Sword of the Overlord, Hairan's vision seal sword.

The swordsmanship that was devised about 500 years ago and developed by the patriarch of Hairan and the sword saints to this day, the existence of the Sword of the Overlord has never been known to the world.

When Ron brought up the name, the eyes of the sword saints changed. The aura that suddenly spilled from their bodies carved strange patterns all over their bodies like runes.

Muddy whirlpools spread in their eyes, and the pure white coats that symbolized the sword saints were dyed gray.

It didn't look like an aura, but a change caused by old dark magic or other forbidden spells.

'Sword of the Overlord…? Is this the sword of Hairan?'

Jin thought.

The Sword of the Overlord is a sword that symbolizes the 'right path'. The swords wielded by the heirs of the Sword emperor were bound to radiate a unique pure and strong aura, but now the changes in the sword saints were completely opposite to that.

Muddy, dark, and ominous.

It looked more like a form of curse than a martial art.

Anyone who witnessed the energy of the Sword of the Overlord had no choice but to intuit it. Those who used this sword would never be able to return to their former self.

Also, strangely enough, the energy of the Sword of Conquest emitted a feeling oddly similar to the swordsmanship Jin was familiar with. The sword of Runcandel.

"The reason why the 24th patriarch invented this sword was not to fight against Zipfel, but to prepare for a battle against Runcandel that might happen someday," Ron said.

The reason why the Sword of the Overlord was not known to the world until now even though it was made 500 years ago. Only to prepare for the invasion of Runcandel, it was a sealing technique made by following their swordsmanship.

The significance of the Sword of Overlord does not include the righteousness of Hairan.

An extreme sword made to withstand the ultimate power for a brief moment if you abandon your body.

The Sword of the Overlord, in some ways, emitted a more savage and ferocious scent than the sword of Runcandel, which had a safety device called 'blessed body'.

Jin could hear the terrifying breathing of beasts who had abandoned their future to win the battle.

"It is a sword meant for Runcandel but I ended up taking out fighting against Zipfel... It's strange."


The sword saints drew their swords, lowering their stances. The stone of the wall they were stepping on exploded, leaving deep footprints.

"Sword saint leader Ruyan, Sword of Overlord unsealed. I will abide by the patriarch's command."

"Sword saint Aquita Hairan, Sword of Overlord unsealed. I will abide by the patriarch's command."

"Sword saint Errol Lyman, Sword of Overlord unsealed. I will abide by the patriarch's command."

 "Sword saint Bell Artemiro, Sword of Overlord unsealed. I will abide by the patriarch's command."

"Sword saint Franz, Sword of Overlord unsealed. I will abide by the patriarch's command."

The sword saints drew their swords in unison.

At the same time, sword energy poured from their swords toward the fleet. In an instant, the blade, which glowed a gloomy gray color, pierced Kelliark's curtain of fire and was seen advancing toward the inner fleet.

A hideous trace was left as if some gigantic being had scratched it. Ron's formless swordsmanship assisted the attacks of the sword saints and was tearing up the fire curtain in an instant.

There was a smell of ash from the falling chunks of fire that scattered. Dark smoke engulfed the fire, completely obscuring the view.

The five swords glowing in the dark continued to attack without hesitation.

No matter where they swung it towards the sky in front, the whole area was full of enemies, and any stray sword energy effortlessly joined Ron's formless sword, finding its place seamlessly in the pitch-black visibility.

The formless and gray, the two sword energies were striking the fleet without a break. Every once in a while, Jin heard the screams of humans and dragons who did not know whose it was.

Ron had already exceeded expectations by becoming stronger, but the transformation of the sword saints added an unexpected twist.

'He's becoming more aggressive.'

But Kelliark was not taken aback anymore.

The reason he clenched his teeth when he first confirmed Ron's martial arts was not because he was anxious that he might lose this war.

There was not even a speck of such anxiety.

The reason why Kelliark was overcome with a sense of inferiority for a while was the fact that he had been beaten by Ron in the competition in the category of 'human'.

It was a rekindling of the deep sense of inferiority he had always felt towards Chiron since his youth.

'I admit it, my friends. As a human, I have been defeated by you.'

However, the Demon God's orb could elevate him beyond mere humanity. Towards Gods or even something transcendental...

A red light spread from Hroti.

Annihilating Dark Sky Flame Orb, Demon empress, 2nd version.

Jin saw the orb of fire engulfing the smoke and spinning.

The orb, which was even larger than the one Jin had formed with the help of Solderet and Kallum during the first battle, exuded an awe-inspiring majesty, as if it were casted directly by the pinnacle of magic.

Jin had only seen Valeria's Annihilating Dark Sky Flame Orb, Demon empress, 2nd version only once in his past life.

"This is our Lord's...…."

Lata looked up at the orb of fire and said.

Most of the Vamel Alliance and the sword emperor castle mistakenly believed that Kelliark used the same magic as Jin. It was thought that the power was increased by using the same magic with a stronger mage.

And everyone couldn't help but be very nervous because they knew what was the power of the legacy of Riol.

"Kelliark Zipfel, you weren't just idling around. Ruyan!"

"Yes, lord patriarch."

"I'll handle that. In the meantime, Octavia will undoubtedly attempt infiltration during the opening...."

While Ron was talking, Jin was recalling the conversation he had with Valeria in his past life.

-According to records, Annihilating Dark Sky Flame Orb, Demon empress, 2nd version is superior to the final version.

- It seems that the final version is superior in other ways. Is it stability?

-Yes, stability. The final version is refined so that the second version can be used stably. But that's not all.

- What else is the difference?

-Weakness. The 2nd version is the strongest, but its weaknesses are too obvious. There are errors that are not even in the 1st version. Usually, if you see this magic, you won't survive, and there are few people who are great enough to dare to analyze Riol's perfect magic, so it's an unknown area... Well, look here.

At that time, Valeria had explained to him while casting 2nd version directly near Hister's succession temple. Behind her a ghastly fire orb floated just like now.

-Paper that shows letters when wet. It's the same. When the 2nd version starts, release your mana and scatter it in all directions. Try it yourself, because I can't keep this up and chant at the same time.

Following her instructions, as Jin dispersed his mana, he immediately understood the weaknesses of the 2nd version.

He began to see the flow of mana that constitutes the 2nd version.

Runes that were previously invisible sparkled, and numerous lines appeared between the runes.

-Cutting those lines can release the 2nd version. And you know the backflow when the magic is broken by someone other than the caster, right?

-Mana backflow....

-Yes, if you cut those lines now, there is a high probability that I will die. I wouldn't be able to handle this amount of mana backflow.

Therefore, the natural enemy of the 2nd version was a magic swordsman, or a combination of a mage and a knight who knew the weakness of the 2nd version.

The mage had to make the runes and lines appear with mana, and the knight had to play the role of cutting them off.

Unlike the 2nd version, the final version was stable because the exposed runes did not become a weakness.

"Sir Ron. I will stop that with the Vemal Alliance and the Sword saints."

Ron's eyes widened. Jin was determined to stop the magic that even he could overcome if he was prepared to use aura beyond Jin's ability.

However, Ron did not ask Jin to confirm. He didn't even tell him not to be brave enough to do something that couldn't be easily done even by himself.

He just trusted Jin. To Ron, Jin was no longer a child or a knight inferior to himself, but a knight who always succeeded in what he said.

"How can I help you?"

"If possible, please allow the knights to fly through the sky with your sword wind."

When the 10-star martial artist aerial combat took place, they used sword energy as a means of flight.

Ron went beyond that, and he had reached a level where he could lift others, not just himself.

"How long?"

"5 minutes, no, 3 minutes will be enough. If only you could perfectly protect allies in the air."

Ron grinned.

It was because there was no need to waste that much time.

"It's child play. Shall we start immediately?"



Suddenly, an intense formless wind wrapped around the bodies of the Vamel Alliance and the Sword saints. Knights caught in the wind and rose into the dawn sky.

"Until Kelliark's magic ends, all the Sword saints follow Jin Runcandel's command."

Jin had raised his mana. A white and thick haze bloomed as the vast mana Jin and the mana of nature intertwined.

And within it, the Annihilating Dark Sky Flame Orb, demon empress 2nd version started to fall. Swirling bands of flame were fiercely attacking the knights who rose into the sky.

Ron let out a battle cry, and emitted the formless sword energy. The clash between the sword energy and the flames created a deafening explosion, and the knights raised their senses as they confirmed all the explosions were happening right in front of their noses.

The clash between the sword and the fire, a precarious confrontation, was taking place.

Jin didn't quickly scatter his already opened mana. So that Kelliac doesn't become conscious of the 2nd Version's weakness.

'At this point, I can spread it all at once.'

About a minute passed like that.

"Vamel alliance, Sword saints! Destroy the runes and cut the lines of connected mana!"

When Jin shouted, the one who was most surprised was undoubtedly Kelliark Zipfel.

'Releasing the casting of the 2nd version… Do you mean he figured it out!'

No, it can't be.

This was a coping mechanism that only someone who already knew about it could handle. And as far as Kelliark knew, there was only one human being other than himself who could know the 2nd version's weakness.

Valeria Hister, the last survivor of the Hister clan.

Kelliac could now be sure that she had already formed a relationship with Jin. However, it was already too late.

Even if it wasn't Kelliark, but Riol Zipfel, she couldn't retrieve the already casted second version in an instant.

The Vamel Alliance and the Sword saints were already pointing their swords at the 2nd version runes and lines. And Jin prepared the secret technique of Runcandel, grasping the location of runes and lines that were too far away for their swords to reach.

Runcandel 5th secret move

Light-speed Thrust – Plutonian 

Far away from the flames, the lightning bolts were extending through the glowing runes.