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In that moment, the reason Jin was able to avoid having his throat severed by Ron's blade was likely due to the shadow force strengthened by chaos.

Even Jin himself couldn't believe how fast his reaction was. It was obviously impossible for him to widen the distance even after he was ambushed by Ron, who rushed at full speed.

A stream of hot blood ran down his neck.

Finally, he met the most reliable and strong ally in this subspace, but Ron tried to kill him without thinking for a second.

That fact was far more shocking than the sense of danger that he was about to die. Besides, what did Ron say?

"Why was it Dante who got devoured and not you!"

Ron's voice, as if screaming once again, was colder than any dagger and scratching Jin's inside.

Guilt, an emotion that has plagued Jin ever since the sword emperor castle was began. The guilt that he had hidden so hard to focus on the fight welled up like vengeance.

'Sir Ron must not be in his right mind right now. No matter how desperate he may be, he could never say such things....'

Jin himself had just suffered his body and mind being consumed by chaos. After the torment of physical pain had passed, he barely managed to suppress the raising madness.

'Just by looking at the eroding eyes, Sir Ron went through the same process as me. I'm sure...'


The moment Jin thought so, he felt sick to his stomach. An unbearably disgusting lump seemed to clog his throat.

It was because of 'doubt'.

Despite being consumed, what Ron was saying now was probably the truth hidden deep inside him.

Considering the recent tragedy Hairan suffered, it was quite possible. Anyone would want to resent Jin.

And what was even more difficult for Jin to endure was the madness of chaos that began to infiltrate his mind, and the killing intent that arose from it had begun to turn toward Ron.

Whether Ron's resentment towards Jin was sincere or not.

Jin thought he was unworthy of holding grudges against Ron. After all, it was Ron who had continued to try to save him even after Dante disappeared.

The tip of Ron's sword, which took its position, was directed towards Jin.

Somewhere on the now blackened edge of Rashid's blade, there seemed to be the true essence of Ron that once shone so brilliantly before Glyek awakened.

That invisible light was guiding Jin.

If Jin hadn't seen the effort Ron made to save Hairan and to keep him alive. Jin would have just given into the fighting spirit and fought against Ron.

Jin also slowly lifted Bradamante and centered himself. The madness that had been swirling in his mind was gradually subsiding.

Jin began to perceive that the current Ron was no different from the shadow force or Battle God blood that saved him from encroachment earlier.

Just as the shadow force and Battle God's blood helped him to control the shadow force strengthened by chaos, the light called Ron Hairan was causing another significant leap within Jin's inner self.

He overcame the encroachment of the body and shaken off the madness of the demon heart.

In other words, Jin achieved growth and transcendence in this subspace. Perhaps even the suspicion that this was all a trick by Glyek was fading away.

Going over a wall means being able to see beyond it. In the new domain, Jin couldn't feel any of Glyek's intentions.

Jin saw it clearly. 

When Glyek dragged Jin into the subspace, he had expected that the dirty power of Solderet would soon come to an end.

That's why Glyek said that all the opportunities given to Jin were gone. No matter how much it was Solderet's power, it was so feeble that it couldn't resist him.

Furthermore, what exceeded his expectations was not just that.

Glyek did not bring Ron into this place.

'Now it's my turn to help Sir Ron.'

Jin couldn't think of anything to help. However, Jin decided to accept Ron's anger. Now that Chaos has strengthened his shadow force, he felt he could properly engage in a sword fight with Ron.

Jin made up his mind to fight him. Until Ron's rage subsided even a little.


Ron's sword rushed in and landed on Jin's forehead. Still, there was no hesitation at Ron's sword tip. Jin was no longer sad with this, and he firmly swung his sword.

"Why wasn't it you!"

No matter how heartbroken and sad he was. It couldn't compare to the pain Ron was going through. So Jin can't show more sadness than that.

It would be an insult to Ron's suffering.

Punishment, blasphemy...…! The battle commenced with clashes and strikes. Both knights stood their ground without giving an inch, swords locked in a fierce duel.

However, even though Jin persisted in swinging his sword, had not managed to land a single successful attack. Not because he couldn't bear to cut or stab Ron, but he couldn't afford it.

Instead Ron, who was attacking one-sidedly, also could not break through Jin's defense.

"Return my grandson back...!"

As if suffering, Jin endured the resentment of a man named Ron Hairan. In the abyss, their lonely battle continued.

It was impossible to know how time had passed since entering the subspace.

Still, not much time had likely passed, yet Jin felt a sensation akin to aging. To embrace the sorrow of Ron, the giant, he had to become even tougher than that, inevitably bringing about a strange sense of aging.

Ron, too, must have needed someone at some point. Someone to allow him to cry and unleash his anger without bounds, someone he could go madly rant to, whether it provided relief or not... just to try it.

Someone should have told Ron to unleash his wrath purely for himself, not to save Jin or for revenge.

Hot tears flowed down Jin's cheeks more fervently than the blood from his neck.

Ron overcame death for his grandson and his friend even after losing everything because his duty was too heavy.

Similarly, Jin had no choice but to resurrect Ron with the detestable Demon God's orb.

In this war, neither of them had made a choice for themselves even once. They had only wielded their swords for others.

And the reason Jin still fights for Ron, not for himself, was because he suffered less than Ron.

As a result, Jin was comforting himself. He seemed to genuinely sympathize his own suffering with Ron's pain. He couldn't hold back the tears that were running down his eyes.

Humans are born to be able to see themselves in others. Now Jin was looking into the sadness that he didn't know from Ron.

But that doesn't help in the battle.

Ron's sword, which was narrowly blocked, was getting closer. At this rate, Ron's sword would soon cut through Jin.

There were residual scars.

Perhaps because the chaos that stained Ron's sword intensified during the battle, the cut made by Rashid vomited black blood as if it had been poisoned.

Shadow force and Battle god's blood could not suppress Ron's chaos. While it was poisonous, the thousand-poison antidote didn't respond to it.

Death was imminent. However, what Jin feared was not death. Jin feared that Ron might not return before his life ran out.



Suddenly, Ron's sword pierced Jin's abdomen.

Jin will die the moment Ron twists the sword or cuts it to one side.

'No, perhaps I'm already... in trouble.'

Even residue of chaos on scars caused severe toxic reactions. Needless to say, the chaos energy penetrated his abdomen.

Ron stopped moving and kept his head down.

If Jin had the strength to move even once, he could easily stab Ron with the sword he held. 

However, Jin only managed to hold onto the sword, unable to move a single finger.

Soon Ron raised his head and Jin was able to face him.

Black tears flowed from his eyes, stained with chaos.


There was no answer and Jin only heard his sobbing sound.

Ron's hand holding the sword trembled.

It was because he was resisting the chaos energy that whispered to him to twist his sword and kill Jin.

Jin didn't say anything like, you have to overcome it, or stop it, or he shouldn't.

Jin just waited. So that Ron can climb the last step of the abyss.

The reason Ron deferred the death he so longed for until the last moment was the same as Jin's.

Just as Jin gained enlightenment after seeing the light of a human named Ron Hairan, Ron also learned from Jin, who swung the sword for him until the end.

He became a monster because he was buried in sorrow.

"It's alright even if you…. resent me."

Ron's eyes twitched. He was slowly pulling out Rashid, which was penetrating Jin.

Ron's darkened eyes began to return to their true colors, and as soon as his sword was retrieved, Jin sat down and vomited blood.

Chaos spread throughout his body like poison, and the bleeding and internal wounds were so severe that he surely died.

But Jin felt as if he wouldn't die.

Ron was staring into the void without looking down at Jin.

In that empty space, which was invisible to Jin's eyes and even if someone else was here on this battlefield, they couldn't see it...… there was something.

There are only two humans in the world who could see it.

Chiron Runcandel.

And another was Ron who just entered the domain of genesis knight.

A pure white light that only Ron Hairan could see filled the air. Ron remained motionless for a while, fixing his gaze on that light.

If you go beyond the wall, you can see what was beyond it.

As soon as Ron faced the light of the genesis knight, he realized a few things he hadn't even thought of, or just barely hoped for.

Jin couldn't see the light directly, but he felt it. The fact that Ron had finally taken the last step to defy fate.

The murky energy of chaos was no longer transmitted from Ron.

'... I can see hope.'

Ron reached out to the light of the genesis knight, and Jin smiled and lost consciousness.