The Alpine Region

Alex wakes in a cave after sleeping for the night, thinking how they were lucky to escape the trap laid by the Zalovnia General and the Albion forces. It has been a week since they reached the town of Hinterthal in the Alpine mountain range in the south of Zalovnia the town had remained unharmed from the war so far due to its remoteness in the mountains. Alex had been working with the local leaders, and thanks to access to radios, Alex and the resistance group could keep up to date on the ongoing situation.

General Wolfgang has become the leader of the Zalovina, installing himself as the supreme leader thanks to his support from Albion. He had already begun the New Zalovnia Movement, a cover for the purges he had done to get the civil leadership and the rest of the military leadership in line. Imprisoning the families, which the Invasion forces had done, Alex still worries about the status of his mother and sister, but he has a gut feeling that they will survive.

Due to the outbreak of war, the Atlantic Federation and the Warsaw Confederacy closed their borders to stop any spillover fighting. They had suspected that Albion would make a move on Zalovnia, and these measures were in place to confine this to a local war as the memory of the Great War remains in the leader's minds.

After Alex emerged from the project facility, he followed the commander's orders. Unfortunately, he was killed in battle on the way to the border. Left with no orders or leadership, Alex and the rest of the captains had agreed it was best to return to their hometown. They had tried to contact headquarters for new orders, but there was no answer.

Alex was unsure what they had done during his time in the project as he could not remember, but as he thought of this, he spent weeks training in Hinterthal. He could feel his reflexes and thinking getting faster. Alex could remember anything he looked at as he strengthened his mind further, and after two months of training, Alex felt that he could face anything. Alex had also been training the soldiers that had joined him and now had a force of about one hundred well-trained soldiers with combat experience. He used his enhancement to find the best training methods, and Alex himself went out and captured the equipment needed for the Soldiers.

With a force of well-trained soldiers and a solid base in Hinterthal, Alex knew that they could not stay idle for long. The situation in Zalovnia was getting worse, and General Wolfgang's New Zalovnia Movement was gaining momentum, with reports of mass arrests and executions of dissenters.

Alex and his team began planning their next move, knowing they needed to strike back against General Wolfgang and Albion's grip on Zalovnia. They began slowly expanding out of the town and into the rest of the alpine region, creating cells in various towns. However, the most significant issue was the city of Innsbruck, which withstood the way of spreading the resistance group.

As Alex and his team expanded their reach, they realized that the city of Innsbruck was a crucial piece of the puzzle. It was the largest city in the region and was heavily guarded by the enemy forces. The team knew they needed to control the city to spread the resistance and gain a foothold in the region.

Alex and his team spent weeks planning and gathering intelligence on the enemy's movements and defences in Innsbruck. They had found that The New Zalovnia Army had been stationed in the city, and it was split into districts based on one rank, such as the officers living in a life of luxury. The local citizens could be split into two groups the ones who fully collaborated with the new government and those who disliked the new government but had no choice but to go along with the new society. Then, they recruited locals who were sympathetic to their cause and began training them in guerrilla tactics.

Finally, they were ready to launch their attack on the city. They split into two teams, launching a diversionary attack on the enemy's southern flank and infiltrating the city from the north.

The diversionary team successfully drew the enemy's attention away from the northern team, which could sneak into the city undetected. They went to the city centre and began a coordinated attack on the enemy's key positions.

The fighting was intense, with both sides taking heavy casualties. However, Alex and his team had the element of surprise. Alex's training created a core fighting squad of battle-hardened soldiers who knew they could only keep fighting to escape the Ablion-imposed government. As a result, they could capture critical positions and hold them against enemy counterattacks.

As the battle raged on, Alex realized they needed more firepower to capture the city, as the New Zalonians had sealed themselves in the fort they had constructed in the central city. So he sent a team to raid an enemy weapons storage they found while gathering intel on the city, where they could capture heavy weapons and ammunition. This gave Alex and the resistance a much-needed chance to rearm and collect better firearms.

With the added firepower, Alex and his team could push the enemy forces back and take control of the city. The citizens of Innsbruck greeted the resistance forces as liberators, and they were welcomed with open arms.

With Innsbruck under their control, the resistance spread further. It gained support from other towns and villages in the Alpine region. They were now a force to be reckoned with, and General Wolfgang knew that he fought with his hands.

Alex and his team knew that this was only the beginning. They still had a long way to go before returning to their country, but they were determined to fight until the end.