Chapter 602

It looked like a startled cat springing up like a bowstring. Although its body was too massive to be compared to a cat.


As chaos fell on its back, an earthquake shook the entire training ground. Jin took a backward step with just the slight shock that occurred.

'Certainly, it reacts sensitively to shadow force.'

Yona, Amela, Glyek, etc. Almost every chaos Jin experienced greatly feared or harbored deep resentment towards Solderet's power.

The first chaos derived from Helluram was no different. The creature had widened its eyes as if they would pop out at any moment, breathing steadily.

It couldn't be seen, but it felt like chaos was even breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Oh, this time, it seems like brother Jin is making a move right from the start?"

"Brother! Well done, keep it up, give it a real beating!"

The Plutonians who came to watch the match (with refreshments and alcohol prepared in the audience) clenched their fists and shouted. This time too, Vahn was keeping a distance of five steps.


However, it was not easy for Jin to close the distance with chaos again.

Contrary to how chaos had been distracted or looked at Vahn so far, the chaos chaos now exuded clear hostility towards Jin.

Jin's legs did not move, as if he had been facing Tess' heavy pressure.

Either he was terrified, or he lost his will to fight. It wasn't a mental problem.

The reason why Jin's legs stiffened was purely because of the real pressure created by chaos fighting spirit.

"How dare you."

Chaos immediately reaped the fighting spirit as Vahn spoke quietly.

Instead, it complained about unfairness with a tremendously gloomy voice unique to 'chaos of different ranks'.

[Squirm... Nng.]

The voice of chaos, which is different in class, has a certain penetrating power that penetrates the inner side of human beings.

It wasn't just because they were strong beings like Demon God's orb and Glyek that broke the human will to fight with only screams.

The same was true of the first chaos that escaped Jin. Even Jin feels sorry for the whining sound of the guy in the middle of the day.

'Crazy, do I feel sorry for it? What am I thinking?'

Especially, Jin couldn't help but react more sensitively to the creature's voice.

What constituted the creature wasn't just chaos; it had become naturally intertwined with Jin's inner self as it acquired his energy. In other words, there was a kind of inner connection between Jin and the creature, making them feel each other's emotions more vividly.

Therefore, as Jin approached the creature to strike again, he had to constantly steady his emotions. The creature was never to be pitied; it was just a menacing existence that needed to be eradicated.

[Kiiing, Kiiing!]

"What do you mean?"


"Noisy. Shut your mouth and receive brother Jin's blade."

On the other hand, the chaos considered this situation absurd. The human was trying to eliminate it, but with Vahn confidently watching its back, the situation felt upside down.

It was all the more so because even if chaos appealed to Vahn, all it got back was a cold and overbearing treatment.

In fact, Chaos had the intention of letting go of Jin as long as he didn't try to harm it.

Originally, it should have become 'one' by devouring Jin, but now that they were divided, it thought they could each lead their own lives.

Chaos didn't even perceive that it had taken Jin's power. It felt it was originally its possession.

The chaos began to distance itself from Jin, and Jin found himself in the position of chasing after the fleeing creature.

And the chaos that ran away was agonizing over why Jin had 'shadow force'.

Jin was thinking about how to get rid of that shallow and nasty guy.

'I'm sure the shadow sword is a threat to it, but my body doesn't respond well enough to open the shadow sword.'


Jin bites his teeth. He couldn't properly strengthen his body with only shadow force. He released the shadow force armor (Multa's rune could not be used due to lack of mana), but it was impossible to open Bradamante.

'Should I learn to strengthen my body with shadow force? I don't know how long that might take either. If I'm not careful, my aura release might go wrong when I get my aura back after using shadow force mostly.'

Jin never thought the moment would come when he missed the aura that filled every vein so much. It was strange just to imagine filling the empty dantian and aura operating organs with shadow force instead.


"At first, it looked like Brother Jin had just hit it, but there is no difference. Can this be called a fight?"

"I feel so sorry for Brother Jin. Our powerful brother has become so weak..."

"Hey, don't say such negative things. If you keep saying that, brother Jin might never become strong again."

However, as time passed, Jin and Vahn began to understand this battle on a completely different level than the others at the training ground.

'It is as the sister battle god said. I'm still a long way from closing the distance with it, but I'm starting to feel the strength that sister Vahn said about me little by little.'

Like a light hidden in thick fog, the energy of Jin, which Chaos had taken away, glowed softly all over chaos's body.

It was only visible in Jin's eyes, and it seemed that if he held on to it, it would come crashing into him like a wave.

'Darn it, it's risky to let the sister battle god break that cursed shield for me. Just hitting the shield could cause problems with my strength it has. Sister Vahn must be silent because she's worried about that.'

It was as Jin thought.

However, it's not only that, Vahn also felt a strange sensation while maintaining a five steps distance with Jin.

'Is there some kind of resonance happening between brother Jin and me...?'

The Plutonian's illuminating heart and the power contained within it can be amplified in response to Vahn's power.

That was the reason why the illuminating hearts of the battle kings were particularly bright when Jin first visited the hall of battle gods in Laprarosa. The Plutonian called the phenomenon "battle god resonance."

Jin also has an illuminating heart, so he can resonate in the same way, but not now.

'Right now, Brother Jin's illuminating heart won't even have the least energy left for resonance...… why?'

Suddenly, as if something occurred to her, Vahn grabbed Jin's shoulders.

"Sister battle god?"

"Brother Jin, don't you feel it?"

"What... huh?"

Jin stopped walking. Thanks to Vahn's strengthening him with Battle God Resonance, Jin could now feel the same sensation as her.

'It seems that the power of the sister battle god is somehow connected to me...!'

It was an unfamiliar feeling to Jin as well. However, it wasn't the first time.

32nd island of the Blue Bird Archipelago.

- (My brother, Peitel, whom I want to kill.)

-(Did you dare to think you could descend to my grave...?)

Something similar happened in the Archipelago, where Joshua's clone was first killed.

On that day, the memory of the thunder god 'Gram' remaining in Sigmund resonated with the sword and strengthened his lightning energy.

A feeling similar to that time wrapped around Jin.

"It seems like I can help you after all, brother Jin."


As if the sky spread out of nowhere, as if it were submerged in a tidal wave.

The entire training ground was filled with blue lightning energy. It was a phenomenon that occurred when Vahn spread her energy.

[Kek, kek!?]

Chaos misunderstood that Vahn changed her mind and thought she was trying to harm itself, whether or not Jin was harmed, but it wasn't. If that were the case, Chaos would have been torn to pieces with just Vahn's energy.

The reason Vahn released her energy was to send it to Jin.

Just like God grants divine power to humans.

She had never lent her energy to others in this way, but she was confident that Jin would be able to accept that energy.

Chaos crouched down in fear, still not grasping the situation.

Jin shuddered at the sensation of being "reborn."


As if sparks were spreading, the light was rising from Jin's chest. The illuminating heart began to flash with blue lighting energy again.

Even on Bradamante's black blade, which was soaked in shadow force, there was a blue energy.

Jin's body, which had been as heavy as a stone, became much lighter, and it seemed that he could cut off the shield of chaos.

'Now, I guess I can fight properly.'

How the hell the two came to resonate, how they will cultivate this new way of 'transmission' in the future, and what problems are there with resonance? It's not too late to think about these questions after this fight is over. After all, there is no way Jin will die or become crippled while fighting chaos.

"I found out recently that I'm on borrowed time. It was quite surprising. Feel that, Chaos. Now, you're on borrowed time."


Even the seemingly endless protective shield felt much closer, as Jin closed the distance with just two leaps.

Jin swung his sword with eyes almost full of joy, but Vahn kept 5 steps with Jin again.

As for chaos, it was going crazy and jumping.


Jin was knocked back once by the roar of chaos, but he didn't faint like before.

'It's pretty bearable. It's not like the last time I'm going to get beaten up like that.'

Of course, the power displayed by the chaos was only a small fraction. However, now the chaos had become a target that Jin could break through, not an impenetrable wall.

Bradamante managed to pierce through a part of the chaos's protective shield. Startled by Jin's sudden increase in strength, the chaos couldn't immediately restore the shield, and Jin, seizing the opportunity, attacked.

Stepping into the protective shield, Jin avoided the reflexively swinging forepaw and aimed for its instep. On the top of its foot, there was a lump of energy that originally belonged to Jin.

Jin quickly jumped onto its instep before he started to struggle in earnest.

Like grabbing a fallen object, Jin extended his hand towards the energy. It felt like savoring the sweetness of a delicious fruit after days of hunger, waking up his entire bloodstream in an instant.

He could feel his lost strength entering the danteon. The power regained from the chaos was about 10% of the aura.

The moment of joy was short-lived. As the energy returned to his body, consciousness was abruptly cut off again, like a thread snapping.

However, the unconscious Jin wore a blissful smile, much like those who recover something precious.

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