenaries were "finished." Major news outlets had reached a point where they no longer needed to be cautious about their reporting.

Given Valkas's actual condition and the fact that the hideout had been demolished, there was no other way to see it.

"Hahaha, hehehe...! Truly, it's the best year-end event."

Kelliark Zipfel.

As usual, he was seated on the top floor of Zipfel 1st Magic Tower, the tower of stories, and he was looking through various news sources. He had a face reminiscent of Veradin, filled with a boyish grin.

[Ha, are you laughing? Does this make you laugh?]

"Kadun! Aren't you finding this amusing? I think this is even funnier than that comedy I watched with you and Octavia last time."

[Kaah! How do you keep being like this every time? You did the same last time, and even when that damn brat was ranting about the return of the Magic Swordsman, you found it funny.]

Kadun felt like he was about to go mad when Kelliark behaved like this.

-[Is it fun? Are you out of your mind?]

-Why? At that age, he's turning Runcandel into a complete mess all on his own. Even Zipfel couldn't pull it off. I'm enjoying it too, you know?

-[How much damage have we suffered because of that damn brat, Kelliark? Your younger brother died, the Demon God's Orb was destroyed, and on top of that, our alliance with Kinzelo fell apart. The incident with the Holy Kingdom... It's unspeakable. And not long ago, you even lost your Black Knight spy, Kelliark!]

-Don't forget the Iose of the Spectre Corps.

-[Right, that too. Is that all? He's a Magic Swordsman...! That brat is breaking the oath!]

This conversation took place about a month and a half ago, when they received the invitation to the Sword Emperor's banquet.

Back then, Kadun urged Kelliark to pressure Runcandel immediately, but Kelliark didn't listen to him.

It was the same even now. Kadun felt that this wasn't the time for Kelliark to be so relaxed.

'He hasn't experienced the Runcandel of a thousand years ago, that's why he's acting like this. Kelliark doesn't understand how dangerous they are!'

Whether Kelliark was aware of Kadun's thoughts or not, he just kept on laughing heartily.


"Aah, I'm going to lose my hearing. Kadun, why are you so angry?"

[How can you say that...!]

"Is it not significant that the 12th flagbearer brought down the Black King mercenaries? No, no, it's more accurate to say it's not the 12th flagbearer but rather the work of his guardian dragon, Murakan."

[That's exactly why it's a problem. Murakan is regaining his power.]


The reason Kadun was reacting so sensitively to this recent event was precisely because of that.

It was the information relayed directly to him by the Fire Dragon Theo and the Blue Dragon Laramaqua that Murakan was regaining his power.

[Whether Jin Runcandel subdued the Black King mercenaries, absorbed it, or just fought and won, that's not particularly important. But the fact that Murakan is returning to his prime is something we absolutely cannot ignore.]

As usual, Kelliark found Kadun's reaction intriguing, just like before.

"Aren't you overly concerned about that Black Dragon?"

[Unlike when I met him near Santel in the Shawl kingdom, he has clearly recovered a part of his heart this time and that too without the Demon God's Orb.]

Kadun had effortlessly cornered Murakan back then.

Murakan had been preoccupied with rescuing the people of Santel from Kadun's attack, which made it impossible to face Kadun.

At that time, Murakan had barely recovered his strength, so Kadun was much stronger in the first place.

Anyway, after that battle, Murakan survived and demonstrated his strength for all to see.

Both at the Sword Emperor Castle terrorist attack and just a few days ago at the Black King Mountain Hideout.

Kadun had been somewhat uncertain about Murakan's recovery when he heard the news of the Sword Emperor Castle.

He wasn't sure whether the weak Murakan he had encountered at Santel had fully recovered his strength or if he had been unable to show it in battle back then.

[It's certain now. Kelliark, we need to prepare before he regains all of his old power.]

"You're scared, you know."


Surprisingly, Kadun readily admitted that fact.

"Didn't you say you were the dragon closest to Murakan in power a thousand years ago?"

[Close to and on par are two different things. Okay I admit it he was the strongest. So, take my words seriously and don't let that little brat and Murakan go wild anymore!]

The smile disappeared from Kelliark's face for the first time.

"You have a point. But, Kadun, I feel like it's more of a gamble to meddle with the 12th flagbearer and his guardian dragon."

[Because of Chiron Runcandel?]

"Exactly. When he's gone, the world will fall into our grasp anyway. And he doesn't have much time left. Can the 12th flagbearer of Runcandel overcome the domain of Chiron in that time?" 

Absolutely impossible.

Kelliark continued talking and made eye contact with Kadun.

"I have personally experienced the 19 years old Chiron. I don't think the current 12th flagbearer is any better than the Chiron from back then. The 12th flagbearer can never reach his level."

[As you've experienced Chiron's power, I've experienced the Runcandel and Murakan from that time.]

"I know. But, Kadun, look at the current situation. It seems to me that the fight will end as soon as Chiron is gone. The world will be ours. Why bother stirring up the beehive when all we have to do is wait for Chiron's time to end and adjust the variables appropriately? It's not like the opportunity has presented itself, is it?"

Kadun didn't respond.

He didn't think Kelliark was wrong, but he couldn't quite put into words the unsettling feeling that filled his heart.

"If you're worried, I'll order an increase in the personnel tracking Misha. It should help alleviate your anxiety."

In the end, Kadun could only nod.

[...Alright. It would be much better if Murakan's sister gets captured.]

"Yes. It's a bit regrettable that we narrowly missed her recently. Anyway, I'm more concerned about my son than the 12th flagbearer or the Black Dragons."


"Yes. It's still difficult to tamper with his mind and memories, maybe because the mind control magic's stability is deteriorating or due to some other influence. Manipulating his mind and memories has been getting increasingly challenging."

The factors that could influence Veradin's spiritual world.

Kelliark couldn't know what that was. It was because of the emotions he had forgotten for so long.

[In my opinion, it's because the 12th flagbearer and Dante Hairan have an influence on Veradin.]

"Whatever influence it has on Veradin, the end result will be hatred and betrayal. And if that's the case, we need to be even more cautious about touching the 12th flagbearer until the perfect moment arrives."


Kadun shrugged his shoulders, and Kelliark fell silent for a while, fiddling with a crystal ball.


The land of the beastmen, Kinzelo's Headquarter.

The faces of Bishkel, Berakt and Joe were dark. The table they sat at was piled with numerous news articles about Jin.

However, unlike Zipfel, they did not mistakenly think that Murakan was the main culprit behind this incident.

"Hmm, Zephyrin... she's gone and caused an incident."

Joe said, glancing at Berakt.


Even though Kinzelo had not sent anyone to the scene of the collapsed Black King Mountain Hideout, they were fully aware that this incident was her doing.

Because the condition of the leader had rapidly deteriorated right after the collapse of Black King Mountain Hideout.

It meant either the leader had used excessive force just as he did in Sword Emperor castle, or someone else had harnessed the leader's power.

The leader now suffered in the same way, and there was no doubt that there was only one being capable of borrowing the leader's power without permission: Zephyrin.

"No, um... leader's condition, um, isn't very, chomp, good, huh? Because, um, the Demon Dragon, uh, did something wrong!"

Bubare said in annoyance while eating a sweet potato croquette.

Bishkel and Berakt had the impulse to kill that fat lump of flesh immediately, but they clenched their trembling fists.


"Yes, Sir Berakt."

"What are your thoughts on this matter?"

"I also think that Ms. Zephyrin's recent actions went too far. After the events at the Sword Emperor castle, our leader was already required to have extreme rest."

"Furthermore, she was at the height of not even showing her face during Kinzelo's debut. I believe she should be punished severely."

"Sir Berakt, Ms. Zephyrin is beyond our jurisdiction."

"I am aware of that. I just inquired if the Vice-leader had any ideas. Our great cause may be set back if our leader's recovery is delayed."

In response, Bishkel closed his eyes and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Then, I will request a meeting with her and ask for a favor. I will ask her to spend some time as a spy within Zipfel. It seems that this is the maximum we can ask of Ms. Zephyrin."

"There is a high probability that she will not agree."

"I will make sure to persuade her."

Berakt nodded in satisfaction. Bishkel always kept his word.

"Understood. I trust you and wait, Vice-leader."