Nearly five hundred ships were approaching the eastern port of the holy kingdom.

It was a fleet of such magnitude that it shouldn't have ever appeared without a prior announcement.

The captain of the fleet was not an ally of Vankella.

It was a beastman fleet led by Berakt Sidriker, the great warrior of the White Wolf Tribe.

Because of the five hundred ships entering Vankella's territory, the holy kingdom had no choice but to accept it as a declaration of war.

However, the surprising part was that every ship in the fleet had a black stripe on their highest mast, which was a symbol for condolences.

In addition, the guns of every ship had been removed, and a White Wolf Tribe beastman stood at the stern of each ship, waving a huge black flag.

They came not to wage war, but to express their condolences.

It was a delegation for condolences on a scale that had never been seen before.


"Are they crazy? Why send five hundred ships to offer condolences, knowing full well that the kingdom is in chaos?"


Murakan shook his head.


"It's because Dino gave publicity to the Kinzelo Group, so now they're showing off and letting it be known they're not some third-rate terrorist group. I don't know who came up with the idea, but they're smart."


"Because Kinzelo said they'd help me. But, if the public perceives Kinzelo as a low-tier organization, then no matter what they do for the holy kingdom, it'll be hard to earn the public's respect."

"Hm, I see."

"We are such a great organization that we can send a fleet of five hundred ships just to pay condolences. Their intention is to make that known."

"The human reporters sure are eating well."


It was surprising that Kinzelo, who had been hiding their power until now, came out like this.


'Does this mean they've decided it's pointless to hide their strength anymore? Or have they been hiding it only because they lacked the opportunity to show off?'


Either way, it was a frustrating situation for Zipfel.

Kal sacrificed his image to hide the fact that he'd been captured by a third-rate terrorist group, but now that third-rate terrorist group was showing what it really was.

The holy kingdom permitted just one of the five hundred ships to anchor.

Not only was it impossible to accommodate all five hundred ships, but even for a condolence call, the number was far too excessive.

From one of the anchored ships, Berakt, five beastmen, and about twenty restrained humans departed.

Berakt's huge body attracted the majority of the attention.

The White Wolf Tribe, his subordinates, were also renowned warriors in the land of the beastmen. Though, they weren't anywhere near Berakt's level.

They immediately entered the capital using the transfer gate and found the square with Rani.

Every time Berakt took a stride, the crowd near him flinched.

Like prey that had encountered a predator, most of them did not even dare to look directly at Berakt.

Unsurprisingly, Berakt didn't follow the correct etiquette. The crowd was too stricken with fear, though, did not dare to jeer.

It was a completely different atmosphere compared to when the Midnight Sun Magicians descended with the Kozak.

Soon, Berakt stood in front of Rani. The Paladins of the Golden Shield waited for him to speak while feeling extremely nervous.




Jin and Murakan were also watching.



'He's quite strong. I doubt even your eldest sister could guarantee a win.'


That was Murakan's judgment of Berakt.


"I am Berakt Sidriker, the commander of Kinzelo's revolutionary army, and the great warrior of the White Wolf Tribe. I have come to grieve the death of Holy King McLan."

"…Thank you, Berakt Sidriker."

"Dame Rani, you may be unaware, but I owed a debt to the holy king from roughly thirty years ago. I was seriously injured in battle, and McLan, who happened to be on our land, treated me."

"I remember Father telling me that he was practicing asceticism in the land of the beastmen around that time. I see, so that happened."

"He was the nicest human being I've ever known. I offer my deepest condolences."


The people present couldn't help but be shocked.

The White Wolf Tribe was famous for treating humans like insects. It was surprising enough that the great warrior of such a tribe would seek them out, but to think that he'd even be so polite and mindful of his manners. 

Rani's gaze fell on the humans who were tied up behind Berakt.

They were wearing dirty and tattered Zipfel robes.


"The humans tied up in the back are prisoners from Zipfel we were holding. When we were allied with Zipfel, these humans conducted experiments on our land, without our permission, under the orders of Zipfel's patriarch."


"They will confess the details themselves. I pray that your country can escape this sadness as swiftly as possible."


The crowd stirred.

And Jin once again became curious who within Kinzelo planned this.


'Following their display of might, he's now making it clear that he's treating Rani as the head of the holy kingdom. Plus, he even added that the experiments were ordered by Kelliark.'


In any case, blaming everything on Zipfel was bound to become a fight where the victor would be the one with the most dirty tricks.

And in that sense, Berakt's remarks were a very dirty attack on Zipfel.


'In fact, considering that the experiments were a collaboration between Kinzelo and Zipfel, that was incredibly shameless.'


Their priority was to force Zipfel to give up on the holy kingdom.

It wouldn't be too late to interrogate the Kinzelo Group about their sins after getting the holy kingdom back on the right path.

Especially since Kinzelo's name had been brought into the light.

As Rani thought of a reply, Berakt spoke again.


"If I stay too long, it will only make everyone uncomfortable, so I'll leave right away. It's true that we were allies with the Zipfel Clan, so we will take responsibility for this in the future."


* * *


It was revealed that all of the prisoners brought by Berakt were mages belonging to Zipfel's academy.

They exposed every single experiment Zipfel had conducted on the subjects of the holy kingdom.

Their confessions were almost identical to the records left by Mertual Scylla, and also included details about experiments conducted solely by Zipfel that were not in collaboration with others.

And after their confessions…

It was revealed to the world that there were even more experiment facilities within the holy kingdom.

Zipfel had set up a secret laboratory in the northern part of the capital of the holy kingdom, as well as several other cities.

That was the most decisive factor.

Rani and her subjects could not help but be shocked to learn that Zipfel's laboratory was located within the castle.

The same held true for Jin.


"Even though Kal was revealed to be their scapegoat, I thought the best we could hope for was tarnishing Zipfel's image and making them back off. This changes things. I'd never imagined that there would be labs within the holy kingdom."


The image of the good natured and just magic clan is now just a thing of the past within the holy kingdom. 

Even still, the Zipfel Clan did not release any further statement.


"Kinzelo did provide proper support. Or maybe, kiddo, was it you that used them well?"

"That's right. I don't plan to let those bastards off the hook either. If I let things go on like this, Kinzelo will get off scot-free. Their image only benefits from this because now they're seen as an organization that's able to capture a pillar of Zipfel's magic tower and take Zipfel's mages captive."

"Putting aside the fact that the Dark Magic Association was destroyed and Liol Zipfel's tome was lost, that is."

"That's not enough. We have to let the people know that the Kinzelo Group is no different from the Zipfel Clan. We've used them for what they're worth, and now it's time to throw them out."

"What are you going to do?"


Just as Jin was about to answer, someone knocked on the door of the room where the two were staying.


"Young Master Jin!"


The urgent voice belonged to Kashimir.


"Sir Kashimir? What's wrong?"

"Kal Zipfel was murdered…!"


Jin and Murakan reflexively stood up.


"What? Wasn't the underground prisoner of war camp guarded by the loyalists, the Paladins of the Golden Shield?"

"An assassin breached through them. They were definitely sent by the Zipfel Clan."



Kal ZIpfel was someone they couldn't afford to have dead. That was because he had to be alive to expose that Kellliark used his own son as a scapegoat.

Furthermore, with his death, the holy kingdom would inevitably have a weaker justification to pressure Zipfel.

That was because the person sent by the Zipfel Clan as the main culprit of the experiments was killed by the holy kingdom.

And since Kal died, Zipfel could simply say that he 'paid for his sins'.

Of course, it was Zipfel's assassin who killed Kal and not the holy kingdom, but the truth was irrelevant.

From today onwards, Zipfel could fabricate articles about how the holy kingdom was demanding an excessive apology from them, even though they had killed Kal. 

To avoid the opposition making someone a scapegoat, that person must not die.


"Zipfel's press is already on the move. They're saying that Zipfel already paid for their sins."

"Even though humans are a stupid species, would they really believe that? Anyone can tell it was Zipfel who killed Kal."

"Of course, no one within the holy kingdom believes it. However, outsiders would think that the holy kingdom killed Kal with excessive torture in order to get a confession. Then there'll be stories about how the holy kingdom covered up killing Kal by saying it was an assassination. Because…"


Kashimir sighed, finishing his statement.


"Because… Zipfel, those bastards, left the name of Vamel at the scene of the murder."


Jin and Murakan's eyes widened.


(I will wash away the resentment of the holy kingdom's subjects with your blood - Vamel.)


After killing Kal, the assassin used a sword to carve that sentence onto the wall near the prison's entrance.


"Reporters have already confirmed the sentence engraved on the wall. The sentence was intentionally engraved at the entrance, not at the cell where Kal was kept. It was so everyone could see."

"I see. Image, prestige. We've lost both of those things because of you, so you must reveal your identity… is what they're probably thinking."

"That's how I interpreted it as well, Young Master."


The assassin who killed Kal identified himself as 'Vamel'.

As Murakan said, no one would believe that.

However, unless the real Vamel officially revealed that he was not the culprit, the holy kingdom could no longer hold Zipfel responsible for their crimes.

And that's because the fact of the matter was… Kal was dead.

However, if the real Vamel—Jin—were to appear at an official event and prove that he was not the culprit, from then on, Zipfel's image would plummet. 

Not only in the holy kingdom, but all over the world.

'Evil dictators', which was what the Runcandels were known for, may soon be what Zipfel was known for.


"What are you going to do?"

"If they want to become villains so badly, I have no choice but to help them. I'll make it public that I never did anything of the sort."

"Your decisions are important, but... In my opinion, it's too dangerous to reveal your identity. As you said, once they've lost their image and prestige, once they find out who Vamel is, won't they make sure to clearly show what happens to those who oppose Zipfel?"


Jin smiled.


"On the other hand, if the person who opposed Zipfel lives well without any trouble, wouldn't that be a huge blow to them? In fact, it's probably good that things turned out like this. I'll reveal my identity and screw Kinzelo over."