Chapter 457

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Late January of 1800. Tikan Free City was still bustling with activity as they were busy moving and installing equipment from the Black King Mountain Hideout.

The guardian knights dispatched by Runcandel to the Black King Mountain Hideout were initially seen as a factor that hurt the pride and self-esteem of the Black King mercenaries. However, now, even the mercenaries were beginning to see their presence as convenient.

After all, they were holding on to the Bise Kingdom, preventing the meddlers from causing chaos.

Tikan's forces had to step in without Runcandel. This was an exhausting role in the midst of the tumultuous international situation caused by the sudden collapse of the Black King Mountain Hideout.

Above all, the Black King mercenaries were satisfied with the change in leadership among the guardian knights stationed in the Bise Kingdom.

"Hmm, those guys. I thought they would look like defeated soldiers. But it seemed like everyone had calmly accepted defeat. No, they looked satisfied."


Mary bit into an apple and spoke. Standing next to her was, of course, Diphus Runcandel.

They had come here to prevent the mishandling of "youngest's spoils" by other flagbearers or the Elder Council (though the latter had practically crumbled thanks to Jin).

Just as they expected, the first time they arrived, Joshua's knights who were stationed there, were showing an unpleasant attitude towards the Black King mercenaries.

The mercenaries endured the unpleasant attitude because they did not want their new lord to get involved in pointless conflicts. It was only when Mary and Diphus arrived that they were able to work more comfortably.

The two of them held the discipline of guardian knights. But their actions weren't just born out of a desire to pamper the youngest.

It was a mix of a stimulus and unease about what might happen in the clan if someone carelessly touched the youngest, leading to an uncertain future.

Even Mary, who could be described as "crazy" when it came to fighting, thought that Runcandel needed a brief period of stability, and that was the reason behind their actions.

"Well, everyone was on edge on the first day we came to play the role of an umbrella. Not because of Jin, but because of the 2nd flagbearer and his knights," Diphus said as he received the apple Mary threw.

For a while, the siblings sat on a tree, devouring dozens of apples and watching the Black King mercenaries at work.

"If I had known this would happen, I'd have joined forces with the entire Black King mercenaries. It's a bit disappointing. I envy the youngest," Mary commented.

"Strictly speaking, the youngest didn't fight alone. Such a result would never have been possible without Murakan."

"I don't know about that. Murakan's strength has been proven in this situation, but the way the 2nd flagbearer is praising him is strangely persistent. It's almost as if he wants to completely exclude Jin's contribution from this incident."

"Praising Murakan excessively is to downplay Jin's power, is that what you think?"

"That's my hunch. 2nd flagbearer, us, everyone in the clan that day saw it with their own eyes, right? How incredibly powerful the youngest was on the day of the patriarchy declaration."

Thinking about Jin, who demolished the Garden of Swords with the magic sword secret technique and Plutonian Reign Sword, sent shivers down their spines.

"At that time, he showed that power just after recovering his severed arms. The possibility of him being in top condition was extremely low. Perhaps, it was close to being at its worst."

"That's going too far, isn't it? If he caused such a commotion in the worst condition, then the youngest would have become the patriarch long ago."

"But can you not imagine it?"


"The sight of him single-handedly destroying the Black King Mountain Hideout. Executing that tremendous magic sword and Plutonian Reign Sword... "

Mary's mouth watered as if she was thinking of delicious food.

Diphus shivered but couldn't deny his beloved sister's words. It was not difficult to imagine something like that.

It does not feel like a strangely unnatural idea that a person who single-handedly destroyed the Garden of Swords could not do the same with the Black King Mountain Hideout.

"If the result was achieved because Murakan fought in his place, would the Black King mercenaries be so content with their work now? They look like they've met a lord they can deeply acknowledge. Do you think they believe in a kid who relies on his guardian dragon. Do you think that's possible?"

"Hmmm, it does make sense," Diphus responded.

"Furthermore, after observing for a few days, the equipment and all important things in the Black King Mountain Hideout are strangely undamaged. I don't think it's all just luck."

"...Are you suggesting that the youngest controlled his power during the fight? To ensure that the important loot wasn't damaged?"


Honestly, it was an unbelievable story.

But in reality... strangely so. None of the most expensive and hard-to-come-by equipment was damaged beyond reuse.

It might be unknown to the siblings.

That was purely luck.

On the day Zephyrin ran amok, luckily her attack missed all of the Black King mercenaries' top-tier equipment. Even the ensuing landslide couldn't destroy those items. It was all thanks to luck!

Due to this almost unimaginable level of luck, Mary's imagination knew no bounds. Even Diphus couldn't help but feel like there is no way, no way.

Once again, the Black King mercenaries began to sing a rowdy labor song that echoed through the mountains as a hushed silence flowed between the siblings.

"Anyway," Mary said, crushing the last remaining apple core with his teeth.

"Orabeoni, my intuition is telling me that we need to become stronger."


"To fight the youngest."

Whether they stood against him or fought alongside him.

To Diphus, Mary sounded like the latter.

"The girl who always thirsted to get stronger for no reason... is suddenly like that now."

"My beloved youngest brother and arch-nemesis among arch-nemeses, each crossing mountains that the other must overcome! Ah, isn't this kind of thing great? Thrilling."

Diphus felt slightly uneasy, and let out a chuckle.

"I understand your intentions, so find out what remedy is needed for my aching head when you return."

Mary's eyes sparkled, and Diphus continued, "For now, do whatever you want. Break anything and train as you like. I'll take care of the aftermath."

"There's only one older brother who truly understands my heart!"

"Am I your older brother only at times like this? When will you ever grow up?"

"Don't say any bullshit later. After all, the great 4th flagbearer of Runcandel wouldn't utter a word twice. I'm going now, so you have to supervise things here. You will handle my missions for a while."

"Hey, Mary! Hey!"

Before Diphus could catch her, Mary was already sprinting crazily down the mountainside. Trees bend and kick up a dust cloud as she runs down.

"Ugh... I hope she won't cause an incident like in the old days. Maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully."

A sudden, intense sense of unease overwhelmed Diphus.


Dox McRolan still hadn't fully recovered, but Dox immediately left the city of Tikan once he regained his claws, and reached a point where he could move at about 30% of his usual strength. He left behind only this note:

(I won't forget what you did to save me. I admit, I might have died in vain without your efforts and not been able to dedicate the remainder of my life to the clan. 

However, as a Black Knight, I cannot carry out your orders. Instead, I will carry them out as Dox McRolan. 

I'll send you a letter as soon as I get something. I hope you understand that I didn't break my promise and escape.)

Surprisingly, Dox left Tikan without being noticed by anyone, which meant that the opposite was also possible. The reason Joshua's Black Knights hadn't infiltrated Tikan was not because of their lack of ability but because of Chiron's orders.

'He's not ungrateful. I didn't expect him to give me such a gift.'

Jin did not know that Dox had been secretly informed of this fact by leaving secretly.

"Sir Valkas."

"Speak, my lord."

"How much can the city's defenses be improved once the equipment is all relocated compared to the current state?"

"That depends on how much you're willing to invest in the defenses, my lord."

"Whether it's in manpower or money, allocate everything necessary."

"I think the same. I assume you've read the message that the Black Knight left upon departing. If the Black Knight, who is not fully recovered, can slip away like this, there's no need to mention what a Black Knight in perfect condition could do."

Valkas had accepted Jin as his lord, but on the other hand, he also saw his role as testing Jin whenever there was an opportunity. Jin appreciated Valkas's approach because he was a leader who had successfully led a substantial force for a long time than Jin.

"Very well, my lord. What is our next move?"

A leader has the option of rallying their forces and reorganizing the hierarchy when their power suddenly increases.

Valkas hoped that Jin wouldn't give such a textbook answer.

"It is a time when we need to rally our forces and sort out the hierarchy."

"I see."

"But that's not my job. Rally. No, to be precise, the existing Tikan members, excluding me, will do their best to keep the atmosphere in order, but it is each person's responsibility to decide their hierarchy.I won't get involved in it."

"You won't get involved at all?"

"Now that we've suddenly become family, conflict seems inevitable, doesn't it? If I intervene, I'd have to take someone's side, so I'll just leave it to them to establish their ranks as they see fit. However, no killing or crippling each other. I will personally cut their throats if someone breaks those rules."

Valkas couldn't help but inwardly applaud.

'Lata Proch, it's no wonder that young crazy dog ​​turned into a puppy. Ten years ago, the kid that the 3rd division guys called Little Emperor has now become a giant who rules over the Valkas and the Black King corps.'

He suddenly remembered something Lata and Jet had said during a recent night of drinking.

-In some ways, perhaps Sir Valkas has been fortunate. I lost my most cherished subordinate to the lord, and my one and only sister was captured. And I only realized the value of our lord after I was lost against him.

-Well, I suffered a lot, thanks to our lord. It was so plausible when he played Veradin Zipfel. I was a beggar when I first arrived in Tikan. I had been a relatively well-off maggot in the Akin Kingdom, but I only became a worthwhile human after getting involved with our lord.

-On the other hand, haven't the Black King Corps only lost their hideout and reputation? Even the hideout still contains nearly all of the important equipment. As for the reputation... I'm absolutely sure that the reputation of the Black king corps will shine dozens of times brighter than what it had before when our lord ascend to the throne of the world. Me and my friend, Jet, are in the same boat.

Valkas grinned.

"That was an excellent response, my lord. So, what is your task?"

Then, Jin replied without a moment of hesitation.

"The great mercenary, Amela."

That was the correct answer.

"I need to recruit her. And if recruiting her is impossible, then I have to keep her in check."