Chapter 529

Dante couldn't take his eyes off the blue sword that started from the far end of the rear.

Everyone in the clan risked their lives, so he didn't want to survive cowardly alone.

However, the blue sword that Dante saw with his own two eyes felt like a light that cut through despair.

'Jin... !'

Jin did not receive Dante's letter.

Even if he received it, he and his people would surely have come to aid the Sword emperor castle.


We have come!

Jin shouted with determination, and the entire battlefield vibrated with his voice. Even Dante, standing alone at the forefront of the battlefield, could hear his friend's voice clearly.

The Imperial Army in the rear looked up. Jin was standing alone on the cliff towering high behind the Sword Emperor Castle.

"The Vamel Alliance and the Tikan Kingdom will defend the sword emperor castle with Hairan now."

Blue-pale sword Sigmund, the thunder sword bestowed directly by battle god, was stained with sharp lightning bolts.

The dragon lance cannon, which was aimed at the back gate, was hurriedly aiming at Jin.

"So, all enemies open the way."


The moment the dragon lance cannon fired, Jin's sword emitted light.

Runcandel 5th secret move

Light-speed Thrust – Plutonian

The light from a single sword lit up the night sky for an instant.

And the projectile of the dragon lance disappeared without a trace, leaving only the sound of the explosion.

It was swallowed up by the sword energy of the Light-Speed Thrust.

The sword energy that swallowed the projectile pierced the protective shields of the knights and mages of the imperial army and even completely destroyed the dragon lance.

It happened before the sound of the explosion could disperse into the air.

Those who witnessed it couldn't understand what was happening.

Just looking at Jin's movements and at the lighting and aura remaining on the straight line between the cliff and the broken dragon lance.

They could only infer the fact that he had thrust his sword once.

But the shock didn't end there.


"W-What is this...!"

Lightning began to pour out at the strike point of the light-speed thrust, where the dragon lance was shattered.

The original light-speed thrust was just an insanely fast thrust, as Talaris said it. However, Jin's Light-Speed Thrust, named after his brethren, carried the fierce energy unique to Plutonian Swordsmanship.

The ruthless power of a race that once ruled and dominated as the sole victors.

The blue lightning bolts were trampling on the knights and mages of the imperial army. They had no means to defend themselves against its power.

With a single sword, the rear ranks of the imperial army collapsed.

Both allies and enemies, feeling the thrill from Jin's sword, could only think the same thing.

This is the kind of knight that overwhelms the battlefield.

Jin raised his aura again.

And he fired a series of light-speed thrusts until the cliff collapsed because it couldn't support the force.

The blue flashes falling on the battlefield looked like a punishment from a god in the eyes of the enemies.

It seemed like they were paying the price for daring to betray Hairan as a part of the Empire.

It seemed like they were being punished for not confronting the Emperor's tyranny as a human who was safe within the shield named Hairan.

The cliff collapsed after five more light-speed thrusts.

And the fact that the cliff has collapsed means that the monster would now directly sweep through the battlefield.

The enemy's fear had to be weighed heavily.

Plutonian swordsmanship was created solely for conquest and destruction. There was no martial art more specialized for war in the world than that.

As soon as Jin entered the battlefield, the number of deaths changed.

Lightning bolts fell every time lightning energy spread, and when lightning bolts poured, dozens to hundreds of enemies either died or were so severely injured that they could no longer fight, lying on the ground.

Not only the rank-file soldiers but even the knights who considered themselves part of the Imperial Army dared not block Jin's path. If they were recklessly engaged, their entire bodies would burn before they could even clash swords.

Screams loud enough to pierce one's eardrums echoed.

But Jin couldn't hear their screams.

Only the harsh voice of his friend whose heart must have been torn apart by the madness of war, broke his heart.

"Back off, you bastards. How could you guys do this to Hairan...…!"

Even in defeat, people were witnessing another name called Runcandel.

The dragon lance aiming at the back gate and the entire cannon of the Golden Dragon-class or higher followed Jin's movements.

In the first place, the dragon lance that Dante slashed in the front line was nothing more than a deception. Much more dragon lances were being deployed in the rear and on the sides.

More than fifty dragon lances were being loaded.

In addition, the enemy commanders were also prepared for a joint attack.

"Jin Runcandel! Are you aware that the people you are killing are the troops of His Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Vermont Empire? Runcandel is now intervening in the Empire's civil war, do you understand what that means...?"

The commander of the Lillista Magic Corps couldn't finish her words.

Jin immediately fired another light-speed thrust in the direction where the voice came from.

As soon as she died, the knights of the Central Knight Order, about a hundred of the key figures of the Imperial Army as Dante had anticipated, formed a formation to block Jin.

Jin snorted.

"The fact that you can die by hand of a Runcandel on the battlefield is the highest honor garbage like you can have."

The Knights of the Central Knight Order did not add any further words like Lillista's commander.

It was because they knew it at a glance. No matter what they say, Jin won't stop.

"So I don't want to give you bastards even that honor. That's the price you pay for forgetting honor."

As soon as Jin finished talking.

Boom! Sizzle!

Sudden cannon fire from somewhere rained down on the knights of the Central Knight Order.

It was a dragon lance. The knights hurriedly threw their shields and swung their swords, but the flagship cannon fire boasted by the Empire claimed their lives.

'Damn it, why is dragon lance doing us!'

'Hensirk Magic Corps wouldn't make such a mistake. Could it be...!'

Jin smiled coldly and shrugged his shoulders.

"I clearly shouted that we came, not just me. Did you commanders forget that?"

Sizzle, boom!

The firing of the dragon lances continuously rained down on the Central Knight Order.

The person aiming the cannon at them from the rear-left side of the battlefield was not the imperial army.

"It's a hit! Hehe, my lord will praise me, right?"

Amela laughed and loaded the next cannon.

Great mercenary Amela, as soon as she entered the battlefield, she swiftly assessed the enemy's equipment and began confiscating them one by one.

"Old man Valkas, that one. That one looks usable. Hand it over."


"It would have been better if the cuties had brought it to me instead of old man Valkas, but our Proch cuties are organizing the side battlefield well."

Valkas, the leader of the Black Kings, and Amela, the great mercenary.

The two people who could be called the incarnation of war were also stirring the rear battlefield with Jin.

Realizing this fact belatedly, the Imperial Army once again felt a horrifying sensation as if blood was draining from their heads.

Valkas lifted the dragon lance pointed by Amela's finger.

He lifts the huge cannon lead by Hundreds of rank-file soldiers, as if it's a little heavy rock.

The number of troops has no meaning in front of a human who has risen to the ranks of superhumans.

"It's nothing compared to the Black King Cannon No.1, but this isn't bad either. I'll take a few of these and hang them in Tikan when the war is over! Fire, fire!"

In the end, the dragon lances operated by Amela annihilated all the knights who stood in the way of Jin before thirty seconds had passed.

"ugh… uh… Kuh."

Jin didn't even cut them directly, as he said.

No glorious death in battle by the hands of Runcandel was left for them.

"Even if you die, apologize for what you guys have done. And hope that Dante doesn't die or get hurt. If such a thing happens, I will not only exterminate your families but also your relatives and their kin..."

At those words, the knights of the Central Knight Order couldn't believe this was the end even facing death.

It was a deep and dark voice that anyone could not think of as a lie if they heard it in person, and it was the threat from pure-blood Runcandel.

When Jin started to move again, the imperial troops surrounding him backed away.

The plain was wide, but it seemed like there was a cliff right behind them. If they continued retreating to avoid Jin, they might fall off that edge.

However, their footsteps did not seem to be heading forward at all.

The Emperor's command and the madness of war were overshadowed by a massive, terrifying shadow approaching step by step.

When they thought they were going to face Hairan without Ron, all of the imperial troops were confident of victory.

They thought that the sword emperor would eventually come to an end in front of numerous dragons, knights, mages, and the strongest war equipment of the empire including dragon lances.

That is why the imperial army attacked the sword emperor, even though they knew that this purge was in no way reasonable.

Regardless of right or wrong, standing on the losing side in a war will ultimately only bring death and destruction.

The moment they defend Hairan, they will also become traitors and get executed.

However, they overlooked that Hairan is not alone.

They did not recognize the relationship between the young patriarch of Hairan and Runcandel's 12th flagbearer that was thicker than blood.

Therefore, now the conviction that 'they cannot win' and the despair were weighing down the Imperial Army. Beyond that, even questions arose.

Could the Empire continue to exist as it had after today?

They wanted to confess their sins immediately and plead to stand on Hairan's side now. 

They wished to speak with a humble voice, admitting they followed the Emperor's orders only because they lacked the strength, and in reality, they respected Hairan more than the Imperial family.

There was no way Jin and Hairan wouldn't entertain such ridiculous pleas.

They knew better than anyone that claiming to have just followed orders was no excuse.

Some lost their minds and sobbed uncontrollably, while others dropped their weapons, trembling all over.

Some shouted, but it was not to fight the opponent, but only to lose reason and turn into a frightened beast.

"I swear in the name of Runcandel's 12th flagbearer. Run away, I won't pursue you. However, any enemy remaining on the battlefield will die without exception. But I think...."

It seems better to die here than to endure a lifetime of disgrace and self-loathing.

Jin continued talking and glared at the enemies.

Those who saw his gaze keenly felt the harsh reality.

Whether facing him or running away, there was only hell awaiting them.