Chapter 477

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'Is that the materialization of chaos?'

Yona's chaos was still smacking its lips as if it was hungry.

Amid the confusion brought about by the sudden appearance of chaos's forms, Jin noticed a particular aspect about the chaos that took form in Yona's shadow.

'At first glance, it's somewhat similar to shadow force.'

He had a similar thought when he saw Amela using the murky aura in Gaifa Archipelago. However, Yona's chaos gave an impression even more akin to shadow force.

'Moreover, this materialization... It almost looks like a manifestation of god.'

Some gods could manifest through their contractors.

In the Blue Bird Islands, Peitel manifested through Yulian, and Picon Minche and Olmango had also manifested in front of Jin in the same manner.

Yona and Amela's materialization of chaos seemed to be a phenomenon similar to the manifestation of a god. 

The only difference between materialization of Amela's chaos, the manifestation through contractors and Yona's chaos is that Yona seemed to control her chaos while they lost consciousness after manifestation.

Cough, cough!

Amela's chaos vomited something that looked like black blood.

[You must keep that promise. From now on, you should treat my one and only younger brother with even more care.]

[I understand, I will definitely...!]


Amela's chaos bowed her head, and slowly faded away.

It disappeared to hide deep within Amela once again.

It was also because of the severe, irreparable injuries that she couldn't maintain her form.

Yona, who had been floating in the air, landed on the ground, beginning to absorb the chaos energy. However, the chaos seemed to be reluctant to follow her intentions.

It ducked its head to avoid Yona's gaze, and whimpered in an attempt to break free from the restraint.

But as the pressure grew stronger, it seemed like it could no longer withstand it. The form of chaos was returning to Yona's shadow.

Right before it disappeared completely, Yona's chaos left these words:


[Or kill him...!]

In that moment, Jin felt as if he had met eyes with the chaos that was rebelling one last time.

Jin had a hunch that the chaos was referring to himself.

-From now on, you must never bring that power out in front of me. Please don't ask me for any details.

-I lose my temper when I see shadow force.

-You don't have to be sorry because I didn't explain. Hehe, I thought the youngest would hide that power from me, at least until he became a flagbearer…

Suddenly, Jin remembered Yona's words after they had investigated Bubare's sculpture workshop.

Back then, Jin had brought out the shadow force, a sign of his trust in Yona. However, as soon as she saw the shadow force, she screamed in agony as if she had been struck by a lightning bolt.

Yona's chaos feared shadow force.

That's why Yona's chaos whispers to her to kill Jin, every time they meet.

For a regular person, no. Even someone who had grown and trained to awaken their extreme willpower, found it hard to ignore that sweet voice.

Yona had been overcoming all of these temptations and intimidations all on her own.

Even at this very moment.

And she did not ask anything in return.

Protecting her beloved younger brother was something Yona simply considered as her duty.

"Yeah, go ahead and die. Hehe."

In no time, the chaos had completely faded, and Yona's shadow returned to its original form.

The darkened interior brightened as if the storm had passed and the weather was cleared, and all the objects that had been blown away by the wind fell to the floor.

"Ugh, Ahem! Wha-what?"

During a brief moment of silence, Amela, who had fallen, suddenly got up and coughed.

Her camouflage outfit trembled, and her eyes darted anxiously behind the hood.


However, as she met Yona's eyes, she lost consciousness once again and fell to the ground.

"Whoa, is she dead? Hey, bush. Bush! Wake up... Ah, she's just sleeping!"

As they approached, they heard the regular sound of her breathing.

Murakan seemed baffled and shook his head as if to express his surprise, then he tossed Amela onto the bed.

"She is going to sleep soundly for quite a while, hehe. Hello, Murakan! It's our first meeting, isn't it?"

"Uh, nice to meet you. The kid talked a lot about you."

"Really? Really?"

"Yeah, really."

"Did he talk about me a lot?"

"That's right. But why are you speaking informally to me? I'm a Black Dragon who's over three thousand years old, and I'm the guardian deity of your clan."

"Jin speak informally with you, right?"


Surprisingly, Murakan didn't seem to have any problems or make any snide comments about her lack of etiquette. He simply shook hands with Yona.

"Elder sister."

As Jin approached, Yona's eyes sparkled.

On the other hand, Jin could only look at her with a worried expression.

Yona's face was unnaturally pale.

It was a face that Jin had never seen before, a face that looked exhausted.

"I missed you, my youngest!"

"Are you okay? Your face is so pale."

"I'm not okay. I'm going to die soon."

"Don't say that, even as a joke."

Jin took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on Yona's forehead.

Yona smiled, feeling proud of her younger brother.

Then, suddenly, she pouted and flicked Jin on the forehead.


If it were an ordinary person, their head might have been sent flying. But Jin only ended up with a lump like a big chestnut on his forehead.

'Wait... Is this elder sister Yona's strength? Not elder sister Luna's?'

Instead of feeling unjust or in pain because of the sudden blow, Jin was more dumbfounded by the overwhelming power.

"Ugh, as expected, you get too strong if you call me. Sorry, youngest! I didn't mean to hit you so hard. But it's okay to get hit, right? No, you should get hit. You called me just for this?! You're going to get into big trouble!"

Jin thought that the big trouble Yona was talking about was the order of Chiron. After all, Chiron had always made it clear that no one in the clan should use Yona for their purposes.

"No, that's not it! I was so happy that you called your older sister for some reason. I thought you wanted to hang out with me, of course. But I had no idea you had another reason. Hehehe, hehehehe, hehehehehe."

It sent shivers down his spine.

And he felt genuinely sorry.

As Yona said, it was a matter that could easily offend her.

"I'm sorry,elder sister."

At that moment, Kashmir, Valkas, and Jet, who had sensed the commotion, arrived in the room where Jin was.

"Lord Jin! What's happening..."

"My lord, are you..."

Kashmir and Valkas started to inquire but fell silent when they saw Yona.

'Is she Yona Runlandel?'

'Yona Runcandel!?'

Jin didn't recognize her.

"If you keep acting like this, your precious friends will die one by one. Do you understand?"

So when Yona spoke with a playful smile,

"Huh! What is this little girl saying? I should really give her a good beating! My lord! Please let me do it!"

He shouted without realizing the situation.

Yona looked at Jet as if she found his reaction quite interesting.

"Yes, Jet. It's me, Yona. It's been a while since I saw you too."

"Huh! When did you see me and why are you pretending to know me... Wait, Yona. Yo...oona? Could you be Yona Runcandel?"

At the words 'I haven't seen you in a while', Jet's hair stood on end. 

Though Jet couldn't recognize her, Yona had seen him quite often. The same was true for the other companions.

"I take full responsibility for my audacity. I'll do anything if you spare me. I'll show you anything! Oh god, please help me….!"

In reality, Kashmir and Valkas were on high alert, ready to protect Jet as they sensed the danger.

"He is a loyal subordinate of our lord. How about sparing him, Yona Runlandel?"

Valkas had experienced Yona in the past, and he knew that there were very few people she couldn't kill if she set her mind to it. He also knew that she considered life to be lighter than a feather.


Yona shrugged her shoulders.

"The youngest."

"Yes, elder sister."

"Now I might understand why ordinary people find me so uncomfortable or scary. Well, at least a little."

Yona had recently gained the ability to control a part of the Chaos through her desire to protect Jin. This made her stronger and more relatable to others. Some of the emotions that Chaos had damaged were now restored.

In other words, Yona no longer treated life as lightly as she did when she first met Jin. Of course, she could only control a "portion" of the Chaos, and her emotions hadn't fully returned to normal.

She didn't explain further, but Jin felt like Yona's words held deeper meanings.

"The people who are precious to my youngest are precious to me too. I was just joking, Black kings leader. Relax a bit. Jet, lift your head too, hehe."

"Thank you, Miss Yona!"

Yona turned around and met eyes with Jin again, and her complexion was returning.

"Anyway, I'll invite you to hang out next time. I want to hear all about how it was when you made the patriarchy declaration! I only saw it in articles and heard about it from others!"

Jin felt touched by every word she said.

"So, let's go for a walk from now on and hang out, while I catch up on the stories I missed. Hehe!"

In fact, Jin initially planned to seek help from Yona and address one more issue before she went back to Samil.

Just as Yona said, just to break the ice with her.

The reason Jin was moving so urgently was none other than the fact that there was something bigger than the mercenary Amela. Jin had yet to find any clues about this issue.

So, as a result, Jin had planned to go to the Garden of Swords as soon as he finished verifying Amela's words to meet with Vigo.

Since Vigo had gone to Gaifa Archipelago on behalf of Joshua, he was likely to possess more information than Jin, which was why he had planned to use Gaifa Archipelago's debt as leverage to find out.

However, Jin couldn't deny that Yona was important, not just out of regret but because Yona is more precious to Jin than anyone else in the world. Above all, there were moments when family's feelings took precedence.

And that was exactly what was happening right now.

"I have so much to talk about and stories to share with you, elder sister. Thank you for your forgiveness. Shall we go for a walk?"

"Sure, sure."


Yona smashed through the window and leaped outside, and Jin followed suit. As they landed in the garden.

'Is that a ship?'

Jin could confirm that a ship was approaching Tikan from the other side of the sea.

The ship stood out because it lacked any identifying marks.


Yona, on the other hand, tilted her head as if she knew whose ship it was.

"Huh? That's Mary Unnie's ship."