Chapter 503

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Runcandels and Sandra were also observing the fight taking place in the sky above.

A bit further below, explosions continued to occur in the area on the ground.

The battle between Kinzelo and Zipfel was continuing in the underground shipyard.

The situation was still not favorable for Runcandels.

Yona was unconscious, supported by Jin. Joshua, Diphus, and Jane also suffered significant injuries from the recent battle.

The fate of the Black Knight Mon, who remained in the shipyard, couldn't be immediately confirmed. Among the group, only Jin and Murakan were in a condition to engage in further battle.

Moreover, leaving the Lutero Magic Federation would still take a considerable amount of time.

"Hahaha, Jin, it seems like Hedo has played his part well. Seeing the mages of my aunt heading in the wrong direction is quite telling."

Sandra spoke with an excited voice, but the Spectre Corps wasn't foolish.

If they do not find any traces of escape in the Kuta Forest, they will undoubtedly change their direction and extensively expand the search area.

'Considering the state of emergency declared some time ago, not only the Spectre Corps but the entire area adjacent to Sota Desert would have been under blockade and vigilant.'

They had to break through all of that and return to the clan.

'What's somewhat fortunate is that there's a high possibility that Kinzelo will help us in our escape.'


Another enemy that appeared at exactly the right time.

Jin was convinced that Grenil's appearance was by no means a coincidence.

'They might not have grasped the situation in detail from what happened at the 2nd Magic Tower just now, but at least they know about us. No, they know that elder sister Yona has robbed the vault. Since they commissioned her.'

Just before losing consciousness, Yona handed Jin 'two things.'

One was a blueprint for a battleship, and the other was a small, unfamiliar type of machinery.

The machine was in the form of a board a little smaller than the palm of one's hand, and when shaken, it made a sound like a complex tangle of gears inside.

Its purpose was unclear.

Even Joshua, who had heard about the blueprint and the existence of the machinery from the Prophet, and Sandra Zipfel, couldn't determine the exact use of the machine.

However, given that it was accompanied by the blueprint, it was undoubtedly an essential item.

The energy emanating from the object was strangely extraordinary.

'Kinzelo must have sent Grenil to prevent us from being attacked by Drakka's reinforcements.'

The reason was clear.

Kinzelo was causing this chaos to loot the vault in the first place. Naturally, they needed to take the items obtained by Runcandel.

If Runcandels were captured by the Zipfel main force, they would never be able to get those items again.

The identity of Kinzelo's member, who took on the role of finding the group, and when they would arrive, was crucial.

Either they can handle them with their current power or they can have a conversation. It would be good if someone who meets at least one of the conditions comes along.

However, even if someone who didn't meet the conditions came, it wouldn't be a significant problem.

'As long as we have the blueprint and the machine, I have the initiative no matter who comes for Kinzelo after us.'

While Jin organized his thoughts, Sandra continued to speak without a pause.

"Ah, if only it wasn't my little sister, I could have been the one carried on your back. It's a shame, but I can't make someone who has fainted like this walk... How about linking our arms?"

The other Runcandels who were looking at Sandra could barely conceal their uneasy feelings.

'Why is Sandra Zipfel trying to help the youngest? Judging from Sandra's atmosphere alone, they seem like a newlywed couple who can't live without each other. Thanks to her, we easily escaped from the 2nd Magic Tower, but is this really the right thing?'

'Even if Sandra Zipfel didn't intervene, the youngest and Murakan probably could have escaped from the 2nd Magic Tower. It's hard to understand, but Hedo followed Sandra Zipfel's orders absolutely, and he was clearly trying to kill me, Diphus, and Jane until Sandra ordered him to open the path.'

If it weren't for Sandra, the other Runcandels, excluding Jin and Murakan, would have undoubtedly died. 

Diphus and Joshua were convinced of that. 

In reality, it would likely have turned out that way. Even considering Yona's contributions, Hedo was not someone the flagbearers could handle.

Jin also had a hard time deciding how to deal with her.

"Sandra Zipfel."

"Yeah, Mr. Jin."

"I am not your lover, much less your husband."

He couldn't fathom Sandra's feelings. Setting aside their incompatible backgrounds as Runcandels and Zipfels, her unilateral affection was something that couldn't be explained merely as peculiar.

The two met for the first time in Gaifa Archipelago, and it was as enemies.

Sandra's behavior was not scary or seriously unpleasant.

However, Jin was not happy with the situation where he only received help from her without giving anything in return.

"But it's a fact that thanks to you, my siblings' and the Black Knight's lives were saved. I want to repay you somehow. If there's anything you need, ask for it. If it's within my power, I'll see to it after we escape."

Sandra closed her mouth for the first time at Jin's calm voice.

No matter how much of an enemy she was, her bizarre behavior was difficult to accept with common sense.

But a line had to be drawn. That was Jin's position, and he believed that anyone in the world would think the same way.

Sandra seemed visibly shocked by Jin's composed words.

"Oh... kid. That was a very chilly remark. Impressive, very impressive."

Murakan, who felt uncomfortable seeing Sandra becoming quiet, blurted out those words for no reason. He, too, had never seen a person like Sandra in his over 3,000 years of existence.

However, the reason Sandra had stayed silent wasn't that she was hurt by Jin's indifferent attitude.

"Right, Lord Murakan. You really know how cool my Jin is..."

She simply closed her mouth because she found Jin's composed demeanor shockingly cool.

'How could such a reaction come from my words...?'

It was a series of shocks. It sent shivers down the spine of Jin and everyone else.

"The more I see, the more attractive you look! It has become more certain. The best decision in my life was to fall in love with Mr. Jin!"

"No, what is this..."

"I will definitely marry Jin. That's right, we're not lovers or spouses yet. I think I was a little ahead of myself."

"Just... a little bit?"

Jin almost stumbled over his words.

"Mr. Jin, I decided to love you for no reason. So, I don't ask for anything in return, and like many other types of love, there's no need to understand it."

Sandra smiled and continued her words.

"It's just a spark in a boring life. Lightning can strike in a clear sky from time to time, right?"

Watching Sandra unexpectedly praising love, Jin concluded that there was no need to worry about her anymore.

There was no answer.

"I understand what you mean."

"Of course, my unrequited love is only for Mr. Jin and little sister. As for the rest of you, since I saved you... What should I get in return? Hm."

"I understand the reason for the youngest, but why is Yona included?" Diphus asked.

"Because she's the little sister?"

"Ah, I see."

He decided not to think about it complicatedly now.

It seemed easier to understand the person Sandra Zipfel was that way.

"Above all, Jin particularly cherishes his youngest sister, right? As far as I know, the only siblings he has a good relationship with are the eldest sister and the youngest sister."

"Maybe Mary is also included."

"I will keep that in mind. What about you, 4th flagbearer?"

"I don't know, but I am almost certain that Jin hates that human the most in the world."

"So, I was a bit curious too. If I were Mr. Jin, I would have used Hedo to kill the 2nd flagbearer."

"It's a situation where we need every helping hand to escape. I can't help it. But even if it were me, I might have done the same. The youngest has a truly big heart."

"From one to ten, there's nothing that isn't cool about him."

Diphus and Sandra, who were giggling, seemed to get along strangely well.

"Diphus, snap out of it. She is showing goodwill, but she is still an enemy. Moreover, she is a pureblood Zipfel. Is it a relationship worthy of such ridiculous banter?"

As if waiting for this reaction, Diphus's eyes darkened with killing intent.

"Is this a joke? You fucking bastard."

"What did you say?"

"I'd like to tear you apart right now. You should know best what mistakes you've made. You, the 2nd flagbearer of the clan, became the next patriarch thanks to our mother! You put everyone in danger on this mission. It's nothing short of betrayal."

"Betrayal? Isn't that a fitting word for you gossiping with Zipfel like that? Are you doing this because I didn't share all the information? I know you don't like it, but I judged it was better suited to the success of the mission. Hedo was an unknown variable."

"Bold words you're spouting. If it weren't for the youngest, you'd have perished due to your brilliant judgment, that's a fact that can't be denied."

"You're acting like a child, Diphus."

"..... 4th flagbearer, you'd better stop. Escaping the enemy territory is our priority."

When Jane intervened, Diphus let out a bitter laugh.

"It's for the mission, for the clan... I feel sick. How much benefit have you made so far with such flashy words? The moment will surely come when everyone will find out whether what you say is true or false."

Again (excluding Sandra), silence fell.

The wind was erasing the footsteps of the group.

And when the noise of the battle and explosions in the sky and the shipyard became much farther away, and the thick sandstorm obscured the view.

The group could confirm that a dark silhouette was approaching them from a distance.

'They are here.'

It was someone from Kinzelo.