Chapter 455

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From that day on, an immediate major construction project began.

Jin and his companions had no time to properly exchange greetings or share New Year's jokes with the new members. They were busy from morning till night.

This was because the grand construction had literally begun.

"Lord Jin."

Kashmir stood next to Jin.

They were standing on a sailing ship encircling Tikan Free City, and watching the progress of the construction.

There were hardly any external workers; instead, Black King mercenaries were personally moving and installing equipment.

Even the sailing ships for combat had been brought by the Black King corps.

Their base was located on land, but they had a lot of equipment for naval battles, like mercenaries.

"Lord Jin, a day like this has come to Tikan thanks to you. Except for the major factions, there are hardly any regions in the world with the level of defense that Tikan has now."

Kashmir said that and his expression was so deeply moved that it seemed like tears could roll down his moist eyes at any moment.

Suddenly, Jin remembered the thoughts he had before meeting Kashmir for the first time.

'When I tried to establish a base in Tikan, I thought what Sir Kashmir needed the most was the foundation of national power that would be needed after the status of the city was elevated to a nation.'

Tikan had a small population, and accordingly, it had a shortage of human talent and resources.

It was a land that relied solely on the intelligence of the Seven-Colored Peacock, so even after becoming a nation, it could not escape from the status of a small country in Jin's past life.

'So, when I didn't know the danger of Colon's Divine Artifact Mirror, I thought about proposing a deal to share its effects.'

A defense system on the level of major factions was established without even needing to use the mirror.

Both Jin and Kashmir had produced results that were so remarkable that they hadn't even considered it when they first met.

Once the construction was complete, there was a very high possibility that Tikan's status would be elevated from a "Free City" to a "Nation."

This was why Kashmir was so elated.

"As soon as the construction is finished, I want to declare to the major factions and countries that we have also become a nation."

Kashmir changed the elation on his face into determination as he spoke.

"Yes, that seemed likely."

"And if you wish, you can ascend as the king of Tikan."

It was an unexpected proposal. It was also a proposal that Jin had no intention of accepting.

"Why on earth would I?"

"Because you have to achieve more."

It was clear that this was not just something Kashmir said for testing Jin, which made Jin even more bewildered.

"Don't some flagbearers of Runcandel also serve as kings of some nations?"

"That's merely symbolic. In reality, they don't perform the duties of a king but simply hold the crown in the name of protection of that nation. It's not a kind of protection that you might like."

"I know that. And my proposal is not because of that."

Jin shrugged and shook his head.

"No, Sir Kashmir. The king of the Free Nation should be you. Besides, I'm like a double-edged sword in Tikan."

"Lord Jin, a double-edged sword? That's quite an analogy! I don't think so. Why do you think like that?"

Because I have seen before my return that people here managed to turn Tikan into a free nation without anyone's help, Jin thought to himself but didn't say it out loud. He locked eyes with Kashmir.

"Sir Kashmir, you must understand as well. When we announce that Tikan has become a nation, the major factions, especially Runcandel and the imperial family among them, will pay close attention to this fact."

The four major factions: Runcandel, Zipfel, Vermont, and Kinzelo.

Zipfel and Kinzelo were less likely to directly pressurize Tikan among them even if it became a nation.

'While my father is alive, Zipfel seldom interferes with me, or with Runcandel, for that matter. They may apply indirect pressure, but they won't dare do anything drastic.'

Kinzelo's Zephyrin aimed at Jin this time, but she also fled after suffering some damage.

'She won't be able to attack me until she recovers. And her actions in the Black King Mountain Hideout were significantly different from Kinzelo's usual tactics. Attacking me in the first place was a reckless move, and I can't rule out that it was her decision.'

Since the Black King Mountain Hideout's incident, Jin and his companions had tentatively concluded that Zephyrin is the demon dragon of 'Kinzelo's leader.'

-If she is that strong, as Murakan said, she is definitely under the direct control of a Demon God-level being. There are only a few names that immediately come to mind, but I don't have any knowledge of the name 'Zephyrin'. Either she is an ancient dragon who had never been active during the time of me and Murakan, or a being that had been erased from history.

-If she erased history...

-It is not just the ancient Runcandel whom Zipfel had erased from history. The same goes for the archmage Chenmi, and there are quite many people who have been erased from the memories of us dragons who have lived in those days. 

-Then, the history of the leader may also have been manipulated by Zipfel. I was already inclined to think so when I saw sister Linpa expressing that she had met the leader.

-It's not an entirely unlikely possibility. He could be a forgotten figure from the time of the ancient power struggle. Anyway, Zephyrin will take more time to recover. The demon dragons usually borrow power from a Demon god or equivalent being, and the leader of Kinzelo was already in a bad state even during the time of the Sword Emperor.

A conversation between Cuicantelle and Jin after the Black King Mountain Hideout's incident.

There were many doubts and unanswered questions, but one thing that Cuicantelle confidently claimed was that Zephyrin is the dragon of Kinzelo's Leader and her recovery will be slow.

It was for these reasons that Jin thought Zipfel and Kinzelo wouldn't directly intervene when Tikan became a nation.

On the other hand, the situation of Runcandel and the Imperial family was different.

"Runcandel may act differently based on what my mother decides, but she will most likely establish policies that maximize the clan's benefits through Tikan. At the very least, she may demand tribute payments, and at most, she could force mission assignments. She might even try to insist that Tikan serves as one of the bases for guardian knights."

Of course, they wouldn't just stand by and accept that, but it was a matter that could be a significant burden on Tikan on its own.

"I'm prepared for that issue. The pressure from major factions was unavoidable even if we take you out of the equation, Lord Jin. Besides, regarding the Imperial family, it seems like you're thinking about the recent proposal you rejected and exposed their living golem experiments."

Kashmir continued with a bitter smile.

"The truth is that Tikan has always been a thorn in the Empire's side. Ironically, having you here makes them act more cautiously, Lord Jin. So, I think that your contribution is the most significant in Tikan becoming a nation."

Kashmir was unaware that he had single-handedly elevated Tikan to a Free Nation before Jin's return. At that time, Tikan couldn't fully break free from the status of a small country, but Kashmir had been known as the Sage King and managed his small territory.

As far as Jin knew, no other faction threatened Tikan during that period, or at least none dared to challenge it. That's why Jin felt guilty.

Kashmir and Alisa had saved Euria by themselves, and gained immense national strength far beyond weak countries in the previous life. 

And the more Jin intervenes with them, the greater the risks become.

'Can Tikan really have a better situation in the upcoming wars than my previous life?'

Since Jin had grown close to his companions from Tikan and forged deep bonds, he had often pondered this question. 

He couldn't help but wonder if his regression had truly only brought positive changes or if it had, in fact, burdened them with a dangerous fate...

Of course, it was a question that could not be answered no matter how much he thought about it.

Soon, Kashmir nodded as if he knew what Jin was thinking. Of course, he was unaware of Jin's regression, but he clearly understood Jin's concerns.

Even excluding the element of Jin's regression, forming a deep connection with a person like "Jin Runcandel" had always entailed taking on many risks.

From the moment Jin saved Euria, he had been a benefactor to Kashmir and Alisa, and it was the same for others among their family.

From the moment he helped Cuicantelle to rescue Enya, from the moment he accepted Jet and his son, and Jin told Kuzan and Veris the truth about Taimyun and helped them, from the moment he helped Yulian to save the thunder dragon Caltor.

And the more recently joined Ghost mercenaries and the Black King mercenaries also owed their lives to Faye and the mercenaries to Jin.

In this way, Jin had offered a lot first to all the people of Tikan before becoming a part of the family. Their relationships were transcendent beyond merely weighing benefits and losses.

"We're always ready to sacrifice for each other, aren't we? Lord Jin. So, don't think too much. Especially the expression 'double-edged sword' is quite annoying."

Jin smiled and nodded.

"Still, I can't become a king."

"In that case, I'll just do it. In fact, it's not even an important issue about who wears the crown among us. I just considered giving it to you if you wanted."

"Oh... Then, is it okay if I become the king?"

It was Jet who intervened and said this.

Jet was busy carrying luggage, setting up equipment, and sweating profusely, like other mercenaries. He was skillfully navigating the tense atmosphere between the Black King mercenaries and the Ghost mercenaries. He made sure neither side felt uncomfortable. 

That's why Jin and his companions believed that Jet played a vital role in resolving conflicts within the mercenary corps.

It was fascinating to realize that this capable individual had been a backstreet information broker in his previous life.

"Are you serious? If you want to do it, well... I won't object. But I can already see what the future holds."

"Haha, I am kidding, Sir Kashmir. Actually, I stopped by because I have some news to share. I overheard it while carrying luggage through the corridor... Oh, here she comes."

Jet saw a woman waving her hand in their direction.

It was Cuicantelle. The moment they saw her, Jin and Kashmir realized what news Jet was about to convey.

"Jin! He just regained consciousness. Come quickly."

The one Cuicantelle referred to as 'he' was the Black Knight they had rescued from the Black King Mountain Hideout.