Finally Decided To Wake Up

Sun Yinghao's voice pierced the sleepy haze, bringing Ning Yu's consciousness to the surface. She blinked her eyes open, feeling like she was in a strange, dreamy state. Sun Yinghao's face was right there, close to hers. She squinted at him, half-thinking she was still lost in a dream.

Sun Yinghao said, as he smirked at her, "Finally decided to wake up, huh?" 

Ning Yu rubbed her eyes, trying to clear her vision. His face was still there, looking surprisingly handsome. But then she heard his words and her sleep-addled brain tried to respond. "You... you aren't too bad on the eyes, but your nasty attitude just doesn't cut it for me. Get the hell out of my dream!"

She swung her arm, expecting his image to disappear like a cloud of smoke. But, to her surprise, he didn't. She tried again, and this time, Sun Yinghao caught her hand just before it reached his face again. His grip was firm, and he looked irritated.