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Three days.

It was impossible for Chiron to arrive here within that time. In fact, even if it were not ten days but a few months, it would still be insufficient.

Chiron's expedition had already entered the terrain of the kings' Black Sea a long time ago, and only they knew the way to get there.

Even if Rosa and others knew the way, they couldn't reach the territory of the kings in a short period of time even with Mort's dimension travel ability.

'Kinzelo... what the hell do they want?'


Kinzelo, the only faction that knew the identity of the white stone.

Suddenly, a question popped into Rosa's mind. What are they trying to achieve by putting the world in danger of destruction?

Of course, it couldn't be just destruction itself. It was only a while ago that Kinzelo emerged from being labeled as a third-rate terrorist group and rose as a fourth major faction.

Even after their potential was revealed, they continued recruiting members and expanding their influence in the same way as before.

However, those who were seduced by their forces and power, from the bottom rowers to the real talents, were flocking to them incomparably more than before.

'Their leader is convinced that the world will not come to an end with this incident. It's probably not because of Chiron. He may not know that he's not leaving the Black Sea.'

The King of the Black Sea could not be killed without the power of genesis knight. The gathered individuals here knew this fact, and Kinzelo, who was aware of the true identity of the White Stone, probably knew it too.

'Kinzelo probably has a means or something to stop Glyek.'

Then it was clear what they wanted.

Runcandel and Zipfel.

The decline or extinction of the two great clans that divided the world.

Therefore, if Kinzelo participates in this battle, it will surely be right after both clans are on the verge of annihilation.

'Those bastards have really bitten off more than they can chew.'

Assuming all these guesses are correct. There was only one way to slightly deviate from Kinzelo's plan, and that was to withdraw immediately.

Just in time, the Knights of Runcandel, excluding the Black Knights and the first division of the Black Sword Association, were trying to escape after rescuing Jin's companions.

'But what happens after the retreat?'

Runcandel, Zipfel, Hidden Palace, and Ron.

The moment even one of them leaves, the balance of the battlefield will quickly collapse.

Kelliark will also retreat, and Talaris will be forced to remain because of the secret mission and Ron because of revenge but he will surely die.

It does not require much imagination what will happen after a monster that even the combined might of the world's strongest martial artists and mages couldn't handle is released into the world.

From then on, the great forces could not join hands again, and Glyek will regain his full original power without any interference.

It was not even possible to estimate how far the Black Sea transformation would go.

Beyond the territory of the Sword emperor castle and the Empire, there was no law saying that the land of Runcandel and Zipfel could not turn into the Black Sea. There is no way to stop the Black Sea for those who are currently fighting on the battlefield.

Therefore, the retreat eventually only postponed the situation, and the expected cost was by no means small.

'I didn't expect for the fate of the clan to hang in the balance at such an unexpected moment.'

Even if Jin hadn't come to the sword emperor castle, she wouldn't have been able to escape Kinzelo's trap.

The moment Rosa confirmed that Zipfel was obsessed with the white stone, Runcandel would have had no choice but to come here anyway.

In other words, it was bound to happen from the beginning.

'It's rather fortunate to have the youngest on the battlefield. If that special and enormous power that he showed at the end of the first battle can be used again, then it might become a variable.'

The mighty sword manifested through the will of Solderet and Kallum, the power of Gods.

Rosa had seen that power with her own two eyes. Its sheer force was undoubtedly inferior to Chiron's sword, but the magic sword used by Jin at the time was clearly imbued with the dignity of defying fate. Although it was an instant, the realm itself was akin to genesis knight.

'But if the youngest could use that power again, he would have used it sooner.'

It was not a situation where he could save the cards.

Thud! Clang-!

The Knights of Runcandel, who had managed to rescue the Vamel alliance, were breaking through the energy of chaos that blocked their retreat path.

Rosa saw other children who were about to join them.

Myu and Anne.

The daughters who were presumed to have met the 'Prophet'. They maintained their expressionless faces just like when they were in the barracks before Runcandel joined the war.

During the moment when Rosa was contemplating whether to ask them if the Prophet had foreseen this situation, Myu and Anne approached her first and whispered.

"Acting matriarch."


"Please reinstate the second flagbearer. Then the Prophet will help you."

Rosa's eyes widened. No one else heard the voices of Myu and Anne.

Soon Rosa looked at her daughters with a smile.

"Yes, you are indeed my daughters if you don't disappoint me."

Rosa's gaze, looking down at Myu and Anne, darkened. They bowed their heads, but unlike before, their faces were not filled with fear or shame.

"Get out of here. When I return to the clan, if even one of the 12th flagbearer's companions is dead, then you two will be immediately executed."

Rosa rejected Myu and Anne's proposal as if there was no more worth in listening.

Rather, she felt like her thoughts were sorted out thanks to the two of them openly speaking about the prophet's intentions.

'If the Prophet is merely weaving lies to reinstate Joshua, there's no point in accepting it, and if she really has a way to stop the King of the Black Sea, then the clan will not perish anyway. She exists to fulfill the prophecy.'

Myu and Anne lowered their heads and retreated.

'The 8th and 9th flagbearer of Runcandel? Were they in a position to say something to Rosa Runcandel about this situation?'

Kelliark thought as he watched them.

'Prophet. It looks like Joshua fell and the 8th and 9th flagbearer became her messengers.'

He was also going through almost the same flow of thinking as Rosa. About Kinzelo's purpose and how to overcome this situation.

And Kelliark's conclusion was the same as Rosa's. Even in his opinion, retreat was pointless.

'The Demon God's orb has become more stable than before because of Ron's transcendence, but if it is not completed, it cannot harm the king of the Black Sea. It is unlikely to assume that Kadun and Hedo join the war while buying time, and sacrifice Veradin.'

It is impossible to complete the Demon God's orb if Glyek absorbs Jin here on this day.

That's why Kelliark had no choice but to feel more angry than anyone else on the battlefield.

The battlefield was chaos itself.

Even as he thought, Glyek's attacks were constantly pressing the humans.

The transformation of the Black Sea gradually accelerated, and Glyek showed no signs of backing down even after being cut dozens or hundreds of times by Ron's sword.

Jin, along with Murakan, was in charge of the rear, leading the knights trying to escape with the Vamel Alliance.

Kelliark's gaze fell on him. In an instant, a picture came to mind in which Zipfel could benefit the most.

'I guess I'll have to secure Jin Runcandel and get out of the battlefield.'

Jin was obviously tired. It was not that difficult for Kelliark to subdue a tired Jin in an instant.

And if he secures Jin and escapes, and completes the Demon God's orb, it would be possible to eliminate the King of the Black Sea in the future.

Is that all?

Runcandel will suffer near-destruction damage, Ron and the master of hidden palace will die, and Kinzelo's plan will go awry.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter how much damage Zipfel would suffer if only the Demon God's orb was completed.

Perhaps, Glyek's awakening could be the greatest opportunity for Zipfel.

However, it was impossible for Kelliark to subdue and secure Jin right away.

It was because Runcandel, Talaris, and Ron Hairan were holding firm with their eyes wide open. When Kelliark tries to capture Jin, they can't stand still.

'I will stop Glyek for the time being, but when Ron is done, Rosa and Talaris are tired. I will subdue Jin Runcandel. The process will surely not be smooth.'

The situation might be difficult, but Jin was undoubtedly someone who would figure out his plans, and he was by no means someone to be easily handled. Not only Rosa and Talaris, but even Ron, who had become a vengeful demon, would have predicted this much.

'Does Rosa Runcandel have a separate belief? It seems that she rejected the proposals of the 8th and 9th flagbearers. Then it's Jin Runcandel's turn to make a proposal to me.'

The knights of Runcandel opened the retreat path.

"I wish you luck!"

"Good luck!"

In the end, the knights succeeded in escaping with the Vamel Alliance.

As soon as the knights left, the retreat path was blocked again. The wall of chaos imprisoning humans was getting thicker as time passed.

Ron and Talaris went into battle, without thinking about the aftermath, for revenge and mission, while Kelliark and Rosa were calculating the survival and profit of their own clan.

Amidst all this, Jin was in contemplation.

Jin's top priority was his comrades who had fled from the battlefield. So all that was left was for himself, his clan, and Ron and Talaris to survive.

Jin hadn't let go of Ron, to be exact, 'Hairan' yet. Even though Glyek had said that he had swallowed Dante's last consciousness, Ron opened his sword of overload again.

It was because the moment he gave up Hairan, all the meaning of him coming to this battlefield would disappear.

That's why he had no intention of giving up on Hairan until the very end.

'Father can't come.'

The moment Jin heard the answer that it was three days from Talaris, he saw Rosa clenching her teeth.

'And in the current situation, if I were Kelliark... One way or another, he will somehow secure me and escape. That's the only best option Zipfel can choose.'

However, even if he anticipated that plan, it was challenging to come up with an immediate way to stop it. 

The current situation was such that everyone was holding each other's leash, and Kelliark had the most advantage.

That's why Jin had no choice but to throw a gamble.

First of all, to ensure that Kelliac wouldn't change his mind.

"Sir Kelliark."

Jin approached Kelliark and met his eyes.

"You know that in order to deliver a fundamental blow to the King of the Black Sea, the power of a genesis knight is needed. However, it is impossible for my father to come within three days, and...… you might want to secure me and leave the battlefield when the opportunity arises."

"What are you trying to say, Jin Runcandel?"

"Three days. While Madame Talaris can seal him away, let's negotiate with Kinzelo. So, please do everything in your power to assist Madame Talaris in opening the seal."

Kelliark narrowed his brows.

As soon as he was about to answer something, Jin continued to say.

"If you do not comply with my offer, I will jump right in front of Glyek and die without dodging his sword."