Breaking The Balance

The Archmage continued, "Think about it. When you first met her, she was only able to levitate only a chair. But as you stayed by her side, she grew stronger and stronger in such a short period of time. Has it ever been done before? And she was able to create such destruction in her school when Malgorth appeared. Do you think that's normal?"

Meilin shook her head, "No, it's not normal. But maybe it's because she has a rare gift."

The Archmage frowned, "Or maybe it's because she's stealing your magic unknowingly. And not just yours, but anyone who comes near her."

He said, "You know how magic works, right? It's a balance of give and take. You can't just take without giving something back. And you can't just give without taking something in return."

The Archmage sighed, "That girl is breaking the balance. She's taking more than she can handle. And she's giving nothing back."