Your phone number

Thank you, Meilin, for all of that. But how do I go back to my realm?" Li Na asked. Meilin smiled gently and replied, "Just close your eyes and take a deep breath, leave the rest to me." As Meilin's eyes began to glow with ethereal light, she recited the enchanting words:

"Vis tralitha, Celestial embrace, Guide this soul through time and space. With mystic winds, let the veil unfurl, Transport this being, back to the world."

Li Na felt a surge of energy as she vanished from the Celestial garden, carried by Meilin's incantation.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Li Na slowly opened her eyes, and as her vision cleared, the first thing that greeted her was the white ceiling of the hospital room. Soft rays of light filtered through the curtains, casting a serene ambiance. Amidst the stillness, the rhythmic sound of the IV drip punctuated the air, reminding her of the reality she had returned to.

As her consciousness fully returned, Li Na found herself slightly disoriented. The memories of her sudden collapse in the mall were hazy at best. With a gentle movement of her head, she glanced to her left, and her eyes met the gaze of Tang Zheng. His handsome face was fixed on her. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if time had momentarily frozen.

Blinking her eyes in a dazed state, Li Na couldn't help but question her own senses. Was this a figment of her imagination? What was Tang Zheng doing here, by her side? The words danced on her tongue, but her voice failed to find its way out.

Her mind swirled with a flurry of unanswered questions. How did he know she was in the hospital? Did he witness her collapse? The silence between them grew heavy, thick with unspoken words.

This was the first time she had gotten a good look at his face, and all she could think was 'wow'. His long, sweeping lashes framed his expressive eyes, like a veil. His deep brown eyes held a universe of emotions, drawing her in with their intensity.

Her gaze traced the contours of his face, taking in every detail. The bridge of his nose was flawlessly straight, leading to a well-defined and proportionate face. And those heart-shaped lips, a subtle curve which looked devilishly tempting. His neatly styled black hair complemented his overall appearance.

He was like a living work of art, leaving her breathless. They remained locked in a silent gaze for a few seconds. Tang Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly as he finally spoke, breaking the silence that enveloped the room. "You passed out in the store, and my grandmother brought you here," he explained.

As he stood up from his seat, his long legs carried him closer to Li Na's bedside. Tang Zheng continued, "My grandmother was quite frightened when she saw you collapse. She insisted on bringing you to the hospital."

Li Na's lips parted in a surprise, her eyebrows slightly furrowing. The realization that the old lady who she had helped was Tang Zheng's grandmother caught her off guard. "What a small world we live in," she thought quietly to herself.

Her mouth opened, and she spoke, "My apologies, then. That was not my intention. I apologize for any inconvenience." As she uttered the words, she felt a lump forming in her throat, almost as if she could choke on her own saliva. The closeness between them made her nervous.

With a straight face Tang Zheng's words cut through air. "Your phone number," he stated simply, leaving Li Na momentarily stunned. She couldn't believe her ears, and she turned to face him, as if seeking confirmation. His next words brought some clarity to the situation. "My grandma asked me to get it for her."

Obtaining Li Na's phone number and personal information would have been a simple task for Tang Zheng. However, he didn't wish to be perceived as someone who wielded his power for selfish interests.

Tang Zheng maintained a polite tone, yet there was an air of authority that accompanied his words. Li Na couldn't help but feel the pressure from his tone.

Tang Zheng, being a seasoned businessman, was well-versed in the art of using his voice to assert his authority. His speech carried a commanding tone, effortlessly making his presence known through his powerful words and actions.

It was evident that he had grown accustomed to using this manner of speech, which had become second nature to him.

Li Na's gaze couldn't help but wander over Tang Zheng's current appearance. His shirt sleeves were casually rolled up, exposing his well-defined, muscular arms. A few undone buttons near his collar revealed a glimpse of his healthy, toned skin. It was clear that he took great care of his physique.