Chapter 597


"For Brother Jin!"

"For you!"

Just an hour ago, the Plutonian tribe, who had been talking as if the Jin would die immediately, continued to drink excitedly.

Other than that, they were exaggerating the excitement in consideration of Jin's feelings, but Jin was anxious and curious, so he didn't know where the alcohol was going.

"Brother Jin."

It was the first time Vahn opened her mouth after the banquet started.

"Whoa, now you decide to speak. Sister Vahn. Please give me a chance to speak."

As Jin spoke with a slightly hurt tone, Vahn smiled.

Should I say it's like looking at an adorable little brother? Even though she was worried about him, she was welcoming the lively atmosphere of Laprarosa, which had come after a long time.

Like all the other brethren.

Jin wasn't really upset either.

"I needed some time to organize my thoughts. How to purify your chaos, brother."

The noisy voices came to a halt. All the members of the Plutonian tribe put down their glasses and fixed their gazes on Jin and Vahn.

Jin recalled what his brethren had said.

The Plutonian tribe is basically immune to chaos, but that doesn't apply on 'first chaos'.

"Looks like I'm not the first brethren tainted by the chaos. I don't know what the term 'First Chaos' means."

"I'm talking about the chaos that originated from the witch. Did you say that she is now called by the name Helluram?"

"Yes, Joshua Runcandel, whom the summoned brother Garmund faced once. Since leaving Laprarosa last time, I have discovered a clue that the Prophet behind him may be Helluram. I found a recording device belonging to Helluram by killing the demon in his villa."

"First, tell me what you've been through. I'll explain it to you after I've heard it all."

"It will take an entire night to talk about everything."

The brethren's eyes were shining brightly. The brethren do not know a single thing about everything that Jin has experienced since leaving Laprarosa last time.

Becoming the flagbearer of the clan, finding the tombs of Temar, acquire the legacy left by the ancient Runcandel, meeting Valeria, uncovering the truth of the fairies, gaining influence, causing Joshua's downfall, confronting the king of chaos, obtaining the artifacts left by Lokia and more—all within just two years. Jin had experienced adventures far beyond the expectations of his brethren.

Jin's story didn't end until noon the next day.

"Wow... It's almost like hearing a legend or a myth."

"That's right. The sister 4th battle king and the brother Shaku directly participate in the life story of the brother Jin, right?"

"This Garmund has been summoned before!"

"Damn it, I envy you! I wanted to be chosen, too!"

"That... I, brother 8th battle king, and brother Shaku don't remember anything at all. Don't be so envious...…."

"You should fix that expression that says you're going to die of pride, before saying something like that, sister 4th battle king."

Jin smiled when he saw the reaction of his brethren, who are called the true legendary fighting race.

"By the way, the name of the Demon that the sister 4th battle king said we encountered. Didn't you say Orgal, the Demon Beast King?"

"If sister Linpa warned brother Jin that he was a dangerous guy, we should remember... but it's the first time I've heard that name."

"In those days, there weren't that many impressive demons we would remember."

"The strongest one was the guy who was associated with the witch, wasn't it?"

"Then, that person is probably Orgal, the Demon Beast King, brethren. The reason you all don't remember him is because Zipfel manipulated history."

"Hmph, I can't believe that humans manipulate history. It's not just about writing history according to the taste of the conqueror, but manipulating it as if it were just correcting the text...…."

"If you listen to Brother Jin's words, even though the fighting power of those Zipfel is insignificant, their authority has already reached the realm of the gods. He said Zipfel even reproduced the Orb of Origin."

"The role of that human record mage seems crucial. The outside world is in a state where even the truth that someone clearly knew can be modified at any time."

The Plutonian tribe knew exactly what was the Orb of Origin.

It was the power of the gods that brought about their destruction.

On the other hand, they were almost oblivious to Zipfel's manipulation of history.

This was because there was no overlap between the activities of the Plutonian tribe and Zipfel.

Plutonian had exchanged some information with Temar, who came as a successor a thousand years ago, and they had heard stories about Zipfel from him.

However, it was limited, and the last appearance of Temar that Vahn remembered was not very intact.

"Brethren, I forgot one really important thing. Come on, focus."

Like the cats looking at a moving toy, the Plutonians turned their heads at once.

"The spatial-time device that I mentioned earlier. I believe that item could be the key to bringing you guys back to the outside world."

Clang! At those words, several members of the Plutonian tribe dropped their drinking glasses on the floor. There were also those who hiccuped in surprise, and even Vahn's eyes widened.

"I have already recruited an engineer, who is probably the greatest genius in history, and the record mage who will restore the records of the spatial-time device. And I will free you through their abilities, by all means."

At first, until Jin came to Laprarosa as the successor of the shadow sword. The Plutonian tribe had never expected the day to come when they could escape this dead world.

That's why, during Jin's first training, they consciously avoided talking about the outside world.

Speaking of the land they could never return to would only make the punishment even heavier.

However, some members of the Plutonian tribe continued to dream of going outside.

One of them was battle god Vahn, and that was why she transfused her blood to Jin. She thought that her brethren could be saved through Jin.

Now not only Vahn, but everyone believed so. Right now, Jin declared that he will do so.

"The outside world... just hearing about it sounds fantastic."

"Kahaha, the era of our Plutonian tribe is coming again!"

"Brother Jin's enemies are our enemies! The moment we are released, they will be doomed!"

"The problem is."

Jin rolled up his sleeves, revealing the dark spot of chaos on his wrist.

Then, the faces of Plutonians, who were so excited, suddenly became pensive.


"First chaos. Wow, I almost forgot...…."

"You scared me so much and then you forgot?"

"If something goes wrong with brother Jin, wouldn't the spatial-time device and everything mean nothing?"

"If something wrong happened to me, the rest of my comrades will continue to work to free the brethren, but I'd rather be there. I am the only one who can directly enter Laprarosa in the first place."

Jin met Vahn's eyes.

"Sister Vahn. Unlike other brethren who say that I must die or change strangely, it seems you think purification is possible enough."

Vahn nodded.

"Brethren, fortunately, the chaos that engulfed Brother Jin was not purely left by the witch alone. It has a similar form, but according to Brother Jin's explanation...… Fragments of the Orb of origin and the power of the gods were mixed, so it can't be called the perfect first chaos."

"Oh oh. Are you saying it was just a little bit of the first chaos mixed in?"

"Yes. It is a power that should not exist in the world, but if it remained, it would have been a very small amount."

"Then, during the purification process, the chances of Brother Jin going crazy or losing his intelligence and becoming creatures will be low. If you're unlucky, you might become a bug."

"It could change gender or become hermaphrodite."

All of them were horrific just to hear. Only then did Jin know why the brothers were like, what they looked like, and why they talked about it.

'There seems to be other types of demonic transformation besides becoming a monster.'

The mistakes of the gods, the chaos caused by the Orb of Origin, only destroy the ego of the encroaching target and turn him into a monster.

As the name suggests, Helluram's 'First Chaos' had the uncanny power that completely messed up the essence of the target.

It was unknown until the results came out whether the target would be turned into a monster or a small creature.

And the chaos that engulfed Jin was, as Vahn put it, a mixture of the chaos of Gods and Helluram.

"The white stone that sealed the fragment of the Orb of Origin. The witch probably had it before it belonged to the Hairan clan. At that time, Glyek must have had the first chaos of the witch."

If the chaos encroaching on Jin was solely Glyek's own, Vahn would not have worried about him.

Even though Jin is a human, it was because he had an illuminating heart and blood of battle god.

As long as he continued to train them, Jin could eventually become immune to chaos like his other siblings. From all kinds of chaos except the first chaos.

'Then, Mother and Kelliark. And others were infected with chaos at the time...!'

As Jin was about to come up with such an idea, Vahn continued her explanation.

"Brother Jin. I think, in the battle with Glyek, only the brother was infected with the first chaos. If an ordinary human being who hasn't my blood like brother Jin, was engulfed in the first chaos, the result should have already come out."

Helluram's chaos made it impossible for even the Plutonians to resist.

"It's fortunate that I heard it, but I don't know why I was the only one exposed to the witch's chaos."

"It must be because the witch hates Solderet. Because Solderet himself completely sealed the witch's first chaos. Brother Jin, you were infected with the first chaos left by the witch before being sealed. The fact that the brother arrived safely in Laprarosa means that fortunately, the chaos of the witch which affected you is much weaker than we remember."

It was an unexpected story for Jin. Of course, it was recognized only as the chaos of Glyek.

"... After all, the means of purification certainly exist. It would be nice to start as soon as possible."

"I need some time to prepare. In the meantime, the other brethren will confirm the achievements Brother Jin made outside."

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