Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

The only thing that these men have is money, which adds a few extra points to their greasy appearance, even if they still look like trolls. 

She squinted her eyes, her expression serious as she pointed with a little wave of her hand. "Now, don't get me started on their scanty hair. It's like their hair decided to take a permanent vacation. And goodness gracious, did you see those hunchbacks? I swear, it's like they're in a secret contest to see who can curve over the most!"

"You see, dearies, I've spent more years on this spinning globe than I care to count. And let me tell you, I'm about as tired as a marathon runner at the finish line of seeing this spectacle year after year. I might not know when I'll be getting my ticket to the grand sleep, but I'll be darned if I let my eyes rest on these folks till my final curtain call."