The sphere of reverse sky was swallowing the sky.

At the same time, the sky, the plain, and the entire battlefield began to vibrate as if it would be broken at any moment by the power of the reserve sky.

Broken rocks, heaps of stones, and corpses floated randomly and were drawn by the gravitational pull, and the air around the sphere was grotesquely distorted.


Jin shouted while controlling the mana pouring madly from the mirror.

It is a range of magic that is not permitted to humans. From the start, Jin had been using more than several times the mana Enya had drawn from the mirror.

It was a shout that he unknowingly gave out because he felt like his entire head would be blown away, but it was a desperate voice that was more like a scream. 

But to those who heard it, it was just a frightening and horrific sound that gave them goosebumps. It felt as if some transcendent being was threatening them by announcing punishment.

Everyone on the battlefield was looking at Jin, who was standing blurred in the distorted space.

'This... Is it really the magic of a single human being?'

Neither the enemy nor the ally.

Even after seeing it with their own eyes, they couldn't help but be shocked by the fact that it was Runcandel's 12th flagbearer who casted the reverse sky.

Even the blank eyes in the hoods of the Spectres were convulsing at the light spread by the orb of reverse sky.

Most of the battlefield is unaware of the mirror's existence. However, they were able to know that the magic that Jin emitted was far beyond human limits.

They were also convinced that no one would be able to do this with the help of any artifact.

An Archmage.

No, A magic swordsman.

The reverse sky that Jin had just casted was like a signal that the history of the Runcandel magic swordsman would be revived.

[Infinite mana...… It is an artifact of Colon.]

[Retreat flight, hurry to reload the cannon...!]

To escape the influence of reverse sky, the mass production battleships began to withdraw.

However, a huge invisible force was already holding the entire fleet.

Some parts of the ship were crushed and protective shields torn to pieces every time they tried to escape forcefully.

Fragments of the wrecked ship fell to the ground, and crushed the enemy's ground forces.

Occasionally, fragments caught in the whirlpool also fell on the allied camp, but the dragon knights and swordmaster seemed to knock them off.

Murakan and Cuicantelle also protected their allies by spreading the shadow force and the divine power of time. If it wasn't for them, the allies would have suffered considerable damage, but in the first place, Jin chose to use the mirror for reverse sky because he believed in them.

More than 40% of the blades and chains of the Red Abyss had already been absorbed into the reverse sky.

If the Spectres had exactly the same power as the Spectres Jin experienced, they would have blocked even the reverse sky of the mirror. It was possible if there were as many as 60 superhuman-level mages.

However, just as the mass production ships could not be compared to Kozec, the resurrected Spectres were no different. They were essentially nothing more than imperfectly resurrected dead.

Even so, they have tremendous power, but they do not have the unique transcendence or suitable quality of the real superhuman.


[We can't retreat, give up battleships that have already been caught too much!]

The bands of red mana absorbed by the reverse sky looked just like blood vessels.

Those veins constantly cut and burst, and plunged the Spectres into mana backflow.

There were Spectres who vomited blood. Some of them lost consciousness and fell outside the wrecked battleship, but they were caught up in the whirlpool of the reverse sky and disappeared. Not even a drop of blood was left, let alone a corpse.

It would be nice if they could finish off the cannons before they could be reloaded, but those other than Jin couldn't afford to protect their allies.

The battlefield has become a hell that is difficult for ordinary people to stand still.

At least, Murakan summoned shadow force awls outside the shield protecting his allies and attacked the enemies, but even that was not aimed because of the attraction force of the reverse sky. He also can't help it if he does not focus entirely on the attack.

That's why Murakan was worried about Jin.

'It's on a different level from what the big fan used, kid...! You can't keep this much mana intact.'

If left unchecked, it may not just end in mana backflow, but may lead to death.

'I can't check it because the visibility is too bad, and I hope he's not gone already, right?'

In fact, Murakan had to save Jin even if everyone here died. Of course, Jin wouldn't want that, but his duty as a guardian dragon came first.

In addition, if he falls into backflow while the reverse sky has already progressed this far.

Not just Jin's life, but everyone could be in danger.

'The infinite mana that has already escaped the mirror does not stop until the magic casting is over. The kid is in control now, but when it's gone...….'

Murakan didn't know what was going to happen.

Because there is no such case.

However, there is no way that this enormous spell that has already been released on the battlefield will disappear like a lie the moment Jin loses consciousness.

The reverse sky grew bigger and bigger without control, and could have swallowed up allies within a short period of time. When all of that is over, there may be no one alive on the battlefield, let alone Jin.

As soon as he thought about it, Murakan's scales soared from this tension and his hairline seemed to become soft.

Even if he gives up protecting his allies for a moment, should he approach Jin and check his condition?

If he does, his allies will die in seconds. He couldn't let the hard-won victory be stained by the death of an ally.

Cuicantelle recognized Murakan's intentions.

[Murakan, it's already too late to look into it. We have to focus on our part.]

We have no choice but to believe.

As Cuicantelle said, if he had already passed the limit, he would not be able to save Jin himself.

Even while he was agonizing, the power of the reverse sky continued to grow. More than 30% of the fleet had already been completely destroyed, and the Spectres were unable to counterattack at all.

[Damn it! I know, I know.]

If Murakan was in his prime, he wouldn't have to worry about this.

What bothered Murakan is his own incompetence. Cuicantelle is also a guardian dragon, and she knew that fact better than anyone else.

[Our contractors have always been stronger than us. Jin has always been special among them. So wait, he will be fine as always.]

Murakan let out a roar and spread the curtains even wider. And whenever the opportunity arises, he checks where Jin is standing and waits for the vision hidden by his mana to clear up.

Perhaps his intentions had reached Jin, and soon the mana that was covering Jin was lifted.


Murakan was worried, but Jin, who suddenly appeared, seemed to have regained some stability, unlike the first time when he was screaming.

He was calmly adjusting the magic circles of reverse sky that stretched everywhere. Along with mana, a familiar black aura was wrapped around Jin.

Shadow force, the power of Solderet.

Jin, engulfed in it, seemed to be receiving the protection of Solderet.

And that shadow force was not directly operated by Jin, but originated from the masterpiece of the Solderet engraved on the mirror, the seal.

-[The seal is a masterpiece created by pouring all the power of the Solderet when he possesses stronger power than ever. It's not just a high-density shadow force, it's also part of the Solderet.]

The words of Kallum, the god of mana, when he saved Colon in the past.

A part of the Solderet.

The will remaining in it was telling Jin the way. How to use this infinite mana that could destroy the world if not used to become the power to save the world.

Jin really felt like he was communicating with him after a long time. He couldn't hear his voice, but he felt a clearer will guiding and protecting him.

'As a contractor, this is the feeling that God is with me….'

The sea of ​​infinite mana was moving according to his own will. Forgetting the horrors, deaths, and madness of war for a while.

Jin was momentarily in a state of ecstasy and playing with his magic. With the will of the two gods who tried to save the world.

All of the mana of the reverse sky that was directed at the allies was returning to the enemy.

It was the result of Jin starting to completely control the mana of the mirror.

The confusion in the friendly camp quickly subsided, and the enemies simply screamed.

However, that sound was blocked by the cheers of the allies and the roar of the reverse sky, and did not reach anywhere.

Surprisingly, not a single ally died in Jin's revered sky.

Both the Vamel Alliance and Hairan were tenaciously defending it.

Although he was said to have risen to the ranks of superhumans, Jin was still only twenty years old. If they let Jin carry the burden of the death of an ally like that, they wouldn't be able to see his face after the fight.

[Look, I said he would be fine. Now wake up and strengthen your shield. The reverse sky is waning, but your contractor doesn't seem to have any intention of ending it here.]

Mana and shadow force.

A red flame was burning in it.

[Fleet main cannon reload complete!]


At that moment, the remaining battleships finished loading their cannons.

The Spectres have not yet confirmed the flames that have begun to spread from Jin.

That's why they thought that if they could just fire it somehow, they would be able to hit Jin.

Even if they couldn't put an end to it, they were sure they could thwart the legacy of the goddamn Kidard Hall and kill at least a thousand enemies.

17 cannons opened.

It is a reload that has been done diligently while flying retreating.

Also, the Spectres, though inferior to the real ones, were wearing gray robes.

They were prepared not only for their main cannons, but also their final linking magic.

[Take Zipfel's enemies to Hell together!]

[Colon's artifacts and white stone. Everything will be in the glory of the Zipfel...!]

The commanders of the Spectres couldn't finish their last words.

It was because they were mistaken as if they had fallen into pitch-black darkness for a moment.

The darkness was so deep that even the person next to them could not see them.

'No way!'


That darkness was the shadow force. It was a deeper darkness than when Murakan had colored the sky with a curtain of shadow force.

Annihilating Dark Sky Flame Orb, demon empress final version.

As soon as Jin finished the chant, the cannons were fired.

However, everyone on the battlefield did not even recognize the moment when the main cannons of the fleet opened fire.

It was because as soon as it was shot, it was scattered into the sun-like mana created by the flame orb.

Legacy of Riol Zipfel.

The great magic among the great magic, which can only be fully casted with the power of Solderet, was swallowing up the Zipfel.