Chapter 591

"Oh, oh...!"

Bubare exclaimed in admiration, completely unaware of the fact even in his dreams as he gazed at the machinery and blueprints with insatiable awe.

"Is this what you call engineering? Ha! Hey, unlucky young man. Do you really think this is just engineering?"

Young man, the so-called Qwaul, seemed to be getting hot in the face for some reason.

The Golden Snow tribe's products were making the bandit boss Qwaul look like a muscular young man. The face hidden by the beard also seemed quite handsome.

"It's engineering."

"You fool! This is not just engineering, it's art, art! Ah, it's frustrating to leave such a precious work to people like you. The complex and geometric codes, designs that no masterpiece can match."

Since all of the complicated codes Bubare said were created by Qwaul, he was receiving both curses and praise from him at the same time.

Heung, hat, hoo, and so on. Listening to Bubare's unpleasant and creepy praises was a painful experience for both sides.

As if Jin had barely tolerated the sound the whole time, he quickly retrieved the items as soon as the time came.

"Oh, already!?"

"Yes, it's over, so leave."

"Can't you let me see a bit more...!"

"Get your hands off me, before I cut them off."

Bubare flinched at Jin's cold voice and took a step back from him.

"Heh, hehe! After all, you'll need my help to understand the artwork anyway! When that time comes, even if you beg, I won't help you!"

Bubare mistakenly believed that he had gathered quite a bit of information from the items. From Bubare's perspective, it was partly true.

Kinzelo's executives also felt sorry for him, but they guessed that he might have gained some substantial information when they saw the excited Bubare.

If you really set the trap without knowing anything, suspicion could arise. Qwaul had thought of such a part, and set the device to the point that Bubare couldn't recognize the key information (by Qwaul's standards).

"Then, this is the end of the meeting."

Suddenly, Jin followed the returning Bubare.

"No, crazy! I get my hands off you like you said, so why, why are you doing this!"

Bubare naturally assumed that Jin was following him with the intention of assaulting or cutting him. That was the only way he perceived it.

The rest of the executives were clearly aware of whom Jin's bloodlust was aimed at.

Bianca Kaligo.

Jin was heading towards the first princess of the Kaligo family after passing Bubare who had fallen while running away.

"What is your name, demon?"

"Bianca Kaligo.... What...… business...… Do you have with me?"

"I was wondering how strong I needed to become to receive the price for the left arm of the Black Knight Sir Mon."

"Who…. is that?"

An invisible fighting spirit raged between the two. Like a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest spark.

It was Jin who withdrew the energy first.

"I'll tell you next time."

Bianca turned and looked at Jin as he strode back to his companions, and in an instant she realized that her hairs had stood on end.

"Fuck, you're rude to the end! A lowly human bastard! Unnie, you should have just thrown out your weapon!"

Ainas, who had been shrunken by the energy of the two, suddenly shouted angrily.

If Jin had just drawn his sword and started the fight, Bianca could have been guaranteed a 100% victory.

But then, a strange uneasiness crept in. She felt that the moment she could defeat Jin was now and only now.

"Grand Duchess... Margiella."

"Tell me, Princess Kaligo."

"It's better… to kill…. him now, wouldn't it?"

If not now, he might become more dangerous than the entire Runcandel. Bianca was saying that.

"Well, it seems unlikely that he'll be on our side. But he still has things to do for the world."

"He seems to know well that even if he runs wild like that, we won't kill him yet, Miss Margiella. You gave the devil too much information."

"Isn't the devil originally an absurd being? When the angel awakens, he will repent."

Even after Jin's party disappeared on the Mort, Bianca couldn't take her eyes off the spot where Jin had left.

* * *

While Jin and his allies were talking, Jet moved all of Qwaul's inventions from his cabin to Tikan.

"Did he say Bubare Gaston? That disgusting bastard. Still, it's pretty great. I don't know about his head, but his dexterity alone seemed to surpass mine."

Qwaul said, examining his inventions. Jin broke a few, but most of them were intact. Amela's eyes twinkled as she gazed at inventions.

"He couldn't get core information because of the trap, but he was the original developer of Demon God's Orb, and he's presumed to be the reincarnation of the God of Sculpture. Perhaps he will make something out of the information he got this time. He seems to have a special power even for the leader of those bastards who is presumed to be incapable of external activities."

"As long as their technological advancement doesn't exceed Qwaul's expectations, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Even if you have good hands, if you don't have a head, there is no answer. As for the battleship, they have a finished product called Grenil anyway, so they'll come soon, but they won't even be able to dream of a spatial-time device."

"Even though they already have teleportation abilities in the form of a metal door."

Game-changing technology, battleships and teleportation devices.

Now, Runcandel's technology, which was far behind Zipfel and Kinzelo, both in terms of development capabilities and will, will be on par with them or even ahead of them.

To be precise, it was not Runcandel technology but the technology of the Vamel alliance.

"Orgal, the Demon Beast King...…."

As the two talked, Cuicantelle thought of Kinzelo's leader.

 Orgal, the Demon Beast King, Cuicantelle also talked about him several times with Murakan. She was especially confused in her head.

"I know he was betrayed by Helluram and died. Besides, at the time of the Colon massacre, I heard that Myuron summoned Orgal from hell and tried to possess him?"

"I'm curious about that part too, Miss Cuicantelle."

To confirm Orgal's death, Jin briefly summoned Tess, who was recovering, but Tess also seemed to know that he had died. The same was true of Shuri, who was the ruby cat of Helluram.

"Come to think of it, whenever the topic of Orgal came up, Murakan and I naturally changed the subject. I didn't think much of him, but perhaps that was also due to manipulation of history."

"What kind of person is Orgal?"

Jin had only heard from Murakan that he was a 'remarkable demon'. However, there aren't many beings in the world that Murakan would personally evaluate as remarkable.

"I don't remember the details. However, Murakan and I didn't dislike him, and in some ways, we even respected him."

"Respect? Murakan?"

"Yes. Just enduring Helluram's curse alone was enough for the whole world to owe him."

"Are you saying he stopped the curse of Helluram from spreading to the world?"

"Yes. I remember that clearly. The fact that he stopped one of the insane Temar or Murakan is not in my memory."

"If it's that much, maybe even Zipfel itself doesn't know that they manipulated Orgal's history."

If so, the fact that Myuron Zipfel tried to possess Orgal was also explained.

Above all, at that time, Myuron's possession of dark magic had not fully casted. Before the magic could be completed, Jin cut down the gate of hell that he summoned.

"Even if Zipfel knew, there's also the possibility that the information didn't pass down to Myuron."

"It's quite possible. Because there is so much history that has been lost or manipulated over a thousand years. Even my memories of him protecting the world from Helluram cannot be considered complete. Anyway, if Kinzelo's goal is to purify the world, then there's something in common with Orgal's image in my unstable memory."

Whatever Kinzelo's true intentions may be, everyone agreed that those madmen should not be allowed to seize control of the world.

In any case, the only way to find out the truth of history was to find and confirm Solderet's legacy while waiting for Valeria's record magic to perfect.

"It will be important when Orgal will fully recover."

Runcandel, Zipfel, and Kinzelo. Recovery is the key to all three factions.

No one could predict which faction would recover first.

Therefore, what the heads of each faction had to do was to regroup as quickly as possible during the ceasefire.

In that respect, Jin already had the best conditions. He was lucky enough to get Qwaul right from the start, and since the ceasefire was signed, he was able to focus on his growth without hindrance.

However, Jin felt a little uneasy because he could not be sure that he had the most advantage.

"Yes. But don't worry too much. The world will still keep going on while you're gone."

Cuicantelle could tell exactly what kind of unease Jin harbored as he was about to depart for Laprarosa.

"If something happens to Tikan while you're gone, Murakan will be gone, but now we have the protection of Runcandel. Besides, since the master of the hidden palace is also concentrating on her recovery, Misha will soon return to her original place. Then Murakan will return to Tikan again. Take it easy."

"Alright, Miss Cuicantelle."

"Lord Jin."

Kashmir entered the meeting room and looked for Jin.

"Miss Nodav Sargent has come to Tikan."

Nodav Sargent, that is Sandra Zipfel's alias.

Jin was no longer surprised by her unexpected behavior when she openly visited Tikan at this sensitive time. She was a crazy person who could do worse.

"Did she come alone?"


Jin expected that she had come with Hedo, but Sandra was accompanied by someone else.

"Veradin Zipfel came with her."

Jin's eyes widened.

Before he left for Laprarosa, he had been worried about whether he could meet him once more.

Because the encounter with the unfortunate friend was entirely up to Zipfel's judgment, not himself.

"In fact, we have already entered a ceasefire, but are sending the two without any escorts. It looks like Zipfel is having a hard time."

Jin immediately understood the intentions of Zipfel's leadership when he learned that they had come without any significant escorts.

"Yes, I think they are trying to use the relationship between the two of you and want to dig up some information, Lord Jin."

"Let's meet them right away."