The Zalovnian Liberation Army

Alex, after the capture of Innisburck, knew they couldn't just sit there and wait for the army to retaliate against the resistance groups as now they had soldiers from all over the alpine region, which Alex had now trained over five hundred soldiers with his methods he can have a fully trained soldier after only four weeks of training as they will be instilled by his training of all the basics and some advanced training. So after the city's capture, Alex brought many of the people in the city to his side.

Alex had noticed all the mountain villages were empty in certain parts of the Alps. So Alex gathered intel all around the region, including that the fifth army had been stationed to manage the region. Still, since he was able to slow their plans, they had begun to set checkpoints on the major roads of the region, and what was worrying to Alex was the rumours of a wall being built around the Alps sealing access other than checkpoints to further secure the region new identification papers have been created for those who wish to travel outside of the Alpine region of Zalovnia.

Alex had to strengthen the resistance and create a new army called the Zalovnia Liberation Army. This army had the highest rank of Colonel, which was given to Alex himself.

Below the rank of Colonel in an army, there are several other ranks, including:

Lieutenant Colonel



First Lieutenant

Second Lieutenant

Alex had to choose the officers for each rank based on their combat experience and leadership qualities. In addition, he prioritised those who had been part of the resistance movement from the beginning and had shown dedication and loyalty to the cause.

As the Zalovnia Liberation Army grew in size and strength, they began to target key Albion military installations and supply lines. As a result, they disrupted Albion's control over the region.

Despite their successes, Alex knew that they still had a long way to go before they could retake Zalovnia and restore democracy to the country. But he was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.

The Zalovnia Liberation Army, or ZLA for short, was created by Alex and his team as a response to the occupation of Zalovnia by Albion and the puppet government installed by General Wolfgang. The ZLA comprised former Zalovnian soldiers who refused to pledge allegiance to the new regime and civilians who had joined the resistance.

The ZLA's mission was to liberate Zalovnia from Albion's occupation and restore the country's sovereignty. They operated in cells throughout the country, conducting guerrilla warfare against Albion's forces and the collaborators of the new regime. The ZLA relied heavily on hit-and-run tactics, sabotage, and intelligence gathering to disrupt the enemy's operations and weaken their grip on the country.

The ZLA's ranks were structured similarly to that of a regular army, with Colonel Alex as the highest-ranking officer. The other positions included Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, and Sergeant. In addition, each cell had its own commander, who reported to Alex and his top officers.

The ZLA had a transparent chain of command, but they also operated with high flexibility and adaptability. As a result, they could quickly respond to changing circumstances and adjust their tactics accordingly. The ZLA also strongly emphasised training, with Alex using his enhanced cognitive abilities to develop new training methods and ensure that his soldiers were well-prepared for battle.

This process took Alex nearly two months to complete, and he had his recon units look into the rumours of the large wall on the edge of the region. After reaching Salzberg, they could confirm the information on the wall. While some saw this as an attempt to seal the region, Alex had ideas that the New Zalovnia had just constructed his new border if he could route the fifth army.

Alex had to deal with the advancing armoured unit. These were units that used tanks. The one downside is they are useless outside the Alpine region's main roads. These are currently based in Salzberg to protect Commander Colonel Velten Krantz of the fifth army, as he has been cut off from the mountain city of Chur, and the infantry have been spread out over the Alpine region Colonel Krantz was making the most of his post as he also held the title as the governor of the territory granted to him by the supreme leader Wolfgang himself, but he now realises if he allows the ZLA to exist much longer, he will face execution very soon

Colonel Krantz had been tasked with retaking Innsbruck from the ZLA. The city had become a stronghold for the resistance group. Its capture was essential for Wolfgang's grip on Zalovnia to remain firm.

Krantz's fifth army was a formidable force consisting of experienced officers and well-equipped infantry and armour units. The battle began with a massive assault on the city. Krantz used his superior numbers and firepower to overwhelm the ZLA defenders.

The ZLA, led by Colonel Alex, had anticipated the attack and prepared their defences accordingly. The ZLA fighters were well-trained and disciplined, and they put up fierce resistance against the enemy assault.

The battle raged for several days, with both sides losing heavily. Krantz had hoped to quickly overcome the ZLA and retake the city. Still, he had underestimated the determination and skill of the resistance fighters.

As the battle continued, the ZLA began to gain the upper hand. They used their knowledge of the terrain and superior tactics to launch successful counterattacks against the enemy forces. The ZLA also sabotaged several of Krantz's supply lines, weakening his position.

Ultimately, the ZLA emerged victorious, and the fifth army suffered a significant defeat.