Chapter 593

Qwaul and Valeria surprisingly communicated well.

"Hmmm, my lord. That cold lady seems to really get along with Dr. Qwaul. That arrogant guy who used to boast loudly to everyone else acts like a gentle lamb around her."

Like the characteristic arrogant personality displayed in the cabin, Qwaul was the human version of Murakan.

When he introduced himself to Jin's companions for the first time, he described himself as the most valuable person in the world. He even told everyone that he would hit them if they felt offended and spoke informally.

Of course, it wasn't out of malice or he was genuinely looking down on others. It was just his manner of speaking, somewhat intense like Murakan's, and given his exceptional abilities, his companions went along with it.

Even though he grumbled, he showed a particularly affectionate side to the children. There was no need to reveal his true self.

However, as Jet said, Qwaul maintained a polite and respectful attitude toward Valeria, so Jin's companions couldn't help but be reminded of Murakan. It was like seeing Murakan treating Jin when he had to get a limited magazine.

"...Huh, that part was a problem that could be solved as you said! Yeah, I've been trying to solve everything too technically."

"It's a common mistake made by engineers. Even a 5-star mage could amplify the effects of that stick device easily."

"Assuming you learned the magic formula I made in 10 minutes while talking to me. I've worked with countless magical geniuses at Zipfel, but none of them could come up with such thoughts and immediately create a spell on the spot. You're in a different league!"

"For an 8-star or higher mage, it is possible to create more than ten effects with one stick device. Let's stop here for today. Your thoughts seem to be quite complicated."

"Yes! As you said, it seemed like I had to sort out the device improvements that came to mind right away. And when will our next conversation be? Just let me know. I have to adjust my working hours to suit yours."

"I'll decide by evening and let you know."

Qwaul immediately took out a pen and wrote something down, and others admired Valeria as she haughtily turned around.

As a disciple of hers, should I say that I am proud of my teacher? Jin felt somewhat better when he saw Valeria's scholarly demeanor after a long time.

"There's no one as lucky as you, Jin Runcandel. Not only are you benefiting from my help, but you also managed to capture such a person."

"It is all thanks to you. One of the conditions that Qwaul said was to have a record mage as an assistant. As I expected, it seems like the one who became the assistant is not you but Qwaul."

"As you expected?"

Valeria made eye contact with Jin.

She was aware that Jin seemed to be speaking as if he knew her well.

"Well, it's just that it's unimaginable for you to become someone's assistant."

Jin chuckled awkwardly.

'By the time the teacher acquires record magic at the level of past life... Will she find out about my regression?'

How would Valeria react at that time? And this thought made his heart feel uneasy.

However, on the other hand, he also thought that Valeria was the only person who could fully unravel his secret.

If the day comes when Valeria can check all of 'Jin Runcandel's records', and if she can share them with his companions, there would be no need for any explanation for everything he had done so far.

Jin, as a regressor, might feel guilt or responsibility, but there was not a single thing that he could be ashamed of.

"Sometimes you talk like you know me well."

At Valeria's direct words, Jin calmly nodded his head.

"Anyone who has seen you even once would have thought the same as I did. And you too, the moment you saw me, you called out my name as if you knew me from before."

The two of them remained silent, looking at each other for a while. Valeria had recalled Jin from her dreams long ago, and Jin remembered her from his past life.

'To me it looks like..… It's definitely not an ordinary relationship. Has he ever looked at a member of the opposite sex with such eyes?'

'At least as far as I know, he didn't, Jet.'

'Yes? Sir Valkas, do you think the same as me? Ha, this. Our Enya will be burning inside out. What about the lady of the hidden palace? If this comes to Madame Talaris's ears...….'

'Both of you, it's better to change the subject. Even if Miss Valeria doesn't hear, the young master might listen from this distance.'

Just like what Gilly said, Jin was roughly understanding what Valkas and Jet were saying. Valeria seemed oblivious.

'Even if she heard, she's not someone who would show interest or react.'

Valeria subtly avoided eye contact first.

"Anyway, I didn't expect to bring such an engineer in such a short time. Qwaul's abilities will be very helpful even for my personal matters. Prepare a room for me in Tikan. I guess I will have to spend a lot of time here."

"Choose any vacant room you like. If you need anything, just ask Gilly or Jet."


"And Valeria."


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Not hurting Veradin and Sandra Zipfel. It could have been a golden opportunity for you."

"I didn't just let them go because of your relationship with them, so there's no need for that. I judged that keeping those two alive would have a greater impact on Zipfel in the future."

It was a lie.

Valeria only confirmed Veradin's loyalty to his friends after they had left.

Until she saw that record, she couldn't be sure of Veradin's mindset.

Moreover, depending on how Zipfel would use him in the future, it could be a problem for her.

Therefore, Valeria had simply decided to trust Jin for once before seeing that record.

"... And it's been quite a while since I've seen that kind of record. Right now, it's difficult to read the mind of a person with my record magic."

"Then how?"

"It means that Veradin's sincerity for you and Dante Hairan is deep enough to be recognized by my record magic. I hope he won't forget that feeling and takes the lead in putting an end to Zipfel."

Veradin's goal is not the destruction of Zipfel, but purification.

Naturally, Zipfel would weaken, and Valeria planned to annihilate them when they became weaker.

"Let me tell you in advance, no matter how close someone is to you, they are just Zipfel to me. They took away my roots and family. If the time comes when I destroy him and his clan, and you stand in my way then, our alliance ends there."

Jin didn't answer, and Valeria walked past him a moment later.

Looking at leaving Valeria, Jet teased Jin, asking if Lord was dumped.

* * *

Late May 1800.

The ceasefire agreement between Runcandel and Zipfel was officially announced. The place was the central square of the imperial capital, the very place where the emperor was executed.

Since the founding of the Empire, there had never been a larger crowd than this in the central square.

People from all over the world gathered to watch the announcement of the ceasefire between the two clans.

From Runcandel, the leader of Black Knights, Stam, and from Zipfel, Octavia came out as the representative.

The public guessed that Chiron was in the Black Sea, so they sent other clan members of the same rank as representatives, but it was Runcandel's consideration that the two of them were chosen. Unlike Rosa, Kelliark was still unable to move.

"...This concludes the announcement of the ceasefire between the two clans. On behalf of the Empire, I would like to thank the two clans for making such a great decision. Furthermore, our Empire will do its best to reduce the suffering in the world, working together with these two clans."

At the end of Dante's speech as a witness, cheers spread from the crowd. The atmosphere of the crowd made it feel more like the announcement of the end of the war rather than a ceasefire.

Contaminated areas continued to grow, so the crowd hoped that the great factions would quickly restore the world, regardless of who caused the problem.

However, those with military knowledge, nobles, and politicians who knew the situation understood that the current ceasefire was a fake peace that would barely last a few years. In their eyes, the identification of friends and foes only became clearer.

Dante stepped forward as a witness, but all the witnesses in Hairan were on the Runcandel side, and the imperial family were all on the Zipfel side.

After the announcement of the truce, Hairan delivered the corpses and belongings of the two clans, and Runcandel and Zipfel returned to their respective lands and held a funeral ceremony.

The Garden of Swords had been adorned with black flags signifying mourning for quite some time. After the funeral, more swords were planted into the ground in the garden, and the number of black helmets increased at the mausoleum.

And Jin visited Rosa's office to have a private meeting with her.

It was the first time Jin had returned to the Garden of Swords since the war ended. 

Normally, it would have been an unthinkable act, but now the members of the clan couldn't openly show hostility towards him.

Even the elders of the Black Sword Association did not openly criticize Jin, who had now returned to the clan. It was all due to Rosa's strict orders for Jin to be treated well upon his return.

Since the moment Rosa showed her determination to save Jin at the Sword Emperor Castle War, Jin had practically solidified his position as the 'next patriarch' of the clan.

"You are late."

Rosa said in a dry voice. Jin was conscious of her eyes so that he wouldn't see her chaos that wouldn't be covered by her clothes.

"I had a lot to attend to."

"There should have been a harvest."

It was a story about machine and blueprints. Rosa also wondered if Jin had found any clues about the 'chaos erosion'.

"You seem impatient, Mother."

"Are you getting bold with me now?"

"I said that out of concern."

Rosa smiled.

"Since the situation has become more rapid than you expected, you seem to be concerned that I might rush into negotiations with the Prophet."

"I won't deny that. I plan to leave the human world for a while after today."

Rosa's eyes narrowed at those words.