Walking Zombie

Melin shook his head again. "No, Li Na. We can't change the nature of time. It is beyond our control. We have to accept it as it is."

Li Na sighed and looked at Melin "Fine, fine. I get it. But you owe me big time for this." 

She got up from the ground and walked to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed into her school uniform. 

Li Na quickly made her way to the kitchen to grab a bite. She was starving after the exhausting training session with Aiden. She hoped that he would never bother her again.

She looked around and saw no sign of Tang Zheng and Auntie Bai. They must have left early, she thought. 

Li Na quickly made a sandwich and ate it in a few bites. Feeling a bit better, but still tired and sore. I need a good nap, but I have no time for that. I have to go to school.

Making her way downstairs with Meilin following her. Meilin looked at her with concern and said, "Are you sure you're okay, Li Na? You look like a zombie."